Get on your knees and scream your Lords name

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//Sooo I'm leaving the church, and this is kinda my goodbye latter :D
//I don't regret anything.

//Have fun you filthy sinners!  =)

!!!ALSO TW:  Sexual content, might be offensive in religion area, slight non-con or dubious-con,  so if it might trigger you, just spare yoourself the nerves and don't read it.!!!


The cathedral's bells rang three times.

The sun shone through the stained-glass windows in vivid rays of light, as it was setting slowly outside. The reflected colors danced on antique white walls full of breathtaking bas-reliefs. Paintings of biblical scenes and figures hang on the walls around the house of God, so beautiful one could think an angel must have guided the human hand to make such masterpieces. The domed ceiling was rich in art as well. It must have taken a lifetime to create this place; so much time and money to construct this lavish temple, that everyday hosted generations of people.

It would see them young to old. Outliving many of them. The walls became keepers of the sins of all people that came here to empty their hearts of guilt, and continue to commit the same sins the moment they left. The floor that echoed every step of people that walked out poorer than they came in, funding this palace of God, hoping that in the Kingdom of Heaven it would grant them a better life than they are living now on Earth.

It gathered people of good heart and those who just wanted to feel better about themselves and justify their hate. And in the end it was just a place of a really diversified community that pretended to be the same. To follow the same book, live by the same word, yet not seeing that everyone of them interpreted it slightly differently. Similar, yet not the same. Small twists to what is supposed to be the only truth.

People had left around an hour ago, some time after the last Holy Mass for the day had ended. The only one left inside was a man in long, black cassock and short, fluffy, ginger hair. He had closed his eyes and prayed in silence.

The huge space of the House of God was bringing solace to his soul. Filling him with the sense of belonging and having a place he's welcome to. Sense of having people that were his family and loved him unconditionally. It was a warm place in his heart and he was grateful to be where he was.

Feeling as if he was finally free.

-He doesn't remember he had it all before.-

-He doesn't want to remember.-

"Father Wukong!" echoed by a huge space, bouncing from the high walls.

"Yes MK?" the priest smiled softly, opening his eyes and standing up from his knees slowly, as he turned to the young boy.

"Father Tang is going on a journey to the church in the West. Would it be okay if I go with him?" the boy in white surplice looked at him with a beaming smile and excitement in his gaze.

A fond smile spread across Wukong's lips. The memory of his own journey to the church in the West years ago filled his heart with warmth and nostalgia.

"Hmm, and is he okay with you coming along?" he asked calmly as they walked closer to the center of the church. Their steps echoed through the structure.

"Yeah!" the boy exclaimed cheerfully "He said I need to ask you, because that would mean you will be here on your own for next week." he explained as he slowly got a bit more careful with his wording, clearly slightly anxious about leaving his mentor alone, but at the same time really wanting to go on this trip.

"Well then, it's settled. Go pack your things my child." Sun smiled and ruffled MK's hair.

"Thank you, Father Wukong!" the boy exclaimed, literally jumping with excitement as he rushed to the exit.

"God bless you my child." mused the priest, then he turned to the side of the cathedral and walked towards the confessional. He went inside wanting to just pray in silence. He didn't like being alone, but he wanted MK to enjoy his journey, as he saw it as a good opportunity for him to learn more about God and His love.

He sighed, staying on his own in this huge place reminded him a bit about the time when he was exorcised before The journey. Closed in a huge, stone-wall room all alone for months, taunted and tempted by the demons that poisoned his head with false promise of brotherhood. Small walls of the wooden confessional and darkness allowed him to calm down a bit. It was gonna be just a week; seven days, it wasn't something he couldn't handle, right? His faith was strong and he would be fine. If some demon as much as tries to take a step on this holy ground he would send it back to Hell where it belonged. Not that any of those filthy creatures would even dare to come close to this sanctuary—

Speaking of the Devil...

Three knocks on the grid in the confessional made him slightly jump, as his eyes snapped open. He looked to his left. Someone was on the other side. How could he not hear them approach? Did he fall this deeply into his own thoughts to miss the echo of the steps?

He opened his mouth to greet the faithfull newcomer, but before he had a chance to make even a sound, the other had been faster as they practically purred into the thin, wooden wall that separated Wukong from them.

"Father Wukong, huh~?" the person behind the grid mused and oh, Wukong felt his hair stand; he knew exactly who that person was "Well, to go from the King to a Father could be seen as a downgrade, if you'd ask me." Sun could swear the other had a wide, sarcastic smirk on his lips. How he would love to just wipe that sinful grin off his face.

"Macaque." this name tasted with poison of the past left behind long ago "How dare you even show your disgusting, fu— face, here?" he hissed through his teeth.

"Oh, but Daddy, I thought the church was a sanctuary for everyone~?" the other taunted venomously with a mockingly innocent tone. Wukong heard him scratch the wood with his nails, nonchalantly sliding his hand on the wall between them, before he got up and slowly, almost lazily went around the confessional.

"No for literal devil spawns, like you." Wukong hissed, furrowing his brows and clenching his fists. His head slowly turned, following warily the sound of the other's steps.

"You're going to refuse me a shrift? How not-loving of you." he could tell Macaque was right before the door with that shit eating grin of his.

"I am not going to fall for your tricks." he warned, his voice filled with obvious threat.

"You forgot to add 'again'." the demon mocked as his hand rested on the handle.

"You better leave. Now." Wukong spitted out, his honey eyes meeting with the unholy gold once the doors had been opened.

"Mmm, so bossy~ Maybe you should be a parson, and not that old goody two shoes, Tang Sang Zang." Macaque's silhouette outlined by the last rays of the sun casted a deep, dark shadow on the priest.

"Do not speak of him with your serpent tongue." Wukong's nails were digging into his own palms with how hard he had been clenching his fists "He's the most virtuous person I ever met! He's the reason I want to be better! That I am better!" he hissed as he was about to stand up, but was stopped with the dark, flat palm to the chest. It wasn't strong, yet it seemed to push all the air from his lungs.

"No, no, no~ That's not right." Macaque hummed as he moved his index finger from left to right "He is the reason you left me. That's different." he turned fully to Wukong and swung his hips closer.

"Leave." the priest said firmly, but the demon only smirked at that and something twitched in his tight strings at the commanding tone.

"Not until I get what I came for." he hummed as his hand started to slowly slide down the black cassock. His black, sharp nails tugging at the buttons, making Sun shiver slightly.

"You won't get it. You have nothing here that belongs to you." Wukong said, trying to seem unbothered by the succubus' actions. Trying to think of just anything else and not let himself fall into the filthy trap the other was setting.

"Mmm, really now~?" he picked, with his nails, at the buttons, slowly but surely getting onto his knees "Because I remember you swearing that you are mine~. No, no, actually, more like, screaming it and moaning in bed~." he chuckled as he run his palms trough Wukong tights hidden under black material, making him inhale sharply "Then on the counter~ and in the forest~" he played around the buttons above his waist, and slowly undid them, taking his sweet time "Ah, and let's not forget the cemetery~." he hummed, licking his lips and looking up hungrily to the priest "Such a naughty beast~." he cooed amused.

Wukong bit his lip, a primal desire he tried for so many years to bury, made its way back to the surface. His cheeks hit up with a peachy blush, his gaze unable to get away from those hypnotizing, glowing, golden eyes. The sinful excitement rushed with blood down his body to the parts he swore to never use again.

"...stop." came out weakly, Sun's voice breaking into a plea.

He worked so hard to get to where he was right now. Worked so hard to be better, to cut all ties with his past...

"Oh, c'mon. You don't have to lie to me, Wukong~." dark hand rested on his crotch firmly "We both know that this tight dress is suffocating you~." Macaque's voice was so soft, and the priest could swear the warmth it carried was real and true, yet he knew better than to trust it "Let me help you, my Sun~. My King~." he purred as he leaned closer, undoing a few first buttons of priests' cossack. His hands were gentle, and his moves were swift as the waves of the ocean. Wukong could get lost in this dance of soft touches, but he knew he should snap out of it and seal this demon away. This time, for good.

"Macaque, please, don't make me... Agh!" he started, his voice dressed in a false strength, only to be cut short and turned into a helpless whimper when the demon slid his soft, cold hand under his boxers.

"Make you what? Kill me again?" Macaque mocked with a smirk, whispering it into the other's ear as he started to play with an already half hardened cock. The priest shook his head with a growl, anger mixed with suppressed for years lust.

"I said stop!" Wukong growled as his hand finally unfroze and he swung at the demon, but it was caught by the succubus and pinned up above the priest's head.

"Pathetic. Just look at yourself." the succubus taunted him as his other hand went up out from the boxers to grab Sun's face. Wukong's nose wrinkled and his frown deepened at the smell coming off of the dark brown hand that was now squeezing his cheeks hard "What had they done to you my King? Stripping you of your power in exchange for what? God's blessing and cleansing your soul?" he mocked and his six ears fell lower, closer to his head, making all the earrings rattle. Anger painted on his face "What good had it done when you're this powerless against me?" his lips spread in a wide, crazy grin, revealing sharp fangs. A short laugh escaped him "Or, perhaps, you just don't really want me to stop? Which is it Father~?" he snarled as he leaned his bare chest against the priest.

"I told you-" Wukong started, trying to get away, leaning as much back as he could, but he was trapped. The walls of confessional seemed to be closer than before, and fuck, all he could look at was the silhouette of the demon above him. Slim, yet fit body of the monkey-like demon. Covered in black fur, with velvet, bat-like wings and the same color, short horns. Long, black hair that just begged for hands to be burrowed in their soft, cold bush.

"I know what you said. I'm certainly not deaf." he rolled his eyes playfully as he fluttered his six ears, and Wukong's heart skipped a beat "But what does your heart say, is another story." he purred and grinned his own crotch against the priests' earning a low growl.

"You're wrong. I despise you. I hate you." he hissed suppressing a moan "You're filthy, depraved and sinful." he spit out with venom, trying to swung at the demon again with the other hand, but once again it was coughed and he ended with now two of his hands pinned down above his head "Ugh! You represent all I hated in myself in the past, and what I got rid of!" he struggled against the hold, but something just wouldn't let him use his full strength, and made him weak against the Six Eared demon. He wanted to believe it was due succubus pheromones.

He lies to himself. He always did.

Macaque laughed, straight to his face "Oh, that's a good one." he snarled as he leaned his face closer to the other "Do you truly believe what you're saying? There is no redemption to the likes of us, Wukong. No change in soulless beings like we." his voice slowly got bitter and more angry, a distasteful look of golden eyes made Wukong's pants tighter "They trapped you and enslaved you. Keeping you as nothing more than a dog on a leash." he growled, his sharp nails painfully digging into Wukong's wrists.

Wukong looked at him with burning anger, masking his pain and how hot he started to feel. Macaque only smirked in response.

"But~" a dangerous spark of an idea shone in golden eyes "Maybe that's what you're into now, hmm~?" he purred into Sun's ear, biting its petal and nibbling at it playfully "Playing a good puppy? Being mistreated and looked down on?" Six Eared whispered into his ear, making him shiver and bit his lip to not let out any shameful sound.

His whole body stiffened and he closed his eyes. Cheeks burned with embarrassment and he prayed in his mind for this to be only a terrible nightmare. Feeling so filthy with how much it brought him pleasure to feel the other's body again against his own.
So disgusting... So perverted...

"Hah! I can believe it really got you hard! Ha ha! Oh, that's rich!" Macaque mocked amused as he saw how Wukong's dick was fighting against tight pants, standing now fully erect.

"Shut up!" the priest growled once again trying to wriggle out of the other's hold but to no avail. Black tail freed his cock from its tight, material prison.

"Shhh, calm down my Sun~." he mused as his tail lifted Wukong's chin up "You know I'll make you feel really good~." he cooed as he leaned closer, their faces being only centimeters apart "Why fight it? I know what you crave for~." Sun's heart skipped a beat as their breaths mixed.

"No. No, no, no." he shook his head rapidly and a few tears trailed down his cheeks, he closed his eyes tightly. His hands broke from the hold and fell to grasp on the crown of his own head, griping rusty locks hard in his palms "I changed. I changed! I changed! I'm better now. I've renounced my sins. I am a different person now." he cried desperately, his voice trembling; begging.

Cold hands cupped his cheeks, one gently brushed away the priest's hands from rusty mane, releasing hair from a painful hold. Chocolate dark fingers tended to the falling tears, tenderly wiping them off, careful with black, sharp nails so not to leave a scratch. And Wukong couldn't help but lean into the touch he was so starved for.

His eyes opened slowly, revealing ruby red's that he hid before the world for many years now. Now they glittered with gathered water, shining as if polished gems, as he looked into the golden eyes, surrounded by demonic, deep black, that looked at him with sympathy and something akin to warmth... but it couldn't be it... right?

"Shhh, my King." Macaque kissed his tears off his face gently, only causing more of them to fall "Don't cry. There's nothing to cry about. I won't hurt you. Just let me help you feel good again." he rubbed their noses against each other, nuzzling with affection long forgotten and buried "Let me remind you how good it was before. Just trust me." he slowly lowered himself back to his knees, golden eyes never leaving the priest's face.

"Please..." he whined, his lower lips shaking with emotions he couldn't dare to name. Himself not sure about what he was asking for anymore.

"It hurts here, doesn't it?" the demon cooed as he wrapped his cold hand around Wuong's erection. And the priest nodded slowly, absentmindedly, like in some kind of trans; a lucid dream. He covered his flushed face with his pale hands; a filthy contrast "I'll make the hurt go away~." he mused as he licked his lips slowly and next thing Wukong saw was his dick disappear inside the succubus mouth.

"Macaque-" he inhaled sharply, gasping for air as the demon started to move his head up and down, succking attentively and bopping on a peachy head.

The priest covered his mouth with one hand, suppressing all the whines that wanted to come out. He gritted his teeth, shivering with pleasure under the wet warmth that surrounded his cock. The place that now was even more sensitive; not even so much as touched, for so many years.

He threw his head back. Closing his eyes tight, and oh, he could swear he saw stars as his body burner like one with long forgotten pleasure.
Only the Moon could do this to the Sun.

With the free hand he grabbed a handful of soft, black hair and tightened his grip earning a vibrating moan from the succubus.

Oh, that sounded good.

He panted heavily, and slowly parted his eyelids to look at the other. What a terrible mistake.

Wukong was met with the sight of Macaque deepthroating his cock in long, deep, passionate motions. Looking up with this weird kind of adoration even lovers rarely held for each other, and shit, if it didn't made Wukong lose it.

The demon between his legs was literally worshiping his dick, sucking it as if his life depended on it. Teasing the tip with his long, pierced tongue and booping the head. Looking up at him as if he was God himself. And in that moment Sun felt he was.

Wukong in the past had been known for many crimes. Being depicted as all seven deadly sins in the flesh. But Pride... Oh, Pride in him was the biggest of them all. And Macaque seemed to play into that spot perfectly, feeding him with praises and adoration, like he was born to do this.
Like he was destined to reflect the Sun's light back to him.

Wukong was exorcised of all seven of the deadly sins by the, back then still, priest Tang Sanzang. But can you actually exorcise a literal demon? Pure it of all evil? Make it renounce the core of its own existence? Or do you just break it and bend it to your rules? Changing it for only so long 'til it finds just the tiniest chance to escape your grasp, and goes back to its previous, wicked form?

He groaned trough his hand, shooting his fill without a warning deep into Macaque's mouth and that motherfucker fucking swallowed. Wukong felt his cheeks heat up harder, and lustful mist surrounded his mind.

"Mmm, peachy~" Macaque licked his lips and cleaned the priests' cock with his long tongue until the last drop of cum was gone "Such a heavenly feast." he chuckled as he swung closer, eager for more.

Wukong was gasping for air. His mind raced with all emotions and feelings that it tried, yet couldn't, process right now.

"But it seems you're still hungry for more." he smirked, teasing his again half-hardened dick. Nuzzling his face against its length before giving a quick kiss to the tip and rising lazily from his knees.

Wukong looked at him with a misty gaze, heavy with lust. Macaque cupped his cheek with his hand and leaned closer. For a second hesitant, as his gaze lingered on the peachy lips of the priest. He hadn't tasted them in years and despite being hungry for their bittersweet taste, he couldn't help but feel frozen with thrill.

He raised his gaze to the other's eyes; searching. He looked for any objection, the smallest sign to stop and back away. A shadow of doubt passed his face, but Wukong, already too far gone in too long suppressed lust, closed the gap between them, connecting their lips in a kiss.

It was wet, messy, and sour from the cum. Yet so full of filthy passion that it felt in that moment like the best kiss in the world.

Wukongs hands moved on their own, carried by past muscle memory, wrapping around Macaque's waist and bringing him closer possessively. Sloppily succubus got onto the priest's lap, and as they kissed he undone the rest of the buttons, sliding cold hands under his white shirt, itching to already rip it off of the other.

Wukong groaned into the kiss pulling him closer, his hands slowly getting bolder as they rummage through the black strands up to the base of his wings. Macaque squicked shortly in surprise, a shiver ran down his spine when one of the hands dared to stroke his ears.

"Wukong-" he gasped for air as their lips parted, still connected by a long line of saliva, looking into the other ruby eyes "What got into you~?" he purred amused, slowly getting back into his confident play. His ears stood up eagerly, catching all the sweet sounds the priest made.

"Isn't it what you wanted?" Wukong snarled, cutting the other short with another kiss and shutting him up for a moment with how bold he became. That was... not what Macaque expected. He wasn't complaining though. Especially when he was lifted up by strong arms and carried to the altar as if he weighed nothing.

The black, soft cassock was lost on the way; left behind, forgotten on the black and white tiles.

Macaque groaned shortly when he was thrown on the cold, covered only by a thin cloth surface. A short fight or flight response was triggered in his mind, as Wukong towered over him; his right eye itching. But he shook off the feeling, when Wukong practically ripped open his Shirt and leaned forward to his naked body splayed on the cold table.

"What are you waiting for~?" he encouraged with a daring smirk returning to his face "I'm starting to get cold here~." he cooed sarcastically as he swung his tail in a tempting gesture.

Sun leaned closer with a growl rumbling in his throat "Shut up." he hissed and before the other could bite back he kissed him again. His lips pressed hard and despite his moves being a bit sloppy they sure didn't lack confidence and passion.

Macaque moaned into his mouth, and as soon as his lips parted slightly Wukong used that opportunity and swirled his tongue into the heat of the succubus mouth. They're teeth clenched a few times against each other but both of them couldn't care less anymore. All left hesitations were forsaken with the rest of the clothes on the cold ground.

Sun started to kiss down the jaw of the succubus. Slowly and firmly, savoring the moment, trying to bury it into his memory. How slightly salty, yet sweet, his skin tasted, how soft it was under his lips and how it smelled like trees and mountain streams and stone fruits they used to eat together.

He kissed lower, under his jaw and his throat as Macaque raised his head up for his better access. Then on his collarbones and shoulders, leaving small, dark marks behind in the company of soft, quiet moans of approval. Then he moved to his chest, his hands rested on Six Eared's hips as he started to kiss, lick and bite on the pinkish, pierced nipples.

Macaque thought for a moment he died yet again, and somehow he found himself in heaven. Feeling as if he was melting on the altar, like his skin just burned so good under the smallest touches. He bit his lip, feeling a shiver run through his body when Wukong nibbed on one of his piercings. He huffed and forced himself to look more sober at the priest. As much as he would love this adoration continued, the tightness in his strings started to get a bit annoying.

"Would you stop teasing me and fuck me already?" he stared out.

"Hush. I know you love it." a truly devilish grin spread his lips "I know you the same as you know me, damn devil." Wukong smirked and Macaque couldn't disagree, but he would have to first bury his own pride to admit to it. And that damn demon was just as prideful and twice as spiteful as the priest above him.

"So I was right, huh? You still want me, don't you?" Six Eared teases with a prude smile and right after that he squeaks when Wukong grips his dick hard in his hand in a threat. Yet it seems to only fuel him more "To give into such a sinful desire~? What would that choirboy of yours think~?" he just couldn't stop himself from taunting the priest, couldn't he?

"Watch it." he growls and Macaque blushes, his ears burning, for a few moments still vibrating with the power carried by Wukong's tone.

"Gosh, I love it when you're angry." he smirked playfully as he leaned up and he threw his hands around Wukong's neck, pulling him closer.

Wukong rolls his eyes and cups Macaque face with one hand. His thumb stroking the corner of his lips gently "Let's put this mouth to better use, shall we?" he pushes his fingers inside and Macaque just obediently sucks on them just as eagerly as he did on his cock previously.

Wukong blushed slightly but masked it under an unimpressed impression as Macaque smirked with a mouth full of soft, light fingers. When a long tongue started to swirled around them playfully the priest pulled them out. He grabbed a handful of the others' upper thigh and pushed it forward, now having access to the smooth rear he absentmindedly licked his lips.

Wukong ran around it with his saliva covered fingers. It glistened. He slowly, but surely, pushed his finger inside. The warmth swallowed him eagerly, and Macaque moaned silently.

"Fuck, you're already soaked." Wukong looked as this little asshole just took his second and third finger with ease "And here I thought I would need to prepare you first, but it seems your hole is just aching for me to fill it." he smirked as his eyes shone with lust.

"Well you kept me waiting so long, no wonder." he huffed, just a bit embarrassed with how excited he got.

"You're just as slutty as I remember." the priest pulled him closer by the thigh and rested it against him, the black-fur-covered leg tall above his shoulder.

"Not like you're any better." Macaque bit back, earning a warning growl from the man.

He teases the entrance with the head before slowly pushing forward. He furrows his brows and presses his lips into a thin line as tight warmth surrounds his length. Macaque reaches up and pulls Wukong closer by the back of his head, guiding him into another wet, passionate kiss.

Why does he seem so desperate? Wukong thoughts for a moment. He used to know him better than he knew himself, but it was so long ago and Macaque is so hot and he wants him more than anything. His mind clouded by desire.

What a sinful sacrilege.

The succubus moans into the priest's mouth shamelessly and his tail seeks the other. Yet Wukong's tail was cut short, so the long tail, covered in black fur with a heart shaped tip, ended up around the rusty thigh, squeezing it firmly. Finally Wukong is fully inside and Macaque breaks the kiss to look him in the eyes, panting heavily.

"Fuck... I missed Feeling you inside." he panted out with a satisfied smile dancing on his lips "You feel me up so good." he purred looking up at the priest with a lustful haze over his eyes. The praise goes straight to Wukong's dick that twitches inside, earning another, soft groan of satisfaction from the succubus.

"You're tighter than I remember." Wukong huffs, the warmth that trapped his cock felt better than ever. He wanted to move already, pound into the tightness of Macaque's ass hard, just like he knew the other wanted. And probably, years before the Journey he would. But now he learned patience and wanted the other to not hurt. Not in a bad way at least.

"Haven't done it since..." Macaque shy his gaze away and all his ears turned pink, shivering slightly.

"You haven't..?" Wukong felt his heart stop for a moment and his cheeks flush with red matching his ruby eyes. The warmth is spreading inside him, butterflies dance in his belly and it's a feeling he tried to forget, now reawakened twice as strong.

"Being dead kinda fuck ups your libido." he snarled teasingly, trying to mask his embarrassment, but when he sees slight frown forming on Wukong's face and his eyes losing it's light... that was not the time and place for this conversation, so to lighten the mood he adds in more flirty tone "But I'm glad... My hole belongs only to my King~ No cock feels as good as yours anyway." he purrs, giving the priest slightly cocky "fuck me" eyes.

Wukong blushes again, catching on.

"I bet~." a smug smile spread on his lips and he hadn't felt this good and warm and free in years.

What is left of his tail vibrates, a phantom of a wag, from excitement.

So all that energy is transported to his hips and he pushes hard, making Macaque howl loudly. He starts to go back and forth at a fast pace, chasing building up pleasure.

"Fuck, you're still such a wild beast in 'bed'." Macaque huffs out, his toes curling and back arching on the cold altar "So they hadn't managed to ruin you fully. Good~" he smirks as he shamelessly moans, his voice echoing through the church.

"Shut up already, you're making it weird." Wukong spats out, trying to sound more comending. The blush on his cheeks reveals he's turned on tho.

"Make me. I know you ca-Ah-an~" the succubus taunted but was cut short when the priest pushed his thigh harder to his chest and sped up his pace.

Macaque feels his eyes water from the pleasure as he screams out.

"Much better." Wukong smirks as he kisses the back of the other's calf.

He starts to leave kisses and bites wherever he can reach. Worshiping every part of the succubus body with tenderness and pleasure he never even worshiped his God. But he never really, truly felt that warmth they all talk about that is supposed to come from Him. It always was a bit too distant for him, as if he was pushed aside further than the rest from that Love. And he remembers when parson Tang told him that his hard labor was a path to redemption, to salivating his soul and that the fruits he would harbor would be the sweetest in the end. That it is worth the pain and he should trust his trouble...

Yet how should he keep being strong where there was no end of the pain in the sigh and he had the sweetest of apples in the reach of his hand.

And so he sins.
And he might one day burn in Hell for this. Yet he can't bring himself to stop.

He doesn't want to stop.

"You look so good around my cock, you know?" he smirks as he looks down where their hips kept meeting and it is such an addicting sight.

Macaque tries to look but his other leg is thrown next to the first and Wukong grips his wrists pulling him closer and more firm. His own preecum drips on his belly.

"Harder-!" the succubus cries between the moans, the warmth he feels is burning his skin and melting his mind. The priest pulls him in closer firmly and when this sinful gold finally looks down "FUCK." he sees a bulge on his belly, bigger and smaller as the priest's cock is raming inside him so hard he can fucking see it "PLEASE WUKONG-! Fuck. I- MORE, AH! MORE!" he screams as tears of bliss run down his cheeks. The whole world spinning around.

Oh, he felt so good, he could swear his whole existence; his core; his soul, it vibrated with bliss.

"Yes! Yes, yes, yes!" he cries out feeling all the warmth going down his body, straight to his jumping, hard dick "Right there~! Please, don't stop, don'tstopdon'tstopdon'tstop." he begs and it's the most beautiful and honest song these walls have heard.

And Wukong doesn't stop. This sweet song, like a spell, makes him eagerly obliged. He keeps the pace and he feels his own orgasm nearing. He tightens his eyes and grits his teeth as he leans down blindly searching Macaque's lips.

They meet in another sloppy, desperate kiss. Wukong pressing hard from above, greedily tasting the sweetness of their sin and Macaque trying to keep up with him as his mind went blank and gluttonizingly taking all his King had to offer.

They both lost in this unholy act. In those shameful feelings, that Wukong had thought died with Macaque years ago. It appears no amount of holy water and prayers could wash his sins and pure his soul. And at this moment he can't really bring himself to care anymore. All that matters now is in his hands, underneath him, a moaning mess of his past lover.

Macaque comes first, stings of white cum shoot onto his belly and chest. He comes screaming Wukong's name into his mouth and when Wukong doesn't stop he howls, shaking and his eyes roll back to his head from all this overstimulation. His mind is completely blank, his words become silent gibberish. His body suddenly limp against the thrusts.

And Wukong comes soon after him. Hot liquid feeling the succubus ass to the brim, and Wukong falls onto him for a moment as he tries to catch his breath. Their naked bodies against each other, sticky from cum and sweat... The priest lifts himself on his arms, looking down at the succubus with a still misty haze over his ruby eyes.

"You look so beautiful..." says as he still tries to catch his breath. Looking at barely conscious succubus spread out on the altar shamelessly. Cum decorating his body and leaking from his hole. As if falling stars above the melting Moon. A ghost of a smile spread in bliss on his lips.

A few seconds pass. Only sounds filling the cathedra are heavy breaths of the priest and the beat of his heart, seemingly too loud as it rings in his ears.

As he looks at Macaque his heart sinks and he wanders and he questions... How could this be bad? How could this be evil and feel so good, and warm... what kind of God could make all of this, what smells like sweets, what feels like home, what tastes like freedom, what looks like love, be called a sin, be called wrong, be punished with endless damnation..?

But when the blissful haze washed out, and his thoughts came back to what's before him he got a bit anxious as he looked at the succubus.

"Macaque... listen it was..." he started, not sure what he wanted to say so he paused. He feels conflicted, lost and his emotions seem so contradicting he doesn't understand anything at the moment. But the other didn't answer at all, didn't even acknowledge that the priest had spoken.

"Macaque..?" he placed his hand on Macaque's shoulder, and again to no avail. So he shakes him a bit harder "Macaque." the concern in his voice only grew, cold sweat running down his temple.

"Oi, buddy, don't play with me like this." he shakes him harder, his voice slightly shaky as he places his hand on the demon's forehead. He panics. It was burning.

"Fuck." He fastly throwed his clothes back on himself and wrapped Macaque in the tablecloth as he took him in his arms and carried fastly out of the church.

It all made sense now. Why this damn sex demon passed after just one go; he was on the holy ground and it was burning him alive. And this fucker didn't said a thing. What was he thinking?! Wanted to be cooked alive?!

And so the priest took him to the only place he could think of. His own room, that was just a bit out of the holy ground. It was builded for him when he joined as at the start of his journey he also was affected by the place.

So he first laid Macaque on his bed and took a wet towel from the bathroom. He slowly cleaned the succubus body. With patience getting rid of all sticky fluids that started to dry out. He placed one, small, clean towel on his forehead as well. It was a bit wet and cold, so his temperature would lower.

Wukong once he finished taking care of Macaque, cleaned himself as well, getting presentable again and later going to clean the church from all filth they left after themselves. He focused on the task, trying to escape all his thoughts and doubts that this damn succubus poisoned his mind with. But there was not much to clean, and he had to come back to the present problems eventually...

The moment he walks into his room again the gravity of the situation hits him; heavy like a mountain upon his shoulders. Burden of his sin dragging him down. He walks slowly towards the bed, every step burning, and he sits on the edge. His back turned on the unconscious demon. His ruby eyes look up to the cross hanging above the doors. Tears start to run down his face, his lip quivers. So he hides his face in his hands with shame as he cries silently.

He wishes he could regret it. He wants to so fucking much, but he can't bring himself to. Lord forgive me... he begs in his soul I have sinned terribly and I seek Your guidance, as I fell lost from Your path and can't think as You taught me to... he prays in his heart I beg of You, bring me back to Your Light...

His stomach drops and he freezes when a cold hand is placed on his shoulder. What could be seen as an affectionate gesture, makes Wukong jolt away as if it burned his skin. It's an absent minded reaction that makes his face heat up with embarrassment right after. Just when it comes to who this hand belongs to.

The hand backs away right away, and when the priest turns to the demon he's surprised to find the other's face twisted in concern and... guilt. He feels as if he's looking into a mirror of his own regrets and doubts.

"You're awake." it's not a question, and there's a hint of relief hidden in his tone.

"Yeah..." Macaque seems to be surprised almost and it twists Wukong's heart painfully. He furrows his brows, slight anger rising in him as he wishes he could blame it all on the demon. He's aware that both of them are guilty of this sin. But it is just easier to be angry than to face his own deeds.

"Why did you come here..? To me..." he asks and the succubus turns his gaze away, something on his mind.

"Listen I-... I didn't know it would end like this..." Macaque sits up and moves a bit away, pulling his knees to his chest. His ears all fell down just like his wings and his tail lays limp, twisted around his ankles.

"How else had you thought it would end?!" Wukong raised his voice, anger boiling inside him. Not only had this demon made him sin, but now he was telling him he did so NOT on purpose?! The fucking balls this prick have! "What was I supposed to-?" his anger is cut with the realization and he looks at Macaque in disbelief, he doesn't want to believe but words come out of his mouth absentmindedly "You thought I would kill you..."

Macaque doesn't answer that. But his silence speaks louder than any words. And Wukong feels he's crying again. He wanted to be angry at him. It would be just so much easier to fall into rage, get rid of him and pretend this whole shit didn't happen.

And that would be what the past him would do in such a situation.

But... he did change. Even if only a little. Even if no one seems to see it. He had changed.

He wants to believe this
He wants someone to see it.
He needs someone to see it.

He reached towards the demon and Macaque flinched away slightly, shut his eyes tight and visibly tensed. Wukong's heart ached but he didn't back away. He slowly, as if he was trying to approach a wild animal, took the blanket that lay next to the succubus and gently pulled it over black shoulders.

Six Eared looked at him surprised and his ears stood alert "You...won't kill me." it's not a question, but it's a very unsure statement.

"I hate you..." Wukong lies and speaks truth at the same time "But I don't want to repeat my mistakes..." he admits looking to the side, his voice is just a bit above the whisper, but Macaque can hear him very clear and he listens "Yet I feel so lost right now... this is so wrong..." he hides his face in his hands again, he's conflicted and just simply... scared.

"It's a sin..." he mumbles and Macaque looks away with a frown, his ears falling down. He feels stupid, and he's unsure and conflicted just as much as the priest. He came there expecting death, fast and finally serving him peace, but he got a taste of heaven, and now the hope that had risen in him was shattering, and it hurt worse than the first time it happened.

"But it felt... good. Why did it have to feel so good?" he ran his hands down his face as if trying to pull down all the pain painted on it "I hate that it felt good. I hate that I had my life finally figured out, finally I thought I changed, and you are able to just barge in here, and prove that I made no progress whatsoever. That I'm still just as sinful, so easily tempted as in the past..." his voice rose slightly, and he bared his trimmed fangs in an angry frown "And I hate that I can't be angry with you anymore... because it would be just so much easier to blame it all on you and be angry. But I know I can only be angry with myself. And I have only myself to blame."

The silence fell between them, Wukong just sat there looking down to the wooden floor. His eyes glistened but he doesn't let any tears fall. He clenches his fists and just sits there, not knowing what more to say or even what he would want to happen now... It was all so wrong, yet he doesn't want to just throw it all the way. So he sits and waits. Part of him wishes for Macaqur to just comfirm how terrible he is, how much he just fucked up all his progress and how he will never change. Because that seems to be the truth, right? He fell into temptation again. After so many years of trying, he chose to abandon the Lord's ways at the first chance given... What a terrible man he was. What man of little faith must he have been for it to break so easily.

Macaque was silent as well, thinking. His ears fluttered and his tail rose. He has a conflicted expression, thinking over all that Wukong just told him and then his ears perked up and he looked at the priest with something indescribable in the filthy gold of his eyes. A playful smirk spreads his lips suddenly and he gets closer to the other in a smooth motion.

"You know what?" he places his chin on the priest's shoulder, his tail shamelessly curling around Wukong, colorful ears tickling pale cheek. He tenses slightly at the touch and cringes at the playful tone but doesn't interrupt "Fuck it. All of it. Fuck your stupid vows, and my damn kind. Let's just stay a while more together and let the time pass." he offered. A simple solution; to care later. To just let themself forget who they were and what was between them, at least for a moment longer.

Wukong felt his stomach twist, anger boiling inside of him again along with anxiety. But then he saw Macaque's ears flutter, as if the wind tickled them. But there was no wind in the room. And now he knew. He never forgot the body he once held so close to his heart, and by this he now understood. Whatever Macaque heard, whatever his ears picked up, was not good news.

He sighed and leaned back a bit, against the other's body "How fucked are we?" he asked, a painful smile on his lips as he waits to hear their sentence. What awaits them for their crime.

"You have nothing to worry about." Macaque tangles his tail around the other, a silent plea for comfort; an unconscious tic of his. Wukong bites on his lower lip, contemplating. His brows knit together as he decides and turns to face the succubus fully.

"Then listen to the other tune." he demands "I'm not letting you carry all the blame." the priest claims, his tone strong; commending and courageous.

"What makes you think-" Macaque wants to argue but one look into the, yet again, ruby eyes and he's unable to lie. He sights with a soft smile "Listen, I didn't meant to fuck up, well... this, for you. I just... I missed you. A lot. And I'd rather die, than live in a world where I can't be close by your side." he claims and he grabs Wukong's hands in his own "So I'm doing it for myself. You don't need to feel guilty or something. I brought it upon myself on my own, and so I shall carry the consequences alone." he adds, his gaze slightly desperate.

"Bullshit. It's just as much my fault as it is yours." Wukong scowled, rolling his eyes "So if we're destined to fall, we're gonna fall together." he states and he squeezes back the hand that holds his "I told you that I don't want to repeat my mistakes. Leaving you behind," he stops in his tracks, swallowing hard before he continues, words barely coming through his throat "...killing you... nothing I regret more." he admits, and he feels as if something heavy was lifted off his chest.

Macaque sights and lays down on his back, pulling Sun by his hand to lay next to him. And this time it's the Sun that follows the Moon "This is so messed up..." he sights with clear annoyance for their situation. Wukong now remembers how similar they used to be, how they thought as if in sync "I don't want to drag you down with me... but I guess that's already too late for that, hah..." he turned on his side to face the priest, a broken smile on his lips "I'm sorry... I know it won't fix anything now... but I'm sorry." and in those sinful golds shone tears.

Wukong turned to him as well and cupped his cheek with free hand. He pulled the succubus closer and hugged him in silence. He didn't know what to say, so he decided to just listen to the devil and enjoy this moment as long as they could. Feeling the warmth and safety of another body so closely plastered to his side.

If he had to drown in the sea of his sins. If he was destined to burn in Hell for the acts of love. He was glad and looked forward to eternity with his Moon at his side.

"And..." Macaque mutters into his chest suddenly "Just so you know. You changed." he looks up and Wukong's heart skips a beat "I can see that now, and... I'm happy for you." a faint smile on his lips, slightly ashamed for now he was to take all that growth of his past lover and bury it with their sin "You grew and became better and... I'm sorry I came back-" he almost breaks into a cry but Sun stops him with a kiss. Hard, yet sweet, pressed against his lips so suddenly it steals the breath from his lungs.

When they part, Wukong also has tears in his eyes. He lets them slowly slide through his face as he just looks at his Moon and tries to engrave every detail of him in his memory. Despite all confusion and doubts, there's one thing he's sure about.

"Macaque..." he starts, nervousness clear in his voice and in a way his ruby eyes can't find one thing to stay on for too long "If... if we'll burn in Hell for this... just so you know... I don't regret you."

The succubus feels warmth inside of himself and so he smiles. He snuggles against the priest "I love you too my Sun." falls from his lips, so confident and natural as if it was the truest of truths. And maybe it was.

They look into each other's eyes, and their souls dance together, tightly pressed against each other, unable to part away. Not wanting to ever be apart again. It felt right, it felt good. Their souls fit like two puzzle pieces. They felt whole. The Sun and the Moon lovingly took step after step in perfect harmony with one another in this sinful dance of love and desire.

"What will be of us now...?" Macaqu sights as he presses his ears against Wukong's chest. Sun's heart is the only sound he needs to hear when he thinks of the future.

"I don't know... but I'm sure we'll figure it out." Wukong comforts, but he knows it's a lie. He knows they've already been condemned to Hell for what they did. They both know that. And so they decide to enjoy what they have until it lasts. Until their Cross crashes them under its weight.

It hurts so much to know your love is wrong, that it is sinful, despite not hurting anyone. Despite feeling so right. Despite feeling like Heaven.

It makes them both anxious and lost in a way, but they're sure of one thing. If this ship is going down, they're going with it. 



What are your thoutghs on the story? Let me know in the comments!  =D


See ya!


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