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A brown haired man walked through the halls, anxiously peering from side to side as if he were crossing the road.

He had two boxes in his hands and was struggling slightly.

Out of nowhere, a ball came and hit the boxes, sending them crashing to the floor.

"Kevin!", yelled a woman, walking up to the boy who seemingly threw the ball.

The boy turned around to face the woman. "I'm sorry Coach Silvester. It was an accident", said the boy truthfully.

Sue just scoffed and walked away. "And get up blue eyes!", she called, talking about the man who was on the floor, sorting out his boxes.

The man rolled his eyes. "Oh God that hellish woman can-", he said, stopping himself.

That was Mr. Smith. This was his second year at Mckinley High.

A woman knelt down and picked up a piece of paper. "You forgot this", she said in a sweet and friendly tone, holding out the paper to him.

Mr. Smith smiled as he took the paper, praying his cheeks weren't starting to blush. "Er...thanks, Liz", he stuttered.

She smiled. "Don't mention it. You should probably get going though, classes start soon", she said, checking her watch.

"Oh! Oh um...yeah, thanks for the reminder! I'll see you around?", he asked, the blush on his cheeks increasing.

She nodded. "Of course, see you later Ben", she smiled.

"Miss Harper can you help me please?", called out a girl, making the female teacher leave.

Mr. Smith sighed. "Great job Ben", he said to himself sarcastically.

"Lame", said a boy who was watching the whole thing. He walked away, laughing.

"It's not funny Isaac!", he called out but realised it was a lost cause.

He walked inside the Glee Club Room.

Sue Silvester was in the gym with the Cheerios.

"Keely! Tianda! Leah! Gather around girls", she yelled, waiting for them to come.

Two blonde girls came and a girl with dark brown hair also came.

"Yes Coach Silvester?", they said.

"We need more Cheerios. That hideous excuse for a human, Mr. Smith will no doubt try and start a Club. It's all he was talking about last year, wanting to do MORE than just teach blah blah blah...", she started.

The three girls just looked at eachother.

"...Anyway! The Cheerios need to be strong and ready for anything", she said.

"But we are Coach Silvester", said Keely.

Sue laughed. "Dear Keelin, you might know how to do a backflip and look all pretty but that's not what makes you strong", said Sue.

'Yeah, fighting for what you want makes you strong', thought Tianda.

"STAYING RELEVANT MAKES YOU STRONG! It makes you better than the rest! So we need more members, the Cheerios need to STAY a name that is talked about through the halls all day every day", said Sue, getting up close to their faces.

Tianda wiped her cheek, trying to clean a bit of Sue's spit from her face.

"We'll do that for you Coach. We'll find more Cheerios", said Leah, her voice laced with confidence and slight authority.

Sue smiled. "And that's why you're the Captain Leah", she said.

Leah smiled proudly.

Tianda rolled her eyes and watched as Sue left.

"Who are you rolling your eyes at?", asked Leah.

"You and Coach Silvester. Why do you have to suck up to her?", asked Tianda.

"Because it gets you places Tia", said Leah.

Tianda scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"She can get a bit annoying though, Coach Silvester. 'We need more Cheerios! 'And that's why you're the Captain' ", mocked Keely, laughing.

Tianda and Leah laughed.

They didn't hate eachother, they were all like sisters after all and sisters fought.

The three girls laughed as they joked around a bit more.

A boy with slightly curly hair was in the bathroom. He got something out and injected himself with it, trying not to make noise.

"Oi oi! Who's in there? It's not... mummy's boy is it?", teased a boy who banged on the cubicle door as a few boys laughed with him.

The curly haired boy stayed quiet. Mummy's boy. His mother ran into his English Class last year, making a fuss of him and asking how he was. Since then, his nickname just stuck.

They didn't know why she made a fuss and came in that day. He hadn't taken his insulin.

The boy, Ethan, was diabetic. He didn't tell anyone though.

If there was anything that made you different, it would be used against you.

"Open the dam* door!", shouted Isaac, slamming his fists on the cubicle door.

Ethan stayed silent, though it was hard, his legs felt like jelly and his heart was racing.

Another boy, who was standing outside in the hall, saw what was going on. He frowned but didn't go in  and help. Instead, he walked away.

'It's ok Luke...what could you have done anyway?', he thought to himself.

Mr. Smith was back in the Glee Club Room. He smiled to himself as he looked around. He knew about the impact of the Club.

It changed lives.

He put up a few posters for Glee Club.

'JOIN GLEE CLUB! MUSIC STILL LIVES ON' is what was written on them.

He put a sign up sheet on the notice board.

Sue saw a few posters near her gym and crumpled them up, yelling aggressively.

Keely, Tianda and Leah just watched, confused.

The boys had finally left Ethan alone and he walked out of the bathroom. He stared at a poster for the Glee Club.

Luke saw a poster too. He debated whether he should sign up.

Isaac laughed as he crunched up a poster and kicked it. "Glee Club's for losers"

A brown haired girl with a sweet face that glowed a little walked up to the sign up sheet.

"I found my place", she smiled brightly, writing down her name on the sheet before stepping back and taking a deep breath, looking at it.

'Belle (Bella) Danvas'

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