☆Aether x reader☆

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Before we start, I wanted to say that here Aether is the traveller and Lumine is not the abyss princess. In this story after the encounter with the unknown god the twins appeared in a different parts of Teyvat, at the same time, which means they just look for each other in our genshin world. And abyss order? They are not important in this story so why not yeet them out of here-


"Brrr...So cold" Said h/c haired traveller. They were shaking and sneezing like there was no tommorow.

"Oh come on. It's not that bad." Lumine rolled her eyes. "Just a few hours more and we will be in Fontaine."

"Hours?! I am already freezing here and you say that we have to walk in this cold 'just a few hours more'?!" Said irritated Y/n.

Y/n had found Lumine trapped under a freezed lake in Snezhnaya. The traveller panicked and used their pyro vision to melt the ice. After the blonde girl gained her consciousness, she explained that she got separated from her twin brother by some unknown god.

Y/n was surprised and intrigued. They were looking so long for an adventure, so they immediately offered their help and companionship. Since then, the two started travelling together.

They were like fire and ice, literally. Y/n with her pyro vision and Lumine with her borrowed cryo powers. Blond traveller had this strange ability to take over the powers of elements. This was weird, but Y/n decided to leave it be.

After a long and murderous walk, the duo finally arrived in Fontaine. There Lumine gained hydro powers. Now she could freeze her opponents when they weren't wet before. Very useful. But still not as useful as burning monsters to a crisp with a single flick of a hand. If it was some kind of a game, Y/n would definitely be a 5 star character.

Travellers have fallen in love with the beautiful landscape of Fontaine. They were walking around, admiring the view, when suddenly a bunch of hydro slimes appeared. Lumine was getting ready to freeze them, but before she even blinked, Y/n has taken out their claimore and not using their vision, they swung the claimore and yeeted the slimes so hard that the monsters turned into little dots on the sky.

Lumine was amazed with her companions strength. Not saying anything (Lumine was too shocked and Y/n was in their own world), they continued their journey.

Some days later the duo arrived in Liyue. Landscape of the land of geo was so different from places they have visited before. And the city? It was gorgeous! People there were so nice and positive. Oh and on the way she 'borrowed' geo element from one of the Statues of the Seven.

They've also been in Wangshu Inn! During their stay there, they've met a certain grumpy adepti, who looked at them weirdly (expecially Lumine). He thought he recognised her from somewhere, but had no idea where.

Lumine and Y/n were going to the land of wind, or more specifically- Mondstadt. On the way there, they encountered a bunch of hilichurls. The duo got separated.

Lumine fought with all her might, but even that wasn't enough. Despite having control over three elements, she was too weak. Suddenly a huge gust of wind blew her enemies away. She was grateful for whoever saved her. She was about to turn around to face her saviour, when she heard a similiar voice. A voice she expected to never hear again.


Blonde female turned around and saw her beloved brother with a flying child?? Moving on, she sprinted to him and jumped on him. He cought her mid flight and spun her around.

"I missed you!" Both of them said at the same time, with tears in their eyes.

"Aether? Is this your sister you were talking about?" Said a very high and annoying voice. Sibling turned to the source of it and Lumine realized that it was the strange child talking.

"Yes. Paimon this is Lumine. Lumine this is Paimon, my emergency food."

"Hey! Paimon is not emergency food!" Lumine giggled at their silly behaviour, but she couldn't stop the thought that she forgot something.

Than a smell of something burning got to their them. They looked in the direction of the source of the smell and saw a huge pile of smoke lingering above a hilichurl camp.

"Paimon we didn't bring Klee with us, did we?"

"Oh fudge Y/n!" Yelled Lumine, remembering what she forgot. She took of in the direction of the smoke, not waiting for her brother and his pixie companion. The other two just runned after Lumine.

When they arrived they saw a burned hilichurl camp, with a h/c haired person in the middle. When they got closer to them, Aether was instantly stunned by their beauty.

"Y/n! I was worried!" Blond female shouted. She came up to the pyro vision user and gave them a quick hug. "Never.Leave.Me.Again"

"Okay, okay! I'm all right. No need to be upset!" Y/n said, rising both her hand up in 'giving up' gesture. Lumine nodded and looked at her brother, who was still hypnotised by the new person.

"Y/n this is my brother! I've finally found him!" Lumine exclaimed. Y/n looked at Aether and smiled softly.

"Nice to meet you, like Lumine said, my name is Y/n." E/c eyed traveller held their hand out. Aether snapped out of his daze and shaked their hand.

"Aether" was all he said.

"Hey! And what about Paimon?!" Yelled flying emergency food.

"Nice to meet you too, Paimon." Y/n said smiling warmly at the pixie.


Sooooo I know this one shot is boring but I felt like writing something like that and currently I'm out of ideas. So sorry if u don't like it 😅 hehe.

Have a great day and see you in my next one shot!

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