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Chapter twenty
God Only Knows
Juno's POV:
"N-No." Edward's voice said softly. His heart thumped in his chest and his body twitched in his sleep. "I'm here, Eddie." Edward groaned and I cupped his cheek. His eyes fluttered open and he looked around the room. "Oh." He said. I brushed his bangs out of his face and said "what's wrong?" "B-Bad dream." Edward held my hand to his cheek and I leaned down to kiss his forehead. Edward had been taking care of me at my apartment for two days. The mayor's funeral was in a couple of days and he had told me he had plans for it. My eyes went to Edward's lips. I wanted to kiss him so bad but wasn't sure where we stood. Edward went to sit up and I removed my hand from his cheek. I sat up with him, taking in his sleepy disheveled state. Edward reached for his glasses and I went to get out of bed when he stopped me. "Mmm. No." He pulled me into his lap and I gasped softly. "What's wrong, Eds?" I whispered. Edward leaned his head on my shoulder and said "just wanna be close to you. D-Don't leave." I reached around him to rub his back. "I'm here." "M-Me too. I'm here for you t-too." He stuttered. I kissed his head and squeezed him. Edward's phone went off and he quickly grabbed it and sighed. "Fuck. I have to go to w-work." Edward pulled away from me and I frowned. "Oh." I said. The thought of him leaving again only broke my heart. I looked down at my lap and Edward said "Juno? What's wrong?" "You're leaving." I shook my head to try and shake the feeling of crying away. "I don't want you to." Edward cupped my cheek and made me look up at him. "I don't want to leave you. In fact, it hurts just thinking about it. I pushed you away and wished I never did. I'm not worthy of being loved." He then removed his hand from my cheek. I furrowed my eyebrows and said "Edward, how can you say that? You're worthy of everything. You deserve everything." Edward nodded slowly and said "I gotta go back to my apartment to change. I uhm, hope you'll want to see me...later." "Of course I will. I want you to stay here with me. I just want to figure everything out." Edward sighed and said "me too. I'd never hurt you, Juno. You're my sunshine, my everything." He cupped my cheek again and I said "I know. If I thought you were going to hurt me, I would've went somewhere you could never find me." Edward chuckled and said "I'm the riddler, angel. I would've found you eventually." I shook my head while chuckling softly. I got off his lap so he could stand up. He grabbed his keys and his windbreaker. I followed him to the door, dressed in one of his shirts. Edward looked me up and down and said "you're stunning." I looked down to hide my blush. "Mr. Nashton, you're too kind to me." "Miss Gordon, that's my job." I approached him to give him a hug. He swayed us back and forth as we stood next to the front door. "Are you going to work?" He asked. I shook my head against his chest. "No. I'm not ready to go back. But I'll call them and tell them to expect me in a couple of days." I pulled away to look up at him. Edward brushed my hair behind my ears and his hands slid down to my hips. He held me in place and I slowly reached up to his bangs, brushing them out of his face. "Be careful going to work. The roads are slippery and there's been reports of ice. Since it's getting colder." Edward nodded and said "I will." I stood on my tip toes to kiss his cheek. I could feel the warmth from Edward's cheek on my lips. Edward brought one of his hands to my face. He cupped my cheek, his thumb stroking it softly. I could feel tears welling up into my eyes. Edward furrowed his eyebrows and said "you're crying." "I never wanted to leave. I didn't want to be without you. I didn't want you to hate me. I figured you were going to move on and do what you needed to do. But, you're here. Taking care of me. You don't have to." I said in almost a whisper. Edward's thumb ran over my bottom lip. "I love you, Juno. All I want is you. You're beautiful and I don't want anyone else but you." Edward started to lean down to kiss me. My heartbeat started to quicken and my hands went to his collar, slowly bringing him closer. Then the fear started to come back and I started to pull away. "I'm scared." I whispered. Edward shook his head and said "don't be. I'd never hurt you." "Are we-" Edward cut me off by pressing his lips to mine. A surprised noise left my lips and I backed away, Edward following me. I bumped into the small table behind us. Edward picked me up and set me on the table as the kiss got more heated. I pulled Edward closer to me by his collar. Edward pulled away for air and I kissed him again. I ran my fingers through Edward's hair as his hand that wasn't holding my cheek squeezed my hips. "Mmm, I have to go to work." Edward said against my lips. "Don't go." I quickly replied, still kissing him. Edward inhaled a breath of air before kissing me again. "I-I have to. They'll think something's up. I can't have them suspecting anything." "Tell them you had to take care of your girlfriend. Tell them I was sick." I was quick to come up with a lie for him. I wrapped my legs around his waist, desperate for him to be closer to me. "That's what I told your job. But, I gotta go in. I need some research for my riddler stuff. I'll be back later." Edward leaned his head on my shoulder and I kissed his neck up and down. "I can't. Oh, I can't. F-Fuck." My eyes went to his crotch and Edward stifled a groan. "Eddie, stay here." Edward shuddered as I kissed his sweet spot on his neck. "I'll be back. I g-gotta go." Edward lifted his head up to look at me and I kissed his lips before he completely detached himself from me. "I don't want you to be late." I pouted. Edward kissed my head and said "don't go anywhere. I'll be home in a couple of hours." I nodded and he hurriedly left the apartment. A sad sigh left my lips and I realized I had it bad for Edward Nashton. I didn't care that he had killed my ex boyfriend. I didn't care he was The Riddler. I was in love with him and wanted nothing more than to be with him.


I laid in my bed and stared at the ceiling. Thoughts ran through my head. The alarms were going off, telling me not to trust Edward. But the love and stability I craved, told me to let him back in, don't let him go. He'd be getting off work in ten minutes and then would be home at any moment. I stood up and went into the bathroom, shaking out my curly hair that I freshly washed. I had been working on a riddle for Edward to solve. I just hoped it wasn't too easy or corny. I decided to leave the door unlocked for Edward. I looked at myself in the mirror and made sure I looked decent. I wore Edward's favorite pajama set. Which basically was a pair of cotton shorts with a small crop top. A knock on the door broke me out of my thoughts. "It's open!" I called. "Sunshine, you can't leave the door unlocked! Anything could've happened while I was-" Edward closed the door behind him and stared at me as I came out of the bathroom. "I left it open for you." I said. Edward locked the door without taking his eyes off me. "I missed you." Edward's hands went to my hips as I approached him. "I missed you too." He replied. I cupped his cheek and he half smiled. A blush started to creep up my cheeks and I said "I have a riddle for you." "Oh?" Edward said. I nodded and said "I just hope it isn't corny or stupid." My face fell as I looked down. My hand slipped from Edward's cheek. His hand went under my chin, making me look up at him. "It won't be stupid. I'm actually excited to hear it." I nodded and his hand went back on my hip. "I may be found on the Christmas tree top. When looking at my wings and halo, you can't stop. What am I?" Edward chuckled and smiled really big. "An angel. You're my angel." I blushed again and hugged him, leaning my head on his chest. "Oh, angel. I loved your riddle. I should teach you how to do some hard ones." I nuzzled my face against his chest and said "sorry it was too easy." "It was perfect. I loved it." His large hand went up and down my back. I felt his lips kiss the top of my head. I looked up at him and he pressed a kiss to my lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. Edward sighed against my lips and I slowly backed to the couch, Edward following me. He dropped his bag onto the floor and the two of us fell onto the couch. I giggled softly as he caught me in his lap. I cupped his cheeks as I was now straddling his thigh. Edward kissed me feverishly and he slowly moved to my neck. I tilted my head so he could have more access. I bit my lip to hold in the moans that so desperately wanted to escape my lips. I was pressed up against Edward's thigh perfectly. I slowly moved my hips, trying to get a little bit of friction. My hands went to his shoulders for support and I could feel pleasure slowly start to build. My knee brushed up against Edward's crotch and he pulled away from my neck, a soft moan leaving his lips. I started to make a steady pace and then remembered everything him and I had been through the last couple of days. I stopped and Edward furrowed his eyebrows. "W-Why'd you stop?" Edward asked. "I don't think we should go any further. Everything that's happened.... are we sure we're ok?" Edward cupped my cheek as I finished speaking. "Yeah, of course. But, if you don't want to, we don't have to." "I do but could we just do this?" "Sure. Did-uhm, did you only want to grind on my thigh or did you want to be in my lap?" I bit my lip and said "your thigh." "Ok. Here." Edward grabbed me by my hips and adjusted me to a certain spot, my knee flush against his crotch. Edward hissed at the contact and said "I'll guide you, angel." I nodded and started moving my hips. Edward inhaled and exhaled through his nose, keeping his moans muffled. Edward guided me back and forth. His eyes fluttered closed and he threw his head back. He bucked his hips against my knee, gasping at the feeling. I wrapped my arms around him, holding him close to me. The knot in my stomach continued to tighten and Edward drug me against his thigh harder. "Mmm. Mmm. Oh, Juno." Edward's moans sounded so pretty. I kissed his jaw and his neck. He chuckled softly and I said "I'm close, Eddie." "M-Me too. Ah, fuck." I gripped handfuls of his shirt as my clit rubbed against his khaki cladded thigh. I gasped as my orgasm hit me like a freight train. "Good job, angel. Cum all over my thigh." Edward praised me. His small bit of confidence in this moment was unbelievably hot. I felt a small wet spot underneath me and I bucked my hips slowly as my orgasm started to die down. Edward pulled his dick out of of pants, starting to jerk himself off. His cheeks were flushed and glasses askew. His hand moved at a fast pace, desperately trying to reach his orgasm. "Ah! Shit! Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Ohh fuck." He groaned. I cupped his cheek and coaxed him through it. "Mmm...Juno." I kissed his cheeks that were hot and ran my fingers through his hair. His hand was covered in his spent. Edward panted softly and I said "you have really big thighs, Eddie." Edward opened his eyes to look at me, adjusting his glasses. "Yeah?" He teased. Edward sat up a little, his thigh brushing up against me. I moaned softly from the overstimulation and Edward immediately apologized. "It's fine. I'm ok." I reassured him. "I gotta clean you up." He said softly. I slowly got off his thigh and he stared up at me in awe. I blushed and walked into the bathroom, Edward following me. "I brought some clothes to sleep in." He said. I nodded and said "that's good. I'll probably change into a nightgown and we can throw these dirty clothes into the wash." Edward nodded and quickly washed his hands before grabbing a warm rag. He pulled my soaked panties and shorts down. He cleaned me up carefully, not wanting to hurt me. Even though he couldn't hurt me since we didn't actually have sex. The two of us changed into different clothing and I pulled Edward into my bedroom. I cupped his cheek and kissed his lips as the two of us fell onto my bed. "Hold me, Eddie." Edward wrapped his arms around me and said "oh, sunshine." I buried my face into his chest, inhaling his scent. "I missed you so much." He squeezed me and said "me too." I kissed his nose which made him giggle. The two of us were under my comforter on my bed. I relished in the warmth of the blanket and Edward's body heat. His hand rested on my hip and I traced circles onto his stomach. Edward squirmed and said "that tickles." The two of us giggled softly and I kissed Edward's neck. "You won't go away, right? You won't leave?" I asked Edward. He hummed and said "of course not. You're not going to leave, right?" "Oh no. I wouldn't leave you, Edward. And this is my apartment." He chuckled and said "yes, that's right." Rain started to pour and I said "it's going to be cold now." "It's Gotham. It's cold either way." Edward mumbled. I shook my head against his chest. "Not in the summer. It can actually be hot. I miss wearing the sundresses I have." "Oh, I bet you look so pretty in a sundress." Edward said. It was mostly to himself and he looked down at me. "Sorry." He apologized. I shook my head again. "It's fine. I like that you admire me. I've never had that before. You're so good to me, Edward. I don't know what I did to deserve you." "You deserve everything you desire, Juno. You deserve happiness and someone who appreciates you. You're too good for this cruel city. And I'm lucky to have found you. You make me feel like I have a place in the world." I cupped his cheek and said "oh, Edward." He half smiled and said "I'm grateful for you." I closed my eyes as I listened to the rain fall and the sound of Edward's deep breathing. I knew he was falling asleep as his body started to relax and his head lolled to the side. I went to reach for his glasses and he stopped me, mumbling a "don't." I patted his chest for reassurance and felt my body start to drift off into sleep.


I hummed softly to The Beach Boys record that played as I cooked breakfast. I had woken up a little bit earlier than Edward and wanted to get a jumpstart on the day. I had done my nails. Red. I only ever wore press on nails and just glued them on. It was simple and I wanted to do something different. I flipped the pancakes in the pan and felt Gus Gus rubbing up against my leg. I leaned down to pet the small cat who was begging for my attention. "Hi, Gus." I scratched his head and then went back to cooking. Gus Gus pawed at my leg and I said "I gotta cook, baby. How about I give you some treats?" I grabbed the small treat bag Edward had bought for his son. That's what he called Gus Gus. Well, technically our son. I put a few treats on the floor and he went to eat them. Arms snaked around my waist and I gasped. My hands immediately flew to Edward's wrists that rested on my stomach. "Hi, sunshine." Edward's soft voice said. I turned my head to look at him and said "hi, Eddie." He kissed my cheek and said "why're you up so early?" "I wanted to make breakfast. And I did my nails." I wiggled out of his grasp to put the pancakes on a plate. I set the plate on the table and Edward said "you didn't have to make breakfast." "I wanted to." Edward grabbed my hand and seemed to stare at it. "Is it too much?" I asked. He shook his head and said "no. No. Uhm, I like them. It's pretty." I kissed his nose and Edward let out a giggle. "Do you want orange juice or something else?" Edward sat down at the table and said "orange juice." His eyes then went to the covered piano in the living room. "What is that?" He said. I sighed and said "my piano. My mother decided I needed it in my apartment. She gave it to me the day before we broke up. I haven't played it." "I used to play. When I was a kid." Edward said. "You never told me that, Eddie." I set his orange juice down and poured myself a cup. Edward nodded and said "yeah. I used to play in the orphanage. I was in the choir and would sing but eventually stopped." "Why?" I said. "Cause I was getting picked on. I really liked it too. But, if I wasn't in the choir I didn't get picked on and I could stay to myself. It was always better that way." He looked down at the pancake on his plate with a pout. I reached across the table, cupping his cheek. "Hey, you're not alone now." Edward held my hand to his cheek and said "neither are you." "You should sing for me." Edward dropped his fork and I said "not now. But one day. When you're comfortable." Edward sighed and said "I haven't sung in a really long time. I don't think I'm as good." "Well, I don't mind. But, one day you should. And it can be on your terms." Edward nodded and gave me a tight lipped smile. The two of us then ate our pancakes, just enjoying each other's company. It was silent for a few minutes, the only sound was our forks clinking against the plate. Edward's plate was covered in syrup and he made sure to get each forkful of pancake saturated in syrup. I huffed as I pulled my hair into a ponytail. "What's wrong?" Edward said. I shook my head and said "nothing. I just need to take a shower." "Yeah. Me too." He replied. I rubbed at my eyes and put my dirty dishes in the sink. "I think I'm gonna go take a shower." I told Edward. I went to walk in the bedroom to grab clean clothes and then went into the bathroom. I turned around to leave the bathroom and Edward was standing there. "Oh, did you need to use the bathroom before I shower?" Edward scratched the back of his head and said "uhm, we could both shower. Save the hot water. And the time." I shrugged and said "sure. We could. You have fresh clothes right?" Edward nodded and said "yeah. Plus, I do have to go to work again today. And then I uh, have some riddler stuff to do later." My mouth went into an 'o' shape and Edward said "it's nothing serious. Just something I have to take care of." I nodded and Edward went to grab his clothes. Once he was inside, I closed the door behind him. The two of us slowly began to strip and then Edward grabbed me by my waist. "Edward, what-" He cut me off by pressing his lips to mine. I was stiff at first and then relaxed when his lips moved against mine. My arms went around his waist. The two of us had stripped down to our underwear. I stood in my panties while he stood in his boxers. "Eddie, I need to shower." I said as he pulled away for air. He pecked my lips and said "I know. I just wanted to kiss you." I turned away from him and slowly took my panties off. I could feel Edward's eyes on me as I turned on the water. I stepped into the shower, wincing at the cold water and it slowly started to heat up. Edward got in behind me and closed the shower curtain. "Are you ok with using my shampoo?" I asked as I looked over my shoulder. Edward nodded and said "yeah. It smells really good. It always reminds me so much of you when it lingers on my pillow or my shirts." I half smiled and went under the shower head. The hot water felt amazing running over my hair and my body. I reached for the shampoo and then stepped out from under the shower. "You can go, Eddie." Edward nodded and went to go under the shower and I said "wait, your glasses." "Oh." He said. I took off his glasses and went to set them on the bathroom counter. I put some shampoo in my hair and started to wash my hair. Edward hummed as he stood under the shower head. I scrubbed at my scalp and Edward reached around me for the shampoo, putting a glob of it in his hair. He started washing his hair. I watched the suds from his hair run down his chest, onto his pudgy belly. "I can feel you staring, sunshine." Edward said, his eyes closed. I shook my head and said "I'm not staring." Edward giggled and said "are you sure about that?" I stuck my tongue out playfully at him and he poked my side as I went to stand under the shower head. I jumped and said "Eddie!" He grabbed me by my hips and said "gotcha." I pushed his hands off me slowly and said "you're mean." Edward kissed my cheek and said "but you love me." I nodded and rinsed the shampoo out of my hair, going to put the conditioner in. I ran it through my hair as I pulled some of the tangles apart. I winced as I pulled my hair and Edward immediately looked over. "I'm fine. It's just my hair." I said. Edward frowned as he stepped out from under the shower head, putting conditioner in his hair. "I'm sorry about that, angel." I shrugged and said "I'm used to it." I finished pulling the tangles apart and started on some body wash. I ran some soap over my chest and stomach, then going to my thighs and in between my legs. As I was doing my arms I heard Edward sigh contentedly. I looked at him with a quirked eyebrow. "You're stunning." He whispered. "That's because I'm naked, Edward." I replied. Edward shook his head and approached me, his hands going to my hips. "N-No. You're...god, you're so beautiful. An actual living angel." I felt my cheeks heating up and I looked down. Edward cupped my cheeks, suds dripping from his hand. He kissed my lips passionately. I smiled into the kiss, holding his hand to my cheek. Edward moaned against my lips as I deepened the kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck, wanting him closer to me. Edward's hands went up and down my sides before going to my chest. I gasped softly as he kneaded my breasts in his hands. "Eddie.." I began but he stopped me. "We won't do anything you don't want to. I just want...." I looked up at him as he struggled with his words. "I just wanna touch you." He said barely audible. I nodded and said "you can." Edward kissed my shoulder and then my cheek. He then started to kiss my lips again. I could feel his dick poking my lower stomach. Edward kissed my neck up and down and I reached down, grabbing ahold of it. Edward pulled away and said "s-sorry. I'm sorry. I know you were just trying to take a shower." I shook my head and said "it's ok, Eddie. I can help you if you want me to." I slowly moved my hand up and down. A breathy exhale left Edward's lips and he leaned his head on my shoulder. "No. I'm ok." "Are you sure?" Edward nodded against my shoulder and squeezed my hips. "Oh god, don't. You need to finish your shower and I have to go to work." I kissed Edward's cheek and said "I'm going to rinse my hair." I squeezed his dick which caused him to whimper. "And then I'll leave you to it." Edward nodded again and I removed myself from him, going to stand under the shower head. I rinsed the conditioner out of my hair and got out of the shower, drying off and leaving the bathroom.


The sound of a piano entered the air. I furrowed my eyebrows as I walked into the apartment. I had run to the corner store to grab some stuff. Nothing big but just some things I needed. Toothpaste, deodorant, etcetera. I closed the door and slowly walked into the living room. Edward sat at the piano, his fingers dancing along the keys. He was singing God Only Knows by The Beach Boys. I leaned against the doorframe and his voice was beautiful.

I may not always love you
But as long as there are stars above you
You'd never need to doubt it
I'll make you so sure about it
And god only knows what I'd be without you

I slowly made my way over to where he sat, trying not to scare him. "Your voice is so pretty, Eddie." Edward jumped and turned around to look at me. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you, Eddie." I wrapped my arms around him as I kissed his cheek. "M'sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up." I sat down next to Edward and said "you didn't. You continue to make me fall deeper in love with you. Sing for me. Please." I pouted at him and Edward giggled and said "angel, I'm so nervous but I can't say no to you." He pulled me into his lap and I wrapped my arms around his neck. Edward started to sing. I left sweet kisses on his neck and leaned my head against his shoulder.

If you should ever leave me
Life would still go on, believe me
The world could show nothing to me
So what good would living do me?
And god only knows what I'd be without you
God only knows what I'd be without you

Edward leaned his head on mine and said "how was it?" "Beautiful. I wish you would sing to me every night." Edward giggled again and wrapped his arms around me. "Oh, angel." "Did you sleep at all when we weren't together?" Edward looked down and shook his head. "I never sleep. I only ever sleep a couple of hours. But, with you I'm able to sleep. I probably napped for about three hours the whole time we were apart. Meanwhile, you were sleeping the day and night away." I sighed softly and said "the pain was too great. I missed you." I nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck. Edward hummed in approval and squeezed me. "I missed you too, sunshine." It was quiet between the two of us for a few minutes. Edward's hand rested on my hip and I kissed his neck and his cheek. "D-Do your parents know we broke up?" Edward asked. "No. I haven't talked to them in a while. The only person who knows is Robyn. She was taking care of me. She'll be relived to know we're doing ok. I'm assuming she had to take care of Lena and that's why she stopped coming." I replied. Edward clicked his tongue and said "well, when I got that call from the orphanage, I was worried. I thought you had..." Edward shook his head and I said "I'd never do that. Yes, I was in pain but I'd never do that, Edward. I couldn't do that and have you blame yourself. Or my parents. Or Robyn. If anything I just would've went to stay with my parents. They would've snapped me back into reality and I would've been fine." Edward nodded and I could tell he was holding back tears. "Sing something else for me." I quickly changed the subject. Edward quirked an eyebrow and said "what should I sing?" "The Beach Boys. You sound so pretty." Edward started to play the melody to Caroline No. I leaned my head on his shoulder and listened to his voice enter the air. I could listen to him forever. It seemed like the two of us would be ok. Although I didn't support everything The Riddler did, he was my boyfriend and I loved him.

This is super long and I apologize for that but I always get carried away writing about Mr. Edward Nashton. Danonation please tell me y'all went and saw The Fablemans!! Also thank you so much for 2k!!🥺

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