xii. cherry slushie!

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Zoe walked into the child's birthday party, not knowing what to expect. It was pretty big for one, but then again there were a lot of kids there. Zoe held Sam's hand as multiple kids ran right in front of them.

"Do we really have to come to this?" Sam asked in annoyance.

"Uh, Sheilas worked for us for ten years, she's practically family. Anyways, you used to love to babysit Cindee. Oh, hi!" Amanda informed the girl before getting distracted by someone waving to her.

"This is just about the last place I'd like to be spending my Saturday with Zoe." Sam gave Amanda a knowing look.

"A lot of people have it worse than you," Amanda said to her back as the lights went dim.

"A show?" Zoe asked out loud as she and Sam turned to see what was happening. A bunch of girls dressed as mermaids came on stage. Sam started to smile, and Zoe noticed.

"Are you checking someone else out in front of me?" Zoe questioned her in disbelief, it was quiet enough so Amanda couldn't hear.

"That's Tory. Remember?" Sam reminded her, Zoe's mouth becoming an 'o' shape.

"That still doesn't answer my question, by the way." Zoe turned to her with a smug look. Sam rolled her eyes and nudged the girl before turning to Amanda.

"Did I say the last place I want to spend my Saturday? I meant the first." Sam laughed a little bit. As the mermaids dispersed into different areas of the room, Zoe noticed the menu of the snacks they had.

"Sam, look!" Zoe pointed out that they had a cherry slushie.

"Love a good slushie." Sam quoted Zoe as they nudged each other again gently.

"I can go grab one if you want." Zoe nodded, being very ready to rush over and order one.

"Yeah, I'll go find us a table." Sam nodded to the girl as they went their separate ways.

"What can I get for you today?" The worker asked the girl.

"One large cherry slushie with two straws," Zoe ordered the duo, going to grab her wallet.

"Oh, no need! The food and drinks are paid for by the party host." The worker stopped her from grabbing her wallet. She put it back in her purse.

"Is this what all rich people parties are like?" Zoe asked out loud.

"Yes." The worker nodded. Zoe hummed as she went to the waiting area so the next person could order. Her drink came not long afterward since the drink was not hard to make.

"Zoe!" She heard Miguel call out to her. She grabbed her drink and walked over to see him and Daniel there.

"Are you guys best friends with Cindee as well?" Zoe asked, pretending to be shocked that they were there.

"Oh yeah." Miguel went along with it as Daniel shook his head, "Besties since whenever she was born."

"Why is Sam covered in glitter?" Daniel asked as Zoe turned to see her, "Zoe, go find that out for me."

"Yes, sir." She saluted him before she grabbed Miguel to go with her.

"Interesting, uh, choice," Miguel spoke up, getting Sam to turn to them.

"You know, when I told you I liked arts and crafts, I did not mean for you to do this," Zoe smirked at the girl before taking a sip of the slushie.

"Are you going for the disco ball look?" Miguel asked the girl.

"Okay, you two, stop tag-teaming me." Sam chuckled at the group before she went super close to the bunch. Tory, in her mermaid outfit then stormed off, Zoe turning to see her but looking back when Sam pulled her close to her.

"There's a drive-in movie night happening tonight and I was wondering if you wanted to go?" Sam asked with a subtle smile.

"I would love to." Zoe nodded as she pecked her forehead. She picked up the slushie and Sam took a sip of it as the trio left the party to get to the drive-in.

"Are you feeling this movie?" Sam asked as the man punched the other man in the nuts.
After Miguel had gotten the ride, he went in Hawk's car with him and Demetri.

"Absolutely not." Zoe cringed at the eighties movie.

"Neither am I." Sam laughed as she sipped on the slushie.

"You know I have an idea we should try one day," Zoe suggested to the brunette. She hummed, giving Zoe the chance to go on, "One day, one of us should have a Cherry slushie and the other a Blue raspberry slushie. And we should test to see if it's true that blue and red tongues-"

Before Zoe could go on, Sam smacked her on the arm gently, laughing at how obscure that idea was, "Are you a perv now?"

"No! This is a science experiment, Samantha. I would to know the outcome of this experiment and see if my hypothesis is correct or not." Zoe tried to reason but Sam's laughter made her laugh.

"Oh, what the hell?" Sam spoke in disbelief as she unlocked her car. Zoe turned to see the Cobra Kais walking up. She got out as well as Sam locked the doors.

"Oh, there's a traitor here for sure. And he's gonna get what he deserves." Tory walked in.

"I don't think so. Not if I have anything to say about it, princess." Sam mocked the nickname Tory had given her. Zoe saw Kyler's face fall when he noticed her, so she gave him a taunting wave.

"Hey, guys. Can you believe that they have Mr. Pibb and Dr. Pepper?" Demetri walked over, not realizing what was going on. Zoe cleared her throat as he looked up and saw Cobra Kai, "Oh, shit. Not another rumble."

Hawk pulled the lanky boy in the Miyagi Fang group, letting him stay next to him.

"Careful, LaRusso. Your mommy isn't here to play peacemaker." Tory spoke to the girl tauntingly.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Sam shot back at her.

"Leave Amanda out of this." Zoe threatened her.

"Or what?" Tory asked.

"Guys, stop!" Miguel cut in before Zoe could go on, "We can't do this. We beat 'em on the mat."

"Oh really?" Robby asked in disbelief, "You do remember what happened last time we fought, right?"

"Hey, shut your mouth, or I'll make you. And trust me, you don't want me to make you. Isn't that right, Kyler?" She raised her eyebrows at the boy. He scoffed quietly but shrunk back. He would never say it out loud but he was deeply afraid of the woman. He was especially when she was angry.

"Okay. Meet us at the baseball diamond in thirty minutes. And no weapons." Miguel eyed the Cobras when he said the last part.

"We won't need them," Tory turned with the other Cobra Kais and walked away. Zoe wrapped an arm around Sam and walked to Hawk's car as Miguel told them his plan.

"Are we seriously going to fight them?" Zoe asked as she was separated from Sam because Demetri was told to be in the middle.

"No. The baseball diamond closes at 10 pm, including the lights and everything. They don't know that the sprinklers also go off." Miguel told the group what his plan was.

"It's 9:59, they should go off soon," Hawk spoke, watching the Cobra Kais on the field looking around for them. The lights went out and soon the sprinklers went off, the group becoming soaked.

Hawk was the first to laugh loudly, "Dude! Genius move. We didn't even have to throw a punch."

"My favorite kind of victory." Demetri patted Miguel on the back. Hawk drove back to the drive-in, dropping off the two girls so they could drive home themselves.

"What's on your mind, beautiful?" Zoe asked as they went into Sam's car.

"I don't know... I just feel like we're not striking hard enough. I want to make them not want to attack us, you know?" Sam told her thoughts to Zoe.

"Yeah, I get it." Zoe nodded as Sam pulled out and drove the girl home.

AN: Miguel is their son and Sam and Zoe are his mothers. In this essay, I will-

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