xvi. reminds me of those little demons

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Sam had announced that she and Zoe were dating the night she had asked her to prom and now the girl waited for her to descend the stairs so they could have dinner and go to prom. Her father currently was waiting for Sam to give him the go so he could record her daughter's reaction.

Daniel walked next to her, "So when did you and Sam start dating?"

"After the Eagle Fangs had their practice with you." She answered back, turning towards him, "Why do you ask?"

"I just never realized Sam liked girls... It's not a bad thing at all, I'm glad sam found someone who made her happy. I just wish she would've told us sooner." Daniel let out to the girl.

"She's just trying to be her own person. If you give her space to let her do it on her own, she will." Zoe explained to him. He let her words sink in when they heard movement on the steps. Amanda rushed down the steps so she could record Sam.

She walked down in her pink dress, Zoe gapping at how stunning she looked. She walked down with a pink corsage as Zoe gave her a purple corsage.

"You look absolutely stunning." She gapped at the brunette. Sam smiled as she pecked her cheek.

"All right, picture time. Garcia's, get together." Zoe got next to her father they both posed as if they were Charlie's angels.

"Beautiful. Let's get the LaRussos. Anthony!" Vanessa yelled as she chuckled at their readiness for that pose. Anthony made a sly comment about his grounding, causing their grandma to ask Daniel about it before he waved it off, trying to avoid it, taking a typical family photo.

"All right. Everybody now. One big happy family. Let's go." Vanessa waved the father and daughter into the lens area. Zoe took the initiative, and went behind Sam and put her head between her shoulder blade as they posed for the final photo.

"So, my beautiful lady, can you dance?" Zoe asked as she led Sam onto the dance floor.

Sam thought about it, "I want to say I can, but I don't want to embarrass myself in front of my hot date."

"Solid answer." Zoe nodded as she took the lead, letting Sam put her hands on her shoulders. Zoe grabbed her hands and started to make her arms move in a circular motion. Sam smiled at her as Zoe spun her out before spinning her back in.

"I didn't know they were a thing." Sam nodded to Tory and Robby who had just walked in. Zoe saw it as well but she distracted the girl by caressing her face, so she would face her.

"Neither did I but don't let them distract you, okay? Besides, I need you to give me a lovey-dovey nickname." Zoe gave her a cheeky grin, wrapping her arms around her waist Sam placed hers on her shoulder, her hands holding behind her head.

"What about... Lover?" Sam suggested.

"Hmm... Corny but cute. Not for me though." Zoe shook her head.

"Babe?" Sam asked.

"Eh, reminds me of those little demons at that birthday party." Zoe shuddered.

"You mean the little kids?" Sam asked with a slight grin, Zoe nodded. "Okay. What if I call you a badass that does football and a shit ton of other sports."

"Perfect for the All Valley." Zoe jokingly nodded.

"Well, that is perfect for the All Valley but I don't think I would call you that," Sam told her with a nod as she thought about what to call her. "Can I just call you my girl? Like the song?"

"Ooh, I love that!" Zoe grinned as she hummed the song. After a while, Sam and Zoe walked back to their table they sat down since their feet hurt.

"There's an after-party. Do you want to go?" Sam asked the girl as Zoe chugged her water.

"Sure." Zoe nodded. Sam took her hand and walked her from the dance to her car.

"Zoe, can we talk?" Chloe, of her ex-friends, walked up to her at the party as Zoe and Sam ate their cupcakes. Zoe squeezed Sam's hand before walking away from her.

"I just want to say I'm sorry. I heard that Chase lied about it... I want to be your friend." Zoe wanted to believe what she said. But her voice was condescending. She made her life hell by making fun of her online.

"I'm sorry but I won't forgive you." Zoe crossed her arms as if that would protect her. She scoffed, letting Zoe know what she thought. Chloe didn't really care, she just wanted publicity.

"Why?" she asked in disbelief.

"Why? Why?" Zoe mocked her. "You were supposed to stay on my side through the hard times. But no, you believed someone who thought the tooth fairy was real since freshman year."

"Look, his story was believable. Not yours. Sorry." Chloe scrunched her nose mockingly before she walked away. Zoe scoffed, following her outside.

"What do you mean it doesn't make sense?" Zoe's voice rose as other people started to notice.

"What do you think I mean? I mean, you hung out with him all year and nothing happened?" She rose her voice back at her.

Zoe shook her head in disbelief, "I was new to high school. And he wanted to be my friend. I was scared so I said yes. And while I thought he was my friend, he thought I was some girl he could have whenever he wanted."

Yells were heard as Sam started to fight Tory, Zoe looking away for a moment. Chloe went to shove her into the pool but she barely moved, her feet stayed planted on the concrete. Zoe turned her body to face Chloe, her face immediately falling. Zoe grabbed her arm, pulling her arm forward, and the girl fell into the pool.

"Hey!" Robby yelled to stop the fighting, but Zoe grabbed his tuxedo and yanked him back. She swung at him but he ducked, kicking the back of her leg. She fell back but quickly got back up. Robby went to swing but Zoe grabbed ahold of his arm, pulling him over her as he hit the ground.

"I knew my wrestling skills would work with karate." Zoe nodded before she saw Sam and Tory falling into the pool. Robby and she looked at each other for a second before going to their respected partner.

"You look a little wet." Zoe looked down at her. Sam raised her arm so Zoe lifted her out of the pool.

"Thanks." Sam shivered, rubbing her arms. Zoe pecked her on the lips, as she led her out of the house, stealing a fur coat from the house they were at. She placed it on Sam before they walked to her car.

"You're... You're not mad at me, are you?" Sam asked in a quiet voice.

"Wasn't it Sensei Lawrence who told you not to take anyone's shit anymore? No, of course, I'm not mad." Zoe consoled her.

"I just... I wanted to show her I'm not some doormat. She can't just walk all over me." Sam explained.

"Well, save some for the All Valley, okay?" Zoe leaned closer to her. Sam nodded before pulling out of the driveway, getting away before a man came running at them for stealing a jacket.

AN: them >>

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