3- the pharaoh's visit

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Author Notes: This is a crossover between Danny Phantom and Yu-Gi-Oh! I claim no rights or anything associated with these two series but the idea for the story is completely my own. All I ask if you read this story and like what you see that you leave me a comment and/or a review.

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to one's self', *mental speech*, -duel monster card speech-, bold=Atemu speaking, italic=ghost speech, CAPS=SHOUTING, (author notes), bold italic=dark voice

Three - The Pharaoh's Visit

Atemu had made it to the boys bathroom sighing in relief when he realized that it was empty.

*Atemu....what in the world happened back there?* Yugi asked as his spirit appeared within the bathroom. Atemu sighed running his hand through his tri-color locks. A few extra of his dark golden bangs had spiked up looking like lighting bolts against the black back drop. Yugi's once dark magenta purple trim had now become a dark maroon red. Atemu stood slightly taller than Yugi as he looked much older than his host body.

"I am not certain Yugi. But it seems that whatever we are sensing from Danny was enough to have me take control over your body when he briefly touched the millennium puzzle." replied Atemu.

*Atemu did you also notice the similarity in both Danny's and Phantom's appearance?* asked Yugi. Atemu slowly reversed the transformation giving Yugi back control over his body.

*Yes I did Yugi. They looked exactly alike except for their colors being inverted, reversed. If I didn't know any better I would say that Danny is Phantom. But I don't know how this is even possible.* replied Atemu. Yugi sighed out loud as he turned on the faucet to splash cold water onto his face.

"Atemu...you aren't thinking what I think your thinking." stated Yugi.

*Perhaps a card divination can give us more insight. And if that fails I could always pay a visit to him through his dreams.* replied Atemu.

"Just don't do anything rash Atemu." stated Yugi before leaving the bathroom.

The rest of the day seemed to go by without any more ghostly problems. Danny, Sam, and Tucker asked Yugi if he could teach them how to play duel monsters. Yugi smiled as he had taught his friends back in Japan how to play. This brought a smile to Yugi's face. Helping Danny, Tucker, and Sam build a deck would give him some insight into the type of person they were based on their deck. Danny, Sam, and Tucker were fairly good people as Yugi got along pretty well with them.

"I have no problem with that. But I only have one stipulation." Yugi stated.

"And that would be?" Danny asked.

"That you three become my friends." replied Yugi. Danny, Sam, and Tucker looked at each other as they smiled.

"We have no problem with that Yugi!" they all replied in unison. Yugi smiled grateful that he had finally made three good friends.

Yugi lead Danny, Sam, and Tucker to his new home. Solomon Moto was all ready home setting up the new card shop. With Yugi being a world famous duelist and some various kids and adults within America learning about the duel monsters game. Solomon decided to set up a store just like the one back home in Japan. After school, during weekends, or when school was out, Yugi would help out in the store and teach those whom wanted to play the rules of the game. Yugi would also help build decks as they would test them against Yugi. Not that they stood a chance against Yugi and his deck.

"Make yourselves at home. I will return shortly." stated Yugi after showing the gang to his room. Yugi took off the millennium puzzle placing it down onto his desk. Yugi then went back downstairs to grab a few things.

While Yugi was away the three friends got to talking about what happened in school during lunch.

"Do you think we should tell Yugi the truth about your secret identity?" asked Sam.

"I am not certain if we can trust him yet. Yugi seems like a good kid and all but something about him strikes me odd." replied Danny.

"Odd...how?" asked Tucker.

"I am not certain how to explain it but I can feel this dark presence surrounding him as it also seems to be a part of him. Also it seems that my ghost sense has been acting up alerting me to whatever I am sensing but it isn't a ghost. Plus also I have been hearing this dark, rich voice in the back of my mind. I think Yugi knows the owner of this mysterious voice." replied Danny. Both Sam and Tucker looked at Danny in shock.

"Do you think it is a friend or a foe?" asked Tucker.

"I am not certain. All I can tell you is that I have a very bad feeling about it. A part of me is actually afraid of it." Danny replied truthfully. Little did the group know that Atemu was listening into their conversation.

'Curious. What secrets are you hiding Danny that you don't wish for Yugi or I to know about?' Atemu thought to himself. The door began to open as Yugi reentered the room holding a large briefcase. Yugi placed the case down as he opened it up to reveal that it held several cards (similar to the one that Seto Kaiba carries around in the series).

"All right I want for each of you to pick up one card. This card will tell me what kind of person you are and what type of deck you will need. This card is the focal point of your entire deck." Yugi explained as he took out his deck laying it out for them to see. "As I told you before my card is the Dark Magician. I had built my deck based around him. I had to modify it slightly in order to incorporate the three Egyptian god cards that I have gotten." stated Yugi. One at a time Sam, Tucker, and Danny each went through the cards picking out a card. Sam had picked out an earth type warrior/effect card named the "Shadow Tamer." This card raised a questioning look to Yugi as he had Sam pegged to be more a dark type card user. 'Guess I can't judge people by their appearance.' he thought to himself. Tucker picked out an earth type machine/xyz/effect card named the "Wind-up Zenmaister". Yugi laughed mentally as he had pegged Tucker dead on. Tucker was a techno geek through and through. Danny's choice for a card shocked Yugi the most. Danny had chosen a dark type warrior/effect card named the "Ghost Gardna." This raised a lot of questions for Yugi. 'A ghost warrior. He couldn't be!' Yugi thought to himself.

After helping Danny, Sam, and Tucker build their decks and teaching them all how to play and the rules of the game, the three friends left Yugi's place saying that they would see Yugi tomorrow. Yugi went back to his rrom as not only was the millennium puzzle glowing but also his deck.

-Master Yugi.....- called out a voice. Yugi recognized the voice as it belonged to the Dark Magician. Yugi took out the Dark Magician's card as the image that was shown on the card emerged looking like a transparent ghost. -Master Yugi.....Lord Atemu..... beware the dark presence.... He is after...- stated the Dark Magician before the card grew lifeless and the image of the Dark Magician vanished from sight. The card had stopped glowing as it had returned back to normal.

"What was that all about?" Yugi asked as the spirit of Atemu appeared in the room.

*I am not certain but it seems that my old friend was trying to warn us about something.* replied Atemu.

"A dark presence..... What in the world is it after? Us or Phantom?" asked Yugi.

*Perhaps both. I think it is time that I pay Danny a little visit.* replied Atemu.

Later that night Danny finally went to bed after his usual late night patrols and fighting ghosts. As Danny fell asleep, he found himself within a dream as the card that he had picked out from Yugi, the Ghost Gardna looked like he had been in a fight.

"Ghost Gardna..... What happened to you?" asked Danny in concern.

-Danny .... RUN!- yelled out Ghost Gardna before he was wiped out in a dark energy attack. Danny never ran from a fight before and he wasn't about to start now.

"I'M GOING GHOST!" shouted out Danny. Atemu had been in the human's mind the entire time as he witnessed Danny's transform into the mysterious Phantom. Dark, evil laughter erupted all around both Danny and Atemu as the pharaoh could sense something very familiar to shadow magic but it seemed too dark to be shadow magic. A cold breath escaped from Danny's lips alerting him that there was a ghost close by. "SHOW YOUR SELF!" Danny shouted out as his ectoplamsic energy surrounded his hands. The laughter sounded much closer this time sending chills up and down Danny's spine. Danny had a very bad feeling about this. Suddenly a dark energy blast headed straight for Danny as the ghost teen erected an ectoplamsic shield to protect himself. The dark blast hit Danny hard throwing him back several feet and breaking his shield.

"Your powers don't stand a chance against me boy!" snarled the dark voice as it unleashed another dark energy blast. This time Atemu had intervened.

"MAGICAL CYLINDERS!" Atemu shouted out as two magical cylinders appeared redirecting the dark blast back at its caster.

"Damn you Pharaoh. This isn't the end of me!" roared out the dark voice before its presence had vanished completely. Danny arose to his feet looking at the figure whom stood before him. The man looked like Yugi but his garb looked regal, something from ancient Egypt.

"Yugi?" Danny asked in confusion as he transformed back to his human form.

"Sorry no..... I am not him. All will be revealed in good time." replied Atemu before vanishing from sight. Danny just stood there dazed and confused.

"WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON HERE?!" he shouted out.

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