Cry Cry Cry 1

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A cold shiver travels by my body. I couldn't connect the dots. I couldn't think much because of what I was seeing. You were part of the human playing tea party. The need of screaming comes to me, but I couldn't scream. I couldn't cry. I couldn't even comprehend what was in front of me.

You are smiling at the other people around. The TVs lights showed 3 males, 2 females and 2 children apart from you playing tea party. The males had similar characteristics. They had brown hair hairstyle back with gel. They were wearing black suits. A different tone of skin on their right and left arms.

What I can notice from the second male is that his face is sewed with someone else's. You look at me with that sweet smile, "Dear!". You cheer happily to see me right there. I instinctively jump back holding a hand to my throat. He jumps from his seat next to be in what seem an instant, "Breath, dear please. You might have forgotten out of the surprise. Breath, love".

I open my mouth trying to only to have a horrible sound escape me instead. You look past worried taking this moment to hold onto me. You place your arm around my back to hold me while your fingers search around my stomach, "This won't hurt a bit, dear. Now, I'll place your lung in place".

My features take a terrifying look as he carries me somewhere. The people around got up at once opening the door to leave. You glance down at me to keep me calm from moving much. I look at you as if in a trance. A trance that seem not to stop. You place me down on a surgery table keeping contact with me at all times.

You perform on me as soon as my stomach was open. I could feel your cold hands in me. The weirdest part is that I couldn't feel the pain. I am not sure if there was any blood. I don't think so, but that would be weird, wouldn't it? You look at me with a smile, "Breath, dear".

A deep breath I take loving how the corner of your lips curl up into a grin. Your eyes had the lingering light of relieve. You were worried about my well being.

I take the courage to see my stomach. You move to the side to clean your hands. Not a single scar on my stomach, "Are you going to sew me too?".

You look back at me with confusion plaster on your features, "Sewed, you? Why would I do such a sickening thing?".

"Because they have others body parts... So I thought you would sew me too". A shyness creep up from somewhere making me almost whisper my words out. You chuckle at that, "No, love. I would never do that to your creations".

I look up at him confused. There is no way I could have made those. It had to be him, "Yes, you made them. They are yours and yours alone. You create new from old". You explain coming back to me. You gently check my head with the most care in existence, "I see... You seem to have fell in from the roof again. You are having a short memory lost".

I look up you not sure what to say, "Yes. Do you even remember my name? You do remember I am your husband, right?".

I look down at my hands trying to think of your name. I am sure I know it, "No. All I can see are our 1 year anniversary time when you took me to a Lake House. Hmm.. the visit to your parents... Your mother didn't like me very much".

You laugh soothing the atmosphere in the room, "Yes, that's correct. Also, you kill step mother. I would know. I was present".


I was standing in front of hole. My hands hold onto a shovel pushing dirt into the hole, "Dear".

"Yes, darling?". I responded not stoping what I am doing.

"What shall we do with the campers?". I stopped shoving dirt into the hole turning back to look at you. Tight hands in front and legs tightly holds with duct tape as a group of campers are tight to trees. One of the girls screams out for help.

I chuckled look at her dying effort, "Why do you keep trying so hard? We are in the middle of no where. I mean, that was the reason why you wanted to come here, right? You wanted to be sure this was your last camping trip with them. You were already planning to murder them, Jessica. Your plan would have work, but your dumb friend punch my husband. You called on for that". I smile as the campers look at Jessica, the one separated from them.

She looks speechless frighten that I knew her secret, "What? No! How do you know that?".

"I am a Psychic. I know everything about you plus you stink of premature killer". You chuckle at my free lesson taking two of the guys on your shoulders. Jessica looks at me while the other 3 people scream or cry. I couldn't really tell much. I wasn't interested to be honest.

"You have two options, Jessica. Die right here, or leave to wherever your going. Live a peaceful life, and become a detective. Believe me this world needs good ones". I rant about her future like it was a normal conversation I was having with an old friend. I was giving her specific tips to get there. She looks at me confused, "I'll become a detective? I'll have a life more than just a small town?".

One of her friends look up at her. I could see the anger lingering on her expression, "Jessica! Are you serious?! Are you really going to do this?? We are childhood friends! Help us!!".

Jessica thinks on the proposition for few minutes. I already knew her answer, but I wanted to hear it from her, "Yeah".

"I'll take it". Jessica speaks up without a second thought. Determination all plaster on her. Jessica saw you coming back with the 2 males lifeless bodies dragging behind you. I resume shoving dirt on the hole, "Jessica, agreed".

You stop from grabbing Jessica as your next victim. Instead, you proceed to take the rest away. The screaming girl was becoming quiet annoying.

End of Flashback.

"Is Jessica alive?".

"Yes. She is Sheriff of some town in the next state". You respond to my question so quick it made me look at you oddly. I gulps down raising the courage to ask my last and final question, "Am I a murderer?".

"Yes, we are serial killers. That's just the world that exist now, dear". You told me with no remorse in your eyes. The light was gone from your eyes as you spoke. My stomach revolts on itself as I see you like that.

"How can you say that.. they were people... Stan. How can you do that?". Stan looks up at me with a bigger smile than last. He was happy about something I couldn't understand, "What? Why are you smiling like that?"

"You called me, Stan".

"Stan?". I repeated.

"Yes". Stan walks to my work taking me into a warm hug. I tried to move away until my mind is overwhelmed with memories of us. My memory returns one by one. Everything I have done, everything that I am and everything we took from everywhere.

"Do you remember your name, dear?".

"Yes, but I want to hear you say it".


"Say it"

"My dear Victoria Eranding. The light of my world. You are my everything".

"I am glad to be back. We need to fix the roof, and the woman in the oven keeps shouting her kids". I push back from the hug glaring at Stan for being so careless, "I didn't know where you wanted me to put them. I had place them in the oven as it's impossible to leave the kitchen; however, we had an electricity malfunction".

"I see".

"I'll fix it tomorrow".

"I know, you will". I move back into Stan's protective hold as I let myself get lost in it.

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