iv. just take the jacket

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"Do we have to be here?" Demetri complained as the Miyagi Do group sat in the bleachers of an away game, the only students there besides the ones that had to be. It was the third quarter of the game and they sat on the bleachers, trying to keep themselves warm.

"Yes. Zoe had to distract my mom when she got home early one time so she wouldn't realize we were practicing karate." Sam nodded, her eyes watching the game but frowning because Zoe wasn't playing.

Chris nudged Sam, "She's the kicker. All the team has to do is get a touchdown and she's on." The brunette girl nodded but watched as the parents clapped for the team as they got up from being tackled again by the other.

Zoe sighed as she sat on the bench next to Zach, "It's a great thing this team also sucks. You know how embarrassing if I had invited them to a North Ridge game?"

Zach shuddered at the thought, "We would be dead."

"So dead." Zoe nodded before she heard someone cheering in the bleachers. She stood, Zach, following before they saw the Miyagi Do crew cheering for them. Zoe grinned when she could hear Sam cheering the loudest. It must've boosted their team as well, as they started to play harder.

"Garcia." A senior called her over as Zach was called in to play. She walked over to him, crossing her arms as a sign of security for herself.

"Yeah?" She asked him as he stood up.

"You know this guy?" He showed her his phone, a photo of a boy attempting to show off his muscles. It was him.

"Unfortunately." She nodded.

"He's saying you went down with him." He told her, raising his eyebrow and giving her a judgmental look, "Him? Really?"

"He's lying. He tried to have a relationship but I said no. Then later he told everyone about it. Freshman year." She explained.

"Then why is he saying he has proof?" He asked her again. She looked at his phone again, a photo of him saying that he had video footage of it.

"He's lying, I swear." She breathed out, her mind starting to be reminded of what had happened in her first year of high school.

"Okay, I'm just saying, you should make him shut his mouth." He nodded as their team scored a touchdown. Everyone cheered as Zoe felt dizzy. It was happening all over again. She thought it was over.

"Garcia, on the field!" The coach yelled for her. She snapped out of it slightly and ran over. She got into her position before she heard the whistle and ran. She kicked the ball and it landed them an extra point, it now being 7 to nothing.

The game ended with their team winning, the group celebrated as Zoe smiled from the sidelines. She felt her elbow being grabbed and she saw Sam who grinned widely at her.

"You did amazing." She hugged the girl tightly, Zoe hugged her back and she immediately felt safe again. The comfort of a hug was something Zoe loved, but from someone, you cared deeply about? It made her forget what was happening and Zoe never wanted to let go. When Sam let go, she noticed the troubled look on her face.

"Are you okay?" She asked her, Zoe inhaling and nodding. Sam gave her a skeptical look, not believing her.

"I'm fine, I'm just... Tired." She excused herself so she could go into the girls' locker rooms.

"She okay?" Zach walked up behind Sam after seeing the whole thing.

"I don't think so." Sam crossed her arms in concern.

"Garcia, over here." Her coach called her over. Zoe, who was sitting with the Miyagi Dos, jogged over to the coach.

"What's up, coach?" She asked, putting her hands in her sweatshirt pockets, the cold weather creeping up on her. The coach gave her a look and crossed her arms. Zoe noticed.

"What's up with you?" She asked, "Your friend is saying that you weren't acting like yourself last night."

"You know Zach's name, Ms. Long." The girl scoffed.

"Not Smith. LaRusso." Zoe turned her head to see her staring back. She gave her a soft grin before turning to the group. "She said you couldn't focus because of something. Is he bothering you again?"

Zoe waved her off, "No, no, I'm fine. I just wasn't feeling great."

"Liar. LaRusso said you said you were tired but you took a nap on the way here. And your not sick because you wouldn't have gone on the field if you had a slight sore throat." Coach called her out.

Zoe exhaled, "You know me a little too well."

"Well, you already know my door is open if you need it. How's your dad, by the way?" Coach changed the subject as they walked towards the soccer game.

"Busy, he's always being put on the night shift. I miss him, you know? But he's off tonight and we're gonna hang out." Zoe excitedly told her coach.

"That's good, I—" she cut herself off when she noticed the soccer game going haywire. Zoe blinked, realizing that this was real as Demetri crouched down and swept the leg on Hawk.

"Boo!" Zoe yelled when Hawk had headbutted Demetri. Moon and Zach stared at her in shock while the coach gave her a look of disbelief. Zoe chose to ignore her stare. As the fight went on, Zoe became louder with her cheers for the Miyagi Do and the blunt comments to the Cobra Kais.

"You know what? That's it, everybody, to the principal's office now!" She yelled, blowing her whistle one last time. The rest of the girls walked back to the locker rooms, changing. Zoe stayed after the bell rang, the girl enjoying the quietness of the place.

Soon the door was slammed open, Sam stomped in. It made Zoe jump.

"Everything alright?" The girl asked as Sam changed. Zoe moved her head towards the door so she wouldn't see or make her feel uncomfortable.

"Our principal is making us have Saturday detention," Sam spoke annoyed. Zoe didn't blame her.

"I get what your feeling." Zoe breathed before going on, "The ex that said things about me is now saying he has proof. He doesn't because we didn't do anything but now they're giving me dirty looks again. I hate it."

Sam looked up at her, now changed. "I'm sorry, I didn't know."

"I didn't expect you to after you sent him a long paragraph and called him a low-life asshole who's going to end up in prison during our freshman year." Zoe reminded her.

Sam clasped her hands together as she sat down next to her, "He told you about that?"

Zoe nodded, "Said I was a bitch for saying it was fake. That I should've gone along with it."

"He's the bitch if he thought that," Sam noted. Zoe nodded in agreement before she took off her jacket.

"Here." She handed her jacket to Sam, who looked back at her confused. "It gets cold in Carol's office, which is where detention is."

"Are you sure?" Sam asked her again.

"I'm sure, just take the jacket... Have a nice weekend, LaRusso." Zoe waved goodbye, as a text message from her dad popped up, letting her know that he was there.

"Have a nice weekend, Garcia." Sam waved back before slipping on the jacket. It smelled like vanilla and coconut. To Sam, it smelled like Zoe and she never wanted to take it off.

AN: next chapter...

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