Gender Reveal and Bank Robbery

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The scene opens up with a Ford Interceptor Sedan, showing M4 getting out of the car with her partner, Ryan Murray.

M4: What's the problem here, sir?

Civilian: My dog's freaking out. He's a retired bomb dog from TSA. I think he can smell explosives inside.

Ryan: We're going to handle it, sir.

M4: 2-Delta-30, requesting a bomb squad on 4312 Westmoreland.

The two went to the door.

M4: You ready?

Ryan: Got it.

M4: *knocks on the door* Police!

The door opens.

Civilian: Can I help you?

When the Police went inside, something exploded. Setting off car alarms and everyone got outside as then it shows that it's just a video.

Chief Byron: Some Gender Reveal Mayhem...

M4: They used C4 to set it off.

Ryan: Seven guests are in the ER for glitter-related injuries.

M4: They're having twins.

Ryan: A boy and a girl.

Later, it showed AR-15 giving a fine to a speeding driver.

AR-15: Ma'am, here's your fine for speeding. Be careful when on the road next time.

AR-15 got back inside the Charger as Mike was driving, and then they went off the freeway and saw someone trying to break into a car. AR-15 handled it, and when she got closer, the carjacker pulled out a Walther PPK, but he already got electrocuted by AR-15 using her taser. They put him in the holding cell of their Patrol Vehicle, and they arrived and put him inside. 

Later, M4 and Ryan were in their vehicle until they had a call from dispatch.

Dispatch: All units we have a 1-32 at the Bank Tower, please respond.

M4: This is 2-Delta-30, responding.

It now shows AR-15 and Mike responding as well, and then they drive as fast as they can to the bank as they arrive and are met with Gunfire. Mike fired his M&P at the suspects, and then AR-15 grabbed her AR-15 as it still has the same attachments, but no Silencer. She fired at the Suspects, and then Ryan was seen holding a Remington 870, and he fired at the suspects. One of them fired an RPD at them as the Vehicles are being peppered with bullet holes.

Mike: 6-Charlie-21, requesting backup at the Bank Tower, these guys are armed to the teeth! *bullets start hitting the vehicle* Requesting more backup and send in the SWAT, the cars ain't gonna hold!

AR-15 kept firing her Rifle, and M4 grabbed hers, and it also didn't have the silencer. Ryan loaded some new shells into the Shotgun, and he almost gets shot, but he stays down. Until a Grenade was thrown and then M4 saw it and Ryan saw it as well, and they both ran as M4 fired her Rifle at the suspects as the SWAT came in and they opened fire on the robbers as more Police Officers also came in, and the Suspects had surrendered after realizing how outnumbered they were.

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