Robb Stark- Husband and Wife: Part 8 (c)

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It only took one small interaction to feel as though the whole relationship had changed. No longer did you feel that you had to avoid your husband, nor grimace at the thought that Robb was in fact your husband. It still didn't feel like you were a married couple, but you also didn't feel as though you were strangers or at most acquaintances.

Regularly over the coming two weeks, Robb met you at your chambers to ask you to accompany him. It did not matter what he had planned, whether to show you around the castle; to take a stroll along with his direwolf, Grey Wind; to sneak desserts from the kitchen; or even to watch him train in the courtyard, he asked you to join him, and you always said yes. You had become fond of joining him for the day and found that conversation came easily now that you stopped thinking too much about it.

Today he excitedly knocked at your chambers door to ask you to accompany him to the gardens of the keep. They may be cold and with a layer of snow coating everything, but they were oddly beautiful to take a walk through.

You walked for a while until you reached the edge of the frozen river, pausing to look at the landscape. Your hands were entwined, tucked into the pocket of his coat to try and stop the attack of frostbite.

Maybe it was the closeness you felt in this moment to him, or the growing relationship over the past few weeks, but it finally felt like the time to tell him what was going on, especially as soon it would not be possible to hide the fact any longer.

"Robb, may I tell you something?" You said softly, your words causing a puff of vapour in front of you.

"Anything," he smiled fondly.

You took a deep breath, not sure how he would accept the news. Truly you did not know this man too well, but you were carrying his child and you needed to let him know and accept his reaction regardless.

"A few weeks ago, I spoke with Maester Luwin due to my sickness," you stated.

"I thought you were feeling better," he said, furrowing his brows.

You nodded your head. "For the most part, I am. I spoke to Maester Luwin before you even spoke to me about it. I just didn't know how to tell you, because at the time we weren't even talking, and this was quite big."

Robb continued to look confused seen as you weren't actually telling him what was going on.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner," you said, your lip starting to quiver, partially from the cold and also from the overwhelming formation of emotion. "I'm pregnant."

As it had with you, it took a moment for the news to hit Robb. A smile curled across his lips, one of true joy, one you had not yet seen from him.

"We only..." he trailed off, not sure how to word it without making you feel uncomfortable.

"I know," you nodded. "Our wedding night."

Robb took his other hand from his pocket, so that he was able to take both of your hands within his.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked, taking a step closer to you, not allowing any gap between you.


With that simple word, your first real kiss came to be. Unlike the loveless peck on your wedding day, you longed for the warmth of his lips, feeling an uncontrollable fondness for the man before you.


Written by Charlotte.

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