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She brought herself to the roof and sat there by herself. She sighed heavily and focused her gaze on the beautiful night skies. The mesmerizing stars took the burden on her shoulders a little bit.


Tom sat next to her and offered her a smile. She just nodded, signalling him to sit beside her without saying anything.

"What's on your mind?"

He asked, a frown appeared on his face when she didn't say anything. He took her hands in his, making she looked at him forcefully.

"Nothing. I was just thinking."

She lied, a complete sadness showed in her eyes when she looked at him. Tom licked his dry lips and gave her a warm smile.

"Did I do something wrong, Y/N?"

She quickly shook her head, not wanting Tom to think badly about himself.

"No- It's just me. I wronged you."

She opened up and her gaze fell on the ground. He asked her to explain, but she was hesitated.

"I'm so sorry, Tom."

"For what?"

"For that day."

She said in a whisper, but loud enough for him to hear her. He frowned in confusion and squeezed her hand reasurringly.

"If it wasn't me who walked away from you, you wouldn't run after me. Then you wouldn't save me and caused yourself to be-"

Tears streamed down her face when she thought about that day. The day that she lost her best friend, her love.

"I'm sorry. You should blame me for your death."

She blurted out, tears still spilled out of her eyes like waterfall. Tom's jaw dropped when she opened up to him like that, but then he smiled.

"It was my fate, darling."

He hushed her and cupped her face with his hands. She looked him in the eyes and realized that he was sincere.

"I saved you that day because you deserved to live. And today, I'm here with you because of you. Even if I'm a ghost."

He joked, making she laughed slightly. He grinned when he heard her laughs. He didn't like to see her cry because of him.

"But I've to ask you something, Y/N."

She pressed her lips into a thin line and nodded. He took a deep breathe and decided to ask her.

"Why did you walk away from me that day, Y/N?"

He questioned. She was taken aback with his question. She didn't want to tell him about her feelings now, right?

"When I told you about Chloe, you just walked away. Why?"

He urged, his grip on her hands tightened but not to hurt her. She gulped and looked at him with doubt. She didn't know whether she should tell him or not.

"Tom, I walked away because I can't hear that you fell in love with another girl. Actually, I-"

She almost spill her secrets out when her phone rang with her favourite ringtone. She quickly grabbed her phone and noticed it was a call from Sebastian.

"I think you should take that."

Tom smiled at her. She mouthed 'sorry' at him and quickly answered the call.

"Hello, Sebastian?"

"Yes, that's me! So, it's you, Y/N."

"Of course it's me. I gave you my number."

"I don't know if you don't really want to be friends with me so you gave me a fake number. "

Sebastian joked, making Y/N laughed and pulled Tom's gaze towards her. Tom didn't know what she was talking about to that Williams, but she looked so happy when he called her. And somehow, his ghost heart ache when he thought that she laughed because of other man and not him; he didn't know why he was feeling like that.

Tom waited for her to end her call with Sebastian for nearly thirty minutes. He didn't know what they was talking about, but Y/N was grinning and didn't want to take her phone off her ear.


He mumbled gratefully under his breathe when she ended the call and made way towards him.

"Is it Sebastian?"

She raised her eyebrows and nodded at him.

"How did you know?"

He faked a laugh and it did sounds really fake and bitter.

"It's obvious that Sebastian Williams was calling you. You still can't stop smiling until now."

He stated bitterly, but tried to form a small smile on his face. She bit her lips to contain herself from giggling; it was what she does when she got too happy or too nervous.

"He asked me out for a date!"

She squealed in excitement and Tom could see it clearly in her eyes. He wanted to be happy for her but somehow, he couldn't.

The smile disappeared from his face and his eyebrows burrowed slightly. Something stirred inside of him in the thought that Y/N was going out with another man. What was wrong with him?

"Y/N, have you think this through?"

He blurted out. She tilted her head and nodded slightly.

"I mean- You just met him and do you think it's a great idea to go on a date with him?"

He urged and shook her shoulders. She was shocked with his reaction, to be honest. He was acting weird.

"Thomas, it's just a date. Okay?"

"No, it's not okay."


She asked him. But he really didn't know an answer for her question. Why was he acting that way towards her, he wasn't sure.

"We're friends for years, Y/N. I don't want to see people hurt you in other ways. I'm afraid that Sebastian will hurt you."

He reasoned, as if he wasn't really sure with his words. He just said what he needed to, to cover up himself.

"Tom, I've never dated anyone since I was 18 and that was 8 years ago. People keep talking about how lonely I am and-"

"I'm here with you now."

He stated blindly. She chuckled bitterly and shook her head.

"Did you ever think what I was feeling about you dating those girls before?"

She asked, a small smile plastered on her face.

"You've dated many girls before and I've never said anything. Sometimes I didn't like the girl but I just shrugged it off because I want you to be happy. I tried to be happy for you even sometimes you forgot me because of your new girlfriend. It happened, Tom."

She didn't want to say all of that but by the way he was acting, she needed to.

"And Chloe? I have no heart to support you with her because at that time I can't ignore my feeling anymore that I was and I still am-"

In love with you, she hoped she could say that out loud but she couldn't. She failed to let it out again. She stopped dead in the middle of her sentence, leaving Tom waited impatiently.

"I'm sorry- I need some rest."

She said before stood up to leave the roof. Tom wanted to go after her but she turned around and stopped him.

"Don't come into my room without knocking first. Remember that."

She smiled weakly at him and left to her bedroom. He stopped following her and his gaze fell on the ground.

What was wrong with her and what was wrong with him?

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