All Hell Is Going Down.

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[It correspond to Prince Charming (Tap Story) Scene 16].

What could it be called? Kidnapping? House arrest? I am not sure. I am still stuck here with this cat infestation not really cats more known as cops infestation. After Cole made his love confession towards me. I became their key to go too.

I was promised that I wouldn't be in any police task or whatever they call it. I am retired from what I did. Yeah, I spend time in jail. I turn my life around and just spend time with people like me. The people that for the cops are sick. We are not sick. We just have a different understanding of things. 

I sigh watching cops rum through my house without a request. They didn't ask to come in. They broke into my house, and call it a day. I was originally born and raised in Australia. I went to prison in U.S.A. Arizona. I move there with my uncle when I was 20. Family business.

It sounds prettier when you call it like that. It's not pretty when you say the mob. The family business is in the blood. Blah blah blah bl- bullshit! Anyhow, coming back to the cops. They moved things from my house, and I had to get my brother to move furniture to his house. He agreed without answering any question to the police. He has the right to not answer a thing. He was here just to get my furniture which they destroyed my china collection. It was my mother's. She had a weird love for old Chinese culture. 

"Cat-", A female novice with a sweet but tired tone to her voice tries to call my name. I am quick to interrupt her, "You are to call me by my other name. Fire. You don't get the right to call me by my real name. Are we clear? You push into my home without a valuable reason. You came for what? because you are The Police. Oh, well shit", A deep breath left my lips desperately for them to finish whatever the fuck they were doing. I am completely sure they can't find Prince. Doug is one of the laziest, but the bests hackers I am aware of.

"Fir-", She is once again interrupted by somebody else. Both of us glance back to the person who spoke, "As I was saying, Novice. You can't be nice to the likes of her. She is the daughter of Malgroon one of the most wanted mob leaders out there. We catch her doing some dealings back in 2010 in Arizona. She got arrested for it, and she still doesn't tell us where her father is", Agent Johnson takes a deep breath exhaling it all over my face. I lean my head back wanting to throw up all over his face. The police around us stare at the scene unfolding.

"Why do they call you The Fire Extinguisher, ha?", Agent Johnson continues without taking a step back. He wants to provoke me; however, I am not giving him that luxury. I have a good control of my emotions. I have dealt with pricks like him before. I can handle an ass for a little longer until they get the hell out of my house.

"I don't know. Why did your wife leave you, Johnson?". I blurt out loud and clear for anyone to hear me. He didn't like my response very much as I found myself thrown on the floor of my living room. I hold onto my left cheek glaring back at him, "What are you going to do? Run? Hide? Fight back? How does it feel to be helpless, ha? Your little friends are not here. They can't protect you anymore, Catalina".

I stand up with my head high. A feeling of defeat wants to creep through my body, and the emotions of a flood of tears seem approaching. I close my eyes counting in my head to not let crook assholes like him affect me.

"Sir! W-what are you doing? Y-Y-you can't attac-ck her, can't you?". The novice behind Johnson stutter a question or two. Johnson stops his approach from walking to me. He looks back at the female novice, "I am shaking her up a bit for her to tell me their whereabouts. I am sure she knows something. She can't be this close to them, and not know shit. Listen, this won't appear in the file.  If it does, we'll blame her for something then she'll be back in jail".

She and I stayed quiet out of complete shock from the truth bomb he just threw. I didn't know what to say after that, and she was probably questioning her life choices. Who knew Johnson was this crook cop? Blaming me for shit I didn't do? WTH. I thought I was off limits. I was given a promise.... Guess shit like that doesn't work anymore.

A set of laughs left my throat with no stop. I had to laugh at this situation I just couldn't do anything. It was the least I could do. It felt good to laugh at it. It felt more like a joke than the complete truth. I am going back to jail. Damm. I don't want to be there again. I don't want to be there again. I am in no way interested in it.

"Crook justice, I see. Take notice, girly. This is going to be your future as a cop". I speak between laughs. The room was quiet only my laughs filled every inch of my house. Johnson turns on his heel walking away from us, "I am going out for a smoke". He shouts before closing the front door behind him. I am helped up by the female novice. She gives me an apologetic smile with no words after it. I wasn't expecting any words.

"He is angry because he got lockout of your account". She whispers in my ear being sure no one is looking at her. I snap my head at her with shock all over it, "Doug, I believe his name was. He locks them out of the blog with a dangerous warning. He said that My_Lovely_Penelope will come for Agent Martinez & Agent Johnson".

Holy shit. What did they do on my account? Oh for God tell me they did not piss off Lovely? Oh god. They might have if Doug threaten their life.

Well, shit. They are done. They can't run fast enough to escape Lovely's gripped.

My eyes look at the novice while she guides me to my sofa bed. It was in the farthest corner of my living room away from all the prying ears. A warm feeling forms on my chest to know they didn't leave me to die here.

"Also, they are coming for you". I stare at the novice as she showed me a tattoo located on her upper right breast. It was a black color wicked laugh with what it looks like clowns eyes. She hides the tattoo bottoming her shirt back up. I couldn't understand whats up with that.

"I am from Laughing Clown fan base. He sends a message yesterday. He never sent a message to us. We were honor by him thinking of us. He said that whoever takes you to a safe place and text him your whereabouts can get a request granted by him".

I watch her very closely as I lean far away from her on the sofa as far as the corner is. She takes her phone out texting somebody which I am assuming is Laughing Clown.

Holy shit. Who knew? Laughing Clown is going to save me? Well, that's something you don't hear every day. If anyone ever told me, he was going to that I wouldn't believe it. Wait, he has a fan base? Since when? Last time I check that insane prick never had a friend. He kills all of them.

Even his family members. There is the kicker. I wonder if anyone else has one? I am sure I don't have a fan base. I am not a serial killer just a business closer. It's pretty similar if I say so myself. I am happy to know I wasn't left behind. I don't think Prince would leave me behind. We have known each other for a while we are practically related.

I do hope them to find me, and they take all of them down. At least, let me hit that son of a bitch.

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