iii. perfect day to buy a car

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Moon had texted Zoe about the car wash to raise money for Miguel, the girl instantly replied yes to help out. Her father was asleep in the chair as she got ready. He had volunteered himself fo the night shift, so he was pretty exhausted. So Zoe had made him a meal for when he would wake up, he could just reheat it. She kissed her father on the forehead before she headed out.

It wasn't a long walk to where the car wash was taking place. It was only a block away.
She saw sam walking up so she caught up, grabbing her wrist gently.

"Hey, Sam." Zoe greeted, strolling next to her so they could walk together.

"Hey, thanks again for helping me come up with this car wash idea." Sam nodded to her.

"No biggie." Zoe shrugged, noticing Moon and Zack hanging out.

"Yes, biggie. This is why I made sure the people that worked here to help Miguel, get free slushies from the gas station agreed to let us work here." Sam informed her, pointing to the place.

"Love a good slushy," Zoe noted, Sam nodding in agreement as the two walked up to Moon and Zack, who were finishing up cleaning a car.

"Hey, Felix, it's left circle then right circle." Sam corrected, showing him. Zoe smiled at her doing the motion.

"You practice the circular motion of washing cars?" She asked Sam, a hint of teasing in it.

"Oh yeah, washing cars is a true passion of mine." Sam laughed alongside her. Zoe enjoyed her laugh.

"Hey, Moon!" Sam called out to her friend. Moon turned to see the duo and tapped Zach before the two walked up to them.

"Hey." Moon greeted the two of them, Zach and Zoe shaking hands before snapping, their signature handshake.

"Thank you so much for bringing out the cheerleading team... They are helping you attract customers." Sam remarked, taking note of the number of cars waiting to get theirs washed.

"And thank you Zach for pretending to be the Coach and sending out a message that they should help out so they wouldn't have to do laps for a practice." Zoe nodded to Zach who gave her a thumbs up.

"And thank you for introducing us!" Moon hugged the girl, nodding towards Zach. After the Hawk fiasco, Zoe explained what she did and her words, but what Zoe didn't realize is that they already hung out quite a bit. So they decided to hang out more at school so Hawk would get annoyed.

"About the whole bikini thing do we have to?" Zoe asked, the girl wearing a jacket and shorts while Sam wore overalls over her suit.

"Yeah, I thought you were a feminist," Sam added.

"Oh! I'm a sex-positive feminist. Our bodies are our expression." Moon explained to the two of them. Zoe and Sam gave each other the same look before turning back to the group.

"Oh! How is the astrology thing going?" Zoe asked Zach, knowing he was trying to get into his secret passions some more.

"It's great. Did you know that Aries is the most compatible with Leos?" Zach asked her, a grin appearing on his face.

"That's crazy." Sam nodded with a smile.

"And did you know that Libras are most compatible with Aquarius' from what I've read?" Moon asked them. Zoe blinked annoyingly at Zach, who acted like he didn't do anything. She knew Zach knew almost everyone's astrology sign. And she knew he knew Sams.

Sam was a Libra and Zoe was an Aquarius.

"Interesting." She smiled aggressively.

"Isn't it?" Zach gave her the same smile back before he and Moon went back to washing the car. Zoe rolled her eyes as she glanced back at Sam who watched the two.

"You two fight more than Anthony and I," Sam commented as they walked up to a car to scrub it in soap.

"He's been my only friend since... Well, you know." She trailed off, knowing it was better to leave it because Sam would catch on.

"Well, you have Me now," Sam said to her with a smile. "And Moon and Demetri."

"Yeah, I do now, don't I?" She mumbled to herself with a smile before it turned into a realization. "Oh, shit."

"What?" Sam asked as Zoe started to frantically scrub the car. "What's wrong?"

"I forgot to do an English assignment and it's due tomorrow! The one that's a big part of our grade?" Zoe explained to her as she grabbed the bucket of water and threw it on the car.

"The Romeo and Juliet one?" Sam asked as she nodded. "I have it done. You can use my work and just edit bits and pieces to make it look like it's yours."

Zoe stopped and stared at her in awe, "Are you sure?"

Sam nodded, "You can come over after this, and I'll give it to you."

"Oh my God, you're the best!" Zoe laughed, hugging Sam tightly. Sam hugged her back until the car honked loudly, causing the two to jump back.

Zoe was attempting to finish writing down the last of Sam's assignment on her paper as Sam sat in the chair next to her. It was awkward as Sam sat silently while Zoe wrote.

"Do you want me to grab you something?" Sam asked, looking up at her.

"Yeah, if you want to." Zoe smiled as Sam stood and walked towards the kitchen when a loud knock was heard from the front. She cautiously went to the door and opened it when she saw Demetri.

"Who are you?" She asked the group of boys.

"Who are you?" A taller boy asked, giving her the same amount of sass she gave them.

"Zoe." She gave them their name, looking to Demetri for answers.

"This isn't your house, Zoe." The boy said to her.

She gasped, "Sherlock, is that you?"

"Zoe, this is Chris. Is Sam here?" Demetri finally cut in.

"Yeah, she's just grabbing some snacks for us." She nodded as Sam walked into the room and saw the Miyagi Dos at the door.

"Hey, what's up?" She asked as she saw the looks on their faces. Zoe crossed her arms and leaned on the doorway.

"Is your dad here?" Chris inquired.

"No, he's at work. Why?" Sam asked again.

"Cobra Kai took the money and..." Demetri trailed off as a kid walked in front of the door.

"They kicked the fucking shit out of me!" The boy showed off his bloodied face. Zoe gapped as she looked at Sam.

"Everyone inside. Now." Sam ushered the boys in. Zoe moved out of the way as the boys moved rapidly. Once everyone was in, Sam shut the door, and Zoe grabbed her homework so Nate could sit. The only other girl walked to the brunette.

"So... Hate to ask it but what do we do?" Demetri looked at Sam. To Zoe, it looked like Sam had to lead the pack whenever Daniel wasn't around.

"I... I don't know." Sam expressed. She wanted to help but she didn't know what to do. Zoe rubbed her arm in comfort.

"Well... What was it your dad said? Sometimes the fight comes to you... Well, it's coming to us so we need to defend." Chris mentioned, looking at Sam.

"Well, I don't think he'll—" Sam stopped herself before she got an idea.

"What's your brain thinking about?" Zoe asked her as she turned to her.

"What if I train you guys for the time being?" Sam suggested to the group, "I don't know if my dad will restart Miyagi Do again but he doesn't have to, I can."

"I think that's a good idea." Zoe grinned at her. Sam grinned back at her. The rest of the group seemed to agree.

"Okay, meet me at the Miyagi area after school on... Tuesday's. That's when work they work the latest." Sam informed them.

"Well, you know what they say about Tuesdays... Perfect day to buy a car!" Zoe told her as they started to leave.

Chris turned to her, "No, they don't"

"Shut up!" She smacked Chris' chest.

AN: idk why
but this took
me a bit to write.
also if you don't get
the joke, the oc actress
of my character played
a bunch of sports in
saved by the bell, so
i'm doing it here bc the
show was wrongfully

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