Prizes for peeps and art dump .3

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This is the oneshot for Gmrsugarart since Dino doesn't want her's , you and Lils get the 1,000+ Oneshots.
Let me know what you guys want for that —


The rain had hit the ground at a steady pace the female hitsune noticed and glanced upwards at a tall figure looming towards her.

It was him. She growled to herself and she turned away from him as he sat down next to her.

" Mavis — "

" You spread those awful rumors about me Todd... They told me you did.. "

" I wanted to keep people away from you; they'd hurt you ! " his voice trembled and he reached for Mavis' shoulder.

" You hurt me bad.. " Mavis glanced over at Todd and crossed her legs. Todd didn't say anything and placed his hands under her chin, leaning in and pressing his lips softly onto her's.

It felt ..  comforting. Her feelings swelled over her heart and she trembled a bit because of it.

" Todd — "

" I just ... Care .. what I did was out of fear of losing you .. "

Mavis reached for Todd, her eyes locked onto him and she hugged him, running her fingers through his hair, trying to soothe the unsteady male who had began to cry.

She closed her eyes and hummed a soft melody, one her mother might have sung for her and Todd glanced up at her.

" Why didn't you join choir , your voice is ... Is beautiful .. "

" I.. " she had thought long and hard about it and the she only huffed and hugged him, as rain bounced around them.

(Words : 256)

So , this is for the last art contest that had been... A while ago, I finished Lils' stuff and here you go EnderLoverGirl , I finished the FrUk you wanted -3-

This piece is based off of Hetalia : Paint It White . I heard it was basically FrUk the movie xDD

This one was because I didn't want to draw Francis' uniform so.. yeah xD

I still gotta redesign Angelo , but I am almost done with that so .P

Also, almost done with an art trade.. Lucas kind of looks bad xD

Also, I finally drew Azreal / The other side of Fate !

He's the "bad side" . He's the one who's apathetic, cold, cunning, decieveful, pesstimistic, all of Fate's bad thoughts linger, wants to watch the world burn, the "master mind" , lustful for praise and acceptance.

He's the submissive side of the Shattered Demon relationship, meaning he doesn't front that much unless Fate wants him to -!

And he usually fronts because Fate is a human and is the prince of the demon realm so—
Azreal fronts to take charge

And this is Iris. Shes the embodiment of my social anxiety and just anxiety in general.

She has a skin condition and ... She's very soft spoken and awkward.

This is Xavier, he's a representation of my bad mood swings. Don't ask for his personality, it switchs from time to time

And then we have Echo, she's the representation of me that is basically my "social life" (mainly on wattpad—)

She "echoes" (heh—) what is going on and basically looks for the mood and sort of 'copies' it.

Xavier and Echo hate each other and she co-acts with Iris .. !

So ... Ye ?
Lils, I am working on your Oneshots and I am going to keep them fluffy for you úwù

Have a good day / night everyone

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