Jaime Lannister- Chickens (c)

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You had spent your life living on your family farm where you worked now, rarely travelling to the local market and having little reason to go anywhere else. It was a very secluded life, only befriending the other farmhands and a few local farmers when business was to be discussed, and with no visitors, it was rare you got to speak with anyone else. That was why you were confused but rather excited when an armour-clad man arrived on horseback.

You had been alone in the farm house when he arrived, your father off to the market to sell some of your produce the farm made, leaving you to run the home and your general jobs, whilst farmhands arrived daily to work the fields, having no reason to enter your home.

The man had introduced himself as Ser Jaime, a member of the king's guard whom had been travelling back to King's Landing when his supplies had fallen short and he needed the bare necessities to get him back to the capital.

That was two days ago, him having taken to the spare room to rest before heading off on the journey ahead of him. You had never met a knight before, nor had you met anyone from King's Landing, but he seemed nice enough and certainly appreciated the break from his life your farm was offering him.

"I need to do my chores, milord," you stated grabbing your bucket of feed and the basket you would need to return eggs in. "I should not be long, but I shall return when they are completed."

He rose from his seat at the table, having eaten the humble breakfast that you made him.

"Do let me help," he smiled softly. "You had offered me far more help than I asked for, I must repay my gratitude."

"Ser Jaime, do not take offence but have you ever had to do chores before?" You questioned.

Jaime offered you a sheepish smile, running a hand through his blond hair, almost looking apologetic for his noble upbringing and lack of housework that he has had to do before.

"It is never too late to learn," he said. "I just wish to help."

You nodded your head, handing him the heavy bucket of feed, leading him out of the house to the coop where your chickens lived. Although the main produce of your farm came from the fields, it had come useful to own chickens to always have eggs for the home. It had started with just a couple but soon the coop had been extended and you were far outnumbered by the feathered beasts.

Placing your fingers between your lips you whistled to get the attention of the birds, a rush coming out of the coop into their fenced off garden. You knew that Jaime had faced far more fearsome beasts than some chickens, but you could see his face become pale as he was surrounded and pecked by them. Before he was able to say or do anything, he was swarmed by the birds, losing his balance and falling into the dirt, allowing the bucket to spill their feed out across their pen.

You couldn't help but laugh at him even though you quickly rushed to his aid. Leaning down you offered him a hand.

"Are you okay?" You asked, trying your best to not laugh.

"Yeah," he said allowing you to assist him to his feet.

"Are you sure?"

You assisted him in brushing off the chicken feed and the general dirt that he had gained on him from the fall. He nodded his head, smiling at you. You had no idea why he was smiling at you; he had just been knocked off of his feet by a heard of birds, but you couldn't deny that you liked his smile.

"I am fine," he assured. "Actually, I am better than I have ever been."

You cocked an eyebrow at him. He was a peculiar man. Although this was the life you had always lived and you certainly wouldn't change it for the world, you were confused as to how this was better than a lavish life of a nobleman or the esteem he would receive through being a member of the kings guard.

"I don't quite understand."

"You are refreshing to be around," he commented. "In Kings Landing, I spent most of my time in the company of my sister. You are as far from her as I could ever dream. Even just having concern over a fall has made your kind heart clear."

A red hue fell upon your cheeks as he moved a hand to cup your cheek, forcing you to make eye contact with him, which you were trying to avoid.

"I was a complete stranger, yet you deemed it fit to invite me into your home and treat me as though I am an old friend. I have never been so honoured to be in the presence of someone. Even though it has only been a couple of days, spending time with you has made life feel worth living again."

You weren't used to compliments, especially off of a handsome man. You had no idea what to say in response but luckily there wasn't a chance to say anything before his lips had captured your own.


Written by Charlotte.

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