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"This is way above my pay grade Mobius," a brunette woman with soft curls steps out of a golden time door and into a decorated church, people in black armor surround her.

"I don't think we get paid," an older man answers calmly as he leads her further into the church, closer to several bodies lying still on the floor.

"The hunter and his Minutemen responded to a routine nexus event. It appears that when they arrived, somebody got the jump on 'em," a female explains

"You think?" Mobius sighs

"It's them,"

"Yeah, stab wounds look consistent with the others," he kneels down and inspects the bodies, the woman next to him looks around the floor, arms crossed.

"Reset charge is gone,"

"Positioning of the bodies indicates they didn't know what the hell hit 'em,"

"That's the sixth attack in the last week," a 'minuteman' informs them.

"That we know of," there's a sudden crash and the minuteman gets out a baton, starting to step forward.


"Wait, stand down! Stand down!" Mobius shouts "It's just a kid," he walks forward slowly, speaking in French.

"I'm friend is an imbecile,"

"Hey, yo! I speak every language on the timeline too. Jackass,"

The woman snorts and follows Mobius, approaching the child, she watches him draw a stick man on his handheld device - a tempad - he hands it to the kid and the stick man appears as a hologram.

"Do you know how did this?" the child nods and points to a stained glass window, showing a representation of the devil in his signature form, red, with horns.

"Don't worry, that devil's afraid of us," The woman speaks up, kneeling down to the kid's height.

"We're gonna take care of him, and we're gonna put you back where you belong," Mobius says softly and as the child smiles, they can see its blue teeth.

"Your teeth," the brunette gestures "They're blue? What is that?" the kid takes out some candy and passes it to her, she flips it in her hand before looking up at Mobius

"Devil bearing gifts," he takes it from her "Go ahead and run this for sequence period and any hints of temporal aura,"

"You know we won't get anything."

"Yeah, just give it a shot,"

"The branch is nearing red line. We need to go,"


"Why don't you wait outside? It's okay," the woman smiles kindly and the child nods, walking away.

"Set a reset charge,"

Another time door opens, and a young intern steps through "Sir, there's something you'll wanna see," he hands a file to Mobius and he looks to his companion.

"It's one of yours Freya,"

"Huh?" the brunette's curls brush Mobius' shoulder as she reads the file, there's a picture of a black-haired Asgardian.

"Magic and low danger, definitely mine,"

"It also says you're his case manager," Mobius laughs and points to her name on the file "Right there,"

"Yeah, that would be a giveaway. Let's go,".

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