The Blackthorne Boys get a surprise.

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-Gallagher tail the boys in D.C and shows up at their school. They have not met yet.-

Cammie's POV:

We had just gotten back from summer break. I had spent the summer half with my grandparents in Nebraska, and half with Bex's parents in Shanghai. I couldn't wait to see the girls! Speaking of which, where were they? Surely they should be here by now. Maybe they were late. I decided to go up to mom's office to wait for their arrival. Halfway there, I heard Mr.Solomon's voice on the P.A system. "Will Cameron Morgan please report to the headmistress's office." I sped up. Upon opening the door to mom's office, I was immediately tackled by a three girl bear hug. "Cammie!" My friends shouted in sync. "Ah hem."Me and my friends stood up and looked innocently at the 3 adults(Patrica, Rachel, and Joe). Macey, forever the rebel, said "Are we not allowed to greet our best friend?" The adults shared that look that only adults do that says "Lets not argue with her. If she doesn't get a reaction, she'll stop." Apparently, they don't know Macey Mchenry like I do.

"Anyway girls, we wanted to inform you that you will be going on a mission with 11 other girls of your year (A/N - sophomore? Please correct) involving some boys your age from our brother school-" Professor Buckingham  said "Blackthorne." I finished for her. This is why nobody should ever pause for dramatic effect. In that time :

1.  You are wasting time(both yours and others)

2.  Someone may steal your thunder (expression)

3. Assassins may break in and steal your favorite Onesie. *

Professor Buckingham and Mr.Solomon gaped at me. Mom just smiled. "I told you she would find out eventually." She said to Mr.Solomon. Mr.Solomon's face changed from shock to business like. "Very well. I assume, then, that you are well aware that you four are to be spending the rest of the semester at the Blackthorne campus." I had not known this. I was shocked, but I was careful to not let it show. My roommates looked at me accusingly. I smiled. I would tell them later.

"Go pack. Be downstairs in the foyer in twenty minutes." Mr.Solomon said. "We need to discuss the transportation." Me and Bex rolled our eyes. Being the children of spies, we knew that "discussing transportation" typically involved some very un-discussional topics. Macey grabbed our wrists. "Come on! We have twenty minutes. I, of course will be packing ALL of your bags as we are going to a BOYS school and I have experience...." We let Macey lecture us on the state of our wardrobes all the way back to the suite. In the end, we came up with a compromise. Macey would select outfits for us to wear, and we would have to pick from those. I ended up getting to pick half my luggage, for Chameleony stuff. I even managed to sneak in my Converse, which Macey had deemed "worn down". I didn't care, they were comfortable. And, brand new clothes attracted attention.

We all trooped downstairs, five minutes early. If Mr.Solomon was surprised to see us, he didn't show it. Once the other girls were there, we got into the helicopter, where Mr.Solomon blindfolded us again. We flew for two hours. 

When we got out of the helicopter, the girls around me gasped. We were in Washington, DC. Mr. Solomon started handing out files. "Your objective will be to tail and compromise your targets. You have one hour. Go."  Macey got a guy with brown hair and roundish eyes named Nick. "Kinda cute." Was her only response. Liz got a boy named Jonas who, like her, was on the Research and Operations track. Bex got a boy named Grant which she described as a "Greek God." He was muscly and tan. Looked like he knew how to fight. I was definitely going to try and get them together. I got a boy with brown hair and green eyes. In the photo his gaze held so much intensity that I could feel it radiating off the picture. His name was Zack. Me and Bex decided to stick together. Liz went with Macey. 

Me and Bex walked around the plaza for a bit. We visited the Washington monument. Did all the things that schoolgirls visiting D.C would do. Except we also managed to case the entire perimeter of the city. Finally, it was down to me, Bex, Tina, and 3 boys from Blackthorne. Actually, make that me, Bex, and 2 other boys from Blackthorne. Tina and her target Jackson compromised each other at the exact same TIME! Sweet. "Ohh, I want hotdogs." I said, pointing to a vendor. Bex rolled her eyes. "We can't do that, but we can get Starbucks." "Okay." I pouted, but accepted her offer. We walked in, ordered two mango/peach iced teas, and sat at a booth facing the window.

Zack's POV:

"I want a hotdog." Grant said, whining. "Ugh, do ever think about anything besides your stomach?" I mean seriously, the guy's great and all, but has he forgotten the fact that 


But I had to admit, I was hungry. "Maybe, Starbucks instead?" I suggested. Grant's face lit up. "Yes, please!" Strange. He doesn't usually get this excited over Starbucks. Then I saw why. There were two pretty girls sitting in the booth next to the window. Ugh. Grant can never resist the girls. "Come on!" Grant practically dragged me along.

Cammie's POV:

I sat there sipping my tea, scanning the customers. There was a woman who pulled out her wallet really fast and pursed her lips like she was in a hurry. Then there was a middle aged man who sneezed every two minutes and 34 seconds..... "Hey." Whispered Bex. "What?" I said. "Lower your voice. Don't look now, but there are two nice looking young men approaching." Bex said conspiratorially. "Bex, you know I don't do boys. Especially know.....Josh." I sighed. It's been hard. I don't know if I can ever move one. "What if I told you they were our targets?" Bex said, grinning. I looked up.The bell ringed as the two boys walked in. My target looked around, almost as if he were surveying the people, just as I had. No. I mentally corrected myself. He was surveying the people. Because he was like me. Bex waved them over. Crap.

Zach's POV :

Me and Grant walked inside the Starbucks. It smelled like coffee beans. I took note of the people in the room. One mother had a bulge in her purse that looked funny... "Come on!" Grant said. I looked at him. Behind him, one of the girls from the window was waving us over. Crap. All I wanted to do was finish this assignment and get back to Blackthorne. I followed my partner over. He gave the girls a smooth smile and slid into the booth. I followed. "Hi, I'm Bella and this is Katrina." I saw Grant do a double take. Had he just noticed the other girl sitting there? I took a look at her. She was more beautiful than her friend, but in a simple way. She sat there silently. "I'm Gabe, and this is Zeke." Grant said gesturing to me. I smirked at the silent girl, hoping to help conversation flow. "So, come here often?"

Cammie's POV:

These were our targets. I knew it the moment they used their code names. "Nah, we're just here for a school trip." I said casually. "Us too!" Grant said. His eyes were on Bex. "You know, I think that we have to go soon, don't we?" I said, injecting a note of confusion into my voice. Bex pretended to check the time on her phone. "Nah, we have a couple minutes." Bex said. She was looking at Grant. "Nope, we really have to go." I said. I wanted to get back to the helicopter as fast as I could. That Zack boy was looking at me weirdly. Bex frowned at me, but got up anyways. "But, before we go-" Bex said. Grant looked hopeful, as though waiting for a kiss. Hah, suckers.

"Brown sweatshirt, light jeans, black and red Nike's." I said at the same time Bex said: "White tee shirt, light jeans, hopeful expression."

We laughed as we walked away.

Zack's POV:

I could barley believe it as Joe Solomon said in our ears,  "You were the last ones compromised. Meet us back at the truck." Had I just been compromised by a GIRL ? And not just any girl. She was good. My only thought was I am in love.

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