Robb Stark- Reconnect (c)

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You had first met Robb Stark when you were a young girl, long before you cared for boys or even considered that you would have to be wed one day. When your father told you that you were betrothed, you didn't care, preferring to just play with him and cause havoc with him and his brother Jon but maybe you should have cared more. Now years later, the two of you had been apart until today, not knowing anything past the young children you had once known but now you were a young woman and your marriage was imminent. You were grateful that you were allowed to get to know him again before your wedding but that didn't make it any easier.

Robb had taken you on a tour of Winterfell, the place that was from now your home even though you would desperately miss your southern home. He was kind and pointed out areas of interest but neither of you knew quite what to say. By the time the sun had set, the two of you were completely lost in silence, stood outside, hoping for things to go well but neither of you knowing what to say. You were stood by each other's side and with the drowning silence, you felt that you had to say something to break the nerves that the reunion caused.

"The stars look especially lovely tonight," you commented, looking up.

It wasn't a lie. The stars did look beautiful and normally you wouldn't have noticed, too consumed by conversation but seen as that was heavily lacking, you were able to appreciate the natural beauty that Winterfell offered.

"So, do you," Robb said softly, not looking up from his feet.


He turned to you, gaining your undivided attention.

"You have truly grown into a beautiful woman. I must apologise for not learning more past the outward beauty, but my father has said you are a very intelligent and capable woman, even competent with a sword," he smiled.

"Did you think I would slack on our training Stark?" You laughed. "I shall beat you at a duel yet."

As children, the two of you dueled through the courtyard with wooden swords, not that you ever won but you still enjoyed competing with him regardless. Even though he felt like a stranger now, you still had your childhood memories to bring you back together.

"I doubt that you could even raise a sword from the ground," he said pointedly.

"I shall prove you wrong tomorrow," you stated.

The two of you begun to laugh before continuing to share your memories and reconnect the two people that had once been inseparable.


Written by Charlotte.

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