☆Venti x reader☆Birthday special☆

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I was walking around, picking random things from the ground. It was Venti's birthday and I had no idea what to get him! I didn't want to buy anything, I wanted his present to be original.

I thought about making something from alchemic books, but last time I tried making a potion I accidentally exploded Albedo's laboratory. Since then he doesn't let me near his workplace.

I had a crush on Venti for some time now, and I wanted to express my love in the gift. Flowers are too common, wine also won't do, because they won't sell me alcohol, 'cause I LoOk LiKe A kId. Why getting a present for someone is such a pain in the a$$?!

"Y/n!!!" Is it just me, or I heard someone calling my name? "I finally found you!" I heard. Right after that someone jumped on my back, tripping me.

"Who the-" I opened my eyes to see my best friend and crush Venti on me. "Venti! What are you doing?!" I asked, flustered.

He got up and looked at me with excitement. "I looked for you everywhere!" He said making moving his arms around. "So, how do you think wee should spend this day? I've been mulling it over for a long time now - so long, in fact, that the Philanemo Mushrooms seem to have withered away and the Windwheel Asters have ground to a complete halt..."

"Uhm.. I don't know, I haven't thought about it. Do you have something on your mind?" I asked.

"Hmm..We could go climb a tree and enjoy the breeze today? Or, we could go stargazing from a cliff? Ooh- we could even go on a day trip to an uninhabited island!" He said with sparks in his eyes.

"Let's go on this trip to the island! Then when we get back we can go stargazing!" I suggested. He smiled even wider (I wander how is that even possible), took my hand and ran off.


After our adventure on the uninhabited island, we sat on the edge of Starsnatch Cliff. Turns out there were wild hilichurls on that Island. Most of the time we spent there, we were running away from those monsters. I think I lost 5 kilos, if not more. But Venti looked like he just won lottery. I stared at his tired, yet happy, form. He looked at me, locking our eyes. We stared at each other. After a while of silence we burst out laughing.

"That was a crazy adventure!" He said, not stopping laughing.

"I know, it was scary!" I exclaimed.

"Nah, you shouldn't be scared, because I would protect you." He said, shrugging. My heard melted from his words, I felt guilty, because I didn't have anything I could give to him for his special day.

"Hey, Venti..." I called out to him, silently. He turned his head to look at me. Moonlight reflecting in his silky hair and perfectly smooth skin. He looked breathtaking. I just wanted to embrace him and never let go. "I'm sorry for not giving you a present for your birthday.. I really wanted to, but..." I looked down. Then I felt hands cupping my cheeks. Venti turned my head too look at him, his lips curling in a sweet smile.

"I got the best present I could get, a whole day spent with you. You know, I'll be happy just as long as I'm with you. Having you by my side is the most important thing of all." Suddenly sky lit up with millions of shooting stars. I gasped, looking at the beautiful lights above me. For the first time in my live I saw something this beautiful, and I lived quite a lot.

"Venti, quick make a wish!" I said with excitement. Bard closed his eyes for few seconds. When he reopened them, he looked directly at me. His gaze made me forgot how to breath. Venti said nothing, he looked up at the sky. I did the same soon after. He placed his and on top of mine, making my heart beat crazy.

My birthday wish is being with you forever.


Hey hey~ sorry for not updating, but I had a rough time lately 😅 I also injuried my ankle today, luckily it's not broken nor twisted, but it hurts when I walk and I cannot do sports for three weeks.

Have a nice day/night~
Naomi ♡

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