Mister Johanson.

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Ever heard the story about Victoria Eranding? A woman from high society that went crazy after her fiancee kill himself? No? Well, you are in for a story.

There was a long time in a white neighborhood. There was a high society male call, Stan Johanson. His father was a CEO of a powerful company. His father plan was for Stan to take the company after he graduated. Simple plan. Stan agreed. He was going to be set up for life. A live he dream off his whole life.

A big house for all of his hobbies and his future wife. A sweet wife. One that would depend on him for everything. He doesn't want to have kids so soon. He wants to explore the world with his one and only. He wants to have train dogs to protect his beloved.

His father laugh at his dream saying, "In this time of year a wife that depends does not exist, Stan. If you want that get a mistress". His words hit Stan into realization as he ask his father, "Do you have a mistress?".

Stan questions his father feeling his blood boils. His mother is suffering from a huge fall with cancer. She is fighting her way to recovering. Stan didn't like the idea that his father had another woman. All the nights that his mother stayed up late to wait for him. All the times that she told Stan how great and faithful his father was. The world Stan lived in shattered into a million pieces.


His father had a serious expression on his face, "How could you?? Mom, loves you". Stan protest not understanding why his father committee this crime.

This enough could be the tip to kill his mother, "There will be a time when you grow older. You'll understand, Stan. I want to live. I want to do things. Other things that seeing Madeline die. She won't get better".

Stan stood in front of his father confused no words to explain how disgusted he feels of them being related. Madeline, Stan's mother, was a magnificent woman. Apart of her being excellent at house work. She wanted to become a sells woman. She put all her heart and love in helping Stan grow and her profession. Now, Stan dreams are shattered.

"I am divorcing, Madeline. The papers are under way".

"What?? How can you seat there like a fat bastard smoking a joint. You could pay for her to get better. Madeline has stood by you for ages. She has taken your bullshit, and she has push aside her dreams to make yours happen!". Stan's screams fill up his father's office. His father's expressions does not change one bit.

"She had too. I was sustaining her. She was the light of my day until she couldn't provide anymore. That's why, I got Nicole", His father speak so calmly about the whole subject. Nicole comes in his office giving him some papers. Nicole was the usual blond and blue eyes stereotype girl. That sees an opportunity to destroy a marriage.

She giggle when his father whisper something on Nicole's ears. Stan feels how his breakfast might make an appearance at any second. At one time Stan had ask Nicole out a few month previous. She had told him, "I am seeing someone, sorry". Leaving him with mix feelings.

"You'll understand when you get older, Stan. Also, you have good taste".

Stan glares at Nicole when their eyes lock, "My mother, Madeline is dying. He is still married to her, and I came here for him to save her. He doesn't want to guess why? Because of you. I'll lost the only person that loved me because you couldn't keep your legs close. You two disgust me". His father glares at Stan while Nicole looks pale with shock, "She is dying? I had no idea... He said, she was cheating on him".

Stan glares at his father, "What kind of monster makes his dying wife as a cheater?".

Nicole moves away from Stan's father looking at him for an explanation, "Oh, jeez. Why are you looking at me like that? You are a whore, aren't you? You open your legs in the first date after a $5 thousand dollar meal and a expensive bag. I gave you what you wanted, so I expect payment in bed. That's what a whore is".

A slap resounds in his office while Nicole slaps Stan's father across the face, "No, I am not a whore. I haven't eaten a good meal in ages. The bag was my mom's gift,and I only wanted you to get revenge for you being cheated because I know what being cheated is. It's sucks".

"You are a whore in my book". Stan's father responds. Nicole glares at him with the type of anger that revolts in Stan's stomach. His father glances from Nicole to Stan. He sighs putting his joint out, "What are you going to do then Nicole? As far as I know this is the only job you have. A simple mere secretary. If this affair goes public you'll become publicly consider a whore then what? You could keep under my wing, and I'll take you to touch the skies. You do know without my influences and power, you won't get anywhere".

Nicole at Stan's father with disgust, "I'll take my chances without you".

"She won't be consider that. You'll be consider the one at wrong. You lied to Madeline and to Nicole", Stan speaks up glaring at his father, "And how many more woman you use that trick on? Ha! How many??!".

His father places another joint in his mouth, "86% of all the women and men in my company. The ones that have stayed close by. The old ones. Most ones leave to another company then end up jumping off buildings because I stop taking their calls. I won't suffer if they leave. They are free to try and make a name for themselves. I am free to move on in which I do".

Stan is speechless. He is not ready to know the truth about his father. He doesn't want to remember him like that. There is no way he'll remember him like that, "You are breaking all the rules you told me to live by everyday. Father, you are obsolete. You are and will always be a failure".

His father stands up from his chair, "I have all the right in the world to do what I do. Who made you into the man you are today, Stan? Who payed your college tuition".

"I did. I got a scholarship through out. I had this great thought that if I talk to you now, Mom could be save". Stan repeated his dream out loud as his father laughs at it once again. His father walks in front of his desk holding on to Stan's arms. He looks at Stan almost with what Stan confused as care, but he was so wrong about it. His father is incapable of caring for anyone but his needs.

"You are still going with that. Madeline is going to die. I am hoping for it. I saw his medical shards. She has less than half a month. I'll give her 2 month max". Stan lost it right then and there. A hand covers Nicole's mouth as she is the only weakness to Mister Johanson brutal murder.

The only sound hitting Stan's ears was his knuckles making contact with his father's nose once, twice and many more. He didn't stop until he was sure Mister Johanson learn his lesson. A lesson deeply underestimated. Do not take for granted those that have given you everything because one of those that care for them, could come for you next.

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