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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto nor The Gamer. I own nothing, really.

Chapter 9

"Damnit!" My fist impacted with the scratched wall. Naruto's apartment laid in front of me looking like a tornado had passed right through it. There was nothing left unscathed. Everything was either broken or torn to pieces. Graffities covered the walls slandering my blond friend.

And I had to watch it. I had to watch the damage and my first friend going through the remains in search of something, anything that could be salvaged.

"It's safe!" The owner of the thrashed apartment shouted excited as he lifted something from in between some broken pieces of wood that could have been a shelf. It was a bowl of ramen. Even through my anger and sadness, that sight brought a tiny smile to my face.

"I know you like ramen, Naruto. But you should check your priorities." I commented in a tired voice. The ANBU remained silent just out the door.

"It's not that." Replied a sheepish Naruto as he held the bowl in an embrace. "It's… It's the bowl where you put the first batch of ramen you prepared for me." He explained looking at the trash covered floor and I could help but stare at him as a simple thought took place firmly inside my mind: 'Whoever did this better pray I don't find them.'

"Is there something else?" I asked trying to keep my voice as normal as was possible with an emotive lump on my throat. When he went back to searching, I turned towards the ANBU. "Is there a suspect for… this?" I asked evenly.

The ninja regarded me in silence for a long time, as if deciding if he should even bother answering my question. I understood. I was a nobody, a clanless orphan. The only thing distancing myself from a beggar was my place in the Academy as a student, but that made little difference, really.

"It's been investigated." He said after a while and I was just surprised he answered at all. Still, I nodded in acknowledgement. I prayed to every god I knew that the culprit would suffer.

"I'm done." I turned towards Naruto. He had the bowl and his toad-shaped wallet. That was it. I felt my blood boiling once more but I controlled myself. I needed to be here for Naruto now.

The ANBU placed his hands on our shoulders and I braced myself. In other circumstances, I would crack a joke or simply complain like the child I was about how awful side-along shunshin apparently was. It felt like being in a super powered rollercoaster. As it was though, I kept my mouth shut because I knew that if talked too much I would start ranting about the injustice of the stupid village.

A moment later, the three of us stood inside the Hokage office. There didn't seem to be anyone else inside, although I was sure there were ANBU guards somewhere. The village leader looked entirely unaffected by the events of the night and I was just about to tell him something about it when I froze. His eyes told me a different story. He was just as angry as I was. Good.

"Was that everything you could get, Naruto?" He asked, his tone was completely neutral. The blond boy beside me nodded weakly looking down. With a nod of his own, the Hokage dismissed the ANBU, who instantly vanished. "You could have left the bowl there. I'll provide you with new things in regards to that." He said turning back to us.

"It's important." Naruto said while shaking his head. When he didn't explain further before the elder man spoke again.

"I see." And after that silence permeated the room for long minutes before he proceeded: "I'll provide you with a new place to stay, Naruto. Is there anything you would like in your new home?" He asked and if he was of the same mind as me, he would provide just about anything that Naruto asked.

I let out a small smile. As shitty the whole situation was, I was happy for Naruto. He often complained about our apartments. They were really small. They didn't have any outside space aside from the tiny balcony. The kitchens sucked. There was barely space to keep our things.

So, I waited to hear what he would ask for. Maybe a house, with a big backyard so that we could hang out there too, aside from the others' compounds. Maybe a library that he would ask to be filled with awesome jutsu scrolls. Oh, I knew, he would surely ask for-

"I want enough space for Eiji to live with me." My mind went blank as my brain rebooted. Whatever I expected him to ask, that wasn't it. I turned towards him but he kept his eyes firmly locked on the Hokage's.

"Surely you know that your friend will be ok, Naruto." The leader replied. "You can ask for other things and have him visit you. He'll be ok." He explained.

"It doesn't matter." Naruto continued stubbornly before his expression softened. "I can't. I just can't go and live in a fancy place while he stays in those crappy apartments by himself." While he spoke, I struggled with my own emotions. Apparently, they didn't know if I should cry or smile at my friend's speech. "You know… This bowl…" He put it up for the Hokage to get a better look. "It's where he put the first batch of ramen that he made for me. He… He…" His expression and his voice denoted the struggle he was going through.

"Naruto, I don't think making a ramen for you accounts for-"

"He made food for me…" The blond interrupted getting a raised eyebrow from the Hokage. It hurt me just to hear him. His voice never should be so low and sad. It just wasn't him. "He made food for me when no one but Ichiraku's would sell it to me. I gave him my money and he made food for me, every time I asked."

It should be a testament to how much the leader of the village cared for Naruto that I saw his calm mask crack at that moment. It was almost unnoticeable but I saw his eyes harden and his jaw clench in suppressed anger for just a moment. Not to mention that the room's temperature seemed to drop a little. I gulped and continued looking between the two of them. I had no place in this conversation.

"What do you mean 'no one would sell it to you'?" The Hokage asked, his tone hiding everything that I had noticed.

"No restaurant would sell me food. The stores that would sell me ingredients would do so with really high prices." Naruto explained, his voice barely a whisper. There was a long pause after that in which Naruto stubbornly looked at the floor, the Hokage kept a stony expression and I… I didn't know quite what to do.

I had met the Hokage a few times when he decided to visit Naruto. But they went mostly by themselves and if I was there, I just stayed silent while they talked. It was clear to anyone that looked that the leader of Konoha saw Naruto as a grandchild of sorts. But I was just another Academy student.

"I see…" Was the response of the Sandaime and after those two words silence made its presence known once more as no one knew quite what to say or do.

"So… Can I?" Naruto asked, his voice regaining a bit of his former confidence. "Can I have a place where the two of us can live together?" Slowly, his tone raised and I grew worried of the Hokage's reaction. "I don't want to live in a fancy place while he stays in those shitty apartments. He's a friend, believe it."

"… You can." Was his answer after a moment of consideration and I could help but bow my head in appreciation. "I'll arrange for a place for you two. For now, Naruto, could you leave me alone with Eiji for a minute? I have something to discuss with him." I gulped as Naruto looked between us a few times before slowly leaving the room. Not a moment had passed before I felt my own body grow heavy just by having the full attention of the man who held the title of Shinobi no Kami. He could wipe me from existence with a mere twitch, I was sure.

"Is there anything else Naruto hasn't told me about the treatment he receives from the village?" The Hokage asked with his eyes boring holes on my skull. I gulped again before speaking.

"I… I don't know." When I saw the hint of a frown on his expression, I quickly started talking again. "When we walk on the streets people glare, scowl, some even curse at him. More often than not with the word demon mentioned at least once. As he told you, there aren't many that would sell him food. I suspect that there aren't many that would sell him anything, for that matter." I racked my brain searching for anything else to say before sighing. "I don't know much more. We've stayed within our group of friends." I said in the end while looking at my feet.

"You've been a good friend to Naruto." He mused after a long moment, although it seemed to be mostly for himself than for me so I stayed silent. "You don't have to be so nervous around me. I am grateful that you were there for him while I wasn't. I sometimes forget that the title of Hokage or Shinobi no Kami doesn't automatically mean that I know everything that goes on inside the village." I took a deep breath in to try and calm myself.

"If…" I couldn't help but hesitate before speaking. Speaking freely to authority figures was Naruto's thing. He was the main protagonist and he also had his Talk Jutsu. I didn't have either of those. Angering any of those could and most probably would end with my death. "If we live together, I may start getting the same treatment. There aren't many that have done so until now, but it may become a real concern."

"So, you decline his offer?" The Hokage asked, his tone and expression unreadable.

"No-Not really." I said quickly while fidgeting with my fingers. "It's just… we'll need help if that happens." I said while gulping once more. The damn lump on my throat refused to go down.

"I see… That's a reasonable fear." He said while humming and looking out the window for some long seconds. I idly realized that this was probably the most we had talked to one another. "I'll have someone restock your kitchen of everything you may need regularly." He explained after a moment. "For everything else that you aren't able to procure yourself due to this, I urge you to ask a teacher at the Academy or anyone with Jounin rank for assistance." He advised and I quickly nodded.

"Of course, thank you, Hokage-sama." I said respectfully bowing my head. That was a great reassurance for me. I had been growing worried ever since the first shop tried to overprice me.

"As I said, you can relax in my presence, Eiji." He said, this time his impassive face gave place to a reassuring smile. At that moment, I decided to do something exceedingly stupid. But what can I say? Naruto and his friendship speeches must have gotten to me.

"I… Would it be too much… If I asked why?" I asked nervously and he raised an eyebrow. "Why Naruto is treated the way he is?" I forced myself to say. Internally, I kept repeating to myself that it was a completely reasonable question. Not that it helped my growing fear as a frown threatened to appear in the Hokage's face.

"…" In the end, he sighed before once more looking out the window deep in thought. "What if I said that the Kyuubi didn't die in the battle with the Yondaime?" He asked and I didn't have to fake my surprise. I was shocked that he would actually answer and with the truth.

"… Hokage-sama?" I asked, my voice merely a whisper.

"You see, killing a creature made entirely out of chakra isn't an easy feat, if possible, at all." He continued. His gaze firmly set on the village's landscape that could be seen from his office. "So, the Yondaime chose the next best option. To seal it. Have you learned anything about seals in class?" He asked, as if asking about the weather and I took a moment to choke out my answer.

"Some… We've learned mostly about storage and explosive seals. Their uses, that is."

"Much like with a storage seal, he sealed the Kyuubi away. The problem is, sealing a chakra beast inside an inanimate object or an animal isn't an easy feat in normal circumstances, much less in the middle of an attack as was the case back then." He explained. "So, our Yondaime had to seal it inside a person. A baby, to be exact."

"Naruto…" I whispered, my façade was kept intact by the fact that I was genuinely affected by my friends fate. He really didn't deserve any of this shit.

"And from then on, he was seen as nothing but the very beast he contains by most people in this village. Contrary to our Yondaime's wishes of him being considered a hero for imprisoning the Kyuubi." The tale ended and silence reigned the office once more, this time heavier than before. "I'm curious though. What are your thoughts in the matter, Eiji?"

"If you expect me to turn my back on him," I spoke with much more confidence than any other time while in the company of the Hokage. "then you will be severely disappointed." This time, the smile the man gave me looked… different.

"I'm pleased to hear that, truly I am." He said as he hummed in approval. "Sadly, I must ask you to keep this a secret." I stayed silent for a moment, to see if he had something else to say, before answering.

"If I may ask why?" I asked hesitantly. I didn't know if I was pushing boundaries, maybe I had been for the whole conversation.

"I wonder that myself sometimes." He said and for a split second he looked exactly like the very old leader he was, like the man that had survived three world wars while seeing his people die. For the same length of time, I wondered to myself why he was being so open with me. I was just a kid that was friendly with Naruto. Naruto meant a lot to Hiruzen, but this was… strange, at the very least. "As it is, the reveal of this knowledge could make your group have a different reaction than yours." He finished.

"I don't believe that would be the case." I knew we could trust Shika and Chouji, at the very least. I wanted to trust Shino, but he hadn't joined our group until two months ago and he kept mostly to himself for most of that time. "But I'll keep it a secret, Hokage-sama."

"I have lived for long and through a lot, Eiji." He replied. "I know when someone lies to me." I winced and looked away before sighing.

"I… I can't promise that I won't tell them if I feel they need to know." I admitted, preparing myself for whatever he decided to do with me. Maybe a Yamanaka would be called to deal with my memory of the conver-

"Understandable." I was, once again, baffled by the openness he showed.

"Why?" I was able to gasp out and he directed a warm smile towards me before looking to the side.

"You remind me of someone." Turning to follow his eyes, I saw a row of frames in the wall. Frames of the previous Hokage of Konoha. I didn't have to be a Nara to know who he was referring to. 'No pressure.' I thought nervously to myself. "I believe your new home arrangements have been taken care of, Eiji. Naruto must be waiting for you to go with him to see it and get settled in."

I nodded slowly, my gaze still locked with the picture of a blond man with blue eyes, much too similar to my friend. I didn't even bother questioning how he had gotten a house so fast and without asking anyone to do it. He was the freaking Hokage, things like this shouldn't be too surprising. I turned my head to the Sandaime and nodded once more, this time with a completely different meaning, gesture that he returned with a small smile. Turning around and leaving the office, I felt much more determined than I ever did.

Despite what many would think, I didn't feel detached from this world even though I had first known about it as a simple entertainment. No, I had lived in it for months, talked to its people, interacted with the village. And I had made friends inside it. I had done the opposite to what one would expect. I had grown attached to it.

So, it was with a great deal of pride that I took the expectations the Sandaime placed on me and held my head high as I stepped outside the room. However, that thought left me pretty quickly as my eyes landed on Naruto. Because growing attached to this world meant something else too. I had grown to care about some of its inhabitants, about my friends.

Someone would have to pay for hurting my friend.


After another absolutely nauseating trip via Shunshin by another ANBU, Naruto and I stood in front of a small two-story house that looked-

"Cozy." My Jinchuriki friend whispered, almost in awe of the place.

"It does look like that." I said with a small smile. "Let's have a look inside, shall we?" I asked before turning to the ANBU, who already had extended an arm holding the keys to the place.

"Hokage-sama said the taxes would be taken care of until your graduation." She informed us and I nodded while taking the keys and looking them over. Once my eyes went up again, she wasn't there anymore. I resisted the urge to sigh.

"They are awesome, aren't they?" Naruto said while looking at the spot where the ANBU had been standing. He was grinning, but he wasn't fooling me. He was much more subdued than I had ever seeing him. I put a hand on his shoulder and we moved towards the house.

Stepping in, we were received by a small entrance hall. The rest of the ground floor was occupied by a dinning room, a kitchen, a sitting room, a laundry room and a toilet room. The first floor had three bedrooms and a bathroom. Everything was pretty small, but considering that it would be just the two of us and maybe a guest, it was more than enough. Maybe it would be even less, considering that we could turn the third bedroom into a workshop or something. Something to think about.

However, what really had both of us looking around in awe was the garden. There was enough space for a sparing circle, and some mid-range Shurenjutsu.

"Look at all this space!" Naruto laughed madly while spinning as if trying to take in everything at the same time. "Although, we definitely have to put some plants here, it looks so boring." He added, almost pouting and I sighed. 'Make it short-range Shurikenjutsu', I thought to myself. Still, I had a smile through the whole tour before I frowned as I looked at the clock.

"We should go to bed. Or we won't wake up on time tomorrow." I reminded Naruto, making him look at me scandalized.

"How can you think about school when we have a new house. We have a new house. Do you follow me?" He said looking at me like I had said ramen was the worst kind of food.

"And we have classes tomorrow." I replied while doing my best to keep a straight face. His whole head twitched as if his brain was shaking trying to understand what I was talking about and I wasn't able to hold it anymore. My blond friend could only pout and grumble as I held my stomach in laughter.

"You are so mean sometimes, Eiji." He said crossing his arms and looking away. I wiped a tear from my eye and I put my hand on his head as if he was a child. His pout intensified.

"What do you say about checking if the kitchen has enough to make ramen?" I asked and his expression changed to an eager one instantly. I shook my head as he started running towards the kitchen.

"What kind of question is that?!" He shouted from inside, probably already sitting in the dinning room. I was proven wrong though, as when I was entering the house once more through the garden door, I saw Naruto placing the bowl he had taken from his apartment on a shelf. I stopped on my tracks to look at him.

"You did wash that thing, didn't you?" I asked and he froze before turning to me sweating bullets and scratching the back of his neck. "Go wash it while I cook. I'm not going to touch it." I shook my head as he started washing it, a smile firmly on my face though.

It didn't take long for Naruto's excitement to wash off, probably due to everything that had happened during the day. Even he had his limits sometimes. Soon, I found myself sitting on the dinning room with the distant sound of my friend's snores coming through from the first floor. The only light on in the ground floor was that of the kitchen showering my back and projecting my shadow over the table in front of me.

I sat there, pondering over what had happened and what I would do about it. Because no matter what he acted like, I knew Naruto had been hurt. He had been through a lot, but this kind of thing didn't happen often. At least lately, as I had never seeing it happen during the months I had been here.

Suddenly, my musings were stopped as I saw a blur move in front of me and vanish as quickly as it had appeared. Blinking, I was about to dismiss it as just me being tired but that was proven wrong when I saw a small note, innocently sitting at the end of my shadow over the table.

Hesitantly standing up, I walked around the wooden piece of furniture until I took the piece of paper in my hand. In it were just a few words:

Kobu Inuzuka

What are you going to do?


Third Person PoV

"You told him." Danzo said, his tone as neutral as his expression.

"I did." Hiruzen nodded, his face and voice mimicking that of what people believed to be one of his greatest enemies.

"You think he won't tell the others?"

"I think he will, when he deems it the right moment to do so."

"And you trust him to choose well?"

"I don't know."

"You don't want to choose."

Silence was everything the war hawk needed as an answer.

"That, and I saw something in him." The Sandaime finally relented.

"You believe him to be his second coming?" The Hokage simply shook his head giving an almost amused smile that didn't reach his eyes. "For a moment I thought you were going senile. It was good while it lasted." Danzo commented. That got a light chuckle from his 'leader'.

"No, not yet." Hiruzen replied still smiling. "He is similar. But it's a bit too soon to tell."

"We'll see soon enough." As these words left the Shimura's mouth, the Sandaime's eyes narrowed.

"Did you do something? Did you have something to do with what happened?"

"Of course not. Although, if I did, do you think I would admit it?"

"So, yes and no, huh?" Now, it was the war hawk's time to chuckle. "What are you trying to do?"

For the longest time, the question went unanswered. Before the last words were said and the Hokage was left alone to ponder in his office.

"I'm trying to follow your example, Hiruzen."

[} Chapter End {]

Hey guys! How's it going?

Well, I think I'll spare everything of my self-confidence issues for now and not comment on how nervous I am about this chapter.



Anyhow! Before you leave a review telling me how idiotic it is to have the Sandaime telling Eiji about the Kyuubi, I want everyone to take a second to tell me why it should be such a secret? Everyone that matters knows Naruto is the Jinchuriki. The only ones that don't are the younger generation, which isn't so important in my opinion. So, I took a leap and decided to have Hiruzen tell our MC about it.

Honestly, the only reason I found for the secret to exist was because Hiruzen hoped the Law would keep Naruto save… We all know that wasn't the case.

If you still think I'm being an idiot, feel free to tell me. I would like to know your opinion's in the matter. Chances are that I made a stupid decision with this. I wouldn't put it past me.

Writing Hiruzen as a whole was a painful thing to do, not to mention writing him interaction with Danzo at the end. I hope I didn't mess it up.

Question Number 1: What do you think about the pacing of the story?

Question Number 2: Can you think about any Energy based skills you would like to see? I'm curious what you people can come up with.

See you.

PS: I wonder if this will be the chapter where I'll get the flaming of my life and I'll have to rewrite it entirely. It wouldn't surprise me.

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