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Katsuki huffs as the peak of the mountain is just infront of him. He could already feel the gush of winds and the orange color of the sky, which means the sun is setting.

As he finally saw the clearing he felt pride swelling up and he grins happily.--

Until he saw that someone had actually hiked- climbed first and is sitting- he let out a low growl feeling defeated. "Who the fuck-" he grumble out to himself until his red eyes caught the look in the person, the girl's eyes.

He can see how it's someone who's longing for-

He swallowed back his cursing and quiet down. But it doesn't mean he'll just leave.

It's not like she owns the place. He can still enjoy his own time. He decided it sounds fair to himself and so he continued to walk to the clearings.

His footsteps obviously earns the girl's attention. But he didn't mind it since the girl also didn't say anything. She did, make a face of realisation. Probably she knew him from the international tv or the sorts. He is an aspiring hero-to-be.

Katsuki halfly felt relief when he see she didn't seem uncomfortable with him there. Most people do give an 'I'm-uncomfortable-around-you' vibes to him after all.

He looks around and frowns when he realise the other side had bushes and- "If you want to enjoy the view, here have the best one." He do not get surprised. He's a hero-to-be dammit.

He didn't jump nor flinch. But he certainly didn't expect for her to say anything.

"I'm not trying to hit on you, if you're wondering. I've come here for the last years and I can say, this spot is the best one." The girl continued afterwards. "Come, you'll miss the sunset."

That certainly caught Katsuki's attention. "Fine. But if it sucks, I'll blow your ass." He grumbles out and walks towards where the girl is.

Hearing Katsuki's words, she let out a surprised look before laughing out. "You do have a dirty mouth." She voiced out amused.

"Fuck off."

She continued to giggle, "come sit here. It's almost time." She then told as she gave a spot next to her on top of the sheet she's sitting at.

Katsuki rolls his eyes but did as told, "whatever." He mumble out and sat down.

As her giggle disappears, the two sat in comfortable silence. They watched as the sun sets and Katsuki hates to admit, it certainly is the best view he would get from here.

It's breathtaking.

"Wow," he then heard from the girl. "Are you radiating warmth?" She asked out.

Huh. The sun sets so it is getting chilly. And he just realise what kind of clothes she wore, certainly she's cold with not much clothes espescially for autumn to winter season.

"I have a high body temperature because of my quirk." Katsuki answered briefly. He's halfly surprised himself from how he doesn't feel much irritated despite his.. relaxing time was interrupted.

"Right, explosion." She whispers again. "That's nice."

Katsuki scoffs, "only you," he swallowed, "and fucking Deku would think so."

She let out a soft giggle.

"Anyway, the fuck you're doing here with such thin clothes? Looking to freeze to death?"

She snorted slightly, "unlike you, dear warm sir, I live just below here. Well not so close, but a reachable distance." She responded back. "I'll go back after a few... minutes, or hours.. who knows."

"Huh. Would your quirk help you get home fast?"

She blinks, "not, exactly." She voiced out. "I'm uh, have a useless quirk."

Katsuki stares, "humor me."

"Well," she leaned on her shoulder as she stares back to the darken sky, "whoever are close to me will, I don't know, feel safe and relaxed?"

Katsuki continued to stare.

"Well, I don't know. I'm more of like to feel I'm quirkless but people tend to say that- so I just started to think that's my quirk?" She quickly added on before groaning. "Urgh, forget it."

Katsuki finally opens his mouth, "I guess that's why I don't feel much irritated despite you being inside my comfort zone." He mumbled out, probably to himself.

She gave a stare now. "Huh."

He shrugs, "you do have a useful quirk. I never felt this calm before, not wanting to blow up anything." He finally let out, "or well, even saying this kind of thing- fuck."

"Wow, is this my quirk making you feel so comfortable-?"

"Fuck." Katsuki clicked his tongue before he stood up as she let out an amused laugh. "Stop laughing fucker,"

"This is the first time something like this happens. Is it probably because we were strangers?"

"Who give a fuck, turn off your quirk!"

"Rude, I just told you I always think of myself as quirkless." The girl pouts.

Katsuki heaved a sigh. "God dammit." He grumbles out.

"So uhh, anyway, are you ever going to go home tonight or you're camping?"

Katsuki gave a look to her, "what's it to you?"

"Hummm," she gave a playful 'I'm thinking' stance, "either way, I'm thinking of staying close to you since you're warm?"

"Fuck off." The blond sneered, "I'm not a goddamn heater you can use."

She giggles, "aww, you're so mean."

"Damn right I am. So fuck off, extra."

She pouts, "I am the first one to be here though." And that sentence punched Katsuki hard.

"What are you even fucking doing here alone? Do your parents not say it's dangerous for girls to be alone at night?"

She gave a sheepish laugh, "well," she dragged on a bit, "I guess I might've lied to them? A teeny bit?"

"Of course, who would fucking guessed someone like you are a deliquent, right?" Katsuki scoffs. "Spill."

She gave out another pout. "What's it to you anyway? We're strangers."

"I'm aspiring hero-to-be."

She heaved a sigh in defeat. "I told them I'm out with my friends, to celebrate my birthday tomorrow." She voiced out, avoiding eye contacts now.

"Alone on birthday night?"

She tuck out her tongue, "fuck off."

"You lil-"

"I just don't like this time of the year okay," she spoke out.

Katsuki knows she has stopped screwing around. She's speaking the truth. "Why? Isn't it your birthday?"

She glanced before looking down. "Exactly." She whispered out. "Say, how'd you find out you want to be a hero?"

Katsuki rose his eyebrow at the sudden question. "Ever since I was a child I look up to All Might, I guess."

She gave a small smile. "That's great. And you're really going to be a hero soon."

"Obviously. I'm the best."

She hums, "sadly, I'm not." She told. "Unlike you, I don't have anything in life that I can be proud of. I'm too much of a coward to become a hero, I'm useless in most aspect, I'm even a burden to some."

Oh. Katsuki knew where this is heading to.

"And that just, y'know, made me think." She continued on. "Why am I alive?"

He closed his mouth as his face fell.

"What is the reason I'm alive? What am I living for? Everytime my birthday is close, I can't help but to think of those things."

She finally looked at Katsuki, "oh, I didn't mean to offend you or anything. You can just ignore me, no worries. I'm just talking to myself now." She then told.

"I envy you and the other UA students, or well any other people. Really." She continued on, letting out a content sigh. "You all have your purpose of life."

"Then create one."

She looks at Katsuki, "I would if I could." She shrugs, "or what, you wanna be my purpose of life?"

He stares at her. "What, you're gonna be my fucking manager or something?"

She gave a slightly surprised look, "are you a mind reader or how'd you know my major?" She whispered out.

"I don't- I don't even know you're in university!"

She blinks and gave a laugh. "Oh right." Katsuki glares at her for that. "Are you planning on creating your own agency?"

"Of fucking course. Who do you think am I?"

She gave a smile. "Then sign me up as your manager, or anything. Be my purpose of life?"

"That sounds like a fucking proposal." Katsuki scoffed out, "I'll let you enter if you graduate as the number one."

She giggles, "challenge accepted." She finally stood up and brushes her pants. She then held her hand up, asking for Katsuki's.


She rose an eyebrow, "your hand?"

"What the fuck for?"

"Indulge me."

Katsuki gave a stare before giving up. He placed his hand on top of her and in that second she smiled a smile of victory and gave it a kiss.

"The fuck?"

"My devotion to you," she briefly told. "I'll be in your care,"

He gave a stare, refusing to blush from the unexpected action. "Fucking shit, you better come in first during graduation."

"You have my words."


16 July 2023

hmm forced much?
it's hard to write kacchan's personality :(

yay happy bday to me, i've gotten older and once again i am questioning my purpose of life again ahaha
hope u enjoy!

29 November 2023

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