chapter 21 (status)

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First of all, I've been toying with the idea of giving you guys the full Stats, Skills, Perks and Titles list. And I've decided to do it right now. I think it's a good place to do so, with the Academy Arc done and with us being 20 chapters into the story.

So, here it is:


[Eiji Satou

Title: Prodigy

Energy Points: 540/540

Chakra Points: 270/270

Strength: 27

Dexterity: 29

Constitution: 27

Chakra: 27

Chakra control: C]


[Running (Active) – Max

When used increases the speed of the user while running by 100%.

Consumption – 5 Energy Points per second.]

[Free Running (Active) – Lvl 18

When used increases the speed of the user while running by 90%

When used increases the distance the user's jump by 90%

When used increases the power of the user's arms while maneuvering by 90%

Consumption – 11 Energy Points per second]

[Physical Conditioning (Passive) – Max

Improves the rate at which your Strength and Constitution increase during training by 100%.]

[Meditation (Active) – Lvl 19

Increases the recovery rate of Energy Points and Chakra Points by 95% when active.]

[Cooking – Lvl Max

Improves the quality of cooked goods by 100%.]

[Stealth (Active) – Lvl 25

Hides your presence according to the level of the skill and the awareness level of others.

Consumption – 5 Energy Points per second.]

[Drawing – Lvl 16

Improves the quality of drawn goods by 80%.]


Shuriken Throwing – Lvl 18

Increased accuracy against a stationary target with a shuriken by 100%.

Increased accuracy against a moving target with a shuriken by 80%.

Fuuma Shuriken Throwing – Lvl 15

Increased accuracy against a stationary target with a fuuma shuriken by 100%.

Increased accuracy against a moving target with a fuuma shuriken by 50%.

Kunai Throwing – Lvl 18

Increased accuracy against a stationary target with a kunai by 100%.

Increased accuracy against a moving target with a kunai by 80%.

Senbon Throwing – Lvl 17

Increased accuracy against a stationary target with a senbon by 100%.

Increased accuracy against a moving target with a senbon by 70%.]

[Basic Taijutsu – Lvl Max

Increases the skill of the user in hand to hand combat according to skill level.]

[Intermediate Taijutsu (Active) – Lvl 17

Increases the skill of the user in hand to hand combat according to skill level.

Active Effect – Increases the user's physical stats by 9.

Active Effect Consumption – 35 Energy Points per second.]

[Shogi – Lvl 35

Increases your strategic thinking while playing Shogi according to skill level.]

[Physical Resistance – Lvl 10

Reduces the damaged received by purely physical attacks by 10%.]

[Bloodlust (Active) – Lvl 11

Projects the user's desire to kill, maim or hurt onto the target or targets. The effect increases with level.

Consumption – 8 Energy Points per second]

[Gardening – Lvl 15

Improves the user's ability to take care of plants according to skill level.]

[Basic Chakra Control Exercises – Max

Increases the chakra control of the user according to level.]

[Intermediate Chakra Control Exercises – Lvl Max

Increases the chakra control of the user according to level.]

[Calligraphy – Lvl 19

Improves the user's writing by 95%.]

[Lightning Manipulation – Lvl 1

Increases control of lightning according to level.

Lightning jutsu use 1% less chakra.

Lightning jutsu are 1% more effective.

The user is 1% more resistant to lightning.]

[Lightning Release: Sparkling Shuriken – Lvl 10

E-rank technique with which the user launches a weak lightning-infused shuriken at their target.

Projectiles have a 5% chance of doing lightning damage if they fly close enough.

Hand Seals – 2

Consumption – 8 Chakra Points per shuriken.]

[Lightning Release: Stunning Thread – Lvl 6

E-rank technique with which the user powers a thread of ninja wire with a weak lightning charge.

Hand Seals – 3

Consumption – 9 Chakra Points]

[Lightning Release: Flashing Shuriken – Lvl 3

D-rank technique with which the user launches a lightning-infused fuma shuriken at their target. The weapon also has increased cutting power according to level.

Hand Seals – 5

Consumption – 19 Chakra Points per shuriken.]

[Yin Release: Basic Mirage – Lvl 8

E-rank technique with which the user creates a small illusion for their target to see.

Hand Seals – 3

Consumption – 4 Chakra Points per illusion.]

[Yin Release: Genjutsu Dissipation – Lvl 8

D-rank technique with which the user disrupts their own chakra flow to free themselves or others from Genjutsu.

Hand Seals – 1

Consumption – 8 Chakra Points per use.]

[First Aid – Lvl 10

Improves the user's ability to treat wounds according to skill level.

Increased efficiency while treating wounds by 50%.

Increased recovery of treated wounds by 5%.]

[Poison Resistance – Lvl 3

Reduces the effectiveness of poisons by 3%.]

[Clone Technique – Lvl 7

E-rank technique with which the user creates an illusionary clone of themselves that dispels after taking damage.

Hand Seals – 3

Consumption – 4 Chakra Points per clone.]

[Transformation Technique – Lvl 7

E-rank technique with which the user creates an illusion over themselves to hide their identity.

Hand Seals – 3

Consumption – 9 Chakra Points. 1 Chakra Point every 14 seconds.]

[Substitution Technique – Lvl 7

E-rank technique with which the user switches places with an object of similar size.

Hand Seals – 4

Range – 7 meters

Consumption – 17 Chakra Points]


[Academy Student: Improves the rate at which your stats and skills increase by 5%]

[Aspiring Prodigy: Improves the rate at which your stats and skills increase by 10%.]

[Prodigy: Improves the rate at which your stats and skills increase by 15%.]


[Inner Strength

Increased resistance to outside influence on the user's mind and body. (not applied to Genjutsu)]


The user's stats increase by 10% when fighting for or with a subordinate or ally.]


Improves the rate at which the user's stats and skills improve when training without a teacher by 10%]


When activating an EP based skill at full Energy Points the user can use EP skills without cost for 10 seconds.

Usable once a day.]

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto nor The Gamer. I own nothing, really.

Chapter 21

"I'm Eiji Satou," I said, my voice doing a pretty good impression of a Nara. Quite honestly, this definitely wasn't how I had seen this day going at all. I had half expected to be alone, with the other nine in some variation of the Teams. That wasn't the issue, not really. However, after the hit I had taken with the unchanged teams, I really didn't have the energy to deal with a female version of Naruto in adult form.

My new sensei blinked at me and tilted her head. For a second there, I thought that she would point out my lack of enthusiasm in some form. What I didn't expect, or appreciate at all really, was for her to give me a positively unsettling grin.

"Well, what are you waiting for? You are coming with me, brat," She said and, without waiting for a second, she left through the door. I, for my part, took a second to gather my thoughts with a deep breath in before sighing and going after her.

"See you later, guys," I said while waving over my shoulder.

I blinked as I closed the door behind me. Anko hadn't been behind the door, or even close by, at all. Instead, she was already standing over at the Academy's gates grin still in place and sending a 'come here' gesture my way. 'Well, enough sulking,' I told myself as I settled my thoughts. I could deal with my thoughts on canon changes after going home.

With another deep breath, this time followed by a small smirk, I set off running after my sensei.

What followed was me chasing after the mad-woman through the village. And I call her that because she made me take paths that were absolutely insane. I had to cross streets full of people at top speed while keeping my eyes on her so that I wouldn't lose her. I had to follow her inside shops where she would continue by coming out the back door.

My eyes widened though, when I saw her shape getting further and further away. 'Nu huh,' I thought, a small frown appeared on my face. 'Not happening, lady! Running.'

And with that little boost, I slowly started regaining ground. Good thing too, because I hadn't wanted to use the more expensive Free Running-

'Oh, you gotta be kidding me!' I thought as she once more picked up the speed. 'Well, here goes nothing… Free Running.'

And this time, I got closer much faster. Problem was, I was burning through my Energy Points, and if I needed to do some kind of test after this chase ended, I would be already at a disadvantage. Granted, that was probably the whole point, but it was still bad for me.

'Thank Kami, it ended quickly,' I sighed in relief as she stopped and turned around casually, showing no signs exhaustion. However, I stopped on a rooftop right before jumping down next to her. Living with Naruto had given me… not really a sixth sense for traps, but I had learned to keep an eye out for those. Even if I wasn't his target often, I didn't want to fall for a prank aimed at someone else.

And there was a trap right there.

"Saw that, did you?" She asked, her smirk widening. I was starting to think that I wouldn't get a Kakashi that gave me even a day to prepare for their test. I wondered to myself if I had shot myself in the foot with my attitude in the Academy. I hadn't thought it was that bad, but maybe she overreacted a bit for some reason?

I suddenly felt the urge to smack myself. She may actually have reason to take offense, being who she was.

Anko tapped her foot on the ground and the trap disabled itself. I blinked and tilted my head at that before giving up on deciphering how that even worked. Probably something with seals. Regardless, I would have to ask Naruto that later, surely he would have at least an idea.

"I apologize for my attitude just now," I started as I got down from the roof. "I wasn't in a good mood right that moment."

"You good now?" She asked mockingly, her head tilted to the side. The smirk seemingly fixed on her face. I simply nodded, inwardly grimacing. I really hadn't done myself any favors. "Good, because I won't be teaching a brat that thinks the world will bow to him, no matter how much everyone says he is a prodigy."

"That's fair," I nodded again while setting my face in my best neutral expressing. I mentally prepared myself for any test that she could-

"Throw your strongest jutsu at me."

Instantly, my right hand went to the small of my back, getting the folded fuuma shuriken that rested horizontally on my hip. Pulling my arm back up, with the weapon already firmly on my grasp, I unfolded it and threw it in the air.

While it flew up, my hands went through five seals. As I finished, my right hand once more snapped to the side, this time picking the fuuma shuriken from the air. The weapon instantly started cackling with lightning even before I had thrown it at my sensei.

It never connected though. Not because she dodged or deflected it, but because it went straight through her after she exploded in a cloud of smoke. 'Shadow Clone?' I wondered idly before I heard my jutsu hit the village's outer wall and stopping. Obviously, it didn't do anything. According to the Academy, the Walls could withstand B-rank jutsu like they were love taps and A-ranks for a good while. I was inclined to believe them, since the Walls were a very important part of the village defenses.

"No hesitation whatsoever," I heard right beside me and I almost jumped at the voice. "That's neat. I would have felt insulted otherwise. Anyone that can't evade that can't even be considered a good Chuunin, considering that I told you to throw it at me," She explained looking off towards where the fuuma shuriken now lied on the ground. "It was pretty strong though, and you were fast enough, I guess. Seems like there was some truth on your teacher's words. The throw was very accurate too."

"Shurikenjutsu is one of my strong points. I didn't get to practice with fuuma shuriken much but I think I'm decent with it," I offered casually. It was the truth, really, and considering that 'she' had been just standing there, there was no way I would fail.

"I read your profile, brat, I know more about you than you know about yourself," She said with mirth in her voice. I made sure to keep my face from showing anything. It was doubtful that she did, in fact, know more about me than I did. Especially regarding my skills, since I had all that very detailed in my Skills and Perks lists. Let alone my secret past life.

"Then what was this about?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"To get a feel of you as a person," She readily answered. "I know a fair bit due to your profile too, but I prefer to learn that by myself. You seem to be pretty laidback, although once you need to, you can be the most serious kid I've ever seen. Not sure that's a good thing or not though," She tilted her head, as if try to decide on that last point, before shrugging. "Anyway, do you even know anything about me?" She asked jokingly.

"Anko Mitarashi," I started immediately. That I did answer seemed to catch her by surprise. "There seems to be fair bit of mistrust directed at you from the civilians and some shinobi," To her credit, her expression didn't even twitch. "Something about your sensei, although I couldn't quite hear that part. There's a fair amount of ninja that defend you though."

I hadn't lied about any part of it, nor had I relied in my foreknowledge either. All that had been picked up from my outings and, most importantly, our meals out in the Akimichi restaurants with the group. I had gathered a fair bit of information about a lot of people, even some that I had no prior knowledge of. Those though, I had to take the information with a grain of salt, since I had no way of confirming their veracity.

It wasn't overly useful knowledge though. Nobody gossiped about a ninja's skills, obviously. But it was enough to get a feel about how someone was as a person. Which I guessed was the part that nobody cared to hide.

"You don't pull your punches, do you?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"There's no point," I shrugged with an easy grin. "Just like you, I prefer to learn about people myself instead of relying on other's opinion. I'm sure you know why," I added, my face twitching into a sneer for a second. Her smirk then lost a dangerous edge that I hadn't even realized was there until it disappeared.

'Note to self: Jounin are scary, Tokubetsu or otherwise,' I mentally reminded myself.

"Well, it's good to have that out of the way," She started easily. "I guess I can put up with you until you get to be a Chuunin, brat. Not that it'll take you long according to your profile," Then she clapped her hands together. "And that's that about knowing each other. Maybe I'll tell you more about me, maybe I won't. But I don't need to know more about you, I've had to read more than enough. I'll see you tomorrow at the crack of dawn at Training Ground 44, brat. Don't be late."

And with a cloud of smoke, she was gone.

'Wasn't 44… the Forest of Death...? Of course, why the hell not?' I grimaced, before turning to walk back home. 'That definitely wasn't how I had expected my introduction to my sensei to go,' I mused.

Before I could even take another step though, something stopped me.

[New Title Acquired: Genin of Konoha]

[New Title Acquired: Anko Mitarashi's Apprentice]

'Not unexpected,' I thought to myself. 'Maybe this is why I didn't get anything for passing in first place at the graduation test? Well, let's take a look at these.'

[Genin of Konoha

Increases stats when taking part on a Konoha sanctioned mission by 10%.

Increases skill efficiency when taking part on a Konoha sanctioned mission by 5%.]

That was a nice title to have. I still preferred my development based ones, but I would certainly switch to this for every C-rank that I had to take part in, just in case. As for the second one…

[Anko Mitarashi's Apprentice:

Improves the rate at which your stats and skills level up by 25% while under Anko Mitarashi's guidance.

Further improves the rate at which Fire Release and Yin Release jutsu level up by 20%.

Further improves the rate at which poison related skills level up by 20%.]

I whistled as I looked at it. The overall increase under her guidance was 10% higher than Prodigy's effect. The other parts had me a bit confused until I realized that those also applied when I trained on my own. That was very good.

Granted, I wasn't big on Genjutsu, which was the focus of Yin Release, and I didn't even know that much about Fire Jutsu theory, let alone any technique at all. It would, however, come in handy to add some diversity to my skillset. The last part sounded interesting and, besides wondering if it applied to the Resistance skill I was working on, I mused which type of skills this would work on. Maybe some Poison jutsu… I blinked, maybe I could get a poison crafting skill of some kind? So far I had only been using raw versions from the plants in my garden…

'Things to consider and possibly bring up with my new sensei, I guess,' I decided in the end.


"Hey, guys!" I greeted, waving towards the group that was waiting for me at our place. Unsurprisingly, none of the members of Team 7 was there. The poor bastards were probably still waiting at the Academy for Kakashi to show up.

"Eiji, how was your introduction?" Ino asked, a smile in place. I guess theirs went well. All of them looked normal or a bit excited. I took note of Hinata's slightly hunched shoulders though, as I went to reply.

"It was… interesting," I decided after a pause. "I think pulling a Shika right from the start worked against me, but I managed to fix it. The woman had me free running through the village and throw a Flashing Shuriken at her. After that we talked for a bit and that was that."

There was a moment of silence as everyone blinked at me.

"Why did I expect anything normal coming from you?" Ino sighed.

"Hey, I'll have you know…" Then I stopped and tilted my head. "Nevermind, what about you, guys?" She shook her head at me.

"Asuma-sensei was pretty cool," Chouji started enthusiastically. "He asked us where we wanted to go for a meal and then had us introduce ourselves while eating."

"He took Shika's… attitude pretty well though," Ino added.

"He was nice," Shika offered with a shrug.

"I bet he was," I smirked at him. Anyone that didn't bother him for being lazy was nice to him.

"Kurenai-sensei took us to a nearby park to do the introductions," Shino started then with his monotone voice. "Everything went relatively well from there. She seemed pleasant enough."

"I'll take it that the 'relatively' was due to Kiba?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. The Inuzuka had stopped being antagonistic ever since I showed him up in my first year here, but he was still just as obnoxious.

"He seemed of the mind that being in the same team made us friends," The Aburame nodded as he continued explaining. "That attitude wasn't well received… and in Hinata's case…"

"I'll be ok," The Hyuga girl interrupted, although everyone could see that she was fairly withdrawn. It was like a fair bit of the progress we had made had regressed. I hated seeing her like that. "I'll get used to it."

I regarded her for a moment after those words.

"You shouldn't have to," Ino, instead, instantly jumped in his friend's defense. It seemed that Hinata had taken Sakura's best friend spot, while the pink-haired girl had been relegated to friend only. "We'll show the annoying mutt, just you wait."

"We'll do nothing," I decided, putting a stop to the Yamanaka's declaration of war. Said girl turned to me with her best scandalized expression. "Hinata said she we'll deal with it. We can't always be there to help her with this kind of things. She has to learn to deal with other people besides us. Besides her new sensei should be able to pick up on that problem and solve it herself if she needs to."

"I know that, but-"

"That said," I continued without letting the blonde speak. "his personality being annoying and him actively making trouble are different things. We'll deal with the mutt if it comes to that, just let us know," That seemed to pacify the irate girl and made Hinata relax a little.

"Thanks. I'm sure it'll be fine though," She said, nervously pushing her index fingers together.

"I'm sure it'll be," I said with a smile. My eyes, however, went to the silent Shino on the side. He nodded at my silent request. The Hyuga heiress was much too shy and nice to actually come to us for help. The Aburame would have no such problems.

"Where are those three though," Ino grumbled then, her good mood apparently ruined as she tapped her foot on the ground, head snapping from side to side looking for the missing three. "It can't have taken them so much longer than us."

"Well, we could wait inside with some tea, I guess," I offered, inwardly smirking. We would probably be waiting for at least one more hour.


Naruto PoV

Three hours.

Kakashi (I refused to call him sensei) had made us wait for three Kami damned hours!

The nerve of the guy. Although, he had taken the small prank I set up like a champ. It was simple and childish, a simple seal on the floor that made his hair turn pink. Any Chuunin would have been able to avoid it. I would know, I knew what those couldn't dodge, after all. Kakashi probably had his reasons for taking it, but I really couldn't care less at the moment.

Eiji would probably scold me for doing that to my new teacher, but the bastard had it coming.

Anyway, after that, introductions were an… underwhelming chore to get through. I had expected more out of the meeting with what could be my team for some time. Not that I had any problems with them, really.

Sasuke was cool, even if he was a bit of a jerk. He had gotten better after the last year or so though. Now we… tolerated each other. It was progress… I think. Anyway, the point is that he didn't look at us like we were useless anymore. The guy could even be friendly…ish… a bit… not much though…


Then there was Sakura. I could freely admit that I had been… slightly mistaken on how I viewed her a few years back. But she was still super smart, and kinda pretty… Even if I wouldn't admit that. But her personality certainly wasn't pleasant. It said something that I was happier having Sasuke in my team than her. She only really seemed to care about Sasuke, Ino and maybe Hinata.

It made hanging out with her slightly unpleasant, not gonna lie.

As for our teacher… he reminded me of Shikamaru, actually. Although he seemed even more on the annoying side of lazy-smartness. Especially when he refused to actually tell us anything with his 'introduction', if we could call it that. We barely knew his name, for Kami's sake.

Ok. So, maybe my team wasn't the one I would have wanted… at all. But it could have been worse. At least I wasn't in the same team as Kiba. I shuddered. Shino and Hinata had my condolences.

But all that didn't matter! Why? Because the introduction was out of the way and we were going home at last. And what that meant was that we would have a meal at home with the whole group made by Eiji! I could already taste all that goodness. Even though there wouldn't be any ramen, it would be the next best thing!

Before we could even leave the Academy though, something interrupted us.

"Naruto," I stopped on my way, Sasuke and Sakura doing the same, although both bowed instantly when they saw who had spoken. "Sakura, Sasuke. Good afternoon."

"Jiji!" I exclaimed as a way of greeting, almost jumping to hug him.

"Naruto! Show the Hokage some respect!" Sakura chided, almost shouting. I stuck my tongue at her. Kami, she was worse than Eiji with that stuff. At least my brother let me be while he worried about it.

"It's fine, Sakura," Jiji waved off easily as always.

"Good afternoon, Hokage-sama. I apologize for my teammate."

"There's nothing to apologize for," Jiji countered.

"Hokage-sama," Sasuke greeted stiffly as always getting a nod from the old man.

"Sasuke," Then he turned towards me. "I apologize for cutting this short, but I wanted to talk with Naruto in private."

"Of course, Hokage-sama."

"Of course."

And with that, my two teammates waved at me and left. It didn't really matter. We would meet back at our house anyway. Meanwhile though, Jiji guided me towards an empty classroom.

"So, what did you want to… talk about?" I started cheerily before pausing at Jiji's serious expression. I hadn't seen him with a face like that since… I gulped. Since he had told me about fuinjutsu. He smiled sadly as he saw my face change from grinning to uneasy.

"Sometimes I forget how perceptive you can be, Naruto," He stated. I had the distinct impression that he was calling me an idiot. "I do want to talk about something rather… important."

"Is it about… my family?" I asked, my voice, usually loud and excited, low and nervous.

"Not… really, but almost as serious," My shoulders dropped. "Or that's what I would have said. But you have had remarkable progress in the Academy and I've seen you grow much from the child you were. I think I can tell you something about your family too," I perked up instantly, almost beaming at his proud smile.

"First though," Jiji continued, face turning grim once more. "I think its overdue time for you to know why the village… reacts the way it does towards you, Naruto."

I paused at that. I… didn't really know how to react to that. I had always wanted to know, but at the same time… I had always dreaded to find out. Was it due to my parents? Had they been bad people? Jiji had always denied that, but then what was it? Was it me? Was there something wrong with me?

And, as I heard Jiji explain, I realized that yes. It was me.

The Kyuubi, the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox, was sealed inside of me. Granted, knowing fuinjutsu as I did, even if it wasn't that much yet, I knew that I wasn't the demon itself, which more than one villager seemed to have problems acknowledging. Still… everything made sense now.

For most, it must have been like seeing a prisoner's cage been dragged in front of them. I just had the bad luck of being said cage. All those people that had-

"Oh no," I whimpered, making Jiji look visibly pained.


"Eiji…" I said, tears threatening to fall from my eyes. "he said that his parents… what will he-?"

"He already knows," That made me stop and gap at him. My mouth working but not quite producing any words. "I told him after the incident that saw you two in your current residence."

But… that was… more than a year ago. Eiji had been hiding that for… that long?

"I assure you," Jiji continued. "That the only reason he didn't tell you was because I asked him not to."

"I… I…" I started, but even I didn't know just what I wanted to say. Maybe ask why, although I knew there must have been a good reason. Maybe just scream, to let out the years of sadness and anger. Maybe… "W-What else did you want to tell me, j-jiji? About my family?"

I could think about the Kyuubi later. Decide what I wanted to do then. But there were a number of things that I needed to do before that. And learning more about my family came before that. Came before many things, actually.

"Your mother," Were the first words he pronounced, and any thought about demons and whatnot left my mind instantly. "was an Uzumaki. You get your last name from her. What the Senju were to Konoha, they were to their home village Uzushiogakure in the Land of the Whirlpools…"

And from there, I listened like I had never done so during class. I absorbed every word, every pause on Jiji's speech. Uzushiogakure, the Land of the Whirlpools. I would have to look for more info on those. Ask Jiji some other time, maybe ask Eiji for hel-… right, there was a talk to be had there.

I closed my eyes, silently mourning the loss I hadn't know I suffered until then, when the old man told me about the village being destroyed in war. I smiled, happy and proud, when he said that they were known and feared for their fuinjutsu. I was continuing their legacy, not just following my parents' steps. I had started because it was a connection, then I had liked it because it came natural to me and I could see its potential. But now… now I loved the Art of Seals.

Eventually, though, the tale came to an end.

"And about my father? ... What was my mother's name?" I asked then, my voice almost a whisper as I pushed the words past the lump in my throat.

"I can't tell you now," Jiji answered, her expression looking as hurt as I was sure mine was. "But I'll do it. I'll tell you when you turn into a Chuunin, Naruto. That's a promise."

I stared at him for a long moment before nodding. I could live with that. I had accepted to wait, back during my birthday. And that hadn't changed now. I knew a bit more now and I would know it all eventually. 'Soon,' I corrected mentally. 'I'll know all about them soon.'


Eiji PoV

Naruto was a bit too subdued after he came back. And the fact that he came back alone a good hour later than Sakura and Sasuke was concerning. That it was the Hokage who had stopped the blonde for a private talk was telling.

'Couldn't give me a heads up, could you, Hiruzen?' I wanted to sigh. What had the old man told my brother? There could be a number of answers to that question. About the Kyubi. About Kushina. About Jiraiya. I doubted it, but Minato was an option too.

And thus, why I was particularly nervous as we both sat alone at the table after everyone left.

"Jiji… told me about the fox," For a second there, I considered playing dumb. I instantly dismissed the thought. Lying to Naruto was not a good idea, much less about this. "He told me that you knew…" Thank Kami I hadn't followed that trap.

"He told me when we moved here," I admitted, and he nodded. For as expressive as my brother was, he was strangely unreadable now. It wasn't that he had a mask without emotion. It was just that the emotions he was displaying were difficult to read.

"Thank you, Eiji," I blinked.

'Huh?' I thought intelligently. That made no sense. I had expected him to be angry at me for hiding that. Or for him to be sad and hurt that I had betrayed his trust. Or maybe forgiving of that. But… thankful? It hadn't even crossed my mind.

"You… lost your parents in the attack… you told me that," He started and I nodded, still a bit dumbfounded. Eiji's parents had indeed died in the attack. 'Kami, how long has it been since I thought of Eiji as… not me?' "So… thanks… for not hating me like everyone does."

"Not everybody hates you, Naruto," I tried to say but he continued.

"I know… but nobody cared enough to help… before you," And then, his strange expression cleared and a sad smile took its place. "So, thanks, for staying with me after finding out."

"Idiot," I said, returning his smile. "You are my brother, you obnoxious brat."

"Didn't your sensei call you a brat too?" He shot back and then silence followed. "You know… Jiji also told me about my mother… or, really, about the Uzumaki, which is where I got my last name instead of my father. They were awesome at fuinjutsu, just like me! ..."

And then, what followed was my brother and I sharing a conversation about his family.

It was, surprisingly, a very happy night for the both of us despite the unpleasant secret revealed then.

[} Chapter End {]

Hey guys! How's it going?

Well, I'm not too happy about this chapter. Any of it, really. But I think it's as well done as I can get it to be at this moment.

What do you think about me having Hiruzen reveal the Kyuubi and the Uzumaki legacy to Naruto? What about his talk with Eiji? Please, let me know.

I'd also like to point out that I have reasons for Anko being Eiji's teacher (since several people complained about that) and none of them is for pairing's sake. I don't like to force pairings to be, at all, which usually ends up with even me not knowing what'll happen in that regard until it happens.

As always, if you can't wait until next week for next chapter, there's up to three new chapters in my Pa tre on:

P a treon . com (slash) AdrianKing

I'd also like to announce that the Voting for the new series is officially over with the Highschool DxD: SI Gamer Story coming out on top by a decisive margin.

No random question today.

Merry Christmas to you all.

See you.

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