Chapter 1: C8's Arrival

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The scene opens up in Vancouver as Canadian Forces are opening fire on Russian Forces.

Canadian Soldier: Cover me, I need to reload!

Canadian Sergeant: Friendly Down! Medic!

Canadian Medic: SIR! I've got him!

Canadian Sergeant: Where's the tank support!?

Canadian Radioman: The tanks are gonna take a while to get here! We'll have to hold our position here sir!

Canadian Grenadier: TANK!

The Grenadier flees, until he is gunned down by the Tank's Machine Gun as his C8A3 falls down onto the ground. Until the tank runs it over and it is broken.

Location: Carpathian Mountain Range

Year: 2062

C8 wakes up as she gets up.

C8: My head hurts... Where am I? Wait a minute, I'm a girl now? Cool.

C8 picked up her rifle as she gets a radio transmission.

???: Is anybody there?

C8: Huh? This is C8A3, who is this?

M4: This is M4A1, what echelon are you from?

C8: I'm not in or from an Echelon, It's just me over here! 

M4: Do you have a neural cloud?

C8: I do, send me your location.

M4: I'm sending our location to you now.

C8 gets the coordinates as she runs to the position and C8 kept on running and she saw a second wave as she deals with it and she runs in and she starts fighting all of the SF and she survives, as one of them who was still alive, tries to fire her weapon, but ended up getting shot by C8 using her Hi-Power.

C8: M4, I took out a second wave. That should probably take the heat off. But I think that's not all of them, I might have taken a half of the wave.

M4: Copy that C8.

It later showed the AR Team fighting off the first wave as they have very high numbers.

SOP2: Can't we contact Persica?

M4: I received a transmission from a Doll named C8A3. She already dealt with one of the waves but it was just a half of them, she might come soon.

AR-15: There's just not enough of us if they attack with the same size.

C8 was seen running as she later saw AR-15 and SOP2 running out as right after all of the enemy forces had stopped attacking, this happened.

???: I won't let you escape.

A grenade exploded as M4 got up but got choked on by Agent, until this happens.


C8 fires her Rifle as she ran to M4 with M16.

C8: You okay M4? It's me, C8.


AR-15 saw C8 as she pointed her gun at her.

M16: AR-15! Calm down! She's friendly!

AR-15: How do you know she's friendly?

C8: I responded on M4's transmission.

Right after that, the other half of the second wave arrived, until the Echelon destroyed the second wave. They relayed the orders to the Echelon as C8 joins the AR Team on their mission and they are seen entering a church as C8 opens the door slowly as she points her C8A3 at the insides of the church.

C8: *does hand signals*

M4 nodded as C8 says this.

C8: Clear!

They Check, until they all get ambushed as when they had planned something. C8 had rolled into cover and she fired her M203A1 at Agent's clones. She loaded Smoke Round inside as it provided them the effort to get out and Ambush them.


They go out as they lured them outside. The first clone was shot by AR-15 in the head as the others killed the second, until C8 launched a 40MM High-Explosive Round at the last clone.

Agent: Shi- *gets blown up*

Agent was blown up and they decide to split up to cover their tracks. C8 decided to look for a commander as the others had to split up.

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