Story - Under the Surface

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(No this is not an Encanto reference)

*takes place 2 years before the bios*

- Electroman Adventures PoV -

Electroman Adventures. The strong one. The confident one. The leader. The best. with a deep, dark, secret.

The thing is, he isn't as good as what they think. They all see a capable and confident level. But, just underneath the surface lurks his many devils.

He keeps his mask of sanity on, while battling his insecurities within.

He pretends to be happy while going through a fog of sadness.

He wishes, so desperately, that things could go on as before. He wishes that the fog in his mind would dissipate. So he can finally focus. Be present. Be happy.

That's why he hates staying at home. That's why he can't do what he needs to do. He just... can't. It's not a matter of motivation. He tries, every day. But when the fog returns, his mind stops. Everything.

What others see is a cheeky boy procrastinating on chores. That is what he shows to them. But he knows that should his will waver, the devils under the surface would come out of hiding and consume him.

He isn't safe, not anymore. How can you be when your attacker is living in your own mind, targeting your thoughts and sanity?

Electroman Adventures isn't perfect. He looks confident, but isn't. He is struggling. However, it seems like only time will tell if the light at the end of the tunnel is really the sky or just flames ready to consume him...

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