The Beginning

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The scene opens up with SF shooting at the AR Team as AR-15 tries to sacrifice herself by self-destructing, but it ended horribly as she gets shot, but she gets sent to a different place.

Somewhere in Los Angeles, 2018...

An LAPD Dodge Charger was driving by and then the officer, Mike Taylor, was seen inside as he hears this from dispatch.

Dispatch: All units, we have shots fired on Koreatown, repeat, shots fired at Koreatown.

Mike: Six-Charlie-21, responding. *turns on sirens*

The Sirens of the Charger start to go off as it goes downtown and then it shows the dashcam footage as he arrived until one of the suspects fired their AK-47 at him as he took cover and it showed the POV of his Body Cam and he fired his M&P. Then a bullet hits one of the suspects as the other kept firing his 92FS. And then Mike grabbed an M933 and he fired it at the suspect as he took cover.

Mike: Six-Charlie-21, requesting backup at Koreatown! Shots fired! I think I've got an injured person just right between me and the suspects, requesting EMTs!

Mike kept firing his M933, until a pipe bomb exploded just near the Charger and he fired another burst, until the duffel bag full of pipe bombs exploded as the suspect was sent flying into the ground and the vehicle which they used to take cover from, being a Mercedes C63, was damaged as the rear of the car was on fire as Backup arrived and the other officers arrested the two suspects as when Mike approached the injured person, it was AR-15, then he saw her trying to get her rifle as Mike took it and asked her this.

Mike: This is yours?

AR-15 nodded.

Mike: We'll be keeping it in our armory if you're gonna join. You'll have to go to the hospital first.

AR-15 was rushed to the hospital as Mike was seen in the Charger as he is drinking some coffee, until a familiar person knocks on the window.

AR-15: Hi, it's me again.

Mike: You're my new partner?

AR-15: Name's AR-15, or you could say that I'm Sarah Turner. It's my identity since I can't just be called as AR-15.

They are later seen going downtown as AR-15 says this.

AR-15: Can I tell you something Mike?

Mike: You sure?

AR-15: I'll take it as a yes.

Mike: Go ahead AR-15...

AR-15: Well... Sarah Turner isn't my real name as ST AR-15 is my real name and I'm not a human. I'm a robot called a Tactical Doll. I used to fight an enemy of rogue T-dolls like me. And I tried to self-destruct myself to save the others. And it got disabled by... I dunno. I wished  I could've done that and I would save M4! I WISHED I COULD- *mouth gets muffled by Mike*

Mike: Seriously? *unmuffles AR-15* I know why you're pissed off and if you see a suspect as one of those Rogue T-Dolls, go on and arrest her, and if something happens bad when you see M4, make sure to try and restrain her from doing something crazy. Try to calm her down.

AR-15, after hearing those words come out of his mouth, she keeps them in her head as she sees a robber armed with an M1911A1.

AR-15: There's a suspect right there! 6-Charlie-21, we have an armed suspect, he is holding a pistol. Over?

Dispatcher: Copy, 6-Charlie-21.

AR-15: I've got him.

She gets out of the Charger and starts running as she yells for the suspect to stop running and she sees him trying to flee into the roads and she slides off the hood of a car and she manages to catch the suspect as she arrested him and Mike arrived and they put him inside the holding cell in their patrol car. Then they are back on patrol as dispatch was heard.

Dispatcher: All units, we have reports of a shooter in Fairfax Avenue, over?

Mike: This is 6-Charlie-21, we're on it.

They arrived at the location and they see someone familiar as she has a neon green hair strand.

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