Level 22: Zombie X

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Starting off with Ryan alone in the warehouse doing his research after the betrayal of the two bugster Kamen Riders. Now he was feeling a bit odd but none the less he was close as he needed 3 more bugster data. However things went sour for him as first off he was raided by the ministry of health agents

Ryan: "What the hell?!"

Agent 1: "Ryan Mercer you're here by of suspicion of spreading the bugster virus. As of now we'll be confiscating all of your belongings." Then the agents went to take all of his stuff and Ryan tries to stop them but when he lays down he wasn't feeling well and had signs of the bugster virus

Ryan: "Dam it!"


Kadoya was with Kiriya and the reason why he's with Kiriya is because if there's one thing he wanted to do is to eliminate Ryan but not full on kill him just to stop anything he would plan on doing and Kirya gave him his laptop which had a file on reprogramming and to which this was news for him but was cut quickly as Kadoya got a call from the game scope

Meanwhile again

Noire, Katsujuro, Taiga, and Nico were just walking around and Noire and Nico congratulate for the success of getting his gashats back and that they were excited because Katsujuro paid Tsukuru to create a gashat that allows to kill zombies like Ryan for example which had become something Katsujuro is excited for but Katsujuro was called on the game scope

Meanwhile third time

As Katsujuro and Kadoya were met with not only the agents of the ministry of health but also a bugster: Charlie on a bike

Kadoya: "What the hell?"

Ray: He shows up as well as Asuka "Well great another dam bugster. This is why I hate Ryan...actually scratch that I now despise him."

Asuka: "What does that suppose to mean?!"

Ray: "It means that i'll eliminate the bugster for good." Then he puts on his driver and takes out the Mighty Brothers XX gashat

Mighty Brothers XX!

Ray: "Henshin!" Then he inserts the gashat onto his driver and opens the lever

Double Gashat! Gachan! Level Up! Mighty Brothers! Futari de Hitori! Mighty Brothers! Futari de Victory, X!

Ray: He closes the lever "D~a~i~ Henshin!" Then he closes the lever opens it back up

Gachon! Gachan! Double Up! Ore ga Omae de! Omae ga Ore de! (We are!) Mighty! Mighty! Brothers (Hey!) Double X!

Rays: "Now it's time to clear this game co-op style. Even though there a few things that I hate about this." Then the two went after Charlie though it's stupid of them because they're trying to go after someone on a bicycle

Kadoya: "Ok that's new."

Fujikawa: He and Parado appeared how? Don't answer rhetorical question "Well now this is new."

Katsujuro: "Oh look if it isn't the guy who has copyrighted my armor."

Fujikawa: "I would respect you but..the difference is that you'll be receiving a tactical nuke down your throat

Kadoya: "Jesus Christ why is everyone being so mean?"

Parado: "Because I don't know. But enough talk let's play."

Fujikawa: "Phrase it." Then the two take out their gashat gear dual and twist it to their game

Perfect Puzzle! What's the next stage! What's the next stage!

Taddle Fantasy! Let's going king of fantasy! Let's going king of fantasy!

Kadoya: "Man first Blanc whacked me after reading her work and then Poppy chasing after me just because I ate her cake?" He sighs "Typical Mondays." He puts on his driver and takes out his gashat "Proceeding to level two."

Taddle Quest!

Katsujuro: "Trust me Mondays sucks back when I was a doctor. It was like a train rushing through a wall." He puts on his driver and takes out the gashat gear dual and twist it to Bang Bang Simulation "Mission 50."

Bang Bang Simulation! I'm ready for battleship! I'm ready for battleship!

Kadoya, Fujikawa, Katsujuro, and Parado: "Henshin." The bugster duo press the button on their gashat and insert it onto their holster while the doctors insert their gashats and open the lever

Gashat/Dual gashat! Gachan level/dual up! Dual gashat! Gachan! Dual up! Scramble da! Shutsugeki Hasshin! Bang Bang Simulatio~ns! Hasshin!/Taddle Meguru! Taddle Meguru! Taddle Quest~!/Get the glory in the chain! Perfect Puzzle!/Satan appeared! Say "Ma~ou"! Taddle Fatasy!

Katsujuro: "Mission start."

Kadoya: "Commencing bugsters removal operation." Then it became a battleground where everyone started fighting and it became battleground Charlie was riding around while the two Rays were fed up and takes out the Shakariki Sport gashat and press the button

Shakariki Sports!

Then a bike was summoned was then it became a bike chase and that was when the other Ray grabs a power up item


L-Side Ray: "Hey over here." Then the bugster stopped and looks at R-side Ray to which it went towards him and then L-side summons the gashacon key slasher to which when R-side went towards L-side, R-side moves out of the way and then L-side slashes Charlie to which it started flying out of its bike

Charlie: "See You!" Then it went inside of the host to which everyone's surprised it was Ryan

Rays: "...FUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC-" Then the two close their lever and removed the gashat from the driver causing the two become one "REALLY?!"

Fujikawa: "Well that sucks. Hey Ray cure him so that I can get my revenge!" Then the bugster duo fled and Kadoya and Katsujuro's armor disappear

Katsujuro: "I swear to Black Heart this has got to be a joke."

Ray: He sighs "I can't believe i'm gonna say this but." He then looks at the agents for the ministry of health "Guys you won't arrest the patient."

Agent 1: "Are you insane?!"

Ray: "Nope what's the point of taking him if he'll die before you'll get the chance of getting information on him."

Agent 1: He sighs "You know this will lead to some punishments you'll be dealt with if he fled."

Ray: "I swear to Purple Heart that I will make sure he's cured and then will be back in custody."


Back at CR Kadoya was not there because he couldn't even bother on helping Ryan and as for Poppy and Ray, Poppy was hitting Ray multiple time in the head and Ray was getting sick of it as much as Poppy is but he still must know that he must cure patients from the bugster virus

Ryan: "Why are-"

Ray: "Shut up and don't talk."

Ryan: "Why are you helping me anyways?"

Ray: "I said shut up. If you want to know i'm only doing this because you're a patient and you're not leaving until you're cured."

Ryan: "What did I do to you?

Ray: "Let's see you killed someone and your obsession of being a god started harming others!" Then his eyes glow red

Ryan: "Please forgive me!"

Ray: "Forgiveness for you?! Tch you disgust me."

Ryan: "Look I never meant to done any of this!" He cries "I'm sorry please forgive me."

Ray: "Why the hell should I care about you?"

Ryan: "I thought you care about your patients!"

Ray: His eyes stop glowing "Yeah but once i'm done with you, you're just a man who'll make people suffer. Making people deal with the virus and what's worst is that you..." He then stops ranting "Never mind."


Katsujuro, Taiga, and Nico were at Genm Corp talking with Tsukuru about the game that'll be effective against Ryan

Katsujuro: "Alright Tsukuru now what kind of game name you got. Shoot me, not literally."

Tsukuru: "Well then here's the game name." Then he shows the image of the name

Tsukuru: "It is called Buddhist Priest of Temple!" Then everyone in the room froze and resume back to their work

Katsujuro: "I swear that's the worst name. Also please try again with the name of the game and don't use priest as a part of the game." Then they look at the empty gashat

Kadoya: He makes his way towards them with the laptop "You guys can talk about what the game is about and the name later because I have something that can help you with the gashat." Then he started downloading the reprogramming data "Now we just sit and wait until this is done."

Katsujuro: "Well if it's gonna take long than i'm gonna play some games."


Ray was not happy of the situation he decided and Ryan was still trying to talk to him

Ray: "..."

Ryan: "..."

Poppy: "...Come on Ray at least smile."

Ray: "I swear it won't happen but..." He glares at Ryan "Why in the hell do you want to attack the CPU goddess?"

Ryan: "What's it to you?"

Ray: "I'm friends with them and one of the four is my girlfriend."

Ryan: "Hey can you tell me about the one girl you know the one CPU who looks and sounds like she's a dominatrix."

Ray: "Plutia what's it to you?"

Ryan: "Look what is she like?"

Ray: "What the hell?! She probably won't be your type. In any case even if she is she's a lazy goddess who likes to make plushies of friends."

Ryan: "Look when i'm cured can you at least introduce me to her?"

Ray: "Probably but why if you piss her off you'll get the whip in her CPU form there's a reason why nobody dared to anger her.

Ryan: "Deal." Then he started to collapse onto the ground and then Charlie appears

Charlie: "Come Back!"

Ray: "Crap." Then he puts on his driver and then takes out his gashat

Mighty Brothers XX!

Ray: "Henshin." Then he inserts the gashat onto the driver and opens the lever

Double Gashat! Gachan! Level Up! Mighty Brothers! Futari de Hitori! Mighty Brothers! Futari de Victory, X!

Then he press the kimewaza button to select the stage

Stage select!

The two were at a pier and this is when they attack each other


Back at Genm Corp. as they were just waiting for the download of the reprogramming do be done they heard screams outside

Kastsujuro: "I'm not a security camera but I think there's a bugster around. Kadoya go out and deal with them." He toss him the gashat gear dual β at him

Kadoya: "Tch." Then he went out and puts on his driver and sees hordes upon hordes of bugsters how it happened he don't know but what he knows is that he's pissed "WHY THE HELL DO I GOTTA DEAL WITH ALL OF THIS BULLS**T?!" Then he twist the dial to Taddle Fantasy

Taddle Fantasy! Let's going king of fantasy! Let's going king of fantasy!

Kadoya: "Proceeding to level 50. Henshin!" Then he inserts the gashat onto his driver and opens the lever

Dual gashat! Gachan! Dual Up! Tadoru Meguru RPG! Taddle Fantasy~! 

Then he went to town against the bugsters

Meanwhile with Ray

Ray already went into Double XX form with two Rays dealing with Charlie now was it hard? No not really as they had it so easy that every attack were a simple action in a game. Anyhow the two close the lever

Gachon! Kimewaza!

Then the two open the lever together

Gachan! Mighty Double critical strike!

And the two went all out on the kicks which resulted in them defeating Charlie but Charlie was absorbed by Ryan himself as he was laughing

Ray L-side: "What the hell?!"

Ryan: "Well then looks like you fell for it. A bunch of idiots!"

Ray R-side: "What are you talking about?!

Ryan: "It was obvious I purposely infected myself to gain data and plus..." Then he shows the unfinished Kamen Rider Chronicle gashat and press the button to show a screen "With the more enemies you faced and the more data I obtained i'm one step closer to creating Kamen Rider Chronicle!"

Rays: "Kamen Rider...Chronicle?"

Ryan: "A game where everyone can play to survive and beat the boss!"

Rays: "Are you insane that can result in the lives of others?!"

Ryan: "Maybe, maybe not. But there's one thing you should know. I really really hated your niceness crap. Acting like you're a hero but in reality there's nothing heroic about you, you were just pawns to my game."

Ray R-side: "Tch what can you do? You're gashat is just a level ten meaning we're gonna be on the same power." Then Ryan laugh "What's so funny?"

Ryan: "Ray you'll face judgement of X."

Rays: "X?"

Ryan: "Exactly you simpleton for you see this gashat is a level X which in roman numeral means ten but it has another meaning. An undefined meaning this gashat is by far even stronger than it once was!" Then he puts on the gashacon bugvisor with the buckle


Rays: "If I can beat you once with the gashat I made then i'll do it again!"

Ryan: "Don't be cocky!" Then he takes out his gashat and press the button

Dangerous Zombie!

Then he inserts it onto the driver


Ryan: "HENSHIN!!!" Then he press the red button

Buggle Up! Danger! Danger! (Genocide!) Death the Crisis! Dangerous Zombie! (Zombie Screech)

Then the two Ray went to attack which at first they thought it worked but it did nothing, absolutely nothing Ryan had surpassed them to where it couldn't be used against him


As Kadoya already in his level 50 form and then Katsujuro already in his level 2 form helped him

Kadoya: "What the? Is that gashat complete?"

Katsujuro: "Yep." Then he removes the gashat from his driver


Katsujuro: "Now it's time to exceed everyone here." Then he takes out the empty gashat and inserts it onto the driver


Then he opens it

Gachan! Error!

Katsujuro: "What the?" Then he opens and closes again only for his armor to disappear


Ryan already had enough of the two and he press the 'B' button on his driver twice

Critical Dead!

Then a bunch of zombies rose from the ground and they all look like Ryan's level X form and they swarmed the two Ray which the two couldn't escape from as they all exploded and the two returned to one and Ray's armor disappear

Ryan: "You're journey ends here." Ray gets up

Ray: "IT'S NOT!!!"

Ryan: "Check your driver and say that back to me." Then Ray looks at his driver to find it totaled unable to be use to transform "With that your journey ends here." Then he left


As The two were dealing with the amount of zombies swarming them they all stopped attacking as Ryan walking without his armor and was wearing a suit starting walking into Genm Corp. and not even did the two decided to fight because the look on his face say that 'you can't beat me'. Ryan made his way back to his office and as he looks from the window and looks at the Kamen Rider Chronicle gashat

Ryan: "Soon this game will be a reality."

Next time on Game Start!

Ray: In a monotone voice "What can I do? I have nothing to help others."

Kadoya: "Dam you!"

Katsujuro: "Are you even a Kamen Rider?!"

Ray: "I'm a doctor first!"

Fujikawa: "Time for action!"

Ryan: "No one will get in my way!"

Ray: "Max Dai Henshin!"

Fujikawa: "Ciao."

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