v. you aren't saying anything?

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*warning: talks of sexual harassment.*

Zoe and her father had just sat down to eat dinner when Sam had called her and told her it was an emergency. Her father rushed the girl to the hospital, Zoe's leg bouncing up and down since they had gotten into the car. Her father knew she was scared.

"Zoe." Her father tried to console her but her mind wasn't ready for that yet.

"How could this happen?" She asked. Zoe was angry, it wasn't directed at anyone, yet. She always had an urgent feeling to protect the ones she cares about the most. And someone she cared about got hurt.

"I don't know." He told her. It was true, no one knew what to do. Someone had broken Demetri's arm but he was in surgery at the moment. Once Zoe's father found a parking spot, the two ran to the floor where Sam and Amanda were waiting.

"Sam," Zoe called her. Sam stopped hugging her mother, standing up to see her. Zoe walked forward and wrapped her arms around her as she cried into her arms. Her father and Amanda gave them space as the woman also wanted to explain to him.

"It was Hawk... He broke Demetri's arm." Sam whispered to her. Zoe froze as Sam still hugged her tightly. She took a deep breath but she knew that wouldn't suffice for long.

"It's going to be okay." She reassured the girl. She was attempting to tell that to herself as well. They finally let go as Zoe held out her hand, "All we have to do now is wait."

Sam took her hand as they sat next to their parents, waiting for anything. Sam would once in a while squeeze her hand. Zoe would squeeze back. Zoe's dad took notice of the two.

"Demetri Alexopoulos?" A nurse walked up with a clipboard. The four stood up, the nurse walking over. "Surgery went well, we are going to keep him here overnight to make sure his vitals are okay but tomorrow he is good to go back home."

"Can we see him?" Sam asked, hope in her voice.

"Yes, two guests at a time, please." The nurse nodded. Sam and Zoe stepped forward, the two adults going to sit back down in the chairs of the waiting room.

"What the hell happened?" Zoe spoke up once the nurse closed the door of the room.

"Whatever happened to saying hello to someone when greeting them, huh?" Demetri asked a jello cup with a spoon in hand.

"Oh, okay. Hello, Demetri, how are you? What the hell happened to your hand?" She raised his now casted arm.

"Cobra Kai happened." Demetri rolled his eyes.

"It's my fault. I wanted to get revenge on Cobra Kai... But then Tory showed up... And I just froze. I wasn't ready for her... So I hid." Sam looked down apologetically.

"It's not your fault." Demetri insisted, "Eli broke my arm... I didn't expect him to do it because he was my best friend... but everyone kept telling him to do it. They called him a pussy."

"Are you going to tell the police?" Sam asked. Demetri shook his head which made Zoe upset.

"What do you mean? You aren't saying anything?" She raised her voice. Sam grabbed her elbow in an attempt to calm her down but nothing was stopping Zoe at the moment.

"He... Look I don't expect you to understand..." He trailed off.

"No, I don't. So please explain to me so I can." Zoe paced before sitting next to Sam, waiting for an explanation.

"He was literally my best friend. We were there for each other in elementary school, middle school, and the start of high school. It's hard without him, let alone saying my best friend broke my arm." Demetri explained, Zoe's eyes quickly flooding with guilt.

"Oh, I'm sorry." She quickly apologized.

"It's okay, this is a tough situation," Demetri gave her a small smile before he frowned, "I just never expected him to do that, you know?"

"Well, what do we do now?" Sam asked, staring at Demetri's arm, "They aren't going to stop anytime soon."

"Can we just... I don't know, not think about that? I'm tired and I just want to sleep." The boy suggested.

"Demetri's right. We can hyper-focus on anything, let's just sleep and think of something tomorrow." Zoe nodded. Sam reluctantly agreed, so they talked to the nurses and they agreed to let the two girls spend the night since Demetri's moms couldn't be there until tomorrow morning.

Once the parents left and Sam and Demetri were asleep, Zoe opened her eyes and left the room.

Hawk was hitting a punching bag in his backyard. He couldn't sleep. He didn't notice when a figure jumped over his fence and was behind him. Zoe grabbed him from behind and hit his head on the bag before he fell to the ground. She put her knee in the middle of his back so he couldn't move.

"Let me go!" He grunted but she just smushed his face in the dirt before lifting it towards her face so she could whisper it to him.

"I'm gonna make this clear. Leave Demetri and the other Miyagi Dos alone, or there will be consequences. Got it?" She threatened him.

"Or what?" Hawk grunted, trying to get out of her hold. But she had a strong hold on him.

"My dad used to work at tech town. He taught me all the tricks in the book." She pulled out her phone and showed him the video of him breaking Demetri's arm.

"You wouldn't want this getting out, would you?" She taunted him. He stayed silent. "Hm. Didn't think so. Also, don't tell anyone about our conversation. Just being near me might ruin your reputation."

"Is this what you did to him? That's why he isn't at school?" Hawk asked again.

Zoe scoffed, "You don't know anything about that. Why do you keep talking about it? For your information, he tried to make a move on me in his junior year. I was a freshman. I was fourteen and he had just turned seventeen. He tried but I told him no so he decided to make something up and told everyone. I tried to tell them it was false but no one believed me. Do you know how fucked up that is? Why are you even talking about it?"

Hawk stayed silent, not moving. He could've escaped by now, her knee was not on his back. "He sometimes goes to Cobra Kai as a guest." He finally spoke up. "He talks about you a lot. Says things about the... But it's not true?"

"None of it was true. I thought of him as a role model but he thought of me as an object."

"I didn't know."

"No one did." She sighed, standing up. "Look. You seem to be a semi-good person, but this whole bully persona isn't. You should try to not be such an asshole."

"How do you know I wasn't like this the whole time?" Hawk yelled at her as she walked towards the gate.

"Because you know what it was like to be bullied by someone." She said back before leaving, letting Hawk contemplate his choices.

Sam and Demetri woke up with Zoe who had three cups of iced coffee.

"Here you go." She handed one to Sam and then the other to Demetri.

"Thanks. How'd you sleep?" Sam asked, taking a sip of it.

"Not well, couldn't fall asleep." Zoe nodded. She wasn't telling the whole truth but she wasn't ready to talk about what she did just yet. "Let's go get you checked out, demetri."

AN: the way hawk
stopped and listened
even thouga h he's
supposed to be in his
menace era.

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