Chapter Ten: Shadows

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A/N: Sorry about the picture. Only one that I could find of Rogue and Skiadrum without Sting and Weisslogia, or from the anime or manga. I wish that I could have found one of Rogue and Skiadrum when Rogue was a child, though. Anywho, to the story!!!

Sora's POV

It turned out that Skiadrum's clearing was really close by. Once we landed, there was a shadowy presence in front of us. "Why, hello there, Eclipso. Long time no see." said the shadow. "Skiadrum, if you stay all shadowy like that, then my daughter won't be able to get your scent. Or his for that matter." Eclipso said. 'His?' I wondered. "'Daughter?' You have a daughter?" Skiadrum questioned. Apparently, this shocked him so he real appearance was revealed. He was dark, completely black. But his eyes were red. He wasn't scary like Acnologia was, and seemed quite gentle. I got off of Eclipso and walked towards him. "Hello. I'm Sora. Sora Nova. And the boy on your back would be?" I asked. "How did you know that he was on my back?" Skiadrum questioned, and Eclipso seemed startled by this. From behind Skiadrum's head popped out a boy with black hair covering one of his eyes. He seemed about Sting's age. "How did she sense me, father?" the boy asked. "Yes, how did you sense him, child." Skiadrum demanded. "Lucky guess." I said. No way was I going to tell anyone that I could sense auras. Especially anyone who demanded it. "Now, now Skiadrum, you're going to make her hate you." Eclipso said. "Well, she doesn't have to be so secretive." Skiadrum said. 'He does have a valid point' I thought. "Well, aren't you going to introduce your son to us?" Eclipso asked. "Fine. Come down, Rogue. Greet our guests." Skiadrum said. "Yes father." Rogue said as he got off of Skiadrum's back. "Hello. I'm Rogue. Rogue Cheney. But please, call me Ryos. I like that better than Rogue." he said. "Why? I like your name Rogue. It seems mysterious, just like you." I said. He seemed to blush by that. "O-ok. Then, you could be one of the only people I will allow to call me Rogue." He said while smiling. I smiled. "Well, come on! I want to show you something." Rogue said while dragging me away towards somewhere. I then heard the dragons start to talk. 'This will be difficult. I guess that I will have to multi-task with this.' I thought to myself with a sigh.

"So, how did the others react when they saw her." Skiadrum asked. "They were surprised, but also knew what was going to happen next." Eclipso said. 'What happens next?' I thought. "So, it's coming soon then?" Skiadrum asked. "Yes. Maybe this is timed perfectly, or just a coincidence. I hope that it is the former." Eclipso said. "Indeed. So we all hope." Skiadrum said. 'What are the dragon's hoping for?' I wondered. "Hey, Sora. You listening?" Rogue asked. "Yeah! Sorry." I said. "Well, you seemed preoccupied by something. What was it?" Rogue asked with a look of concern. "Nothing. It was nothing." I said. He then looked happy. "Anyway, I think that it's time for me to go. Hope to see you again sometime, Rogue!" I said, heading over to Eclipso who looked ready to leave. "Okay. Hope to see you again as well, Sora!" Rogue said. I got onto Eclipso and looked at Skiadrum. He looked saddened, just like the others. 'What is with that sadness. They all have it.' I thought. 'Okay. I definitely have to ask Eclipso and Nebulia, or rather, mother and father, about this.' I decided. We headed off, back home.

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