i. crabs are great unless they try to chase you

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Sam walked into the school after security checked her things. Once she was in the clear, she walked past the people laughing at her before she froze at the staircase. It reminded her of what happened. Her heart started to beat more, her breathing became unsteady before she gasped when she felt someone grab her shoulder. She took a breath when she realized it was Demetri.

"Woah. Easy there, Captain Marvel. Same team, remember?" Demetri reminded her.

"I have to go." Sam ushered herself away from him. She ran outside, bumping into a girl who dropped her things.

"I'm sorry." Sam breathed out, scared that something would happen again. Zoe put her hand on Sam's shoulder to reassure the panicked girl.

"It's okay," Zoe consoled. They both crouched down and helped her pick up her books. "You okay?"

Sam had recognized her. She was Zoe Garcia. The girl who, freshman year had allegedly done it with a junior. She kept saying to people that the rumors were false, but no one would believe her. Sam believed her though. She said it to her when she found her crying in the bathroom. Zoe told her to forget about it because no one else would believe her.

Sam locked eyes with her, "I...I think so. I just couldn't—" She couldn't find the word she was looking for.

"It was hard to be in there after what happened," Zoe asked her. Sam nodded.

"It's okay. You'll be ready one day." She smiled. Sam smiled back at her when the bell rang.

"Well, I guess we'd better go inside." Sam inhaled, not wanting to do that. Zoe was shoved back into Sam by someone. Sam had caught her balance, holding her arms as they turned to see a soccer player.

"Look at that, the two sluts hanging out!" The boy yelled. Zoe grabbed one of the softballs she had in her bag and tossed it up before aggressively hurling it toward the jock, the ball hitting his neck.

"Who threw that?" He yelled out, not bothering to even notice the two shocked girls.

"Come on, we can hide in my car." Sam managed to get out. The two girls ran to her car before shoving their things in the back and sitting in the front seats.

"Thanks for that." Sam smiled gently at her.

"Of course, I don't condone slut shaming, especially from a guy who can't even find a decent outfit besides wearing his jersey." Zoe rolled her eyes. It was quiet between them, not an awkward silence but a neutral one.

"Do you want to go to class?" Sam asked her.

"I mean... I could. But that dude messed up my morning and I don't want to get in trouble with the counselor and her dumb policies, so maybe I should just skip for a day." Zoe nodded to herself.

"Maybe I should too," Sam said to herself.

"Mental health day for the both of us," Zoe concluded, moving to get out of the car.

"Do you want to get something to eat? I can drive us," Sam suggested before she could go.

"Are you sure?" Zoe asked, not wanting Sam to feel obligated to do it.

"My treat since you threw the ball." Sam insisted. Zoe got back into the car, the two girls buckling up so Sam could drive to in and out. Zoe listened to Sam, humming the lyrics to a song. She grinned as she stared out the window.

"What do you want?" Sam asked her, as they were about to order.

"Small fry, small chocolate shake." Zoe recited her order almost every time.

"I was getting the same thing." Sam smiled at the girl before ordering the food. She drove to the window and the girls got their stuff before Sam put the car in park and they ate their food.

"So, I guess we should get to know each other since we've been in the car together for almost an hour?" Zoe suggested to Sam, who was in the process of dipping her fry into the shake.

"Sure." Sam shrugged, positioning herself to face Zoe.

"Favorite snow cone flavor?" Zoe raised her eyebrow.

"Cherry," Sam responded causing Zoe to yell out and high-five the girl. "Favorite food?"

"Sancocho. It's this soup with meat, corn, and potatoes, mixed with plantains, and it comes with rice and it is the best thing ever." Zoe pursed her fingers together and kissed them before lifting them into the air.

"Favorite... Animal?" Zoe asked her.

"I'd say crabs." Sam nodded before she noticed the look on Zoe's face, "What?"

"Crabs?" Zoe spoke with a smile.

Sam rolled her eyes, "I mean, yeah, I loved the little mermaid when I was a kid." Zoe nodded.

"Crabs are great unless they try to hunt you," Zoe spoke, looking forward.

"You were hunted by a crab?" Sam asked, an amused expression on her lips.

"Not yet, but I have a recurring dream that a crab chases me and tries to attack," Zoe admitted, turning her head to see Sam smile. She liked her smile.

"Don't worry, the crabs are more scared of you than you are of it," Sam told her, nudging her gently.

"Maybe. You never know though." Zoe shrugged before looking at Sam's face.

"What is it?" Zoe grabbed Sam, causing her to gasp. "Sorry, sorry."

"It's okay." Sam exhaled. "I think I... Uh."

"Give yourself some time alone. I can take the bus home." Zoe notified her.

Sam looked back at her, "No, I'll drop you off." Sam reversed the car and handed Zoe her phone so she could put in directions. Once they made it to her house, Zoe looked at her.

"Don't let a mistake define you, okay?" She told her. Sam looked back at the girl and nodded, a frown still on her face. She went to leave before Sam spoke up.

"What did you do when someone wouldn't stop bothering you?" Sam asked.

"Went into sports to distract me and scare people." Zoe faced her.

"What should I do?" Sam questioned her again.

"Give yourself time to recollect yourself first, then you can do something." Zoe smiled at her before she closed the door.

AN: understanding
gf >>>

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