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Chapter 50

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto nor The Gamer. I own nothing, really.

Chapter 50

It was a beautiful sight, the one created by my new Jutsu. Maybe it was a bit arrogant of me to say so myself, but I couldn't care less at that moment. After all, it gave me a similar sensation to the one I felt the first time I used a Jutsu at all. It had that magical touch to it, I guessed.

I watched it for a moment, the amalgamation of lightning moving around me without a clear target to it. Since it was made of lightning, it had a distinctive white color with touches of light blue here and there. It also had, however, some odd colored details inside its mouth and on its eyes, almost darkening in those areas and with more purple than blue.

Still, it was very much a Lightning Beast as the name implied.

[New Skill Acquired: Lightning Release: Lightning Beast Tracking Fang - Lvl 1]

'That's a long ass name,' I thought wryly, the ridiculous title of the technique breaking me from my awe, annoyingly enough. At the same time, my focus slipped from my mind and the hound shaped electricity dissolved until only a few straying sparks remained. Then, the clearing was filled with silence.

"You really got it down in a week," Anko said, appearing right next to me. "And I'm left wondering, once again, if my only role here is to give you scrolls and spar with you," She mused out loud, holding her chin between her fingers.

"Is there supposed to be anything else to do as a sensei?" I asked sarcastically. I understood though. I had saved her a lot of trouble, absorbing everything and anything that she had to teach.

Where others might have had to deal with some annoying personality trait or another, she only had to teach and I would learn it. My annoying personality trait was, after all, working too much, apparently. And the sword of foreknowledge that hung over my head gave me all the motivation I needed to keep that attitude. Not to mention the benefits of Danzo's little assignments and my last life's memories giving me a slightly better mentality.

"Besides," I continued with a shrug, my eyes trailed towards the side, where my jutsu's beast had charged by a moment ago. "You've been teaching me how to fight together with my summons," I added, because it was true. I had somewhat of an idea about how to fight with people thanks to her teachings from some time ago, but fighting with giant spiders was a completely different thing that I had to adapt to. She had been the one to guide me through that part of my training. Kumohoshi had been delighted with her for that.

"Well, that was as good as a first attempt could have gone… at least by your standards," Anko told me with a light chuckle at the end. "One week, seriously. How's your two weeks' insane plan, huh?" She asked then, referring to the Jutsu that I wanted to create based on the Lightning Beast Tracking Fang. 'I'm definitely shortening it to Lightning Beast,' I thought to myself.

"Well… it's going. I might need some more time. But a month is definitely enough to at least create it and get some practice," I replied with a grimace. Maybe I had overestimated myself by trying to create an Elemental Jutsu in two weeks, especially when I hadn't even had any knowledge in the subject before that. The only reason I thought it possible in a month was because it was based on an existing Jutsu, the Lightning Beast one.

"I still think you are insane," My sensei said with a wide grin. "But that's fine. Besides, I've seen you achieve some pretty crazy shit."

"Hmph," A huff interrupted the conversation and both Anko and I turned to my shoulder, where a white spider sat. "A month to create such a Jutsu is impossible."

"Now that's a challenge if I ever heard one," I thought with a smile that matched my teacher's. "I think I'll create another by the end of the month, just to rub it on your face."

"Hmph," The spider repeated.

"Another?" Anko asked, this time sounding genuinely skeptical.

"Oh, you'll both see. You'll love it, Anko-sensei," I added, already having a good idea of what to do. After all, once I created one, the other should be relatively easy. 'Yeah, I can see it,' I thought with a grin that showed many teeth, thinking of all the Sound ninjas I could take care of with such a technique.

"You are one scary brat," Anko commented with a matching grin. "I love it."

"I learned from the best."

"Oh yeah, you did," She nodded, preening at my words. "If nothing else, I taught you how to be a right terror."

"Idiots, the both of you," Shirakumo grumbled once more.

"Someone's just angry that I got them with a Genjutsu," I sang mockingly as I prepared to give the Lightning Beast another go. Before that though, I wanted to look at the skill's screen.

[Lightning Release: Lightning Beast Tracking Fang - Lvl 1

C-rank technique with which the user creates a beast shaped lightning attack to attack a target.

Hand Seals - 10

Consumption – 39 Chakra Points.]

'Not very different from Electromagnetic Murder's, but I expected that,' I noted quickly.

"No, I'm not," The little spider exclaimed, scandalized by what I had said. It would have made a much more convincing argument if not for- "I'm definitely not, you idiot! And I won't practice Genjutsu with you anymore."

"That doesn't have anything to do with you having trouble dispelling, I'm sure," I commented, holding back a laugh.

"Shut up!"

"I'm just messing with you, Shira-chan," I reassured softly and brought a hand to scratch her between her eyes. "Besides, everyone has to start somewhere. I was just a normal civilian kid a few years back."

"Still hard to believe that is the truth, but I know it is," Anko added her two cents with a snort.

"Shut up," Shirakumo repeated, this time more of a mumble than an indignant shout.

"Say, what should I have the hound do, any ideas?" I asked my little partner and the spider perked up. I had to make a conscious effort to not grin as her legs straightened and she seemed to grow taller, her blue eyes staring right at mine.


"Hey, Anko, you are late!" I called out from our clearing in the Forest of Death. "So, am I giving the Cursed Seal another try? Because-"

"Eiji," My sensei said, and my mouth clicked shut as I took in both her serious voice and her blank expression. "Come with me, right now."

With that said, she turned around and I blinked. My mind took a split second to catch up with that before I jumped after her when she started hopping back to where she came from. I almost had to use a Flicker or two just to keep up with her. She was going that fast and I didn't know why, which worried me more than a little bit.

"Anko? Anko! What's going on?" I asked once we stopped in front of the Hokage's building. Had something happened? Had someone uncovered something from me? It couldn't be Danzo and ROOT… I was under the impression that they knew about all that. Was I wrong?

"Eiji," She started as we stepped inside. "If I tell you right here, right now that you have to create an A Rank Genjutsu. What would you tell me?" She asked, dead serious.

"Well… I haven't gotten to Advanced Mirage or Greater Mirage yet..." I considered, my mind running through my Jutsu creation knowledge. "I also haven't been studying Genjutsu creation… so, it depends, really."

"On what, and how?" She asked as reached the Hokage door and I continued trying to make any sense of the situation I was in. When she opened the door, I froze. "Tell me, Eiji. What would you need to create such a Jutsu?"

For a second, my mind refused to work. I think, however, that it was justified. After all, it wasn't everyday that I walked into a room with the leaders of not one, nor two, but three Ninja Villages inside. There sat Hiruzen, a very familiar visage at that point. But to his right stood one of the most gorgeous women I had seen in my life, and also one of the most dangerous if I had to bet. With red hair, piercing green eyes and blue clothes, nevermind the Kage hat on her head, she could only be Mei Terumi.

And then, the real concern. To the Hokage's left stood a diminutive man, with the top of his head bald and long white hair hanging from the back of it. He had an angular mustache and triangular beard of the same color, all that making his big angry red nose stand out. Onoki, the Tsuchikage, and a man that frankly terrified me to no end despite how little I knew of him. Scarce as my information on him was, what I did know was enough to put the fear of that man inside me.

It didn't help that none of the three Kage's seemed particularly pleased.

"Eiji," Anko broke me from my thoughts and I was acutely aware of everyone's eyes on me. I also finally noticed Ibiki's and Inoichi's presence inside the room, which had been previously overshadowed by the leaders. "What do you need for that?"

"Um..." I swallowed my nervousness and narrowed my eyes as I remembered that she had actually asked a question. "Focusing solely on that… A week to learn the higher leveled Mirages… then… With Greater Mirage I should be able to do just about anything. Why would I need to create a Jutsu?"

"Would you be able to emulate what you have used to trap the Fake Orochimaru with Greater Mirage?" Inoichi asked this time and my attention moved to him, my brows furrowing.

"No," I had thought that idea over, after all. I was sure it wouldn't be the same. It was one thing to fool someone's sense of sight or hearing. But taking away all senses was something else entirely. There was a reason why pain was a good way to get out of Genjutsu. "You want me to make that happen?" I asked unnecessarily as I started thinking again. "I would need a week or two to study Genjutsu Creation… at the very least, maybe more, since I don't know what I'm getting into. If it's anything like Elemental Jutsu Creation. A week of dedicated study should be enough to start with the actual thing… a month maybe, maybe more."

In any other situation, the baffled expression that the Mizukage made at the end of my little speech would have been very funny. That, or the supremely smug smirk on Hiruzen's face. But the increasingly annoyed grimace Onoki was wearing put a real dampener on that.

"A month at the least, then?" The Hokage asked with a growing grin.

"Maybe more," I added, uneasy.

"I suddenly feel like our chances of getting our sword back are much lower than I initially thought," Mei commented, recovering from her surprise and raising an eyebrow at me. I simply shrugged sheepishly under her stare.

"So, what do you say, Mei, Onoki?" Hiruzen asked, his expression shifting back to the same one I had seen on him when I entered the room. All around, the atmosphere became tense as both leaders turned to the Hokage.

"I think we can afford to do as you say, Hiruzen," Terumi was the first one to answer, her voice calm and composed.

"This better be as serious as you make it sound," Onoki voiced then, still scowling. "Two of my Shinobi are participating in this Exam. One is my own granddaughter. And despite how many of your brats you threw at this thing to improve your chances, we are still going to come out on top. This better not be a trick."

"I assure you, I have no need for tricks. I have complete faith in my Genin," Hiruzen denied easily, his eyes darting for a brief moment towards me. 'No pressure, right, old man?' I thought to myself withholding a grimace. "We have solid proof that Orochimaru has plans."

"Hmph," Onoki huffed.

Were they talking about the Crush? Had something been found about that? What did me creating a Void Genjutsu have to do with that? And, more importantly, why was Hiruzen discussing that with Onoki of all people?! Mei, I could get, we were sort of allies with the Mist. But the Stone? They would happily join the Sound and the Sand… wouldn't they?

In the end, all those questions remained unanswered as I was dragged out of the room by Anko, followed by Ibiki and Inoichi.

"What the hell was all that about?" I asked, unable to keep my confusion and curiosity at bay.

"That was how you got your next mission, Eiji," Anko replied, looking ahead as she walked towards the entrance of the building. "Your main priority is to make that Jutsu, you understand me, Eiji," She ordered more than told. It was really creeping me out, the way my sensei continued to be dead serious about this whole thing, and that should tell you something about her when Anko not making jokes was more worrying than meeting three ninja village leaders.

"Ok… Ok, I can make that happen in the time I gave. I'm pretty sure I can, at least," I mused, my mind already running through my Jutsu creation knowledge once again, trying to see what could still apply when working on a Genjutsu.

"Brat," I turned to Anko, only to realize that she wasn't the one that talked. Instead, my head snapped to the side as I felt a hand settle on my shoulder. Right next to me stood Ibiki, staring at me with penetrating eyes. Something that was only enhanced by the scars on his face. "The necessary scrolls and books will be delivered to you before the day ends. Make it happen, and the whole village might be in your debt."

'So, they know something's going on but they don't know about the Crush? That's the vibe that I'm getting here,' I thought as I nodded to the man. 'Why do they want the Void Genjutsu though?...' I wondered with a frown. In the end, I simply shook my head and focused on what I was, apparently, going to be doing for a month.

"Not that it seems to matter anymore, but what about my training for the Finals?" I threw out the question, not really minding one way or another. I didn't need my training for the Exams, after all, I needed it for the Crush. But if what I was doing was to aid in that then I could forgo the training… But considering that I told them I needed a month and we only had three weeks until the…

"The Finals will be delayed," Ibiji answered the question, and I wondered why the man was still walking with us. After all, we had left the building already.

"At this rate the whole thing will be delayed a whole year," I muttered with a slight grin that widened when I heard Anko snorting next to me. "Makes me wonder why it wasn't just skipped a year or something."

"Me too, brat, me too," My sensei agreed and I relaxed a little. 'Ok, back to normal, good,' I thought to myself.

"Although, how long will it be delayed?" I asked this time, more to keep the conversation going. If I was left to my own devices, I would start worrying over the future and what all these could mean for it. I really didn't feel like dealing with that at that exact moment… or ever.

"A month, most probably. The Kages must be talking that over right now," The man explained patiently. "This is where we go our separate ways," He nodded towards where he was apparently going, and turned to me. "I hope you didn't lie in there, brat. We might need that Jutsu very soon."

As the man left, I let out a sigh and my shoulders slumped.

"Yeah," Anko nodded, her expression a half-grin that was more of a grimace than a smile. "This whole situation is very shitty, I'll admit. You don't have much luck, do you, brat?" She asked, turning to me.

'You have no idea,' I thought, remembering how my past life went.

"Well… I have studying to do, it seems. Will I use all my time on that? Because I want to keep up with the Mark training at least," I told her as we started walking again. "I really want to be done with the pain thing, not gonna lie."

"Yeah, I get you..." She nodded slowly, her hand moving to massage her Marked shoulder.. "You know what, after you get some Genjutsu Creation knowledge in that dangerous head of yours, we'll see. First priority is getting that Jutsu done as soon as possible."

"Sounds like a plan," I nodded.


[Onoki, he Tsuchikage]

'What a mess,' Onoki couldn't help but think, as he finally allowed himself to relax in the privacy of his room. Privacy that he had had to make sure was actually there, since he wouldn't trust foreign ninja with anything at all… Except maybe the one.

Regardless of his thoughts on Konoha's ninja, his mind pushed on with the topics that occupied his thoughts as of late. First, and foremost at that moment, was the threat of Orochimaru of the Legendary Sannin. How the Leaf managed to create so many traitors while also making them a world wide threat, he couldn't fathom, but it happened. And this one, in particular, was a very dangerous one to leave alone.

Onoki would know, some of his own people had been victims of the Snake and the aftermath never was a pretty sight.

The Tsuchikage could almost hear his councilmen telling him to join with the Missing-nin, to destroy Konoha with one of the weapons that they had created themselves. The hate ran deep in most circles, especially after how the last war had ended. Everyone had lost someone in that failed invasion. However…

Onoki was tired, so very tired of wars. He had survived three, and if he never got to see another one, it would be too soon. And he wouldn't be the one to instigate another, which is what this would cause.

Yes, joining in on whatever Orochimaru had cooked up for Konoha could potentially erase the biggest threat in a World Shinobi War right at that moment. However, Kumo would remain and, despite how poorly they had done during the Chuunin Exams, Onoki knew they were a force to be reckoned with, especially considering how in control of their beasts the Cloud's Jinchuriki's were.

"Killer" B was a monster back during the Third Shinobi War, going as far as earning the respect of one Minato Namikaze, the nightmare of more than one Stone citizen and shinobi, even if they wouldn't admit that. And since then, Onoki was sure they had trained their other Jinchuriki to be just as dangerous now that they had a way to control the beast's power. And that wasn't even going in depth on some of the other things that the Cloud had done to strengthen itself.

Onoki was sure they were readying themselves for the Fourth War.

And now, with the Sand so pressured in the Leaf's shadow. With the Mist finally stopping fighting itself. And with the Leaf itself recovering from the War and the Kyuubi…

Onoki was so very grateful for Hiruzen's more pacifistic approaches. Especially since that would probably translate into the Mist joining the peace side too. The Sand… he wasn't so sure about.

However, whatever flimsy peace they had attained would vanish into thin air as soon as one of the Nations lost the smallest bit of power. The Tsuchikage was sure that the smallest of openings would be used by Kumo to start another War that they were probably sure they could win. Onoki himself wasn't sure they would be wrong on that account either.

The old man sighed, closing his eyes and massaging his forehead.

A knock on his door brought him back to the present as he heard the voice of one of the reasons he wanted peace so badly.

"Ji-sama," Kurotsuchi called from the other side of the door and a small smile tugged at the old man's lips. Kurotsuchi and Kozuchi were his top priority since the day they were born, even above the village. The face of a young man with black hair and red eyes flashed through his mind then.

Onoki owed that boy more than he would ever admit for saving Kurotsuchi's life in that godforsaken forest. As soon as he had heard the tale from his granddaughter he had half a mind to erase the whole thing from the world. But the issue had been solved by a boy with a better head on his shoulders than most people the Tsuchikage knew. The Satou had seen the problem with just letting Kurotsuchi die, something that he knew few of his own shinobi would have if put in similar situations with, for example, Hiruzen's grandson.

And now, with what he had just witnessed after meeting the young man, Onoki was reminded of two people from his past. Both previous Hokages of Konoha and both people that he had held a healthy amount of both respect and fear for. 'Damnit Hiruzen, what do you tree-huggers feed your shinobi?'

"Kurotsuchi, how did the training go?" Onoki asked as he opened his door for his granddaughter, who instantly started retelling everything that she had worked with while in the training grounds that Hiruzen had offered for the Stone shinobi to use. The Tsuchikage had, of course, made sure that he had his own people guard the place to make sure nobody spied on his Genin. "Just so you know, the Finals are being delayed for a month, maybe more."

"Did something happen?" The girl asked instantly, her eyes narrowing. Evidently, she realized how odd such a thing was and how it could mean trouble for someone or everyone.

"Nothing that you have to worry about." 'Hopefully,' Onoki added in his own mind. "But it should give you some more time to work on your own techniques, even learn some new ones too."

"I see," The girl replied slowly, and the old man could almost see the ideas already forming inside her head. A proud smile spread over his face at the sight of her. "I think I have some ideas. Do you… do you have any advice about how I should go about facing someone faster than me?" She asked hesitantly, and now it was Onoki's turn to narrow his eyes.

True, her first opponent in the Finals was a boy that specialized in Taijutsu so much that it was like seeing a mini-Green Beast, for what he had heard. However, he had also been told that it was unlikely that the boy could use many Jutsu, if at all. Onoki could hardly think that such an opponent had his hard headed granddaughter asking for advice. No, it had to be something else.

And from the rest of the participants, there was only one that could be considered for their speed.

"So, you are worried about the young Satou, huh?" The man mused out loud, earning sputtering denials. He was almost worried, if he was honest with himself. "I guess the best option would be to overwhelm him with attacks. Defense seems to be next to useless, with him carrying that sword with him. And dodging is right there too, considering how fast he seems to be. So, your best option would be to attack so much that he can't do so himself. For that, however, you would need to be fast enough that he can't get to you while also dodging your attempts."

Throughout his little speech, his granddaughter listened with rapt attention, seemingly committing it all to memory. Onoki, meanwhile, wondered if this was so that she could prove to herself that she wasn't weak, after that event inside the forest. Or, maybe, it was to prove it to the boy that had saved her. To prove that she wasn't some damsel in distress? Or maybe even a combination of the two.

He smiled softly as Kurotsuchi started bouncing ideas for her training off him.

'Yes… this is what I want peace for,' He reminded himself.

[} Chapter End {]

Hey guys! How's it going?

Well, I can see lots of people coming my way with torches and pitchforks for making Onoki OoC. I know I made him OoC here, but I've also done that with Danzo, to a certain extent, and nobody's complained too much… so, I hope that is the case here too.

Still, I wonder how out of character he really is here. After all, if he really was the sort to just jump at the chance to attack Konoha, he would have probably taken advantage of the Kyuubi Attack, wouldn't he? Or maybe that was just too close to the end of the Third War? I'm not too sure of the timelines, to be honest, but after checking the Second and the Third were practically the same war for how close they were to one another, so I find that the 'it was too soon after the last' doesn't really any strength.

Don't get me wrong though, Onoki would still very much fight in a war if it came to it, but he won't be the one to start it or even contribute to that, and that's what I wanted to make clear in this chapter… Hopefully, I succeeded. If not, well, I'm always expecting people to flame me, so the sensation is nothing new.

As always, if you can't wait until next week for next chapter, there's up to three new chapters in my Pa tre on:

P a treon . com (slash) AdrianKing

Random Question: What do you think the higher ups want the Void Genjutsu for?

See you.

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