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Chapter thirteen
Dreaded Nightmares
Juno's POV:
The first week of September was ending and the weather was changing. Edward's apartment was always so cold. I never really understood it. I woke up to the chilly air creeping in through the window. I rubbed my eyes and then felt Edward shifting next to me. He tossed and turned, breathing heavily as he did so. I sat up slowly, reaching out to touch his shoulders. "Edward." I shook him gently and his body jolted. He rolled onto his side quickly which caused me to back away with a gasp. His breathing only got harder. "No. No. No." He mumbled. "Edward, wake up." I said as I rolled him back onto his back, shaking him again. Edward shook his head frantically. "No! Please!" His voice was in such agony. "Eddie, you're dreaming. I'm here." I attempted to cup his cheek but Edward sat up. I moved out of the way before his body collided with mine. "No! Never again! No! N-No! I didn't do anything! No!" He shrieked. "Edward, wake up! You're dreaming! It's just a bad dream!" I put my hands on his shoulders and straddled his waist. Edward's eyes widened and he gasped. "Eddie, it's me." He was breathing heavily and he tried to push me off of him. "No, get off. Leave me alone." "Edward, it's me. It's Juno. You had a bad dream. It's not real." I slowly cupped his cheek and Edward let out a moan of discomfort. "It's me, Eddie." I whispered. "J-Juno?" He asked breathlessly. I nodded and said "it's me." His breath quivered and he wrapped his arms around my waist. Edward buried his face into the crook of my neck as he started to sob. I rubbed his back and whispered sweet nothings to him, wanting to get him through it. "It's ok, Eddie. Let it out. You'll feel better after. I promise. You're ok, Eddie. I'm here." His arms tightened around me and I kissed his head. His body shook with sobs and he gasped for air. I ran my fingers through his hair, trying desperately to calm him down. I even attempted to rock him a little bit. Even though it was bit difficult since I was straddling him. I slowly went to get off his lap and Edward made a noise of protest. "Hey, I'm here. I'm just going to get off you so I can hold you a little bit better. Is that ok?" Edward nodded against my neck and I got off his lap, Edward desperately trying to hang onto me. "Eddie, hang on." "Juno, please." He whined as I went to sit back against the very worn out headboard. Edward quickly buried his face into my neck as he did before. I kissed his head and ran my fingers through his hair. His sobs turned to soft cries. He was coming down from the panic of his bad dream. I sung the tune to Don't Worry Baby by The Beach Boys softly. Edward looked up at me, tears streaming down his face. His lips parted as his green eyes filled with admiration. I kissed his forehead and then his cheek. Edward exhaled deeply and I felt his hands go to my waist. His cries were now turning into sniffles. His thumbs made circles into my hips. I brushed his bangs out of his face and kissed his cheek again. "J-Juno?" He asked. "Yeah, Eddie?" I replied. "Could you get my glasses? I can barely see you." I reached for his glasses on the nightstand and handed them to Edward. He put them on his face and a small smile appeared on his face. I cupped his cheek and kissed his forehead again. Edward hummed contentedly and I said "you're ok." Edward nodded and said "I am." There wasn't any rain tonight. Just the bright moon and the city lights from Gotham shining in the window. "Do you want to talk about it?" Edward looked down and then fiddled with the pajama pants he wore. He shuddered and then said "no." "That's ok. I'm here for you no matter what." Edward grabbed my hand and held it in his. He played with my fingers on my right hand. He then brought my hand up to his lips, kissing it. "Don't worry, baby." I told him. Edward leaned his head on my shoulder. "I hate having nightmares." He mumbled softly. "Do you want a cup of tea? Or do you want to take a bath?" Edward furrowed his eyebrows at me. "Those things help me when I have a nightmare. I usually drink tea but sometimes I go and take a bath to relax me. The hot water really helps." Edward continued to play with my fingers and he looked down at my hand. "I'll have some tea." "Do you have any?" I asked. "I should. I mean, I went out and bought your favorite kinds. Earl Grey and English Breakfast." "Which would you rather have?" "Uhm, Earl Grey." I nodded at him and slowly stood up, his hand slipping from mine. "You stay here. I'll bring it to you." I cupped his cheek and kissed his forehead. I left him in his bedroom, turning on the light in his kitchen. I blinked at the harsh white light and opted for a candlestick he had instead. I was a bit confused as to why he owned a candlestick but I wasn't complaining as I didn't want the bright light on. I started boiling some water and grabbed the tea bag with a mug. It only took a few minutes for the water to be boiling hot and I poured some into the mug, putting the tea bag in as well. I turned around to sit at the table and Edward was standing in the kitchen. I jumped and said "Edward! Jesus Christ!" His eyes went wide and he reached for me and then hesitated. "I'm-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." His tall frame loomed over me in the kitchen, his shadow dancing on the wall from the candlelight. "It's ok. You really scared me." I put my hand over my heart and Edward sat down at the table. "Angel, I'm so sorry." I shook my head and said "it's ok. I didn't hear you come in." "I didn't want to disturb you. So, I was being quiet." "Next time, please make your presence known." Edward half smiled and said "will do." I turned around to look at the tea cup when Edward grabbed me. He pulled me into his lap and I slowly straddled him. "M-My nightmares are usually always bad. I don't go to sleep after. But, I think I can now cause you're here." "I'd hope so, Eddie. I can't have you not sleeping because of an awful dream." I cupped his right cheek and Edward's eyes fluttered closed. He tilted his head upwards and leaned in slowly. I pecked his lips and then moved to his left cheek. I then kissed his cheek. His cheeks reminded me of a cherub's. They were round and slightly chubby. I stroked his head and he sighed contentedly. I kissed the bump on his nose and then pressed another kiss to his nose. Edward's nose twitched and he giggled softly. "You're a pretty boy." I kissed his nose again and Edward gasped softly. "Me?" He whispered. His green eyes were full of wonder and amazement. I nodded and said "so pretty." Edward leaned up to kiss my lips, his lips moving quickly against mine. I guided him through the kiss, trying to get him to slow down. He always kissed me as if he'd never see me again; like I was going to disappear. I pulled away slowly and said "let me make your tea so we can get back to sleep." Edward nodded and I put a few spoonfuls of sugar into the mug. The two of us then went back into the bedroom. Edward sipped the tea while I laid on his chest, my leg over his waist. The two of us were just enjoying each other's company and relishing in the silence. I ran my hand up and down Edward's chest. I felt his hand go to my hair, twirling my curls around his fingers. "I'm right here, Eddie. You can go back to sleep." I reassured him. "Ok, angel." Edward replied softly.


I woke up to the feeling of lips on my neck. I opened my eyes to see Edward hovering over me, leaving sweet kisses up and down my neck. "Hi, Eddie." Edward jumped at my voice and said "I didn't mean to wake you, I was just...you looked so pretty...I wanted to kiss you." I cupped his cheek and said "it's ok. You can kiss me." Edward half smiled and leaned down to kiss my lips. The kiss was passionate as the two of us wanted nothing more than to be close with each other. After a minute or two, the kisses got more heated. My arms were around Edward's neck, holding him close to me. Edward's hand was currently resting on my hip, just above the waistband of my panties. I bucked my hips against Edward's. My eyes fluttered closed as Edward kissed my neck. I could feel him setting a pace. Breathy gasps left my lips as a pleasurable feeling started to erupt in my stomach. I spread my legs and said "keep going. Keep going, Eddie." Edward propped his arms up on either side of me, grinding his hips down harder. I looked down at the bulge in his sweatpants. His face went to the crook of my neck and I kept him there. "Fuck. Fuck." Edward groaned softly. I ran my hand through his hair and bucked my hips up to meet his. "Ah, yes. Yes. J-Just like that, Juno." I bit my lip to hold in my moans. I hadn't felt anything this good in a long time. I kissed Edward's neck and was absolutely relishing in this moment. Edward shuddered and then pulled away. I furrowed my eyebrows and he was covering his crotch. "What's wrong?" I asked. Edward shook his head and said "I was about to cum. I didn't want to cum in my pants." I nodded and said "oh. Ok." Edward looked down and I slowly sat up. "Eddie?" "Yeah?" "I think I'm ready." His head snapped up to look at me. "Are you sure? We don't have to." "I'm ready, Eddie. I know it's been slightly a big deal that I wasn't but I just wanted you to give me time. And ease into certain things. I'm ready. I want to. I need you." Edward's face turned into something that almost looked primal. He went to his nightstand and hastily pulled out a condom. He looked at the packaging, seeming to be reading over it. I looked at his crotch and noticed the wet spot seeping through the gray sweatpants. "Wow, Eddie." He looked at me with a quirked eyebrow and then looked down at his crotch. "Oh." His cheeks started to turn red and I said "that's hot, Eddie." "R-Really?" I nodded. He smirked and then removed his shirt and I did the same. His eyes went wide at the sight of my naked chest. "Juno, you're..." I felt a bit embarrassed about being on display for Edward to see but with all the praise he was giving me, was enough to make me feel confident. I took off my panties and Edward's mouth almost dropped at my naked form. He took off his sweatpants and boxers, his cock springing free. I was shocked at how big he was. He was a lot bigger than Harry was. "What's wrong?" Edward asked worriedly. I shook my head and said "nothing. You're just big, Edward." "Is that...uhm, is that bad?" "Not at all. It's actually really hot, Edward." Edward nodded. He rolled the condom onto his dick. He got in between my legs again, lining himself up. He went to push inside and then said "wait." I furrowed my eyebrows and he said "you should be on top. I don't think I'll do it right." "Edward, you're already doing so well. But, if you want me on top, I'll take the lead. And if at any time you want to take the reins, you can." I told him. Edward nodded and sat down, leaning against the headboard. I positioned myself over his hips and grabbed his dick and went to sit when he stopped me. He stuck his hand in between my legs, his fingers running between my folds. I gasped at the unexpected feeling and Edward looked at his hand. "You're really wet. All because of me?" I nodded at him. Edward mimicked his actions from before, gathering more of my slick on his fingers, his thumb brushing up against my clit. "Oh, Eddie." I said as I jumped. Edward brought his fingers to his lips and I watched as he sucked each digit. "Can I eat you out next time?" He asked. "Sure, Eddie." I sunk down onto his cock, gasping at the stretch. Edward's mouth dropped and his hands went to my hips. "Oh god." He said. He stared at my chest and his left hand slowly went to knead my breast. His hand then slid back down to my hip. I started to move slowly, putting my hands on his chest for support. Edward tried his best to guide me up and down as the pleasure inside both of us began to build. His head lolled back onto the headboard. "Ah, s-shit. Oh my god." Edward's eyes were closed as his face was scrunched up into pleasure. "God, Eddie. You're making me feel so good." Edward whined in response and I started moving my hips faster. Edward thrusted up into me which caused me to let out a loud moan. "Don't stop. Don't stop, Eddie. Just like that." Edward gripped my hips tightly, his thrusts getting deeper. I leaned down to Eddie's neck, starting to make a hickey. I felt Edward bite harshly on my neck, sucking on the skin. I gasped and gripped his shoulder blades. The immense pleasure I was feeling right now was nothing I'd ever felt before. I had very very deep feelings for Edward and I believe that made the sex ten times better. Edward twitched inside of me, signaling he was close. Edward threw his head back once again, leaning against the headboard which looked like it would break at any second. The bed under us creaked as Edward rocked his hips into me. "Shit! I'm gonna, I'm gonna...oh fuck!" I leaned down to Edward's ear, bouncing on him at a quicker pace. "Cum for me, Eddie." Edward then held my hips in place as he thrusted his hips upwards at a hard pace. "Fuck, Juno! I'm c-cumming. Ah, ah. Oh my god." High pitched moans left Edward's lips as he came. He was loud. His moans practically bounced off the walls. I could feel him spilling into the condom and this particular angle was so deep. "Shit, Eddie." I felt the rope inside me snap just as he was finishing. I grinded against him, trying to ride out my orgasm as he had stopped moving. Edward winced as he started moving again, helping me through my orgasm. "Yes, Eddie! Yes!" My orgasm washed over my body, making me collapse onto his chest. I panted and could feel my legs shaking on either side of him, Edward's did the same. Edward panted softly, his hands slowly fell from my hips. I ran a hand through his hair and kissed his forehead. His glasses were fogged up and Edward needed a minute to come back to reality. "Did, did you..." He said. I nodded and said "yes, I came." "Oh good. Holy shit." I kissed his lips and Edward cupped my cheek. He then pulled away and said "I made you feel good? I-I did a good job?" "For your first time, you were amazing, Edward." "I was?" He was completely out of breath, trying desperately to catch his breath. "You did so good." He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my lips. He seemed to love the praise I was giving him as I felt a slight twitch from his dick inside me. Small tears formed in his eyes and I said "oh, Eddie." A soft sniffle left his lips and I stroked his head as I started to sit up. Edward followed suit, his head leaning on my chest. I slightly began to tear up but focused on Edward. My fingers ran through his sandy brown locks and my other hand rubbed up and down his back. "Oh, Juno." He whispered. Edward was looking up at me now. A shaky hand reached up to my face and brushed a tear away. "I've never felt like this before." I held back a few tears as I finished that sentence. "M-Me neither." Sex was always a weird topic for me. Yes, I enjoyed it but the guys I did it with never really cared if I felt good or not. Harry was sweet with me the first couple of months of us doing it. And then that slowly faded away. The way Edward cradled me and stayed with me in this moment, it made it much more meaningful. And he didn't pressure me into it. I was constantly pressured by Harry. Edward let me ease into it and bring it up on my terms. Edward's alarm on his phone went off and he said "shit. I gotta go to work." I slowly got off his lap, wincing at the overstimulation. Edward reached for the condom on his dick and pulled it off. He quickly threw it away in the small trash can next to his bed. Edward stood up and reached for his boxers, pulling them on. He ran a hand through his hair. "Eddie, you need to shower before work." He nodded and said "ok. I'm going now." I didn't have work today so I would most likely be staying home. I also didn't want Edward to leave. I stood up and wrapped myself up in a blanket. "Eddie?" I went into the bathroom and he looked at me. "Yeah?" He was currently taking his watch off. "Stay home with me?" Edward made a face as if he was thinking about it. He nodded and then said "yeah, fuck it." "Really? You'll stay with me?" He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close to him. I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck, the blanket falling off my shoulders. Edward leaned down to kiss my neck. "You are magnificent. Absolutely beautiful." I smiled as I felt him bite at my neck softly. "God, you're..." He kissed my chest, his lips wrapping around my right nipple. I gasped softly and said "Eddie." My hands went to his hair, tugging on it. His hand went up to knead my left breast while he sucked on the right. "Come back to bed with me, Eddie. Hold me as the day withers away." "Mmm, I'd love nothing more, angel." Edward kissed my lips passionately and then moved to my left nipple. I seemed to melt under his touch, wanting him to never stop. As the two of us went back into the bedroom, I put on a pair of panties along with one of Edward's shirts. He called his job and quickly faked that he was sick. He also pulled on a shirt with some sweatpants. I sat down on his bed and he went to grab his laptop off the desk in his living room. "We could watch a movie or something." He suggested. I nodded at him and he opened the laptop, the device lighting up with life. I leaned my head on his chest as he got comfortable next to me. I draped one of my legs over his waist and an annoyed sigh left his lips. I started to retract my leg from his waist and he said "no. Not you. Oh god, I wasn't sighing at you like that. I've just got some stupid emails I need to respond to. Is that ok?" I nodded at him and Edward pulled my leg back onto his lap. He clicked on the email app and started going through them. I watched his eyes dart back and forth across the screen quickly as he read them. "Stupid." He mumbled. He typed a response back. I was too enamored by looking at him to see what he was saying. Edward pushed his glasses up his nose and continued to type away. I cuddled into him, holding a fistful of his t-shirt. Once he was finished, he decided on Disney+ for the streaming service. "I didn't watch Disney movies growing up, being an orphan and all. Any suggestions?" He said. "Sleeping Beauty is one of my favorites. It's a princess movie though." I said. Edward shrugged and said "I've never seen it. I'm sure I'll like it. And it's one of your favorites." I blushed and said "only if you want to, Eddie." Edward scrolled through the movies until he found Sleeping Beauty. His hand rubbed up and down my thigh as the movie began. I nuzzled my face into his chest and Edward held me tighter.


After that day it seemed like Edward and I could barely keep our hands off one another. The two of us had been super physical lately, always touching one another. Edward needed the contact and honestly so did I. I never had a man touch me so lovingly the way he does. And his mind not being clouded with sex all the time was something I'd never experienced with someone. I was currently sitting with Robyn at her house, telling her about Edward and I. "So you and Edward are really serious then?" Robyn said. I furrowed my eyebrows and said "why wouldn't we be?" Robyn shrugged and said "I don't know. You guys seem like you're really enjoying each other. Have you told each other 'I love you' yet?" I shook my head. "No. Not yet. I don't know if I'm ready to say that. I mean, I care for him. I care for him so much. He makes me happy and is so so sweet. He let me bring up the topic of sex and waited till I was ready. And he wasn't even mad. He just let me ease into it. I've never had a guy do that for me. I really really like him. I'm not sure if I love him yet though." Robyn took a sip of her tea and said "well, don't rush. You have all the time in the world to say it. Unless he says it first." "I don't think I would mind if he said it first. He hasn't really had a serious relationship before. Let alone a girlfriend who actually wanted to be around him." "I think he's good for you. He makes you happy. And you're nowhere near as stressed out as you were when you were with Harry." I bit my lip and nodded in agreement. "How are you and Lena?" Robyn smiled really big and said "we're good. Her mom found out about us and doesn't even care. I think her dad knows and hasn't addressed it. I think he's ignoring it, acting like it hasn't happened. But we're doing really good. I'm glad I'm finally with her. I've liked her for so long and I get to be with her. It seems like we're both happy." "I would think so. Our lives are getting on track. It's probably for the best. Considering Gotham is such a cruel place." Robyn laughed and said "yeah. It honestly is. Everything that's been going on has been so rough. It's nice to have Lena around to ease the tension. And she makes me so happy." "I feel that way about Edward. I met him at a weird moment in time and it seemed like we instantly clicked. And the more time I spent with him, the more we meshed together. It seems like we never want to be without each other." I said as I played with a strand of curly hair that hung in my face. "That's the honeymoon stage. Enjoy it while it lasts." Robyn said. I shook my head and said "I feel like Eddie and I will be that way all the time. He just makes my heart swell. And because he didn't really grow up having people treat him nicely, he practically wants to be with me all the time. And not in a clingy way. It's like an affectionate way." Robyn's eyes went to Bob as he walked by. "I'm glad you're finally not dating an asshole." I pushed her playfully as the two of us laughed. "We're both happy now and that's all that matters." I said proudly. Robyn nodded in response and said "thank god."

Edward's POV:
I woke up with a jolt. A breathy gasp left my lips as I looked around and recognized my surroundings. My rundown Gotham apartment. Thunder boomed softly as the rain pattered down from the sky. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, reaching for my glasses. Juno laid asleep next to me. I slowly laid back down, laying on my side. I reached out to touch Juno's hair. It was so curly. I was in love with it. I thought it was beautiful. She was beautiful. Juno was a godsend. She was someone I never expected would fall for me, would want to be around me. I definitely loved her. I loved Juno. I wasn't sure if I could tell her yet. I didn't want to scare her away. I was already older than her by a few years. I leaned down and pressed a kiss to her forehead. Juno rolled onto her side and nuzzled her face into my chest. I then laid flat on my back, pulling her onto my chest. A sigh came from Juno and I rubbed her back gently, not wanting to wake her. I stared up at the ceiling, my thoughts starting to run through my head. These nightmares happen every so often. But, it seems that Juno tends to block them out. I felt my eyes begin to droop, sleep creeping it's way back. My eyes were closed maybe a minute. Two? The images of the orphanage flashed in my head and the cruelty of Gotham. "No." I said as I shook my head. "Eddie?" Juno asked sleepily. I looked down at her. She shifted her body and draped her leg over my waist. "I'm ok. Go back to sleep." I said softly. Juno's hand went to my chest, rubbing up and down. "Are you sure?" "It's just a nightmare. I'll be ok." I mumbled. I desperately wanted her to wake up but I wanted her to sleep. I didn't want to bother her with my problems. It was always so late at night when I had them. I hated waking her up because terrifying images entered my brain. Juno then sat up. My hand fell from her back and she said "you had another nightmare?" "It was a mild one but yes." I sat up and gave her a tight lipped smile. "Oh, Edward." She cupped my cheek and I shrugged. "It's fine." Juno shook her head and said "Eddie, it's not. Nightmares suck. But I'm here for you. And always will be." I pulled her into my lap and she straddled me. I felt her fingers run through my hair. I wrapped my arms around her waist, leaning my head on her chest. My hands went up under her shirt, feeling her warm skin. Juno kissed my lips, her hand still on my cheek. The kiss was full of passion. Oh, how I wanted her to never stop. I wanted her to just stay with me like this forever. Juno pressed kisses up and down my neck. I hummed in response, loving how it felt. "Don't worry baby. Everything will be alright." Juno said softly. She pulled away and I looked up at her. "You're so warm. Like the sun." I mumbled into her chest as I nuzzled my face against it. Juno stroked my head, her fingers scratching at my scalp gently. "You're like the sun. You're my sunshine." "Awe, Eddie." Juno looked down, her curly hair hanging in her face. "You're making me blush." I kissed her cheek and said "it's adorable. Usually I'm the one who's always blushing." Juno climbed into my lap, my head still on her chest. "I'll protect you from your dreams, Eddie. Nothing can hurt you here." My arms tightened around her waist. "Oh, Juno." "What is it, Eddie?" "I'm just so so glad I have you. You mean so much to me." Juno smiled really big and the two of us held one another. "You're so warm, sunshine." "Oh, Eddie  that nickname makes my heart swell." Juno whispered. "Hmm, does it now?" I quirked an eyebrow at her and she nodded. "Let's go back to sleep. I'll protect you from your dreams." Juno put her hands on her hips like a superhero. I chuckled and said "I'm sure you will, angel."


"Eddie, we can't. I'm meeting with Lena and her father today." I kissed Juno's lips, bucking my hips against hers. "Angel, please." The hardness in my boxers was only growing and it was because of her. Juno was something I couldn't get enough of. I couldn't get enough of her. "Eddie, when I get home, I'll let you have me. I just can't this morning." I whimpered and buried my face into the crook of her neck. Juno moved her hips against mine, my clothed dick dragging against her crotch. "Ah, don't do that. Angel, don't be gone long today. I need you." Juno kissed my cheek and said "you can have me later." She brought my hand to her crotch. I groaned at feeling the wetness between her legs. "All for you, Eddie. Now, let me get up so I can get to this meeting." I got off of her, laying on my back. I closed my eyes and sighed. "It's ok if you take care of yourself. When I leave, of course." I opened my eyes to see Juno staring at my crotch. She quickly pulled a skirt on with a blouse and leaned down to kiss my nose. "Bye, Eds." My heart fluttered and I smiled and said "bye, Angel." Juno smiled really big and then left, her heels clicking against the floor.

The end sucks but if I don't end it somewhere this chapter will just keep going. Movie events will be coming up soon soon and I'm very excited to write them!!

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