Chapter.2 An Old Friendship

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Hey guys my story keeps on going missing. I don't have any solution for this. Please stay with me until this gets over. So in the previous chapter we saw Ash left Alola and his alolan Pokemon and now he is on his way to Galar. He also saw a horrible dream where Greninja was getting hit continuously. So let's see whether he brings his Greninja back and also life isn't fun without surprises.

Ash P.O.V

Ash P.O.V
It was a fine morning and I was still asleep until Kiawe woke me up.

“Come on Ash wake up,” said Kiawe shaking my shoulder.

I woke up and the bright sunlight just fell on my face. I looked out through the window and I was able to see the whole Galar Region. It was so beautiful.

“Rise and shine,” said Kiawe.

“Morning buddy,” said Ash.

Pikachu was still asleep. He must feel tired because of the last battle with Gladion.

Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by that horrible dream. I hope Greninja is alright.

Pikachu woke up and he yawned and looked out through the window. He was so excited to see Galar.

“Hey Pikachu you look energetic,” said Ash.

Pikachu climbed up my shoulder and started to play with my cap. He always loved doing that when is with full energy.

An anouncement came from the cockpit.

“Please fasten your seatbelt, we are going to land at the Galar region Airport,”

The plane landed and the tires started screeching as it landed.

We came out of the Airport and we saw Prof.Sakuragi waiting for us in his car.

“Welcome to Galar kids,” said Prof.Sakuragi.

“Good Morning Professor,” said Ash and his friends in unison.

“Good morning kids,”

Prof.Sakuragi helped Sophocles to keep his luggage in the trunk as Sophocles packed lots of things in his luggage .

We left the airport and we were on our way to the school.

“So Ash are you excited?” asked Sakuragi.

I didn’t hear him as I was thinking about Greninja.

“Ash?” called Sakuragi again.

“Yeah...Yeah I am excited,” said Ash.

“Hey buddy are you okay?” asked Kiawe.

“Yeah I am okay,” said Ash.

After our 10 minutes drive we reached the school.

I stepped out and mumbled

“Galar region here we are,”

I rushed inside the school and the school was so large and beautiful. There were so many Battlefields and trainers were training with their Pokemon.

As I was looking around a boy came running towards me and said

“Hey you are the Alola Champion right?” asked the boy in grey shirt and black pants.

“Yeah I am Ash Ketchum and this is my partner Pikachu,” said Ash and Pikachu raised his paws as Ash introduced.

“I am Goh and this is my buddy Scorbunny,” said Goh and his Pokemon jumped in excitement as he introduced him.

“Wow I haven’t seen this Pokemon,” said Ash looking at Scorbunny.

“So you guys already met up,” said Sakuragi walking towards us.

“Yeah!” said Ash and Goh in unison.

“Goh  is my research assistant,” said Sakuragi.

“Research Assistant?” asked Ash getting excited.

“Yeah he travels to other regions and he gathers data about other Pokemon and he reports it to me,” said Sakuragi.

“Wow that sounds interesting,” said Ash with his gleaming eyes.

“Well Ash here is your new Pokedex,” said Sakuragi.

“Woah this looks like Rotom but it’s different,” said Ash.

“Go on activate it,” said Sakuragi.

Ash activated his new Pokedex and he checked Scorbunny.

Pokedex( with Rotom voice) : Scorbunny a fire type Pokemon. Scorbunny runs to increase the fire power that coarse through it as veins.

“Wow this is exciting. Thank you Prof.Sakuragi ,” said Ash.

“Well you guys have a small chat and I have some decoration work to do,” said Sakuragi and he went.

“So Ash what is your dream?” asked Goh.

“I want to become a Pokemon Master,” said Ash with his gleaming eyes.

“Pokemon Master?” asked Goh doubtfully.

“Yeah I want to be the Master of all Pokemon,” said Ash.

“Wow that sounds exciting,” said Goh.

“What is your dream?” asked Ash.

“Well I want to catch Mew,” said Goh keeping his hands on his hip.

“Wow that’s a nice dream, I hope you will achieve it,” said Ash leaning his hands for a friendly shake hand.

“Me too,” said Goh accepting his hand shake.

After we both had a friendly chat, I went and sat on a bench.

I was thinking about that dream.

“What Pokemon was that? It had a sword in its mouth,” thought Ash in his mind.

“And there was also Lysandre and he was wearing some kind of mind controlling thing on his head,”

Suddenly someone patted him from behind.

“Hey Ashy_boy!” said a spiky haired teen.

That voice was familiar to me. I turned back to see who it was and I was surprised.

“Gary! How come you are in this school?” asked Ash feeling surprised .

“Well Prof.Sakuragi invited me, and I accepted his invitation,” said Gary.

“How does the school suit you?” asked Ash.

“Well it is good, but it won’t suit you Ashy_boy,” teased Gary.

“Oh I thought trees arenot able to join schools like this,” shot back Ash.

They both started to fight and someone interrupted their fighting.

“Can you guys stop it,” said someone.

Ash and Gary looked at that unknown guy and they were surprised to see him.

“Brock!” said Ash and Gary in unison.

“Hello Ash and Gary,” said Brock with a joyful smile on his face.

“Hello Brock,” said Ash and did a their journey prior fist bump.

“Hello Brocky,” said Gary.

“Well where is Mis...” said Ash and suddenly a girl came running towards him screaming “Buuuuug,”” and dashed Ash which made him fell on the ground.

“Well here is she,” said Brock.

“I am sorry ,” said the girl in short skirt.

She was surprised to see me and she said

“Ash! Are you okay?” asked Misty helping Ash to get up.

“I am fine. Nice to meet you old friend,” said Ash.

“Nice to meet you Ash,” said Misty.

“Hey Bug hater,” said Gary.

“Hey tree nice to meet you,” said Misty.

“Well let me guess you guys were invited right?” asked Ash.

“You are absolutely right,” said Brock and Misty in unison.

While we were having our friendly chat, Ash’s alola friends met up with them.

“Hello Misty and Brock,” said Ash's alola friends in unison.

“Hello guys, Nice to meet you,” said Brock and Misty in unison.

“Who is this spiky haired teen?” asked Ash's alola friends in unison.

“This is Gary and he is the grandson of Prof.Oak,” said Ash.

“Nice to meet you Gary,” said Kiawe.

“Nice to meet you guys,” said Gary.

Gary started to blush when he saw Lillie. Ash noticed Gary and gave him a wink.

Suddenly Lillie’s pokenav started to ring. She answered the call and she said

“Mallow she has arrived,” said Lillie and they both ran somewhere.

“Where did they go?” asked Misty

“Well I think her friend arrived,” said Lana.

After a few seconds Lillie and Mallow came back with a honey blonde girl and also there was boy behind her. I was surprised when I saw the honey blonde girl.

“Hey Ash here is your old friend Serena,” said Lillie.

“Hey Serena nice to meet you ,” said Ash blushing.

“Hi Ash and Pikachu,” said Serena blushing.

“Hey Ash you are having a crush right?” whispered Gary in Ash’s ears.

“Well Lillie I think Gary...” said Ash and suddenly Gary closed his Ash's mouth.

“Is there something you guys want to say?” asked Lillie.

“Nope...Nothing,” said Ash patting Gary's back.

“Well who is this behind you?” asked Ash.

“Oh I forgot to introduce him. This Calem and he is my cousin,” said Serena.

“Wait you had a cousin?” asked Ash Feeling surprised.

“Do you have a problem with that?” asked Calem with a mean look.

“Nope, what was it cam...Camel right?” teased Ash.

“Its Calem,” said Calem clenching his fist.

“So you are Ash the new Alola Champion huh?” asked Calem.

“Well you are right, I am Ash Ketchum and this is my buddy Pikachu,” said Ash.

“Hmm but this will be over when I defeat you in a battle,” said Calem.

“We will see about that,” said Ash with a genuine smile on his face.

Suddenly an anouncement came

“Trainers please assemble in front of the stage,”

“Looks we gotta go,” said Brock.

We assembled in front of the stage and Prof.Sakuragi walked to the Mic which was on the stage.

“So kids I know you all are excited to meet the special  person that I told you,” said Sakuragi.

I looked around to see who that person was and Sakuragi said

“Here is that special person Ash Ketchum!” said Sakuragi.

The crowd started to cheer and girls were fawning over him and also there was whistling from the crowd.

Serena felt angry when the girls started to cheer for me. I noticed her face and she was angry.

“Hey Ash can you say your secret behind becoming a champion?” asked Sakuragi.

“Hey buddy get on the stage and cheer them,” said Ash's friends except Calem.

Ask climbed on the stage and walked towards the Mic .

“So guys,” said Ash and the crowd started whistling and cheering for him.

“So I have this stagefear,” said Ash.

“That’s okay. We also had stage fear when we were at your position,” said someone from the crowd.

“Thank you guys. Well the secret behind my achievement is to believe in your Pokemon. Guys alway believe your Pokemon and you will become a great trainer. I always believed in my buddy Pikachu. At first Pikachu never believed in me, but when he knew that I always believed in him, he started to obey me. That’s how our journey started. Sometimes life can be both horrible and excitable. There is a flame in you that wants to burn brighter. Never give up, keep on dreaming until you achieve it. Thank you guys,” said Ash and he finished his short speech.
The crowd started to cheer and applaud for Ash.

“So kids today there will be no classes, but get ready to battle others. The matchups will be announced soon,” said Sakuragi and he walked towards me.

“So Ash you have brought your Pokemon right?” asked Sakuragi.

“Oh no, I haven’t brought any Pokemon,” said Ash getting worried.

“Don’t worry, we have a Pokemon transfer system here,” said Sakuragi.

Prof.Sakuragi led me to the transfer system.

I activated it but I was thinking whether I should transfer Greninja.

Time skip

I transferred my Pokemon and had a small chat with Prof.Oak.

“Hey Ash so which Pokemon have you chooses?” asked Sakuragi.

“Well you will see when I battle,” said Ash with a genuine smile on his face.

“Oh okay then I  will look forward to see you battle,” said Sakuragi.

Prof.Sakuragi went and I was left alone.

Suddenly someone said from behind

"Nice speech Ash,"
                                                                                                                                                                                                      I turned back to see who it was and I was surprised to see that person with his buddy electrivire.

To be continued...

Authors P.O.V
Hey guys I loved writing this chapter. I hope you all liked it too. Please don't forget to vote for the story. I have taken some prevention to stop this issue. Let me check whether it will work. Guys all I have to say is please stay with me. I don't have any other way. I already lost a famous story and I want this story to be big hit. So without you guys I can't do this. So please stay with me. Thank you.

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