Jaime Lannister- Love (c)

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Although your relationship wasn't the most conventional, you had been content with how things were and unfazed by the concept that your love may not be all that it seemed. The certainty began to falter though when you had overheard noblewomen giggling amongst themselves about your beloved and how they could court him easily; when you compared yourself to them, maybe they would be better suited to him.

You had worked since you could walk, taking any job that could come your way to help bring in a bit more money for your family to try and get by until you ended up working in the palace of Kingstanding. Being a maid wasn't a respectable job by any means but working for the Iron Throne, did mean that it was definitely one of the best jobs available for someone at your standing. That was where you met Jaime. He was at the other end of the spectrum as the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, seen as one of the highest standing men in this part of Westeros.

At first you thought you would be just another piece of dirt to be overlooked by him but he for some reason cared about you and it wasn't long until you were in the full swing of a secret affair, both knowing that his sister would not take kindly to Jaime courting anyone, especially not a servant. He had given you no reason to think he didn't love you, but with the thoughts playing on your mind, it didn't take long before he noticed that you were acting off.

"What is going on in your mind, my love?" He questioned, his hand encompassing yours to rub his thumbs along the reverse of your palm.

"Nothing," you whispered, a false smile on your face that wasn't convincing either of you of happiness.

"I cannot help if you do not let me know what is wrong."

You took a moment before finally looking him in the eye again, seeing the true concern that was contained within them.

"I just don't understand how you could love me when you could have any woman in Westeros," you sighed. "I am worthless compared to you."

Jaime moved to cup your cheeks lovingly, his eyes roaming across your features, taking in every piece of you. He cared for you more than you could ever fathom.

"I love you with all of my heart," he assured you. "I do not care of your status, you are my Queen, regardless of your actual standing."

He leaned in to press a kiss to your forehead, letting his arms envelope you in a warm embrace to ensure you could feel loved and appreciated in a world that tried its best to make sure you never felt either.


Written by Charlotte.

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