xi. i'm taking the risk

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"What!" Miguel asked loudly, a huge grin on his face. Zoe smacked his chest and shushed him as Demetri and Hawk walked toward them.

"You are so loud," Zoe complained, "But what should I do now? We can barely talk now without it being awkward."

"Have you talked about you know what?" Demetri asked her.

"No." Zoe shook her head, "I don't know. She leaned in first, and then I leaned in. And then freaking Amanda had to distract us, no offense to Amanda. Love Amanda."

"I say you face to face with Sam and tell her what you want to do." Hawk gave her an encouraging nod.

Zoe stared at him in disbelief, "No! Do you think I'm that confident? I can barely flirt with the woman, let alone tell her I wanna make out with her."

"Hey, you're the first out of the state to be our first female football player. If you have enough courage to try out, you can ask Sam out. You can even show Mr. LaRusso what you're made of." Miguel patted her on the back.

"I did. I made him a live, laugh, love sign." Zoe nodded proud of herself. Miguel tilted his head in confusion but nodded as well.

"You know, compared to Sensei Lawrence's training, today's gonna be a vacation." Penis breath told the group.

"Whos going on vacation?" Daniel butted in on their conversation. Zoe sat up straight and put her hands to her side, trying to look like she was all good and there weren't a million things on her mind.

"Uh, no one. What have you got for us today?" Miguel spoke quickly, putting his hands in his pockets.

"Come here." Daniel waved them over. "Now, I know you've all been taught to strike first. But what do you do when your opponent is faster than you?"

"Fishies!" Zoe squealed as she squatted down to look at them.

"Are those real koi?" Penis breathe asked.

"They sure are." Daniel grinned at Zoe, who watched them as if they were the most interesting thing in the world.

"Today's lesson is simple. Catch a fish. But since I know you Eagle Fang's like a bit of competition, we're gonna make it interesting. So the first to succeed will have the honor of leading class all week... And you also get to pick out what flavor of Gatorade I buy next." Daniel instructed the group.

"Aw, hell yeah! Hope you all like glacial freeze." Penis breath spoke out loud.

Zoe leaned toward Hawk, "Which color is that one again?"

"The white one." He answered back. She turned to penis breath with a disgusted look before shaking her head.

"Okay, where are the rods?" Miguel asked.

"Back in my garage," Daniel answered him.

"Do you want me to get them for you, Mr. L?" Zoe asked Daniel, with a confused look.

"No, thank you though. Your bare hands are all you'll use and all you'll need." Zoe took her jacket off quickly as Daniel got them ready to go. When he said go, Zoe rushed to the side and lay on the rocks as she kept her hand in the water, trying to grab them.

Miguel went to grab one but he leaned too far close and ended up falling in. Zoe felt bad for the boy, reaching her hand out to help. She pulled him out rather quickly, the boy nearly flying out of the water and onto the land.

"Looks like you're a little wet behind the ears. Alright, let's get you dried off." Daniel told the boy with an amused expression. The practice ended with no one catching a fish. The boys walked out annoyed while Zoe got a text from Sam that told her to stay there since they needed to talk.

"I was so close to catching on. I definitely touched a scale." Penis breath told the group.

"I know this Chinese restaurant with a big ass fish tank. We can go there and practice. You two, uh, coming?" Hawk asked, looking at Miguel and Zoe.

"No, I have something big that'll either bite me in the ass or not bite me in the ass," Zoe explained to him. He just looked at her confused before he shrugged it off and turned to Miguel.

"Uh, Nah. My mom's picking me up." Miguel excused himself.

"All right, well, stay dry my friend." They did their handshake as Zoe sat on the front step of the building.

"You got a ride home?" Daniel asked as he sorted things out with Miguel.

"Yeah, Sam's gonna pick me up after she finishes practice. We're gonna hang out." Zoe beamed at the man. He nodded, patting her shoulder as he drove away with Miguel.

An hour later a car pulled up in the driveway, Sam rushed out. Zoe stood up to see her, "Hey."

"I'm just going to say it right here, right now. I don't know what I like. Boys, girls, I don't know... But I like you. I romantically like you. And Sensei Lawrence put it in retrospect for me. I need to take the risk. So I'm taking the risk." Sam spoke her feelings out loud.

"I like you too." Zoe looked at her with her eyes widened and a grin on her face. Sam grinned back before she leaned forward. Zoe leaned forward as well, grabbing Sam's face gently as they started to kiss. After a minute they broke apart, the two just staring at each other.

"Are you okay with telling other people?" Zoe asked as they walked towards Sam's car.

"Yeah, but I think we can just hold off on my parents. I want to tell them myself." Sam notified her. Zoe nodded to her conclusion.

"So were girlfriends now?" Zoe asked with a cheeky grin on her face.

"Yes." Sam nodded as Zoe pecked her on the cheek.

"Damn it! How do they make it look so easy on Hillbilly Handfishin?" Penis breath asked in disbelief.

"What are you smiling about?" Hawk asked as he watched Zoe grin goofily as she just let her hands stay in the water.

"Nothing." She told him as she watched the fish.

"Shit! This is impossible." Hawk cursed.

"Patience. You'll figure it out." Daniel nodded. Miguel seemed to have figured out his hint.

"I have an idea." Miguel grinned as he got into the water. Zoe joined him, making sure Sam's jacket would stay on land. "Come on, get in."

The group started to get in the water, just as confused as Zoe was. "Come on, follow my lead. Walk in a circle."

As the group did what Miguel told them to do so, the fish went beneath the board.

"Hey, it's working. They're going underneath the board!" Hawk said out loud to the group.
Before they knew it, Miguel's hand was raised with a Koi fish in them.

"We have a winner!" Daniel announced.

"Great job, Miguel! Now put toby back in the water!" She instructed, grabbing his arm and yanking it down so the fish could be free.

"Good job, Miguel. Good job." Daniel nodded. Zoe got out of the pond as Sam walked up.

"You are soaking wet. Let's go get you a towel?" Sam asked the girl, noticing her now shivering figure. Zoe nodded but turned and gave Miguel a thumbs-up as they walked away.

AN: okay, so i wasn't feeling the old gif but i very much like this one. anyways, they're gfs now! sorry not sorry if this was anti- climatic.

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