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Chapter twelve
Double date
Juno's POV:
Edward kissed my lips feverishly, moving to my jaw and my neck. "Eddie, Eddie, Eddie, I gotta go." Edward's arms tightened around my waist and he said "no. Stay home." I chuckled softly and said "I have to check on Theodore today. I won't be gone long. We have our double date later tonight." After the dinner party Lena decided we all needed something to distract ourselves from such a disaster. Lena had said her parents got in an argument because of the way Don was treating Edward. "How long will you be gone?" Edward said. I shrugged and said "an hour? An hour and a half. I promise it won't be long. Theodore should be ok. But, they did say he's been acting out a bit. I might have to deal with that." Edward clicked his tongue and said "well, take your time with him. If I was him, I'd definitely want you around. Just take all the time you need." I nodded and said "it'll be two hours max I'm sure." Edward nodded and I quickly got dressed, giving Edward a kiss on the cheek before I went to the door. He watched me grab my keys and I said "I won't be long." "Take your time, angel. He needs you as much as I do." I half smiled at his words and then left.

Edward's POV:
I quickly took this opportunity to plan for the Riddler's next kill. And check in with my followers. I made sure the door was locked in case Juno came back while I was still in my Riddler get up. I made sure the webcam was on and started the stream. "Hey guys." I said with a wave. The comments started to flood in, asking me where I had been. "Everything is still going to plan. I've been quite busy. My identity won't be revealed until a certain moment but I'd like to inform you all that I have a girlfriend now." My eyes darted back and forth across the screen, reading the comments as they appeared.

ComeTak31T_77: A girlfriend?!
ratchetthatshit: No way
xXF1reBugXx: The Riddler has a girlfriend? Awe, he's a big boy now
Firestarter988: Does she know that you're The Riddler?????

That last comment stuck out. I shook my head and said "no, she doesn't. I will tell her when the time is right. The perfect time is when she'll know. And she'll be so proud! I know she will! She'll be so supportive! The corruption has to go away. I have to make this city better for her. And for all of you." The thoughts started to cloud my head. I wasn't sure how Juno would take it. Half of me pretty sure she'd take it well, she'd support it. The other half was terrified of the rejection I'd receive. I'd been rejected all my life and wasn't sure how I'd take a rejection from Juno. I definitely loved her. I wanted to say it but didn't want to scare her off. I don't think she was at that level yet.

xAstroCrabx: Is she pretty??
TehJace: Is she a weirdo like you??
j0n$t@chi0: Ain't no way she don't know you're The Riddler
DrearierGem484: Can we see her?

"She's gorgeous. She's like an angel sent from heaven. I swear she is. I don't know what I did to deserve a girl like her. No, she's not weird! What's wrong with you?! She has no fucking idea about me being The Riddler. This is my mask and she'll never figure it out. Trust me, if the majority of you saw me without the mask, you wouldn't even think it was me. Maybe one day. When I tell her, you all can meet her then." I answered the questions as they appeared on the screen. The more lewd questions started to come in which angered me. "Enough about her! We're moving on! My next kill will be....Mayor Don Mitchell." I giggled as I thought about him being dead. "His death will be quite the heartbreak for his family. And I have a question for you guys." The comments immediately encouraged me to ask my question. "Detonators. I need some help with detonators. My final act has to deal with explosions and I need good detonators. I'm building the bombs so don't worry. But if you guys could give me some tips, that'd be great." I grabbed a notepad and started writing down some of the comments, making sure I got all of the useful information. "And all of you will be apart my plan as well. I won't say anything now but I will tell you all later. This is going to be so much bigger than a couple of murders. Gotham is going to know suffering. They're all going to know what it's like. All of them! They'll all know!" Comments of agreement and encouragement only fueled the fire. I loved it. I loved how willing my followers were. I wondered how far some of them would actually go. Would they shoot Bella Reál when she wins the title of the mayor? Would they help me in the assassination of Bruce Wayne? How much would they actually do? I checked the time and realized I had been on stream for almost an hour and a half. "I'll will be giving more updates up in the coming weeks. Everyone stay tuned and pay attention. Pay close close attention. Goodbye..." I ended the stream and quickly changed out of the army green clothing, taking off the mask. My body was sticky with sweat and I groaned softly, tucking The Riddler outfit away. I made sure the door was locked and immediately took a shower, not wanting Juno to suspect anything. But then again, why would she? I'm just nerdy Edward Nashton. She wouldn't even think twice. I pulled on a button up shirt with a pair of pants before going to the kitchen. I grabbed some orange yogurt out of the fridge and put on a pair of socks. I ate a spoonful of yogurt while looking over a crossword puzzle. I tried to write in the answers while eating. It was quite impossible but I managed. "Oh gosh." Juno's voice said. I heard the door close behind her and looked up. She leaned against the apartment door, locking it. She set her keys in the tiny bowl by the door and said "Edward?" "In here." I said. She started to walk over. I looked back down at the crossword puzzle, determined to finish it. Juno sat down at the small table and said "whatcha doing?" "Crossword." I mumbled. "Oh. Things went well with Theodore today. He actually missed you." "Did he?" I replied, not looking up. "Yeah." I scribbled in the last couple of answers as the room fell silent. I then looked back up at Juno who was breathing heavily. "Angel? What's wrong?" I asked. She waved her hand and said "out of breath. The seasons are changing. My asthma is acting up a bit." My eyes practically bulged out of my head. "W-What do you need? Can I get you anything?" I scooted my chair closer to hers, my arm going around her waist to pull her closer. "I'm ok. It'll go away in a few minutes. I just need to take deep breaths." I watched her inhale deeply and exhale, trying to catch her breath. "This stupid city and it's air." I said. Juno half smiled and said "I'll be ok. I have some of my asthma stuff here I think." "In your bag?" Juno nodded. "Do you need it? You need to be able to breathe." "I'm ok. It'll pass. It's not bad. I promise." Juno took my hand and kissed it. My hand that rested on her hip moved up to her back, rubbing up and down. "Are you still ok for dinner? At the diner?" Juno nodded again. "I'll be ok, Edward. I promise." I pulled her into my lap and she made a surprised noise. She sat in my lap, leaning her head on my shoulder as her back was to my chest. I pressed a kiss to her cheek and her neck. Juno hummed and said "you smell good." "So do you." I mumbled, burying my face into her curly hair. Juno held my hand in hers, playing with my fingers. "You're hands are so big." She said softly. I chuckled and said "you're so small compared to me. I like it. I can p-protect you." Juno let out a laugh and said "yes! You're my big strong boy. You make me feel so safe, Edward." I smiled really big and she slowly turned around to face me. She straddled my hips now and I went to say something but she stopped me. She pressed her lips against mine, moaning into the kiss. She cupped my cheek and deepened the kiss. My hands went to her hips and squeezed gently. I chased after the kiss as she pulled away. "You taste like oranges." She giggled. "I was eating yogurt. Did you want some?" I offered. I reached for the cup of yogurt and Juno said "I've never had orange yogurt." "Oh, it's amazing." I went to hand her the spoon and Juno opened her mouth. I furrowed my eyebrows and she said "aren't you going to feed it to me?" "Am I supposed to?" I felt my cheeks heating up and Juno shrugged. "You don't have to. I just figured you were going to." "I will! I will! If that's what you want." Juno blushed and said "it's up to you, Eddie." I scooped some yogurt onto the spoon, gently feeding it to her. I watched Juno's lips wrap around the spoon, a hum of approval coming from her as the yogurt disappeared from the spoon. "Mmm, that's really good." She licked any remaining yogurt from around her lips. Her lips were plump. They always looked so pretty. I licked my lips and then kissed her. Juno smiled into the kiss, her fingers running through my hair. I kissed her with so much passion, wanting her to know how I cared for her. How I loved her. How I wanted to say those words to her but I knew she wasn't there. I also didn't want to scare her away. I honestly wished I could kiss her all day. God, she tasted so good. She always did. "Eddie, we need to start getting ready. We're meeting Robyn and Lena at 6:30." Juno said. "What time is it now?" Juno grabbed my wrist and said "5:00. So, we have an hour and a half. Well, an hour before we have to start getting ready." "Is there anything specific you wanted to do to pass the time?" I said. Juno set my wrist down and shrugged. "We could cuddle? Or nap until 6:00?" I stood up, a squeal leaving Juno's lips. She hesitantly wrapped her legs around my waist. "C-Can I?" Her voice was nervous. I very rarely heard or saw her nervous. "Yeah. Otherwise you're gonna fall." I said. I made sure my arms were up under her to support her. The two of us went to my bedroom. I set her on my bed gently. Juno looked up at me and pulled me down to sit next to her. The two of us laid on our backs, looking up at the ceiling. I sighed as I looked at the old deteriorating apartment I lived in. I felt Juno's lips on my cheek and I half smiled. "What did I do to deserve you?" Juno asked me. I turned my head to look at her. She stared at me, brown eyes full of wonder. "I think I should be the one saying that. You deserve everything, Juno. You deserve someone who's going to treat you well." "You're the first guy in a long time who's treated me like I matter. You respect me and aren't mad I'm not ready for..." I immediately knew what she was talking about. "Hey, whenever you're ready, we can. I'm not going to be mad at you for something you're not ready for. You'll tell me when you're ready. I know you will. Don't ever think you're being pressured. I'd never do that." Juno nuzzled her face into the crook of my neck. "Edward, you're so sweet. You're actually the sweetest guy I've ever been with. And you're so caring. I just don't know what I did to deserve someone like you." "I wonder that every day. Why would a girl like you, want to be with a guy like me? You're so out of my league. Wayyyyy out of my league. If I had friends, they wouldn't know how to comprehend it. You're the most beautiful woman I've ever laid my eyes on." I said, feeling a warm feeling in my chest. Juno blushed and said "do you mean that? There isn't someone else you'd drop me for?" "What do you mean?" I asked. I sat up, propping myself up on my elbow. I was now looking down at Juno. Her curly hair was sprawled out on the pillow under her head. "I'm used to being compared to other women. Constantly. I was never enough. I sometimes think that when we're together. I'm waiting for you to compare me or get mad over the sexual stuff." I watched the sadness fill her eyes. She looked away from me, looking towards the window. I cupped her cheek, making her look at me. "Juno, you're perfect. I don't care about any of that. And I don't know that many people to compare you to. You're a dream. I keep waiting to wake up and it's all over. But, you're next to me in the morning and sometimes I just wanna hang onto you and not let you go. You're enough for me. Don't get mad but sometimes I think about never being with another woman again. Just you. For the rest of my life." Juno's lips parted in shock and she propped herself up on her elbow. "Do you mean that?" I nodded, letting go of her cheek. Juno kissed my lips passionately and then made me lay down. She snuggled into my side, squeezing me. I kissed the top of her head and held her close. I could feel her body starting to relax next to mine. I decided I'd let her sleep a little bit until we had to go to the diner. I relished in the silence in my bedroom, Juno's soft breaths being music to my ears. I played with her curly hair and my mind started to run. The Riddler. I had to tell her. At some point she'd have to find out. How would she take it? Would she hate me for killing her ex boyfriend or would she praise me? I was going to flood the city. What would she think of me? They have to suffer. They all have to know what it's like. I just hoped Juno wouldn't reject me. She wouldn't leave me, would she? I wasn't sure if I could handle it. I didn't want to be alone. Not after I got Juno. I was ok with it before. I didn't mind it. I accepted it. There was no way I could go back to the way I was before. The love I had for Juno was too strong. It was very similar to the admiration I had for The Batman. I slowly sat up, putting my head in my hands. "Eddie, what's wrong?" Juno's sleepy voice said. "M'fine. Just a headache." I replied as I felt my head start to pound. Juno's arms went around my waist as her head laid against my back. "Want me to get you something?" I nodded and Juno pressed a kiss to my shoulder and then my cheek. She stood up and left the room. A minute or so later she returned. I looked up at her. She held a cup of water in one hand and a pill in the other. "It'll make your headache go away." She said sweetly. I took the pill and quickly downed it with the water. A soft sigh left my lips and Juno said "come on. We gotta meet Lena and Robyn. Unless you're too sick." I shook my head and said "no, I'm ok. We need to go eat. I know you haven't eaten anything today." Juno half smiled and I stood up. She gave me a hug and said "thank you for earlier. I appreciate it." "Of course, angel." I replied.

Robyn's POV:
"Do you think they're on their way?" Lena asked me. I nodded and said "I'm sure they are." I looked the menu and Lena sipped on her vanilla milkshake she ordered. A thunderclap erupted into the air. "Great." I mumbled. I was annoyed that the rain was coming and would most likely stay for the rest of the night. "What're you getting?" Lena said. "Probably a hamburger. You?" I set my menu down to look at her. "The chicken tenders." I shook my head at her and said "Lena." "What? I like those. And they're especially good here. They're amazing." She replied with a shrug. I looked back at the menu, making sure I wanted the burger. The rain started to come down hard and I ordered a strawberry milkshake. I caught myself staring at Lena. She was currently wearing her hair down, the long blonde locks resting on her shoulders. She had also worn a dress which was very lowkey. It was unbelievably cute but wasn't like one of the fancy ones she'd wear. The bell above the diner door dinged as the door opened. Giggles erupted into the air and I looked up. Edward and Juno had just stepped into the diner. His hands were on her waist as she slid across the floor. Juno was wearing Edward's signature blue windbreaker he always wore. Edward smiled down at her, giggles leaving his lips as he steadied himself on the tile floor. Juno's eyes scanned the diner and when she saw us, she took Edward's hand and led him over. "Sorry, guys. The rain actually held us up." Juno apologized. Lena shook her head and said "that's ok." Juno unzipped Edward's windbreaker and handed it to him. I noticed the skirt she wore with tights underneath and a small long sleeve shirt. "Did you guys walk?" I said. Edward nodded and said "yeah. I only live a couple of blocks away. And it was nice when we left. But then it started pouring!" He started to giggle and Juno did the same. The two of them sat down and grabbed two menus, looking over them. I took Lena's hand and kissed it. She blushed and my eyes went to the rings on her fingers. They made her hands look so pretty. Of course they already were but the rings made them look like a work of art. "So, I was thinking we could start planning for Halloween." I said. Lena gasped and said "Halloween!!" "Yes. Do you know if you have any plans?" Lena made a face as if she was thinking. "Well, it's over a month out but I don't think so. I know my mom is going to take Archie trick or treating. Other than that, no. I should be free." I smiled and said "well, we're definitely hanging out on Halloween. We'll make it a date night." Lena clapped her hands softly and said "I'd love that. What about you guys?" She said to Juno and Edward. "What's that?" Juno looked up from her menu. Edward kissed her cheek which made her giggle. "Halloween. What're you guys doing for Halloween?" Edward kissed Juno's cheek again and then looked at Lena. "Halloween? That's a ways away." He said. Lena nodded and said "I know. Robyn and I were going to have a date night that night. And it's better that we plan it now because of everything my dad has going on." "O-Oh. Right." Edward said softly. Juno shrugged and said "I'm not sure what our Halloween entails but we'll figure it out when it gets here, yeah?" Edward nodded at her and a chocolate shake was set in front of Edward and another one was set in front of Juno. "Chocolate?" She said to her boyfriend. "I want something different. I never get chocolate." He took a sip of the thick brown ice cream and moaned contentedly. "I need to get chocolate more often." He said as his eyes fluttered closed. Juno giggled at him and Lena turned to me. "They're cute aren't they?" The two of us observed Juno and Edward interact with one another. "He makes her happy and treats her good. That's all I want for her. And yes, they're sickly cute." I replied. Lena kissed my cheek and said "so, am I spending the night at yours?" "I'd like you too." She smiled really big and leaned her head on my shoulder. A few minutes later our food got to the table. Lena and Edward were bonding. She apologized profusely for her father's behavior at the dinner. Edward waved her off and told her it wasn't a big deal but Lena insisted that she apologize. I honestly couldn't stop staring at Lena. She was so beautiful. Our little dinner at the diner was going way better than the other night. The four of us were comfortable and actually talking about topics we wanted to speak about. I put my arm around Lena and Juno had eaten the majority of food on her plate. Edward stared at her through the thick lenses that rested on his face. She was currently talking about the kids at the orphanage and about how she was seriously thinking of adopting. I was picking at my food, eating the remaining French fries on my plate. Lena was ready to go and we were all pretty much finished eating. "You guys can't walk back. The rain is crazy." Lena said. Edward shrugged and said "that's Gotham for you. I'm honestly used to it. I'm just keeping her dry so she doesn't get sick." Edward put the blue windbreaker on Juno's body, zipping it up. Juno's hair was slightly frizzy in the ponytail that sat on the top of her head. Juno pulled the hood over her head and Edward kissed her forehead. Juno blushed and pressed a kiss to Edward's nose. I watched Edward's cheeks immediately turn red. "You're blushing." Lena told him. "Oh, golly." Edward looked down, trying to hide his blush. "Let us give you a ride. It's literally pouring." I said. Juno looked at Edward who nodded. The four of us rushed out to my car. Bob had sat in the car while we ate. He asked for Edward's address to which he told him. Lena's face fell when we started driving through the not so nice neighborhood. I felt bad for Edward but since he was with Juno now, he didn't have to always be at his apartment. He could go out with us and have nicer things. When we stopped at the apartment building, Juno gave me a big hug. "I'll most likely see you again this week." She told me. I nodded and said "sounds good." Juno said her goodbyes to Lena. "Goodbye." Edward said to Lena and I. "Goodbye, Edward." Lena replied. "Bye." I said with a small wave. Edward opened the door to the large SUV and stepped out, Juno going after him. He quickly slammed the door and the two of them rushed into the apartment building. I then told Bob we were going back to my apartment. Lena scooted closer to me, leaning her head on my shoulder. I kissed her head and the two of us enjoyed the silence of the car ride. The rain pounded onto the roof of the car and Bob made sure to drive carefully. Once we got to my house, the three of us rushed into the house. Lena and I went upstairs to my bedroom. The two of us changed into our pajamas and decided we'd watch a movie. I popped a bag of popcorn for us to share and I put on Spirited Away. It was a movie Lena and I would watch together; all the time. "Robyn?" Lena asked. "Yeah?" I replied. "I'm glad we're together. You make me happy. And I think I want to tell my family. I don't care what they say. They need to know who makes me happy. And that's you. I want the whole city to know." I smiled really big at her and said "you mean that?" "Of course. I'm so happy we're together. We're so happy. And so is Juno. The three of us deserve so much. Especially since this city is so awful." I nodded in agreement and Lena smiled really big. I kissed her lips and Lena smiled into the kiss. She cupped my cheek and I could feel the love she had for me in the kiss. Lena and I had been friends for years. We'd always loved each other like friends but now there was romantic feelings between us. Our attention went back to the movie. Lena's head was on my chest as we watched Chihiro and No Face board the train together. "I love you." Lena's voice said. I went to answer and she stopped me. "Not like a friend like we'd always say. I love you. I really love you. You're my girlfriend and we've been friends for so long. I love you, Robyn." I smiled as Lena looked up at me, hope in her eyes. "I love you too, Lena. With all my heart." I replied. A huge smile appeared on her face and she hugged me. "We'll be so happy together. It won't matter what this city throws at us." She said. I rubbed her back and said "I feel that way too. I'll protect you from it all, Lena. I won't let this city hurt you." "And I will do the same." She pressed a sweet kiss to my lips and I held her as she laid her head back on my chest.

Yoooo Danonation I'm watching War and Peace and I'm head over heels for Count Pierre Bezukhov. I highly recommend it!! Anyways I hope y'all are enjoying this so far

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