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Chapter sixteen
The Riddler's Grand Plan
Edward's POV:
I sighed as I sat in front of the camera. "Hey guys." I said with a wave. The comments started flooding in, asking where I'd been, why I hadn't killed anyone else. "Believe it or not, I've been preparing my plans for Gotham. I've also been taking care of my girlfriend. She was mugged. Well, we were. I found the guy who did it. I have all his information right here. If any of you really want to please me, you'll find this man and beat him to a pulp. And if you do find him, leave him in a place where I can find him. I'll take care of the rest. Now, detonators. I've gotten a few. Are these ok?" The comments went crazy I held up the detonators in my hand. I chuckled and said "good. I'm glad you all approve. I just wanted to check in with you all for a bit. If you find that mugger, let me know. Goodbye..." I put the muggers information on the screen so everyone could take a gander at it. After about a minute I ended the stream. I took off my glasses and then my mask, rubbing at my eyes. I sighed and leaned back in my chair. Since the mugging Juno has been extra careful. I warned her that the freaks come out during October. She carried pepper spray with her and a knife that was gifted to her by her friend Selina, who I'd never met. Juno and I had been working a lot. I hadn't seen her for about a week and a half. That's partially my fault. I've been so busy with planning out my meticulous plan for Gotham. I looked at the rat cage I had built. I couldn't wait to place the device around the commissioner's head. And the bomb I made for the D.A. God, I couldn't wait to watch his head explode. I was quite proud of my handiwork. I took a step out of the spare room which held all my things inside. I grabbed my things and headed out of the apartment. I was going to pick up one of the vans that I was going to park along the sea wall. This was the first van. I didn't have the bombs and detonators ready yet. But they would be soon. All I'd have to do was drive back and place the bombs and the detonators. I switched to the van, driving along the dark streets of Gotham. As I reached the sea wall, I stared up at it in awe. I'd never been so close to it before. To think this brick wall was keeping all this water from spilling into the city, protecting all the scum. I could smell the salt water crashing against the wall. Even though the Gotham Harbor was most likely disgusting, it still had a very salty sea smell to it. My mind then went to Juno's parents house. Their house was close to the sea wall. But, their house would be ok. Wouldn't it? I could leave that area untouched and just let the flooding from the other areas happen. I then started to walk away from the sea wall. I held my mask in my hand, not caring if anyone saw my face. It's not like they'd remember me. I was practically invisible. I took the train until I got back to the parking lot where I'd parked my car. I sighed deeply as I sat down inside. I had planned on killing the Mayor on Halloween. I'd have to make sure Juno wouldn't suspect anything. Or maybe I could tell her? I shook my head as if to shake the thought away. I drove to get the next van. I wanted to place them all tonight and then come back with the bombs and detonators. It started to pour. It was like a monsoon. I took off my Riddler jacket, going for a windbreaker. I set my mask down and stepped out of the second van. I then went to get the third and the fourth. I was now on the fifth van. I rubbed at my eyes under my glasses, fatigue starting to take over my body. "One more. You can do one more." I told myself. Six. Six vans parked along the sea wall, blowing it up, flooding the city. I smiled as I thought about people scrambling for their lives. They won't know what hit them. They won't know what to do. Once I got back to my apartment, I stepped in and practically dropped all my belongings in the living room. I closed the door and locked it. I was grateful I was off work tomorrow since it was so late. I took off my jacket and set my mask on the coffee table. Relief washed over my body as I sat down on the couch. My phone buzzed and I pulled it out of my pocket. Juno's name flashed across the screen. It was a text.

You're probably asleep right now and that's totally ok but I just wanted to tell you that I love you Eddie

I felt my heart swell and a happy sigh left my lips. I immediately texted back, telling her that I couldn't sleep.

I'd come over but it's so late, Eds. I'll come over in the morning or afternoon if you want

I told her that was ok and that I'd see her tomorrow. I was hoping I could actually get some sleep. My plan kept my brain awake, buzzing with energy. It seemed like my train of thought wasn't making it to the end of the line anytime soon. But, it did continue to go between two stops, telling Juno I'm the Riddler or not telling her I'm the Riddler. I couldn't figure out which one was the better choice. I knew I'd come to a decision eventually but for now, it was going to haunt me.


"Eddie? I brought some pie. It's pumpkin. You're favorite." I opened my eyes to hear Juno's voice at my front door. I was on the couch, surrounded by all my Riddler gear. "Shit." I said as I immediately stood up. "Eddie?" Juno knocked on the door and I started to pick up my Riddler jacket and mask. "One second!" I told her. "That's fine. I wasn't sure if you were asleep." She replied. I scrambled around the living room, trying to hide all my stuff. I hastily threw the jacket and my mask in the spare room, along with my pants. I then went to my room and changed into some sweatpants and a T-shirt. I walked to the front door and opened it, letting Juno inside. I blinked a few times and Juno said "where're your glasses?" "Uh, mmm, I dunno. I was asleep on the couch." I shook my head and Juno walked into the kitchen. I closed the door and locked it, following her. I squinted, trying to see Juno. "The pumpkin pie is fresh. I just went to the diner and picked it up. I figured we could have coffee or tea here." I nodded and ran a hand through my hair. My heart was pounding and Juno said "Eds, are you ok? You're shaking." My hands shook by their sides and I quickly dismissed it. "I had a nightmare. I think I'm still reeling from it is all." Juno's lips moved downwards. I think she was frowning. "I'm sorry. Maybe I should've came over last night." Fuck. Now I felt absolutely guilty for lying. "No, it's not your fault. It's just a nightmare. I'm ok. I uh, need to find my glasses." "Want me to help you?" Juno asked. I nodded with a sigh. I walked to the living room and Juno did the same. I felt around the couch, looking for my glasses. "Did you sleep on the couch?" "Mmm-hmm." I hummed. A huff of frustration left my lips as I couldn't find my glasses. Juno got down on the floor and started feeling around under the couch. "I don't understand how I lost them!" Juno put a hand on my shoulder and said "relax, Eds. They're right here." Juno cupped my cheek and made me look at her. She gently put my glasses on my face, being careful not to poke me in the eye. "Thank you." I said softly. Juno kissed my cheek and then my forehead. "Of course. And try not to lose them again." "Mmm, it'll probably happen again. I'm lost without you." Juno smiled as a blush crept up her cheeks. Juno went into the dining room and I remembered that I didn't lock the spare bedroom door. "Do you want tea or coffee?" She said. "Coffee please." I replied as I quickly went to lock the door. I fumbled with the key and then locked it, hiding the key. I walked into the dining room and sat down. Juno hummed to herself as she made the coffee. Her outfit was different today. She wore a yellow tulle skirt with a sweater. She looked absolutely stunning. "I-I like your skirt." I stuttered. Juno looked over her shoulder at me and said "do you?" I nodded and she giggled. "It's new. I wasn't sure if it's something I should wear in such a gloomy city." "Oh, angel it makes you the brightest light in the city." Juno put her hands over her heart and said "you make my heart swell, Edward Nashton." I looked down as I felt my cheeks begin to heat up. She set the plate of pie in front of me and a cup of coffee. She poured milk into her coffee with some sugar, stirring it. I watched as she set her plate and cup down across from me. She smoothed out her skirt and said "so, Halloween is in two weeks." I sipped on my coffee with a choke. Juno's eyes flickered up to look at me. I waved my hand to signal that I was ok. "Went down my wind pipe. And you said two weeks?" I was perfectly aware that Halloween was in two weeks. I just acted like I didn't know. "I was thinking we could stay in? Or dress up and hand out candy? Which one sounds better?" Juno ate a fork full of pie and I said "they both sound great." I decided that Juno and I could see each other after I killed the mayor. She could just come over after. "I think I'd prefer to stay in. We could still dress up if you want. And eat a bunch of candy?" I suggested. Juno nodded with a smile and said "sure. It sounds good." "We could watch all those spooky kids movies you like." "Oh, Eddie really?" Juno's face lit up and I nodded. I reached for her hand and kissed it. Juno blushed and said "it'll be nice to spend Halloween with someone who's so caring to me." "I'll actually be spending Halloween with someone. I've always spent it alone." I let go of Juno's hand and she stood up, walking over to where I sat. She sat in my lap and I wrapped my arms around her, one around her shoulders and one around her legs. "We'll have a good time." Juno whispered. She cupped my cheek and kissed my forehead. "Of course we will."


Detonators. One, two, three, four. "Hmm, number four." I hummed to myself as I clicked the detonator on. I laid on my back under the van, wiping the sweat off my brow. I wanted the detonators and bombs set up in weeks in advance. I purposely left my phone at my apartment so the police couldn't track me and see what I was doing. I finished the fourth detonator and drove to the fifth van, going to place the fifth one. The Batman was going to be so proud when he sees what I'm going to do. I'll leave behind riddles and things for him to solve the puzzle. And Juno. If she accepts me, she'll be so proud that her boyfriend wants a safe city for the two of them to live in. I'm doing this for myself and Juno now. I love her and have to keep her safe. "Ow!" I stabbed myself with my screwdriver as I had gotten too deep in thought. I looked at the small gash on my hand, sighing. I'd have to come up with another lie to tell Juno. God, I hated lying to her. It made me sick to my stomach. I slid out from underneath the van and hurried to my car, trying not to get blood on the rain soaked streets. My hand started to throb and I leaned my head against the seat. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." I quickly mumbled. I ripped a piece of fabric off an old sweater I had in the backseat. I wrapped it around my hand as best I could, driving to the sixth and final van. The cool Gotham air was enough to keep me calm as I slightly rushed to finish the last detonator and bomb. My hand started to sting along with the throbbing. "God." I finished and rushed back to my car. I drove back to my apartment and grabbed my phone. I called Juno. The phone rang a couple of times before she answered. "Eddie?" Her groggy voice asked. I sighed and said "I'm sorry, baby, I...I was just going to ask you something. I figured you were awake." "What is it? You can ask me anything, Edward." "I cut myself. Well, stabbed. I was trying to fix something in my apartment and accidentally stabbed myself with a screwdriver. Could you possibly come over tomorrow morning and wrap my hand?" "I'll come now." I heard Juno rummaging around her room and I said "no. Don't." "You're hurt. I'll be there in ten." She hung up and I shook my head. I went into the bathroom and got the first aid kit out. When Juno arrived I let her inside. I locked the door behind her and led her into the bathroom. I went to show her my hand when she kissed me. I was taken aback but loved the feeling of her lips on mine. I cupped her cheek with my non injured hand and deepened the kiss. "Edward." She whispered as I kissed her. Her hands were at my collar, pulling me closer to her. "Mmm, Juno." I groaned against her lips. Juno slowly pulled away and made me sit on the edge of the bathtub. "What did you wrap it with?" She asked. I shrugged and said "an old sweater. I just needed to wrap it then and there. I didn't have time to...clean it I guess." Juno shook her head and slowly unwrapped it. "Oh, Eddie what'd you do?" "A screwdriver." I gave her a half smile and Juno kissed my forehead. She started to clean it which caused me to wince. "Sorry." She said softly. I stared up at her as she bandaged my hand like it was the easiest thing in the world. A strand of hair fell into her face and I reached up to push it behind her ear. Juno's eyes flickered down to look at me. She brushed my bangs out of my face and gently pushed my glasses up my nose. I chuckled softly. "Almost done, Eddie." She finished wrapping my hand and then leaned down to kiss my nose, making me giggle. Gus Gus came up to our feet, rubbing on Juno's leg before doing the same to mine. I scratched the small kitten's head and Juno said "I think I'm gonna go." I quickly looked up at her and said "n-no. Stay. Please." Juno ran her hand through my hair and said "ok." I stood up, towering over her now. I cupped her cheek, stroking her cheek with my thumb. Juno leaned into my touch and turned on her heel, leading me into my bedroom. Gus Gus was hot on our tail, jumping up onto the bed. Juno took off her shoes and then started to unbutton her jeans. I watched silently, my eyes going to her thighs. She was absolutely beautiful. I changed into some sleepwear, handing Juno one of my shirts. Juno took it from me, taking off her bra and slipping the shirt over head. Juno went to lay down and I laid my head on her thighs. Juno stroked my head and said "you're ok." I nodded against her thighs and said "I'd be lost without you." Juno hummed in response. I watched her eyelids grow heavy and I placed a kiss on her thigh. "I'm sorry, baby. I didn't mean to wake you up." "It's ok, Eddie. You were bleeding. You're so clumsy sometimes." She looked down at me with a half smile and I said "Juno?" "What is it, Edward?" I thought about how exactly I was going to say this. The Riddler. How do you tell your girlfriend you're The Riddler? "I need to tell you something but I don't want you to be mad." I could feel my heart start to beat faster and my breathing picked up. I looked up at her and she was slowly falling asleep. I slowly sat up and took off my glasses, covering her with the blanket and leaning my head on her shoulder. "What'd you want to tell me, Eddie?" "Don't worry about it. I'll tell you another day. You're tired." "Ok, Eddie." She replied tiredly. I smiled and kissed her cheek. "I love you, angel." "I love you too, Eddie."


"So, guess what?" Robyn's voice said. "What?" Juno asked. Lena giggled and Robyn said "Lena and I are dressing up as a surfer and a cheerleader for Halloween! And we're hanging out at her house!" Lena and Juno squealed. I bounced my leg up and down, the thoughts of flooding the city entering my mind. I thought about killing the mayor, the commissioner, the DA, Carmine Falcone.

Tell her you're The Riddler!
Tell her!
Tell her!
Tell her!

My mind screamed at me as I sat with my girlfriend and her friends. I took deep breaths and tried to push the thoughts from my head. "Edward." I jumped and looked at Lena who was looking at me. "Y-Yes?" I said as I slowly tried to keep myself calm. "What're you and Juno doing? For Halloween?"

Killing the mayor

"We're going to stay in and watch some movies and eat a bunch of candy. I actually bought some of those huge bags of candy already." Robyn smiled and said "awe, that's perfect for you two. You guys deserve a break." Juno nodded in agreement and said "yeah. We're ok." She grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze. I half smiled at her and was grateful she had grabbed my hand. I started to focus on the plans in my head in a calm state, taking in deep breaths and making sure I was ok. "Eddie? Are you ok?" Juno asked softly. I turned to look at her. She looked at me, her eyes filled with concern. "I'm ok. It's just work. I'm working on this really big account. I was doing the math in my head. It's kind of overwhelming but I love numbers. You know I do." I told her. Juno nodded and said "I do know that. I just don't want you to overwork yourself, Eddie. We barely see each other as it is." I watched her frown and turn away from me. "Hey, we're going to see each other on Halloween. And we'll spend more time together. I know things have been crazy lately. I wish I could see you every day. You keep my head on my shoulders." Juno chuckled softly and kissed my nose. "Edward, I think you'd make a great superhero. For Halloween." Lena said. I shook my head and said "oh no. That's very kind of you but I don't look anything like a superhero." "You're my superhero. You saved me from Harry." Juno stated at me longingly. I could feel Robyn's eyes on me and I cupped Juno's cheek. "I'm your superhero?" I looked at Juno in shock. "Yes. Of course, Eddie." I felt my heart swell and a warm feeling in my stomach. "He's blushing!" Robyn said. I covered my face and said "stop." Juno removed my hands from my face and kissed my lips sweetly. Robyn and Lena cheered their best friend on as she kissed me. I wanted to tell Juno that I was The Riddler. God, I wanted to tell her so bad. But she thought of me as her superhero. I couldn't ruin that image of me. I was everything for her. Now I had to stay that way.

Hey guys, it's been a minute and I apologize for that!! I think the next chapter is going to dive into The Batman. Movie events are happening now. Sooo just a heads up on the next chapter. There might be some angst and Edward killing the mayor obviously but other than that, I think it'll all be ok. I hope everyone is still reading this!!

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