xxi. glad to see you aren't dead.

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"Come on, one ride! Please?" Zoe looked at Sam with the best puppy dog eyes she could manage. Sam looked away from her book before rolling her eyes and setting it down.

"Fine. One ride, I'm holding you to that. Last time, one ride was all of them, and see how many rules we could break while on the slide." Sam gave her a knowing look. Zoe rolled her eyes.

"It's fun to break them a little bit." Zoe faked an innocent grin. Sam laughed as she stood up and took her hand. She walked them to the biggest ride, Zoe gapped, "You really wanna do that one?"

"Yes. Let's do it before I regret it." Sam nodded the two walking in sync up the steps. The line wasn't horrible because of how fast the workers were going.

"You two, this slide." The worker told Sam and Zoe to go over to where they were. They placed the double-person float down in the pre-area. Zoe went into the back as Sam got into the front.

"Zoe..." Sam trailed off.

"Yeah?" Zoe asked.

"I'm starting to regret this!" She turned to her urgently.

"Push us down!" Zoe turned to the lifeguard.  She nodded, pushing them down. Sam yelled out as Zoe cheered. Once they had made it to the pool area, Sam slipped into the water. Zoe flipped herself off of the float as Sam pulled her hair back out of her face.

"Tell me that wasn't fun." Zoe grinned at her as they walked out, heading back to their seats.

"I will say that was thrilling." Sam nodded as she dried herself a bit. She put sunscreen on as well as her sunglasses before laying herself dry.

"Ew. Anthony, can you not stare at my girlfriend and friend?" Sam asked in disgust. Anthony tried to justify himself but he ended up shuffling away. Zoe couldn't help but laugh.

"What's so funny to you?" Sam turned to her.

"The LaRusso siblings have similar taste." Zoe shimmied her shoulders as Sam rolled her eyes.

"So, Sam, how's the whole eat, pray, love journey going?" Moon turned to her. Sam closed her book as Zoe listened in.

"It's actually better than I expected. It's been kind of nice to just focus on myself, without all of the karate or relationship drama." Sam nodded.

"Relationship as in you and Miguel..." Zoe frowned, sitting up.

"Yeah... Why?" Sam asked her back.

"Hey, Moon!" Eli called to her. Sam turned to see Eli and Miguel walking toward them. Moon waved to them before turning to Sam realizing what she did.

"Oh, I totally forgot they were coming." Moon looked in sympathy.

"It's fine. Really." Sam waved her off.

"Are you sure? Cause I can tell him I'll see him later." Moon tried to give her an idea.

"No, Moon, seriously. This is going to happen. And it's all right. Miguel is my friend. We can be friends without remembering that we fought." Sam nodded.

Eli and Moon hugged for a second before he started to talk to Moon about Demetri and what he should get him for a present.

"Hey, uh, hey. How you doing, Sam and Zoe?" Miguel awkwardly greeted them. He didn't know what type of stare Zoe was giving him due to the sunglasses but he knew he was always in some kind of shit with her.

"Hey... I'm, uh, yeah. I mean. I'm good. And how about you? Zoe?" Sam nodded to the two of them. Zoe turned to Miguel raising an eyebrow.

"I'm cool. I'm good. Zoe?" Miguel turned to her.

"I'm glad to see you aren't dead, Miguel." She spoke in a monotone voice. "I'm also good. I'm actually great because this summer has been great. Has it been great for you?"

"Uh... Yeah, I guess." He trailed off. "Uh, is anyone?"

"Yeah. I mean, no, but...I. Yeah, you can. you can go ahead." She trailed off to the chair next to the right of Sam, Zoe laying on the one to her left. Miguel sat down when he noticed Zoe's glasses staring at him. He looked away, thinking she was glaring at him when in reality she was about to fall asleep.

She turned her head when she heard yelling. She saw Anthony being harassed by Cobra Kai. Eli saw it too. They stood up in sync, Eli going to confront them while Zoe went to dive into the water. Anthony heard a splash of water before he felt the tubes being pulled off of him. Zoe lifted him like a child as he breathed in and out.

"Did your parents ever take you or Sam to swimming lessons or anything?" Zoe asked as she sat him on the side.

"No." He scoffed as he crossed his arms. "Dad wanted us to do karate, our only lessons were to not drown."

She pulled herself out as the two walked over to where Sam was. Zoe grabbed an extra towel she had and threw it at Anthony.
It hit him in the face, but he laughed at the impact.

"Don't worry, I can teach you two how to swim." Zoe grinned, sitting back down. It wasn't long till another brawl started again, this time Eli and Miguel going to confront what was happening.

"Hey! Everybody get out of the park immediately. I mean it, everybody out now" The lifeguard yelled out. Sam closed her book as Zoe packed up the things she had.

"Why can't everybody just get along?" Moon huffed, moving to stand.

"Because the biggest things you want in life are sometimes out of your reach," Zoe replied to her.

"Let's go, Anthony. Bye, Zoe." Sam waved goodbye. Zoe waved back, making sure Anthony kept the towel because it was cold in Sam's car. Zoe walked to where her dad was parked, noticing Miguel and Robby fighting. She went to stop it but Johnny's car came out of nowhere, so she decided it was best for him to handle the situation.

"How was it?" Her father asked.

"Shit." She replied honestly. Her father hummed before pulling out of his parking spot. Zoe got a text message about an hour later saying that Sam was going to visit her aunt suddenly.

"Damn." Zoe cursed.

"What?" Her father asked her.

"I'm going to be Samless for a while." She frowned as she looked out the window.

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