02: Found by a commander

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The Scene opens up in a cave as AR-C was sitting by the cave wall and she touched her forehead as she had a memory of when she was in that Firefight as a normal Rifle held by the Deputy. Until she fell off her owner's hands and broke, then she took her sunglasses off and left them near the cave entrance and left a note. It reads, "To anyone who has found this pair of sunglasses if you are friendly, I am in a house just nearby the cave, southwest of here. If you are an enemy, goodbye. - AR-C."

She ran to the safe area and rested there, and then it shows an Echelon, composed of MP5, MG3, MAC-10, FNC, FN49, C96, P7, Mosin-Nagant, Nagant-Revolver, PPS-43, and G36.

G36: Weird, the master said that we have to look for AR-C.

MP5: We should find some clues... Oh, over there!

They find the pair of sunglasses and then they read it.

MG3: Let me see that. Hmm... To anyone who has found this pair of sunglasses if you are friendly,  I am in a house southwest of here. If you're an enemy, goodbye.

MP5: AR-C... These sunglasses must have belonged to AR-C.

They arrive at the house and they see AR-C get out of the house.

MG3: AR-C?

AR-C: Yeah?

MG3: I'm MG3, this is MP5, FN49, FNC, Ingram, P7, and G36. We were tasked to find you.

AR-C: Nice job on finding me, where's your base?

MG3: We're getting a Helicopter to our Extraction zone, the problem is that we need help in clearing it.

AR-C: Leave it to me.

It later shows AR-C hiding by a tree with her P226 as she is holding it with her right hand, and she kills two Rippers with her P226, and MP5 was curious about the shoulder patch on her left and right shoulder as it has the logo of the Hope County Sheriff's Department. And it shows the rank of the Deputy on it.

MP5: Is Hope County a place somewhere?

AR-C: Huh? Oh, Hope County was my home, as I was being held by my owner, the Junior Deputy. Most folks call him as just, "Deputy". But his fellow law enforcement calls him Rook. Because he is a newbie. So this is why I had this as my clothing.

Gentiane manages to get to AR-C's radio frequency and she talks with her.

Gentiane: AR-C, this is Commander Gentiane.

AR-C: Yeah?

Gentiane: The Extraction is being cleared?

AR-C: Yup, just killed two. *shoots another* Make that three.

Gentiane: Once the area is clear, we'll send in the chopper.

AR-C got into position with the others and they ambushed the SF guarding the area. Then the Helicopter comes and they got on board, and they go to Sector 09. Then they arrive at the base.

AR-C: This is Sector 09?

MP5: You're going to meet Commander Gentiane!

AR-C: Alright!

She gets off and she is met by Gentiane.

Gentiane: AR-C?

AR-C: That's me!

Gentiane: Welcome to Sector 09.

It later shows them talking as she is also with Helian.

Helian: AR-C, you're an Assault Rifle unit, correct?

AR-C: Yup.

Helian: We want to ask you something, and that is, do you want to join Griffin and Kryuger?

AR-C: Yes.

Helian: We will accept you as a new unit in G&K.

The two are seen going out and then the echelon of Gentiane approached AR-C.

MP5: AR-C!

G36: We wanted to see you be accepted into G&K!

AR-C: I'm now part of G&K.

The Echelon saluted to her and they said this to her.

Everyone: (Except Gentiane) Good job Rook.

AR-C blushed after she was called that, and for that, she gave a badge of the Hope County Sheriff's Department and she gave it to Gentiane as a sign of thanks.

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