Chapter Six

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Blake's POV

I realized that the tiny guy's story didn't really add up but I paid it no mind. After my friend had that encounter with that giant up in the mountains a few towns over I pretty much believed in everything but ghosts. The main reasoning is I have never had any experience with ghosts, however, after finding a tiny person that lives in houses. I kinda have no room to dis the idea of spirits of any sorts. I kept seeing Eliot look towards one of my windows, I was very confused, as every time I would look there was nothing there. "Why do you keep looking out the window? Is there someone there?" I started to walk over and Eliot basically screamed, "DON'T." I looked at him with a confused look but I decided I probably shouldn't got there if it meant that much. 

I opened my fridge and realized the low amount of food I have here. I turned to my new friend and asked, "Are you hungry? I can make you something to tide you over while I go to the store real fast." He shook his head no so I closed the door and grabbed my keys off the table. "Will you be okay here by your lonesome?"  He gave me a thumbs up, "Yeah, as long as that rat doesn't come back." I nodded understandingly, "I'll be right back." I then left to go to the store. 

Alex's POV

I watched the human that owns the house leave. I squinted curiously when they looked towards me. I then used my powers to teleport inside the house in front of Eliot, to which he screamed. "STOP DOING THAT!" I chuckled, "Oh? Or what? What will you do morsel." He quieted and I smirked, "That's right, you can't do anything. You're helpless in this world. Are you willing to give up you dignity to get help? Are you done struggling on your own only after a few days? I am very interested to see what the larger human does to you.~" I watched as he was going to say something but he stopped. I used my finger to lift his chin, "Don't fret though, I would never let someone hurt my property." I smirked as he slumped over, moving my hand to pin him against the wall. "Since you've been pretty entertaining I think I will give you this." I pulled his bag out of my pocket and handed it to him, "Don't disappoint me, or I'll end you." I said pointing to my now open mouth, leaving to the shadows to continue my watch. 

Eliot's POV

I was on the verge of tears when he finally let me be, it had only been a few days and I was already fed up with this nonsense.  So much so I wish he would have just eaten me on the first day we met. But I couldn't give up hope now, at least I had my bag, I wouldn't be as helpless. I thought about waiting for Blake to come back but I also really didn't. I opened my bag and took out one of the granola bars I had packed. In the back of my mind I thought it was really fascinating that not only was I small but so was my stuff. To me that was simply incredible but also utterly terrifying. 

After eating some food my brain seemed to be working a little better. I figured staying around for Blake would be stupid and that I should seek shelter. I walked over to an outlet, using my hands in the groove of the bottom screw, I was able to now slide it open. My first step into the walls wasn't pleasant. I almost fell but thankfully my bag snagged on something, 'That was fucking close.' I whispered as I looked down the vast darkness of the inner wall. It just seemed as everything went further and further down. I shuddered, thinking about what creatures could possibly lurk down there, although probably nothing. Being this size, anything typically small is fucking enormous. Digging through my bag, I found some matches, I lit them and looked to the left of me and found some nails. They lead downwards, I climbed and walked among beams of wood and different platforms. Making my way to a strange open area, I was quite surprised when I found a room my size. It looked like there was a make-shift bed and a few other things. 

I huffed, making myself comfortable, the small area made me wonder if actual borrowers existed. Not just a person who got fucking shrunk down by a psychotic demon. I placed my bag on the floor of the small room and laid back on the bed, a layer of dust flew up and made me cough. After it settled I closed my eyes hoping to get even a few minutes of sleep. It wasn't long that I found myself drifting off, my body became numb and everything around me seemed to slow. I exhaled as everything around me went black and my reality drifted into a dream. 

A/N I am so sorry it has almost been a month since I have updated this. College has been kicking my arse, as well I am currently getting everything ready to move out into my first apartment. The stress is hitting me hard, but I had some free time in between homework and most of this was already written, so here you go. Enjoy. 

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