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A sleepy Yibo could be seen walking down the hallway with a slumped back, although he was forced to have good posture while filming 'The Untamed'. Well it can be stated that his back is just like his sexuality.

As he opened the door a little too wide, he walked into the conference room, not bothering to close the door behind him.

Funding himself a seat, he sat down, laying his arms and head onto the table immediately, before he started speaking at random. "Where are the actors auditions?"

"I don't need the videos, I've already got ideas."

"Where's the editor? He should be here now."

Of course by now, he was abusing his power at being a director, although he didn't know much about the role of it, despite working under one many times. As he looked up to the person opposite him, the girl nearly jumped out of her chair, gasping in surprise.

"Yo-your eyes, are you alright?" The girl quivered, taking one glance at his eyes, before flickering her eyes away. "They're all red and irritated, y-you should get some rest and close your eyes." She shrank back into her seat, obviously showing inferiority to him.

"It's all good, but I need to see the actor's auditions now, okay? We can't waste time." He sternly stated, his attitude not being recognised to others.

"Uhhhh... are you okay Yibo?" The person that had helped him organise the idea had approached him, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Give... me the... auditions..." his words slurred, as he lazily rested his head on his hand, using the other hand to reach forward, gesturing for someone to give him a device. Everybody had just looked at him blankly.

His organiser scanned the room, as it dropped to a silence. Groaning, he took out his computer, using his other hand to curl Yibo's out held hand back into a fist.

"Fine, fine Yibo. But first can you act normal for once? You seem like you're drunk. You're never this demanding." The organiser, who didn't mind being scolded by Yibo demanded him back.

Yibo sighed, before switching his hands position, laying them back on his lap. Straightening his posture  he spoke. "Ahh okay Weiling Brother, just please give it to me."  He held out his hands, waiting for the computer to be rested in them.

Zhang Weiling, the organiser had sighed in defeat, deciding to follow what Yibo had wanted him to do.

"Thank you." Yibo said, slightly proud of himself. As he opened the computer, he entered in the password, leading to the page where all the online audition videos where. "Open one for me." Yibo ordered. It was very clear now how he was abusing his power.

Zhang Weiling turned down the order. "I'm the one in charge here, not you Yibo." By now people around them were confused. They obviously didn't know the playful friendship between them existed. "Now stop acting like a depressed emo teenager for once and do some work. It was you who proposed the idea first."

Yibo exhaled, before speaking. "Fine Weiling Brother. I'll do some work." But he knew how to get someone else to help him.

Putting his face close the screen, he strained his eyes, looking at each of the pictures of the people who had auditioned. Obviously a bunch of Wang Yibo fangirls had auditioned, taking the opportunity to possibly act with their idol. 

Of course no one knows his plan of not casting a female lead.

"Uhh  Brother Yibo? Please don't strain your eyes too much." The girl from before had warned Yibo, pushing his face back from the computer.

Of course taking advantage of someone is bad. But Yibo's body had ached, and his eyes felt like they were going to close forever, so he started complaining. "Ughh, Yehan, I can't see the pictures of the video properly, they're too tiny~." Yibo whined, looking towards the girl. "Can you pick out the auditions that contain a male?"

Before, he had also told them there was going to have a female lead  But once seeing that one short, he had changed the whole plot of the idea.

"Brother Yibo, are you picking out the main characters best friends role? I think we should choose the female lead first..." Lan Yehan had stated, making sure she had heard correctly in his words.

"Just hurry up, choose it out." Yibo slumped in his chair, waiting for Yehan to follow his words.

She looked to Weiling, before obeying the order, clicking on the first male audition she could see.

She had regretted her decision. Looking at the person in the video, her hand scrambled to the touchpad, attempting to exit the video. But Yibo had stopped her.

"Is there something you're hiding from me?" Yibo raised an eyebrow at her  before she aggressively shook her head.

"No  Brother Yibo, nothing is being hidden from you." She hung her head low. "You've got it wrong."

"Then don't stop me from looking at it, alright?" Yibo looked at her, waiting for her to accept what he had said.

As she reluctantly nodded, Yibo turned his head back to the computer. He tried to hide the disappointment on his face. he didn't know why, but he was just hoping that Xiao Zhan had the slight possibility to have auditioned for the side male role, who he was going to change to the second main male role.

But as he watched the current audition play out, he had lost all worries of not knowing who to choose.

As the words formed nicely on the males lips, emotion and expression was put into every movement and speech the male had executed.

Yibo watched in wonder, as he felt his self esteem drop a little. And the speech at the end had got him to choose the male.

"Hello, I am auditioning for the side male role. I do not mind if I don't get this role, and I'm pretty sure I know the reason why you won't choose me, but at least let me appear at least once in the drama, I am hoping to. Thank you."

Yibo nodded in satisfication, as he repeatedly kept pointing at the screen, not even knowing who the person was,  or what his name was. "This man, I want him to be the main male role."

"What?!" Weiling exclaimed in confusion, ready to reason with Yibo. "Your main objective was for the actors to direct the drama, but now you're finding someone to replace you?"

Yibo shook his head. "No, I've decided there are going to be two male leads, and no female lead."

This time it was Yehan to exclaim." What? You can't just do that Yibo!"

"Who says I can't?" Yibo shrugged his shoulders, before continuing. "I'm the one directing here." The disappointment of Xiao Zhan not being in the auditions list left unnoticeably, 'He's better off with that girl anyways.'

'You don't even know the man you've chosen? You can't choose than person anyways." Weiling had tried to reason with him, but Yibo had just shook his head.

"I don't see any reason not to choose this guy."

Before Yibo had gotten the chance to leave, Weiling spoke up.

"There is a huge reason why you can't choose him Yibo..."

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