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Chapter twenty one
"I love you. Always and forever."
Juno's POV:
I stood in the bathroom, smoothing out my skirt. "Are you sure you want to go back to work today?" Edward asked me. I nodded while looking at him in the mirror. "Yes. I have to go check in on my kids." Edward chuckled softly and said "your kids?" I shook my head and said "you know what I mean." "It's cute. And it's good that you care about them so much." I shook out my curly hair and turned to face him with a sigh. "How do I look?" Edward looked me up and down and said "stunning as always." I blushed and said "really?" "Juno, I don't think you've looked bad a day in your life." I rolled my eyes playfully at him and went into the living room to grab my jacket. "It's snowing so be careful." Edward said. I nodded at him and said "I will. And make sure you dress warm. For work." I put some gloves on and Edward kissed my forehead. "Are you doing any riddler stuff today?" Edward froze in place and his lips went into a tight line. He shook his head and said "uhm, I don't think so." "It's fine if you are. I was just curious." I told him, not wanting him to be upset with me for asking. Edward shrugged and said "I think I'm just going to work today. I do have to prepare for the mayor's funeral but I'll do that stuff tomorrow." "So, that means you're not going to the funeral." I said. Edward shook his head and said "no. I'd never go even if I wasn't doing any of this." I nodded and grabbed my keys. Edward grabbed my hands and said "stay warm, ok?" I nodded again. I stood on my tiptoes to kiss his cheek. "You too." I went to unlock the door when Edward pushed me up against it. He gently cupped my cheek, pressing his lips to mine. I held handfuls of his shirt as he slowly pulled away. "W-What time will you be home?" He said. "7:00. I think. Possibly later if I have a lot of work." Edward nodded and said "uhm, I can get some food from the diner. For dinner." "Ok, Eddie." Edward kissed me feverishly and I said "I have to go." "Be careful, sunshine." "I will."


"Juno!" Dawn's voice said. The young girl rushed over to me and hugged me, almost knocking me down. I hugged her tightly and soft cries left her lips. "Juno, I thought you were gone!" "No, I'd never leave you. I just had some personal issues going on." I told her. "Juno." Theodore's sad voice said. Dawn pulled away from me and I knelt down to pick up Theodore. "I'm here." Theodore whimpered and I walked into my office with the two children. I went to set Theodore down and he let out a noise of protest. I then sat at my desk while he sat in my lap. I looked over the paperwork that seemed to accumulate on my desk. "Where were you?" Dawn asked. My eyes flickered up to look at her. "Edward and I had a fight. We were broken up. I was sick." I said. Dawn furrowed her eyebrows and said "you and Edward broke up?" "We were. But we're back together now. I think." Dawn chuckled and said "you think?" "We're back on speaking terms and stuff. But, it's still a bit odd." "What did you guys argue about?" Dawn was currently eating from a bag of chips. Edward's screaming voice entered my head.

"You're a liar!"
"You won't accept that I am the riddler!"
"Get out!"
"Get out, Juno!"
"I never want to see you again!"

"Nothing. Petty squabbles." I quickly lied. Dawn dropped the subject as she started talking about things that were happening in the orphanage. I did my paperwork as I listened to her. "Juno, could I ask you something?" I looked up at her and she looked unbelievably nervous. "Dawn, what is it?" Dawn gulped and said "could you adopt me?" My breath hitched and Theodore looked up at me. "M-Me too?" Theodore's green eyes were full of hope and sadness. His eyes were similar to Edward's. The two of them had been through so much because of the Gotham orphanage. Except Theodore had been adopted before. Edward never was. "Dawn, do you understand what you're asking me? Do you understand that I would be your legal guardian? It's not just something you can do to get out of the orphanage." I told her. Dawn shook her head and said "no, I'm not trying to scam you! I want to live with you! I lost my parents but I think they'd approve of me living with you." I half smiled at her and Theodore said "I like you, Juno. And the tall man with the glasses." I giggled softly and said "Edward." "Ed-Edward." Theodore mimicked with a stutter. I looked at the two kids in front of me. "I won't give the two of you an answer right now because I don't want to promise either of you that I can adopt you. I'd have to go through the orphanage and if I could. And that's a big if. It would only be one of you." Dawn and Theodore looked at each other and I said "I'll have to talk to my boss and see what I can do. They've told me before I can only adopt one child out of the orphanage." Dawn looked at me and said "why?" "I honestly don't know. That's just how it is." The kids frowned and I said "I'll work on it. Just give me some time, ok? If I can't, I'll find a good home for both of you." Theodore looked at me and said "I want you and Ed-Edward." Theodore struggled to say his name and I half smiled at him. "Hey, the two of you don't worry about that. I'm here. I'm back at work. I won't let anything bad happen to either of you. I promise." I kissed Theodore's head and Dawn stood up, coming to give me a hug. I held the two children close to me, hoping that one day I could at least help one of them get out of this awful orphanage.


"Hi, sunshine." Edward said softly as he walked into the apartment. I looked over my shoulder and said "hi, Eddie." He held up the bag of food from the diner and said "I got us dinner." I smiled and said "that's good." Edward pushed his glasses up his nose and said "I really hate when you leave your apartment door unlocked." "I did it for you." He nodded with his lips in a tight line, starting to approach me. He said "I know. It's just...Gotham is so dangerous. I can't have anything happen to you, angel." He cupped my cheek and I looked up at him with admiration. "Nothing will happen to me, Edward. I have you." He half smiled and kissed my forehead. Edward's thumb stroked my cheek and he said "have you eaten today?" I shook my head. Edward leaned down to place a sweet kiss to my lips. My arms went around his neck, pulling him closer to me. Edward smiled into the kiss and he slowly pulled away, pecking my lips a couple of times before pressing his forehead to mine. I kissed his nose which caused him to giggle. I smiled at the sound. I marveled at him being happy. He deserved it. He deserved everything. I led him to the dining room table and the two of us sat down. Edward sighed with a smile and said "so, I got hamburgers and fries and a couple of pies." "Which ones did you get?" I asked. "Pumpkin, obviously." He giggled again as his smile spread across his face. I smiled at him and said "and?" "And I got apple, your favorite. I got cherry and strawberry." I picked up a French fry from my plate, swiping it through some ketchup. "I know during the mugging we only had a slice of each pie." I looked up at Edward, the memories of that night flashing through my mind. "This time, I got us all the whole pie." "Each?" My voice was soft. Edward nodded. I shook my head in disbelief and said "Edward, what did that cost you?" "Nothing crazy. I just put in a special order this morning. When you left. I wanted you to have something sweet. You and I, we both deserve it." Edward replied. He looked down at his plate of food and I said "you're right. As always." Edward shoveled a few fries in his mouth. "You were so good to me that night. You took care of me as if I was your most prized possession." Edward's leg hit the underside of the table, making our plates and cutlery clink. I furrowed my eyebrows at him and saw his leg bouncing up and down. "You are my most prized possession. Juno, you don't understand how much you actually mean to me. When we were apart, I was so scared. I was so scared I'd lost the one thing that matters to me; the one person who actually cared for me and loved me because of who I was. That mugger could've done awful things to you. He could've killed you. I had to make sure that didn't happen. I got hurt in the process but, Juno this city would be in shambles without you. And when we were screaming at each other, that day when you found out about the riddler, you said don't film how you kill me. It'll kill my father. Please, Edward." I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding as Edward stopped speaking. He remembered the exact words I had said. "I'd never kill you, Juno. I couldn't. I just wanted you to accept me and you did. I was wrong. We should've just talked about it. But, I had to make this city pay and while I was doing that you were withering away in your apartment. This very apartment. In your bedroom. Because of me." I shook my head and said "no, Edward it wasn't y-" "It was." He interrupted. A frown appeared on his face and I sighed. "I just wish I didn't hurt you. I'm so sorry. You didn't deserve that." "You didn't deserve to be hurt either, Edward. I hurt you and you hurt me. We hurt each other. But, we're ok now." I grabbed Edward's hand and he half smiled as I took his hand in mine. I stood up from my seat and kissed his forehead. Edward smiled and slowly brought my face down to his level. He pressed a sweet kiss on my lips and said "could we go and watch some tv?" I nodded and said "sure." The two of us cleaned up the dining room and kitchen. I set the pies on the counter and we went and sat on my couch. Jurassic Park played on the tv softly. The movie had just started and hadn't been on long. Even though we had kissed a bit and he had been staying with me while I slept, I was still scared to initiate anything. There was a good two feet between us. I noticed he was tense and was very focused on the movie. I grabbed a blanket off the back of the couch and looked back at him. "Did you want any?" I held up the blanket, offering it to him. Edward looked over and shook his head. "No. I'm ok." I nodded and faced the tv again. I draped the blanket on my legs and huffed softly at the rain falling outside. I already knew my apartment was going to get cold. I slowly inched my way over to Edward, not wanting him to be uncomfortable. Edward was too busy listening to John Hammond and Dr. Wu explain dinosaurs to notice me staring up at him. He looked so pretty. His glasses sat on the bridge of his nose and his lips parted in awe. He had never seen Jurassic Park before. The bump on his nose was so pretty. His hands rested on either side of him and I leaned my head on his arm. Edward didn't take notice of the contact. I took a shaky breath and wrapped my arms around his middle, laying my head on his chest. Edward jumped and looked down at me. "I-I can move. If it's uncomfortable." I said. I loved the feeling of being so close to him. I nuzzled my face into his chest, squeezing him softly. When I didn't get a response I slowly started to remove myself from him. "No." Edward grabbed me and pulled me back. "Stay." He whispered. I leaned my head back on his chest, pulling the blanket onto the both of us. Edward's hand went to my hip, pulling me even closer to him if that was even possible. I was almost in his lap. Edward's eyes fluttered closed and his body relaxed. He was no longer tense. "Mmm." Edward sighed. I squeezed him again and Edward's hand went up and down my hip. I buried my face into his chest to hide the growing smile on my face. Edward sighed again, opening his eyes. "I missed how it felt to hold you. I missed how warm you'd feel." Edward stretched his legs out in front of him and my attention went back to the movie. Edwards fingers drew puzzle shapes into my hip. I knew he was doing it absentmindedly since he was watching Dr. Grant be introduced to Lex and Tim. My mind slowly wandered away from the movie. I started to think about how Edward was going to juggle being The Riddler and being with me. I was slightly interested and wanted to help him but not in a way it would incriminate me. "Hey, look at this! Hey, hey, watch! Hey, come on, watch this!" Tim said on the tv. It broke me out of my thoughts and I slowly draped my leg over Edward's waist. Edward pulled me closer to him with a soft sigh. It didn't do much since it was impossible for him to pull me any closer but I can see why he wanted me so close. He was desperate for the contact. I also missed being in his arms. Sleep was slowly creeping into my body. My eyes started to droop and I struggled to keep them open as Jurassic Park played in the background.


"Juno, wake up." I jumped at Edward's voice and said "Edward? What's wrong?" "Uhm, you were tossing and turning. I didn't know if you were having a bad dream." He sighed. I sat up a little and said "no. I wasn't." Edward nodded and said "ok." My dream quickly flashed through my mind. Edward and I having passionate sex. Edward leaving kisses up and down my neck, his hands squeezing my thighs. I went to adjust my body so I could stretch and I felt the slight hardness in Edward's pants. Edward ran a hand through his hair and said "you slept through the movie." I pressed my thighs together and said "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to fall asleep." "I know, angel. You looked so pretty while sleeping." I shook my head as a blush appeared on my cheeks. "Did you want to go in my room? Maybe bring the laptop and watch a movie in bed?" Edward nodded at me and said "sure. Why don't you go ahead and set everything up and I'll be in there in a few minutes." I stood up and wrapped the blanket around my body. Edward immediately covered his crotch with a throw pillow. I went to open my mouth and Edward started apologizing. "Sorry, angel. I didn't mean to get...hard." "Edward, it's fine." "You were making those noises and whispering my name. I didn't want to embarrass you." I shook my head and said "you didn't." I reached for his hand and said "come on." I led Edward into my bedroom. He furrowed his eyebrows and I gently pushed him onto my bed. My eyes went to the small tent in his pants. I straddled his lap and Edward's hands immediately went to my hips. I slowly ground my hips onto his, burying my face in the crook of his neck. "I need you, Edward." Edward groaned softly and said "I w-wanna make you feel good, angel." My grip on his shoulders got tighter as I ground against him harder. His clothed dick hit my clit at a perfect angle. I pressed sweet kisses to his neck. "You should feel good too, Eddie. I could give you something in return." "No. It's my fault we got into this mess. It's my fault we, ah, broke up. I wanna make you feel good. I wanna make you cum." Edward whispered the last part as a moan followed directly after it. The two of us started to get undressed, pulling at the clothes that sat on our bodies. The temperature had dropped exceedingly today. I hadn't had a chance to turn on the heat yet. It barely worked and did the bare minimum even though I had a much nicer apartment than Edward's. I pulled him towards the comforter on my bed and said "it's cold. We should stay under here." Edward nodded and said "ok. But first, I wanna eat you out." "Edward-" I began but he cut me off. "Listen. I already know what you're going to say. As much as I'd love for you to pay me back, this is about you. You can give me a blowjob anytime. I want to please you. I want to do this, angel." I half smiled and cupped his cheek, kissing his cheek. Edward pressed a passionate kiss to my lips and moved down to my crotch. He tugged at my skirt and panties, tossing them to the floor. He positioned himself under the comforter but didn't pull it over his head. A shaky breath left my lips and Edward said "relax, baby. I've got you." Edward kissed my thighs up and down and licked up my slit. I jumped at the feeling and Edward's arms went around my thighs. My eyes fluttered closed as I started to relax. Edward fucked me with his tongue and my hands went to his hair. I slowly started to grind against his face, soft moans leaving my lips. I ran my fingers through his hair. "Don't stop, Edward. God, don't stop." Slurping sounds came from Edward as his grip on my thighs tightened. The pleasure slowly started to build up in my stomach as Edward's nose bumped against my clit. I sat up to look at Edward, his eyes flickering up to look at me. He stopped and said "you ok, angel?" "I'm fine. I was just... watching you." Edward smirked and his eyes turned a darker green. His face went back in between my legs. I sighed contentedly and slowly fell back against my pillows. "It feels so good, Eddie. You're doing so good." A groan came from Edward, vibrations shooting through me. I tugged on his hair and watched him eat me out as if I was his last meal. I noticed Edward grinding against the mattress, trying to relieve some of the pressure. Edward sucked on my clit, making me gasp. "I'm close." Edward's tongue seemed to move at a faster pace as those words left my lips. I held handfuls of Edward's hair as my legs went to clamp around his head as my orgasm hit me. Edward was quick to push my legs back, holding them down. My legs shook and Edward's name left my lips like a mantra. I pushed Edward away from me and scooted away, the sensitivity getting to me. Edward fixed his glasses that were askew and he looked at my trembling form, sitting up. "You're ok, angel." He gently rubbed my thigh. I jumped at his hand touching my thigh. I looked at his dick that was straining against his pants. "I need you, Eddie." I said softly. Edward slowly unzipped his pants and went to stand up, pulling them off his long legs. I took off the sweater I wore along with my bra. I looked at my comforter, my arms slowly coming up to cover myself. "No, you're beautiful." Edward said as he grabbed my arms. I looked up at him and he cupped my cheek. "You're beautiful, sunshine." I half smiled and Edward left sweet kisses up and down my neck. I moaned as he moved down to my chest, kissing the tops of my breasts. My fingers ran through his hair as his lips attached to my right nipple, his teeth grazing against it gently. Edward's hands were on my hips, squeezing softly. My hand trailed down his chest and down to his crotch. Edward jumped as I started to jerk him off. He groaned and was quick to stop me. He laid me down against the pillows gently and positioned himself in between my legs. He slowly pushed himself inside, a whimpering moan leaving his lips. I cupped his cheek, bringing him closer to me. I kissed his lips passionately as he started to move. It had been some time since Edward and I were this intimate. I sort of forgot how big he was. I wrapped my arms around his neck, not wanting him to leave me. Small tears filled my eyes as Edward left a hickey on my neck. I sniffled and Edward immediately stopped. "Juno, did I hurt you? Are you ok?" His voice was laced with concern. I shook my head and said "no. I'm ok. I just want you close to me. Stay here. D-Don't leave." Edward's lips parted and he nodded and said "ok. I'm here. I'm right here." My lip quivered and Edward brushed a tear from my cheek. "I'm here, baby." Edward started to move again and I kissed his neck, going to make a hickey. Edward hissed as I sucked harshly at his neck. His pace started to quicken as he buried his face into the crook of my neck. "Faster, Eddie. Go faster, please." Edward nodded against my neck and did as he was told. My eyes fluttered closed as the pleasure started to slowly build up in my stomach. I wrapped my legs around Edward's waist, wanting him as close as possible. Edward cupped my cheek, kissing my lips passionately. Edward and I moaned into the kiss as the both of us were desperate for the orgasm that was approaching. Edward's hand left my cheek as he propped himself up with his arms. I moved my hips against Edward's, his dick hitting a new angle. "Oh! Right there, Ed. God, don't stop." "Ah, fuck! Juno, you feel so good!" Short fast pants left Edward's lips as he made eye contact with me. I cupped his cheek as I started to praise him. "You're doing so good, Eddie. You're gonna make me cum. God, I'm so close." Edward grunted as his pace went faster. Edward's face went back to the crook of my neck, my arms going back around his neck. "Angel, I'm really close. I'm gonna c-cum." "Cum for me, Eddie. You can do it. You can do it." That was all it took for Edward to come undone. His hips stuttered against me, his legs starting to shake. "Oh, Juno! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Mmm, Juno. Oh my god." I moved my hips against him, helping him through his orgasm and trying to bring myself to mine. I felt Edward's hand go to my clit, starting to rub. I gasped and continued to move my hips. "Cum for me, baby." Edward said. "I'm so close. I'm almost there. I'm almost there." I replied quickly. Edward slowly flipped us over so now I was on top. I placed my hands on his chest for support as I was desperately trying to get to my orgasm. Edward still rubbed at my clit while his other hand was on my hip, guiding me up and down. His eyes were screwed shut as he winced. I knew he was sensitive and I just needed to finish. My wants were quickly answered as the rope inside of me snapped. I gasped loudly as my orgasm rocked through my body. My legs shook on either side of Edward and I felt him coming undone for the second time underneath me. Both hands gripped my hips tightly as he spilled into me. "Oh, Edward." I said. He shuddered and tears brimmed his eyes. I collapsed on top of him and laid my head on his shoulder. Edward twitched inside of me and I was thankful the room wasn't too lit up. I only had a very soft lamp on and even then it was hard to see. Small tears fell from my eyes. Everything about this moment was bringing my emotions out. I didn't think Edward and I were going to ever speak to each other again. I thought I had lost the only boy I'd ever loved. I thought he hated me. Those were just words, words that he didn't mean. I didn't think we'd ever be intimate again. I went to get off of Edward and he stopped me. "Stay here." He whispered. I nodded and squeezed him. I didn't want him to leave. I heard him sniffle and felt him reach up to wipe his face. I stroked his head, my fingers running through his hair. The pounding rain from the Gotham sky was the only sound in the room besides our occasional sniffles. The chill in the air was creeping up my body as my body was no longer hot. I slowly lifted myself up, Edward slipping out of me. A hum left his lips and I sighed softly. I stretched my legs out and just laid on top of Edward. His arms went to wrap around my waist and my eyes started to get heavy. Edward's heartbeat and his breathing was so soothing, along with the warmth from his body. Sleep was creeping it's way towards me, ready to take me into a slumber.

Edward's POV:
After the tears stopped falling from my eyes, I looked at Juno. She seemed to be falling asleep. My hands went to her waist, to set her on the bed next to me. "Mmm." She moaned. I stroked her head and then went to remove her again. "Stay." She mumbled sleepily. I chuckled softly and said "I have to pee." "Stay." Juno nuzzled her face into my shoulder. I sighed and held her close to me, my hand playing with her curls. I reached for her comforter and sheet, pulling it up onto us. Juno sighed at the feeling and her arms went around me. My eyes went to the window, the street lights of Gotham shining in. I had to keep Juno safe from this cruel city. It was my job. I had to kill the D.A. next week. Gil Coulson. God, that was going to be a sight. Juno was going to go to the funeral to support Lena I assume. But, she wouldn't be harmed. I'll make sure of it. Juno doesn't know the outcome of The Riddler yet. She doesn't know that I'll be locked up in Arkham and will be away from her. She doesn't know that I intend to flood the city. What will she think of me when she finds out? Hopefully she won't turn against me. I honestly don't think she will. She was as lost without me like I was without her. The both of us were....so far gone. I gently removed Juno from me as I sat up. I reached for my boxers and went to the bathroom, finally getting a chance to go pee. I sighed softly as I'd been holding it. "Eddie, I gotta pee." Juno mumbled. My eyes widened and I said "Juno, what-" "You left me, Eddie." I pulled up my boxers as I finished. "I just had to pee. I wasn't leaving you. And we should get dressed. It's cold out." I told her. Juno nodded while rubbing her eyes. She went to use the restroom and I left her so she could have privacy. I reached for the white T-shirt I had on and sat down on Juno's bed. She came out of her bathroom, a fresh pair of panties on her hips. She went into the living room, turning out the lights and then entered the bedroom. She reached for my sweater I had lent her, pulling it over her head. She then climbed on top of me as she had been before. I chuckled softly and she said "I wanna be close to you, Edward. I went you to hold me." I wrapped my arms around her and said "I can do that, baby." Juno laid on top of me, holding a handful of my shirt. I kissed her forehead and situated myself where I'd be comfortable. "I love you, Edward." Juno said softly. I smiled and said "I love you. Always and forever." Juno squeezed me and I heard the small mews of Gus Gus. "Come on. Come on." I called him. Gus Gus came trotting in from the living room. I assumed he had been at the window watching the rain and was now ready to sleep. He jumped up on the bed and curled up next to me, laying on my right side. Juno always laid at my left anyways. I didn't need anything else except Juno and this little orange cat. If I had them, everything was ok. I kissed Juno's forehead again and she hummed in response. "I love you. Always and forever." I whispered.

Y'all have no idea how long I've been trying to get this up!! My phone has been running incredibly slow (it's time for me to get a new one) but here it is as I hope y'all like the update! Did y'all catch the Ruby Sparks scene I snuck in there??😈 also if anyone wants to follow the Riddler playlist I have, imma post a picture of the Spotify playlist code thingie below and y'all can add it if y'all want to lmaoo

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