xx. like in stranger things?

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"Moon, this place is so... you." Sam took note of the place. Zoe turned to see someone getting a mud bath, looking away quickly. She turned the other way and gazed at the beautiful-looking crystals that they had. Zoe wanted to look at them closely but she didn't know which ones would give her good luck or bad so she refused to touch

"Very you." Zoe nodded to the framed picture of when the place first opened, a bunch of people that looked like Moon there.

"Isn't it?" Moon gushed before she went serious with a nod of her head. "When Eli and broke up for the first time, there was a lot of negative energy. This place helped cut through the noise. Which is why I brought you here."

Moon wrapped an arm around Zoe and Sam, "You gotta find yourself. Figure out who you really are."

"I have a question before we do this." Zoe raised her hand.

"Yes." Moon waved for her to go on.

"What's that?" She pointed to a woman who massaged an unknown substance onto another person. Sam groaned in disgust, looking at the unknown ooze.

"Oh! That's a snail slime moisturizer. From what I remember, Chilean snail farmers were up to their elbows in snail goo almost every day. They started to notice that their hands were softer and smoother, and that small cuts healed more quickly without infection. That's how snail slime became a moisturizer." Moon explained before going in a different direction.

"They should put it in lotions so when people buy it and not look at you like your crazy," Zoe uttered to Sam, who nodded in agreement. They walked towards a pod that was filled with water.

"What is this, exactly?" Sam questioned her.

"Is it a pool of some sort?" Zoe asked her right after.

"Nope! This is a self-actualization pod." Moon answered the two.

Sam and Zoe turned to each other with the same look on their face, "So, like a sensory deprivation tank?"

"Oh, no, no, no, no." Moon waved her off. "They don't call them that anymore. It's not about deprivation. It's about connection with your innermost self."

"So... It's, uh, a self- deprivation tank but they don't call it that. They call it a self- actualization pod. Like in stranger things?" Zoe asked Moon.

"Yup!" Moon nodded with a grin.

"Thanks, but I'm still gonna pass." Sam wrapped herself more in her robe to stay warm. Zoe rubbed her arm to help her out.
"I already have nightmares about drowning in shallow water."

"I still have nightmares about crabs. They just go," She pretended her hand was a crab claw and just went backward and forward with her fingers. "And I'm in the claw. Being chopped up."

"Sam." Moon got her attention with the seriousness in her voice. "Ever since the tournament, you've been off balance. It"s clear that there's been some tension with Miguel. The only thing you're gonna find in this pod is yourself. That's not so scary, right?"

"Sam can be very scary." Zoe nodded, getting smacked in the arm in return, "Hey, It's true! You can be scary."

"I'm not scary." Sam gave her a stare knowing she was right before turning back to Moon who had a hopeful look on her face, "And fine. I'll do the tank."

"Me too." Zoe grinned with a thumbs up.
Sam had gotten in first after taking off her robe. Zoe helped her go in as Moon typed in the code, letting it shut in on her, she was in the darkness.

"And now for you." Moon beamed. Zoe took off her robe to reveal her lilac swimsuit, the girl carefully getting in and floating before it shut completely. Zoe took a deep breath as she closed her eyes, and started to walk through her mind a bit. Zoe wore a white tank top and sweatpants in her mind.

She saw Sam and Daniel in her mind, the girl grinning. She saw Eli and Demetri together. She saw Miguel and Johnny, in their Eagle Fang gis. She saw Zach and her father as well. In sync, they turned their heads to someone crouched down, someone dressed in red.

Zoe walked towards her instinctively, "Hey."

The person in red turned around, it was Zoe,
"Hey." Zoe backed away as the red Zoe walked towards her.

"Why are you running away?" She taunted as Zoe backed away from her. "Why are you running from it?"

"Running from what?" Zoe asked back.

"From your regret." Red Zoe raised her eyebrows.

"Regretting what? The fact that I got Terry Silver's car towed? That his finger is bruised from the mousetrap? I don't regret it at all." Zoe confirmed with a nod of her head.

"Not that." Red Zoe shook her head. "When we attacked Chase."

"I don't regret attacking chase!" Zoe defended herself, finding herself starting to get louder, "We both know what he did to me! He's a demon."

"I'm not justifying what he did." Red Zoe looked at her with a knowing look, "I'm telling us that we shouldn't have attacked him. That's not who we are. And deep down we know that."

Zoe didn't answer, knowing that the version of herself in red was right. It wasn't who she was. Breaking and entering could go on her permanent record and she could've gone to jail. It wouldn't have mattered to the police that the man was trying to touch a minor, they probably would have told her that she should've told them two years ago when it did happen.

"Even if... Even if it's not who we are. What am I supposed to do now? I don't want to ever see him again." Zoe asked the red version of herself. Red Zoe went to answer her question when light peered through the way.

Zoe opened her eyes with a gasp, Moon's head peeping through, "You must have had an amazing vision. I can tell from the look on your face." 

"Yeah." Zoe exhaled, upset she never got the answer. Moon helped her out before they went to Sam's. She jumped at the impact, Zoe crouching immediately as Sam took her hand to hold.

"Oh my gosh. I just had the most incredible vision. I was a drop of dew glistening in the moonlight. Are you okay?" Moon finally took notice of her heavy breathing.

Zoe helped her out as Moon grabbed her robe. Once Sam had the robe on she leaned into Zoe.

"Wasnt it enlightening? What'd you see?" Moon asked her. Sam didn't answer, just leaning into Zoe more.

"I think we should go." Zoe awkwardly broke the silence. Moon nodded, understanding that Sam wasn't ready.

Zoe nudged Sam as they got into their car, "If it makes you feel any better, my vision was myself telling me how I should regret doing what we did to Chase."

Sam nodded before leaning back in her chair, "Mine was literally people telling me who I was. And then I fought myself. Isn't that weird?"

"Well, it definitely has a deeper meaning, but it's up to you how you comprehend it." Zoe nodded to her as she saw the look on her face. "Wanna get some cheese fries?"

Sam grinned slightly, "You read my mind."

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