Chapter 2

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Charlotte's POV

I walked with Bruce up to my house.

"You weren't lying when you said you lived in the middle of nowhere," he chuckled.

"Nope. I like my space from society, although it'll be nice to have the company here, especially seen as I'm really short, so you can reach things from high shelves for me," I smiled.

"I'm glad I have some sort of purpose," he stated rolling his eyes.

I smiled again opening the front door leading him into my home.

"It's very quaint and cozy," I stated.

I dropped my rucksack in the hallway.

"Let me show you around. I know you don't have much stuff, but I can take you to the high street, it's about half an hour away but you can buy some clothes there," I explained beginning to lead him through the house.

"This is the living room, and through there is the kitchen, you can't get it from the hall, but you can from outside," I explained, "the study is there across the hall."

I walked up stairs with him following me. I showed him the bathroom and gestured to my room, before showing him to the spare room.

"This is the spare room, well your room now," I explained walking in and picking up the car who was asleep on it, "I apologise, if Penelope sneaks in she likes comfort, and cuddling, just shoo her from the room and close the door, she won't come back."

"Okay," he nodded as I placed the cat onto the floor.

"I'll clean out your wardrobe later. It's filled with towels and bedding, so I'll move it out of here and put them in the laundry room, which is probably better described as a cupboard off of the kitchen," I smiled, "well enough of my nattering on, I'm going to make some tea, and light the fire. Would you like to join me?"

"I would love to," he said softly.

I nodded before heading back downstairs and into the kitchen. I made two cups of tea and went back into the living room to see Bruce stood there slightly awkwardly.

"Here's your tea," I stated handing him one of the mugs, "You can sit in the armchair, I really can't be bothered to sort out my work on my sofa, I'll sit on the floor."

He went to argue but I was already sat on the floor resting my back against the sofa which was covered in sheets of paper. I waited until he sat in the chair, before I made my way over to the fire and lit it, and went back to sitting on the floor.

"It's nice here, it's peaceful," he smiled.

"Believe me, it is extremely peaceful here. There isn't a TV, a computer, phone signal or wifi. We are completely secluded, other than the landline. That's more for paranoia of a murderer coming in the night, less for communication reasons," I explained.

He nodded awkwardly.

"I'm sorry. Believe me, I don't speak to people often. I'll apologise now for everything stupid that I will ever say or do whilst you're here, I can guarantee embarrassment on my part will be common," I sighed.

He smiled softly, "its fine, I'm sure I will do a lot of stupid things too."


After a few weeks Bruce was still living with me, and I wasn't planning to kick him out, I enjoyed his company seen as I had spent too long on my own in this house.

I walked into my living room still wearing my pyjamas.

"Hey Bruce," I smiled sitting on the sofa.

"Hi Char," he smiled in return looking up from his book.

"So I want to have a conversation with Bruce. It is kind of important, and I thought now is about the right time as you have been living here for nearly a month," I stated chewing on my lip.

"Are you kicking me out?" he asked looking genuinely scared.

I let out a laugh pushing my glasses up my nose.

"No Bruce. The complete opposite really. I was going to offer you a permanent home here. I have already found myself a new job at the local hospital, they have a doctor out on maternity leave, so it's only a temporary job but still it's something. And I know you love science and travelling to help people, so you can convert my shed and turn it into a lab, and we can regularly go and travel to help people," I smiled softly.

He looked slightly bewildered but then his expression calmed.

"Thank you Charlotte. You really don't have to do this for me, I will never be able to repay you for this," he stated.

"Don't be silly. I know getting a conventional job isn't going to be the thing you want, so I'm fine with working to get us money. I have a bit of money to set up the lab and stuff, but we will do okay here I think," I smiled.

He nodded with a soft smile.

"Thank you. But I can't accept this, it's too much," he sighed.

"Bruce," I said sternly, "I don't mind. It's enough payment to keep me company and I'm sure I can convince you to clean out the fire place when I can't be bothered to," I smirked.

He rolled his eyes before thanking me again.

"Well now technically you are living under my roof without payment, so I think you should make me a cup of tea," I laughed, "obviously if you want to that is, you don't have that many belongings, I'm sure I can throw them out quickly."

He chuckled before getting up and leaving the room. He soon returned holding two cups of tea, handing me one.

"Thank you," I smiled. 


A/N- Hello

So this has been changed and shortened as I messed up before. Anyway at the start of this story there will be some time jumps but it'll settle in a few chapters time.

Thank you


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