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Chapter fourteen
Crimes of Gotham
Juno's POV:
I had met with Lena's father to discuss what could be done about more security for the orphanage. He had turned down my idea for putting a few policemen there, to protect the children. The orphanage never really had any trouble but I wanted everyone to be safe. I trudged through the door to Edward's apartment. "Hi, angel!" He said, in his work attire. He furrowed his eyebrows and I sighed. "What happened? I thought you'd be gone longer." "The meeting didn't go well. I should've known. I need to go to my apartment. I'll be back in a few hours." I went to leave and Edward grabbed my arm. "Hey, what happened? Tell me." I looked up at him and then explained what happened. I watched Edward's green eyes fill with anger as he learned of the mayor's new decision. "Juno, he's scum. It doesn't matter what he says or does. He will always be scum." "Edward, he's the mayor. And Lena's dad. Don't talk that way." I said, putting a hand on his chest. "Angel, the people in this city are horrible. They lie and steal and cheat their way through everything. Nobody is good. Not even the mayor." I patted his chest and said "I don't care for him either, Eddie. But he is Lena's dad. You'll never have to be around him again. We'll skip every dinner party he's at. He just denied my idea. I'll get over it." "Was he rude about it?" "A little. I mean he could've been a bit nicer. He said it was a stupid idea. And that the kids in the orphanage don't need any protection because they're orphans. And they don't matter." I looked down as I said that, hating that Edward had to hear those words. "He's an asshole. It's people like him who won't change the city. If we actually had someone in power who was kindhearted and cared about people, the city could change. It'll never change with him on top." Edward said. He pushed his glasses up his nose and then sighed. "Eddie, you get so angry about this stuff. All he said was no. He didn't really do anything to hurt me. He's a jerk." I cupped his cheek and Edward nodded. "Uhm, so you're going to your apartment?" He changed the subject. I nodded and said "yeah. I need to get some things for work. And I think I'll shower and stuff." Edward smacked his lips and said "ok. Do you want me to come over? After work? Or did you want to come back here?" I shrugged and said "doesn't matter, I guess. I haven't been home in a while." "I can come to yours." Edward's arms went around my waist as he pulled me close to him. I smoothed out a few wrinkles in his shirt. "Ok. I'm not going into work today. I'm going to take care of my bills at the apartment and stuff. Just come by after work." Edward nodded and I watched a small frown appear on his face. I kissed his cheek and then gave him a hug. Edward relished in it, squeezing me. "I'm really sorry about your meeting." He said softly. I pulled away from him and said "it's ok. I have you and you make me happy. I'll be fine." Edward smiled and he looked more presentable than he usually would for work. "Why the tie? You never wear a tie." "My boss is moving people around in the office today. I'm hoping he'll give me a better office or put me on a better floor. And if I get moved up, the attire is a bit different. Plus I'm kind of trying this out. I don't really know how to tie a tie which is why I never wear them. And bow ties, forget it." Edward rambled. I half smiled and said "well, I really hope everything goes well at work for you today. And I can help you with the ties. I started tying my dad's when I was little. My mom taught me and it was one of my favorite things to do before my dad left for work." "That's cute." Edward said. I nodded in agreement and went to grab my purse, the two of us heading to the front door. "What do love and math have in common?" Edward asked. I looked up at him and said "oh, Eddie not a riddle." "Come on. You can do it." He cooed. I bit my lip as I tried to think. I shook my head with a shrug, trying to signal to Edward that I never got his riddles right. "Add wine and a bed, minus the clothes, divide the legs, and hope and pray that you don't multiply." Edward wiggled his eyebrows at me. I gasped playfully and said "Edward Nashton!" I hit his chest and a chuckle came from him. "I liked that one. Did you like it?" "I can't believe you just said that. Oh my gosh." Giggles left my lips and I stood on my tiptoes to kiss his nose. The two of us went down to our cars, going our separate ways.


I hadn't really been to my apartment in a couple of weeks. I only swung by to get fresh clothes or things for work. The stack of mail inside was definitely concerning. I quickly saw my rent bill and paid that first. I sorted through the rest of it, most of it being junk. Then I saw it. A forest green envelope with a white question mark on the front of it. I gulped as I held the envelope in my hands. And it was heavy as well. I shakily opened it, a highly decorated card inside. I pulled the card out of the envelope and examined it. A cartoon man was on the front of it. He looked poor, his clothes brown and tattered.
What kind of food is crazy about money?
I stared at the riddle on the front of the card, confused as to why I'd receive a card like this. I then opened the card. The poor man seemed to have a jar of cashews that he had found on the ground which was producing money for him.
A cashew
The answer said. I then saw the stack of money in the envelope. I gasped softly and then read over the small message on the card.
For the medical bill she refused to pay
"Oh my god." I whispered. The Riddler had sent me the money for that dreaded medical bill. I wondered what else he knew about me. Or how much he did. He definitely knew where I lived. He had to have dropped this card here in the last two weeks. But, I'd been at Edward's. Did he know that? Maybe he didn't. Was I supposed to go to the police? What could they do? It's not like he'd leave fingerprints on the envelope would he? And I could use this money towards bills or if I had an emergency. I decided to hide the card and the envelope, sticking the money in my cookie jar that I never used. Quivering breaths left my lips as I processed that The Riddler himself had sent me a card with money inside of it. Should I tell Edward? No. It'd only make him upset. Then again, maybe he'd freak out and want to tell the police. I wasn't sure what to do. The Riddler terrified me. He was so scary. If you were corrupt, you were done for. I knew I had nothing to worry about but at the same time, I didn't know what he wanted with me. Why does he care about my medical bills not being paid? Why would he care? Who is he?? I cleaned up around my apartment, trying to take my mind off of it. I then had a small snack and ended up taking a nap in my bedroom.


"Juno? Are you here, angel?" I heard Edward's voice. I slowly sat up and walked to the front door. I opened it and said "sorry. I was asleep." "Oh, I'm sorry. Uh, I actually brought some dinner. From the diner. And I got you these." Edward offered me a bouquet of flowers. I gasped softly and said "oh, Eddie." I took them from him and he came inside. I filled a vase with water and set them on the table. "Eddie, they're beautiful." "I'd hope they'd cheer you up. After the morning you had." I nodded and said "of course they do. And I have you, Eds." Edward blushed and the two of us sat down at the small dining room table I had. "I like when you call me Eds. And Eddie." His soft voice said. "I like when you call me angel. Nobody's ever called me something like that before. It's pretty." I replied as Edward handed me my food. He cleared his throat and said "it's the truth. You're an angel. I swear you were sent from heaven." I shook my head and Edward grabbed my hand, kissing it. The two of us loved spending time with one another. But on the other hand I barely spent time with anyone who wasn't Edward. I hadn't seen my parents since the dinner party and that was at least two weeks ago. And when I'm not at work I'm with Edward. I recently saw Robyn this week and the two of us had to catch up. "Juno?" Edward said. I looked up at him and said "I'm sorry. I didn't hear you." "You kinda zoned out." He stated with quirked brow. "Sorry. I was thinking." I gave him an apologetic smile and Edward said "about?" "Us." Edward dropped his fork, a clattering sound erupting in the air as his fork hit the glass. Edward wiped his face with a napkin and said "what about us? A-Are we having trouble? Have I done something wrong? Are you leaving me? Juno, whatever it is, I can fix it! I promise I can! J-Just don't leave me." "Eddie, where did you get an idea like that? I'm not leaving you. I was just thinking about us. We're pretty serious, aren't we?" I asked. Edward nodded, not saying anything. "I was thinking about how we've spent so much time with each other. I've enjoyed it so much. It's meant a lot to me. To have a guy as caring and as loving as you...I've never experienced it." Edward then shook his head. "I'm sorry. I guess I assumed you wanted to break up because...you wanted to go to your apartment and you wouldn't talk to me this morning. God, I thought I'd done something. Please don't ever hesitate to ask if I've done something. We can work it out. Don't keep anything bottled up." I saw the sincerity and adoration in his eyes as he spoke. A tight lipped smile appeared on his lips. "You do the same, Edward. Don't keep your emotions bottled up, ok? If you're sad, let it out, if you're angry, let it out. It's healthy. And to be honest I was feeling a little homesick. I love your apartment. I do. But, I was kind of missing mine and I needed to pay the rent." I told him. "I can help with the rent. If you needed my help." "It's ok. I took care of it. Everything's fine. I promise." We finished our dinner and the letter from The Riddler and the mayor's decision had me stressed out. I wanted nothing more than the stress to go away. Edward always seemed to do that for me. I sighed deeply as I sat on the couch. "What's wrong?" Edward asked. I looked at him and said "I told you I'd let you have me earlier. Do you still want me?" Edward's breath hitched and he said "uhm, of course. You're stressed out. I can tell. And I can take that away. I want to make you feel good. Let me help you, Juno." He leaned in to kiss my jaw and then my neck. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me. His hands went to my hips as he kissed my neck up and down. I closed my eyes and relished in the feeling of him kissing my neck. As much as I was enjoying it, I stopped him. Edward looked at me with furrowed brows. "Can we go in my bed?" I asked. Edward nodded and said "of course." I stood up and led him into my bedroom. I reached for his tie, taking it off and tossing it to the floor. "Can I eat you out, angel?" My lips parted in shock and he looked down at my thighs. "I don't really know how but you can teach me. Just show me where you want me and I can make you feel good." I nodded and said "sure, Eddie." Edward's hands went to my panties and he pulled them off my body. I tugged off my skirt and took off my blouse. I unclasped my bra and Edward laid on his stomach, his face inches away from my cunt. I could feel his breath fanning against the coolness of my pussy. Edward licked up my slit and I gasped. "Eddie!" My hands went to his hair and he looked up at me. I shuddered and my body shook from nerves. I slowly removed my hands from his hair. "Angel...I don't have to." "No, I want you to. It's just...I've never had someone eat me out. You'll be the first guy to ever be down there in that way." Edward half smiled and said "I'm the first?" I nodded and covered my face. "Oh, angel...that's amazing. I'm honored to be your first." I felt his hands wrap around my thighs and squeezed softly. I uncovered my face and looked down at him. Edward kissed my thigh and said "I need you to guide me, sunshine." My heart fluttered and I nodded again. "Ok, Eddie. Just be soft." "Of course. I want your first time to be enjoyable." I took a deep breath and started to relax, knowing that I was in safe hands with Edward. Edward left sweet kisses on my thighs and then brought his face to my crotch and licked up my slit. "You have to fuck me with your tongue, Eddie." I brought a finger down in between my legs. "Here." Edward nodded and then I pointed to my clit. "You have to suck here." "The clit?" Edward confirmed. I nodded and Edward started to suck on my clit. My hands went to Edward's hair and I felt him move down and then shove his tongue inside of me. A small whimper left my lips as I wasn't used to the feeling. It felt good. It was different. Edward looked up at me and pulled away. "Are you ok?" I nodded for what seemed like the hundredth time tonight. "I need you to say it, sunshine." "I'm ok, Eddie. It feels good. You're doing good." Edward went back to fucking me with his tongue. "Like this?" His voice was muffled and I said "yes." Slurping and sucking noises started to enter the air. "Mmm, Eddie." His nose bumped my clit and I pulled at his hair, grinding against his face. "Just like that, Eddie. You're doing so good. Just like that. P-Please don't stop." Edward hummed in response, the vibrations making me moan loudly. Edward's grip on my thighs got tighter as he pulled me closer to his face. I pulled on his hair harder, a grunt leaving Edward. "Eddie, I'm so close. I'm so close." Edward moved back up to my clit, sucking harshly. The pleasure I was feeling was indescribable. I had never felt anything like this before. Loud moans and Edward's name left my lips as the rope inside me snapped. Edward helped me through my orgasm until I became too sensitive. I winced and said "Edward, I'm sensitive. Stop." Edward immediately pulled away, my juices covering his face. Edward's glasses were fogged and askew. He quickly adjusted his glasses as I panted, staring up at him. "Are you ok?" I reached for Edward's hand as he wiped his face with a tissue  from the tissue box I left on my nightstand. "I'm ok. I'm great actually. You made me feel so amazing, Eddie. You did such a good job. You were so so good." Edward smiled warmly and said "I-I did?" "Yeah." Edward kissed the back of my hand and I said "did you want me to...." "Oh. Uh, I came." I looked at Edward's crotch and saw the faint wet spot. "Oh, Eddie." "It was so unbelievably attractive to hear you making those sounds. Because of me. I made you feel like this." Edward's cheeks tinted pink and I sat up slowly, unbuttoning his shirt. Edward furrowed his eyebrows and I said "I want you to make love to me, Eddie." Edward's lips parted and my hands went to his pants, unbuckling the belt. Edward pushed my hands away and stood up, fumbling with his pants. "Stupid pants." He muttered. He shrugged off his button up shirt along with his under shirt. He sat down next to me and kissed my lips. "I want you on top." I mumbled. A surprised noise left Edward's lips and then he pulled away. "Are you sure?" "Yes." Edward pumped himself a few times, hums leaving his lips. He positioned himself on top of me and I guided him to my entrance. "Wait. I need a condom." "I'm on the pill, Eds. And I want you to come inside." "You want me to come inside? Are you-" "Eddie, I'm sure. I want you to. I appreciate you asking." Edward kissed my forehead and he pushed inside me. Edward groaned softly and gave me a minute to adjust to his size. "You can move, Eds." Edward's thrusts started out slow as he got used to the feeling. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him down towards me. I kissed his lips passionately, wanting him to know how much I cared for him. Edward buried his face in the crook of my neck as he picked up the pace. I ran my fingers through his hair, his glasses digging into the side of my face. "Yes, Eddie. Don't stop." "O-Oh, Juno. You f-feel so good. God, you feel so good." I closed my eyes as I savored the feeling of him thrusting into me. Edward panted heavily, his breaths tickling my ear. My hands went to his shoulders, my nails digging into the skin slightly. A soft wince came from Edward and I kissed his cheek. His thrusts were fast now but with a sloppy pace. I knew he was close. He was twitching inside of me, whines leaving his lips. "Please tell me your close, sunshine. God, I can't take it." I hummed in response and said "I'm almost there. I'm right there, baby." "Fuck." Edward moaned at my words. Edward removed his face from my neck as he propped himself up, his hands going to my hips. He squeezed me so hard I was sure there'd be bruises in the morning. An airy gasp left my lips as my orgasm hit me like a truck. It was like it came out of nowhere. "Eddie. Eddie. Oh, Edward." I could feel his hips stuttering against mine. He came directly after me, loud moans entering the air. "Ah, ah, Juno. Mmm, oh my god." Edward then collapsed on top of me. The two of us panted and I held him close to me. I lazily stroked his head as the two of us came down from our highs. "Thank you." I whispered. Edward looked up at me since his head was once again buried into the crook of my neck. "For what?" He said. "For this. You made me come twice." I felt him kiss my cheek and I continued to stroke his head, playing with the sandy brown locks that sat on his head. Edward slowly pulled out, a wince leaving his lips. I could feel his cum leaking out of me and Edward slowly brought his head up to look at me. He kissed my lips sweetly and got of off me, his eyes going in between my legs. "We have to get you cleaned up, angel." He scooped me up into his arms and I said "you don't have to. I'm so tired." "I know you're tired, sunshine. But, we have to make sure you're clean, ok?" Edward cooed. I nodded against his chest and he carried me into the bathroom. He was very gentle with me as he took a wet rag and cleaned me up. I leaned my head on his shoulder and he said "almost done." I hummed in response and about a minute or so later he was carrying me back to my bed. He handed me a clean pair of panties and I put them on. Edward reached for his dirty boxers, a sigh escaping his lips. "I don't think I have any clean clothes here. And I...well..." I pointed to my dresser and said "there might be some stuff in there. It's Harry's but I think it'll fit you." Edward walked to the dresser, opening the drawer. I kept my eyes on his face or chest, not wanting him to be embarrassed of being nude. "He kept this stuff here?" Edward asked. I nodded and said "I didn't even remember it was in there until I just thought about it. I'll throw them out after you're finished with them." Edward then snapped his fingers and shook his head. "You know, I think I brought some clothes with me. They're in my car. I'll wear this stuff down to get them. I'll be right back." Edward threw the sweatpants and sweatshirt on as he left the room. I stood up and grabbed a nightgown. It was one of the silk ones Harry had bought me. It was baby pink and stopped right at the tops of my thighs. Edward came back about two minutes later. He changed out of Harry's clothes and then held them in his hands. "What do you want me to do with them?" "I could take them to the orphanage. I could give them to one of the boy's there. One who hasn't been so fortunate." I said. Edward nodded and then got into bed with me. He wrapped his arms around me as I laid my head on his chest, the two of us falling asleep almost instantly.


It seemed like the crime in Gotham was skyrocketing more than usual. This city was full of crime but lately things seemed awful. Edward was practically glued to my hip. He never wanted me to go anywhere alone and always stressed that something bad was going to happen to me. There were reports of women getting mugged, especially ones that were alone. "Eddie, I'm just going down the street. To the diner. I was gonna get us some pie." Edward shook his head and said "I don't want you going alone. Either I go with you or you don't go at all." He spoke in a firm tone. I nodded and then said "come on." The two of us walked down the street. It wasn't too late at night, around 7:30. The diner was pretty lively tonight. I got us a couple of slices of pie. Apple, pumpkin, and strawberry. We each had a slice of each one. Edward carried the box under his arm while holding onto me with the other. My apartment was quite a few blocks away from the diner. We barely made it a block before I was grabbed by a mugger. "Juno!" Edward said. I elbowed the man in the gut which caused him to slap me across the face. I yelped in pain and he tried to get to my purse. "Give me the money!" "I'll give it to you, just wait!" I said. I slowly went to reach for my wallet and Edward stepped forward. A switchblade was then pushed to my throat. "Don't try it, big boy." The man threatened. I winced as the blade dug into my neck. "I'll give you all the cash I have. It's all here." I pulled out the wad of money which was getting soaked by the pouring rain. "Now you." The man removed the switchblade from my throat and aimed it at Edward. Edward shook his head and said "I only have a couple of dollars." "I don't care. Give them to me!" Edward went to reach for his pocket and then punched the man in the face. "Jesus Christ!" Edward looked at his fist. The guy yelled out in anger and swung the blade at Edward who put his arm up in defense. "Ow!" He dropped the box of pies and I jumped on the guys back. "Asshole! You got your money, just go!" He was quick to throw me off his back and onto the pavement. The mugger went to stab me and Edward was quick to shield me. I stared up at him in shock as the switchblade collided with his shoulder. Edward moaned in pain as he looked down at me. The mugger pulled the blade out and took off running. Edward reached for the box of pies and set them on my lap. I furrowed my eyebrows and he slowly scooped me up into his arms. I was still clutching onto my purse and Edward winced. "Edward-" I began but he stopped me. "We have to go to my apartment. We'll never make it back to yours." Edward started walking through the rain that seemed to come down harder. "Edward, we need to go to the hospital." "No, I'm fine. I'm fine." He shook his head. Once we made it to his apartment building he carried me all the way up. "Could you get my keys? In my pocket?" I reached into his pocket and pulled out the set of keys. "Which one?" I said. "The skinny one." He leaned down to the lock so I could unlock the door. Edward practically ran inside as I turned the knob. He kicked the door shut and rushed into the bathroom. He set me down on the edge of the bathtub and grabbed the box of pies, shoving them away from us. "Did he hurt you? I need to make sure he didn't hurt you." Edward said as he started pulling on my wet clothes. My eyes went to the patch of red on his arm. "Edward." I said as I grabbed his arm. The button up shirt he wore was torn as a cut laid on his arm. Then I noticed his shoulder. "Oh god, Eddie." I pushed his arms off me and started unbuttoning his shirt. "It doesn't hurt. I'm fine." He spat. I shook my head and told him to turn around. He had been stabbed in the back of the shoulder. I gasped softly at the small hole in his shoulder. "Eddie, he hurt you. I gotta patch you up. Stay there." I grabbed the first aid kit out of the cabinet and then sat down behind Edward again. I rubbed some disinfectant into the wound. "Ow!" Edward jumped and I said "sorry. I'm so sorry, baby." Edward put his head in his hands and I felt tears welling up into my eyes. I then bandaged his shoulder since it was bleeding profusely. I then told him to face me so I could do his arm. "I have to do the disinfectant again." Edward nodded and gave me the arm which was cut. I applied it. Edward screwed his eyes shut and winced. "I'm sorry. Eddie, baby, I'm sorry." As I finished I pulled away from him. I sniffled and noticed the scrapes on my legs and arms. I cried softly and Edward's head snapped up to look at me. "I didn't mean to hurt you, Edward. It's my fault we got mugged. I should've listened to you and we should've stayed in. I just wanted for us to have some sweets. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry."

Edward's POV:
"Juno, this is not your fault. It's Gotham. It's what happens here. Crime is at an all time high; more than usual. It's not your fault." Juno shook her head and said "it is. I got you hurt. I need to go home. I'll call my dad." "Juno, no. It's not your fault. I promise." A sob left her lips. "Edward, you got hurt because of me! I need to go away so you'll be safe." Juno stood up and I grabbed her by her arms, forcing her to sit back down on the edge of the tub. "Listen to me. Listen to me, right now." Juno looked at me as tears filled her brown eyes. They streamed down her cheeks like a river, mascara smudge marks on her face. Her curly hair was dripping wet from the rain and her clothes stuck to her body like glue. "Juno, it's not your fault. I don't understand why he went after us. Most guys wouldn't once they see my size. I don't have physical strength. My strength is here." I pointed to my head. "All he wanted was money. He could've killed me and done something worse to you. I had to intervene when I did. He was definitely shocked when he stabbed me because he ran off. I couldn't let him hurt you. And you, you jumped on his back like a crazy person. You reminded me of this memory I have. I was seventeen and I had just ran away from the orphanage. I was in a store and was getting picked on by some bullies. They were about to kick my ass when a little girl walked over and told them they'd be arrested by her dad if they continued to bully me." I wiped some tears off Juno's cheek and she said "a little girl?" "Mmm-hmm. These assholes were picking on me. She stood up to them while I didn't." Juno smiled sadly and said "that was me." I shook my head and said "are you serious?" "I have that memory too. The tall boy with the long hair who was getting picked on by two boys half his size. My mom dragged me out of that store so fast. She was so mad at me." Juno looked down at her lap. "Juno, are you telling you're the girl who I ran into thirteen years ago? I figured it was someone I'd never see again. God, how old were you then?" "I was ten. I'm seven years younger than you." I half smiled and said "I know. Oh my god, I can't believe that was you. We were meant to be, Juno. It was fate." Juno threw her arms around me and hugged me tightly. "I'm so sorry, Eddie. Please forgive me." I rubbed her back, my hand going up and down. "This is not your fault, sunshine. It's Gotham's. This stupid city harms everyone who lives in it. And it doesn't help that everyone in power doesn't care. I'll be ok. These flesh wounds won't kill me. You're ok. I've got you. I'll protect you from this city. I promise." Juno pulled away from me and I sighed. "Let me clean up those scrapes, ok?" Juno nodded. I started on her knees and shins. I made sure to put lots of disinfectant so she'd be ok. I also bandaged them. Then her arms. The scrapes were pretty nasty but nothing she couldn't live with. "We need to get you into some warm clothes." I left the bathroom and gave her one of my shirts to sleep in. I also grabbed one of the clean pairs of panties she left here. "Are these ok?" I held them up. Juno nodded and then struggled to take her wet clothes off. I helped her pull off the wet sweater she wore along with the skirt and tights. Her heels had fallen off her feet by the front door. My eyes widened at the bruise on her side that was already turning black. I hated what we had went through tonight. She unclasped her bra, the item of clothing falling to the floor. Juno's skin was cold to the touch as I helped her pull the shirt over her head. She took off the wet pair of panties and put on the dry pair I gave her. "Eddie, I want you to hold me." I nodded and said "let me get changed, sunshine. I'll be there in a few minutes." Juno walked into my bedroom and a sigh left my lips. I looked at myself in the mirror, completely in shock of what we went through tonight. I was pretty sure it'd be a whole thing with Juno's parents. I took off my wet clothes and quickly changed. I wiped my glasses which were stained with water spots. I made sure the front door was locked and walked into my bedroom and sat down next to Juno. She buried her face into the crook of my neck. I held her close to me and leaned my head on top of hers. "You're ok. I promise." I whispered. "Don't leave me, Eddie." She replied. I kissed her head and said "I won't." I could feel her slowly start to drift off into sleep. I was just grateful tonight didn't go any worse. It was already pretty bad since the mugger actually tried to harm us both. It was honestly one of the stupid things I've ever seen but I wouldn't of let him hurt Juno. And even though he was scum, he wasn't like Mayor Mitchell or Commissioner Savage. He could get away for now. The floods would most likely kill him. I smiled to myself as I thought about flooding the city. I'd make sure Juno was safe and she wouldn't be harmed. But that plan was still on the back burner. I still needed to get explosives and plant them on the vans and park each one next to the sea wall. Juno had been taking up a lot of my time and I needed to crack down on my plans. "Everything will change." I whispered. Juno squeezed me and I knew I had to make this city a better place for her. She deserved to live in a safe place. I already was going to get revenge on this city for being such a hellhole but I now had a bigger motivation; Juno. She was a beam of light in the dark, guiding you to safety. And she was mine. I never thought I'd have someone like her and she gave my life so much meaning. I was practically invisible before. I still think I am sometimes but when she looks at me or reaches for my hand, it makes me feel like the only man in the world. The Riddler will change everything. I will change everything. Gotham will be cleansed of it's sun and filth when the sea walls explode.

Here's the update! The end is kind of eh but there it is! And this chapter is way longer than expected and I apologize if y'all don't like smut but I feel like it's crucial to Juno and Edward's relationship.

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