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Chapter twenty three
"Let's do it together, ok?"
Juno's POV:
"Stay here." Edward's gruff voice said. I looked up at him and said "I can help you. Please let me help you." Edward shook his head and said "no. I'm going to get him. He's at the Iceberg Lounge. I'm going to abduct him. You're safer here." Edward's gloved hand cupped my cheek and I said "I want to help you." "It's too dangerous, angel. I want you to go home. Take Gus Gus and go back to your apartment. Go to the funeral with Robyn tomorrow. I'll see you in a day or so." His thumb stroked my cheek and I held his hand to my cheek. "Be careful. Promise me you'll be careful. Please, Edward." I said desperately. Edward half smiled and said "I will, angel. Everything will be fine. I promise." I let go of his hand and went to cup his cheek. He hasn't put his mask on yet. The cling wrap was on his head, making his hair start to wet from sweat. I stood on my tip toes and gave him a kiss. Edward's hand left my cheek and went to my hip, his other hand doing the same. He backed me to the wall, a thump entering the air. I moaned softly at the slight pain from my back colliding with the wall. Edward kissed me hungrily, his lips moving sloppily. His teeth gnashed against mine as he was so desperate to kiss me. Being The Riddler definitely gave him confidence and dominance. I pulled away for air and he attacked my neck with kisses, his grip on my hips getting tighter. My hands went to his jacket, holding handfuls. "Eddie, ow." I pushed on him as he bit down on my neck harshly. Edward continued to suck and bite on my neck. I pushed on his shoulders and said "ow. Edward, that hurts." Edward pulled away and looked at me. His eyes went to my neck and I shuddered. "I didn't mean to..." Edward's green eyes were filled with panic and I said "it's ok. I'm not used to hickeys like that. That's all. It hurt a little bit." "I'm so sorry, baby. I didn't mean to hurt you. I got caught up...in the moment." Edward grabbed me by my chin and chuckled. "God, how did I get so lucky? Any other man wouldn't be able to keep you safe like I can. They wouldn't treat you like I do. I'm perfect for you, angel." I watched his eyes turn a darker shade of green. Edward was leaving him. It was The Riddler standing in front of me. Not Edward. "I feel so safe with you, Riddler. I never have to be scared when I'm with you. You're exactly what this city needs. Men like Coulson deserve to go. Riddler, you're cleansing this city. Better than anyone could." I said to him, my eyes never leaving his. The Riddler was doing right by the city but the wrong way. But, Gotham's justice system is crooked and people get off all the time. And I knew Edward needed to hear this. He needed to hear that I supported him, which I did. The Riddler needed this. He needed those words to fuel him. Edward inhaled deeply and then exhaled. A prolonged hum of approval left his lips. "I can't wait for you to see it tomorrow. I can't wait for you to see what I have planned. It's going to be amazing, angel." I nodded up at him. "I know it will, Riddler." He kissed my lips and then pulled away. "I have to go. Do what I told you. I'll be over to see you tomorrow. Once they clear the city hall, leave. Stay in your apartment." Edward spoke in a firm but menacing tone. "I will. I'll be waiting for you." He groaned and said "god, I hope you will." I kissed his lips sweetly. Edward finally let me move from my pinned spot. I grabbed Gus Gus and put him in his backpack carrier. Edward was putting his mask on. I went to the front door, looking over my shoulder at Edward. "Be careful, Eddie." Even though Edward was across the room, I could see his eyes soften. I opened his apartment door and then headed to mine, Gus Gus in tow.


The rain poured down as it always did in Gotham. It was fitting for a funeral. The majority of the city was here to honor him. "No more lies! No more lies! No more lies!" A group of The Riddler's supporters chanted. My eyes widened at how many supporters Edward actually had. I knew they existed but had never seen any of them. I wondered if any of them had been on his stream the other night. Did any of them see me? Would they recognize me? Did any of them have any idea that I was The Riddler's girlfriend? My dad touched my arm, getting my attention. "Don't give them the satisfaction." He said. I nodded and said "I didn't know The Riddler had so many supporters." "Well, they're following a criminal. Someone who's killing good men." The disdain in my father's eyes was evident. But he also wanted to solve this case. Dad gestured for me to start walking up the stairs. I walked into the City Hall alongside my father. I was quick to meet up with Robyn who was sitting next to a sobbing Lena. Archie sat in a pew, his eyes full of tears. Lena noticed I had arrived and said "Juno." I gave her a hug and she squeezed me. She looked behind me and around. "Where's Edward?" Briar looked around for him as well. "He had to work. KTMJ didn't want to let him have the day off." I lied. Lena frowned and said "that's awful. I was hoping he was going to be here." I sighed and said "me too. Work gets in the way I guess." "Hey, Mr. Wayne!" Martinez's voice said. I looked over my shoulder at Bruce Wayne. He stood in the middle aisle, looking like he didn't want to be here. My father made eye contact with him, nodding. Bruce nodded back and then looked at me. I gave him a half smile and turned back to Lena, patting her shoulder. Screaming has erupted from outside the building. Tires screeching was heard and an engine revving. Everyone shuffled about, looking to see what the commotion was. Archie walked to the middle aisle, looking for what was causing everyone to scream. Bruce's eyes landed on Archie who looked up at the balcony. I followed his gaze and Bruce seemed to do the same. I saw Edward's silhouette standing there. I took a few steps towards the middle aisle, standing next to Archie. A car then crashed through the building. Archie's eyes widened as I went to grab him and run but Bruce beat us to it. The three of us landed out of the way of the SUV that had crashed into all the funeral displays. My father and other officers started to surround the car. "Archie!" Lena said as Archie got up, rushing over to her. I looked down at Bruce's arms around my waist. "Are you ok?" His voice was deep but soft. I nodded at him and he stood up, helping me to my feet. The two of us looked back up at the balcony and he was gone. Edward was gone. Bruce went to say something to me and I quickly turned to ask Robyn if she was ok. She nodded and Lena was hugging Archie. "Thank you. Thank you." She thanked Bruce. He nodded curtly at her and my dad was trying to get the culprit to come out of the car. "Get out! Show me your hands! Get out!" The person put their hands up and slowly got out of the car. "Jesus. It's Coulson." Dad said. I took a step closer and Bruce grabbed my arm. "He's got a bomb around his neck!" A female officer said. Everyone in the building screamed and my dad looked over his shoulder at me. My eyes were glued to the bomb Edward had shown me the other night. It was clasped around his neck with no way of getting it off. An envelope was taped to his chest

To The Batman

I gasped softly and Bruce stared at the envelope. "Dad." I said as I went to grab him. Bruce pulled me back and said "leave. It's not safe." I looked at him and said "let go." "Leave." I scoffed softly and dad said "Juno, go home. We're all fine. We gotta clear this building. Just go home. And call me when you get there." I nodded and I yanked my arm from Bruce. I went to leave and Bruce said "you saw him." "I don't know what I saw." I retorted. I checked on Robyn who said she was going to go home with Lena. I said goodbye to them and Bruce said "Juno." I looked over my shoulder and he said "be careful." I nodded and left him, going back to my apartment. Getting back there was a nightmare since everyone was leaving at the same time. I walked into my apartment to see Gus Gus meowing at me. I quickly locked my door and picked up the small kitty. I carried him to my bedroom and gasped when I saw a laptop on my bed. With a note from Edward. He had given me a laptop that was secure and nobody could figure out I was watching his stream; his followers. I set Gus Gus down on my bed and opened up the laptop. The stream was on but Edward was nowhere to be seen. Just a phone was heard ringing. I was assuming he was waiting for Batman. I took that opportunity to change into some comfortable clothing. I laid on my stomach while watching the stream. My eyes widened as the phone stopped ringing. Edward then came into the frame. "You came." He gasped. "Who are you?" Batman's gruff voice asked. "Me? I'm nobody. I'm just an instrument, here to unmask the truth about this cesspool we call a city." "Unmask?" "Yes! Let's do it together, ok? You're a part of this too." "How am I a part of this?" "You'll see." Edward's voice was deeper, more menacing. I gulped as I watched him speak to Batman. "Say hello to my followers. We're live. They're here to watch our little trial. At the moment, the man across from you, Mr. Coulson, is dead. But wait a minute..." Edward was interrupted by Coulson. "Jesus, can we get somebody out here? This psycho's gonna kill me!" Coulson cried. "SHUT UP! YOU DESERVE TO BE DEAD AFTER WHAT YOU DID! YOU HEAR ME?" Edward screamed. Coulson whimpered and said "ok." Edward chuckled. "I'm giving you a chance. No one ever gave me a chance. Now, ever since I was a child, I've always loved little puzzles. For me, they are a retreat from the horrors of our world. Maybe they can bring some comfort to you, too, Mr. Coulson." I felt a pang of sadness in my heart at the mention of puzzles being Edward's only escape at a child. "You want me to do puzzles?" Coulson asked. "Three riddles in two minutes. You give me the answers and I'll give you the code to the lock. Do you understand?" Edward said. "Yes. Do I-" Coulson was interrupted by Edward. "Boop! Riddle number one! It can be cruel poetic or blind, but when it's denied, it's violence you may find." I furrowed my eyebrows and sighed. I was never good at riddles but tried to think about it, wanting to actually get one right. "Wait! Wait! Can you repeat that?" Coulson pleaded. Edward eagerly awaited the answer and then Coulson said "justice?" "Yes! Justice! And you were supposed to be an arm of justice in this city, with the late mayor and police commissioner, were you not, Mr. Coulson?" Edward's voice would bounce up and down in pitch. I flinched at how terrifying he sounded. "Yes!" Coulson said fearfully. Edward sighed and said "riddle number two. If you are justice, please do not lie. What is the price, for your blind eye?" "Bribes? He didn't ask me that! I don't get paid anything!" Coulson said while panting. "How much?!" Batman yelled. "Ten! Ten G's a month! I get a monthly payment! That's my answer! Ten grand!" The joy and anger swirling around in Edward's eyes made me cower. "Ok! Ok! Ok! Don't lose your head, Mr. Coulson. Just one more to go before time runs out. Last riddle. Since your justice is so select, please tell us which vermin you are laid to protect." Edward finished with a deep inhale. Coulson and Batman started to argue. "The rat. What's his name?" "No." "Twenty seconds!" Edward giggled. Coulson shuddered and said "people are watching! It's so much bigger than you could ever imagine! It's the whole system!" "Five! Four!" Edward began to count. The last words Coulson said were "oh, god, have mercy on my soul." "Three! Two! Goodbye!" The sound of a bomb went off and my eyes widened. I yelped in fear and immediately closed the laptop. Gus Gus jumped off the bed and went to wander in the living room. I gasped and sat up, covering my mouth. He's corrupt. He deserved it. Edward's right. He's right. This city is wrong. I grabbed one of Edward's crossword puzzle books and put the laptop on my desk. I laid back on my stomach as I started to do the crossword puzzle, hoping it'd calm me down. About fifteen minutes later, I head the familiar sound of boots clunking against the floor. I looked over my shoulder and saw Edward standing there, clad in his Riddler suit. "Hi, Eddie." I said softly. His chest heaved up and down as he stood at the edge of the bed. His gloved hand grabbed my ankle, pulling me to the edge. I gasped as he pushed me onto my back. His eyes scanned over my legs that were bare since I was wearing shorts. His hand went to my crotch, rubbing at my clit over the soft cotton shorts that hugged my hips. I inhaled sharply and my eyes fluttered closed. "I need you so bad, angel. But I can't fuck you if you're not wet. I won't hurt you in that way." I nodded in response, going to grab my breasts. I kneaded them in my hands, pinching my nipples. I held in the moan that almost slipped past my lips. Edward's hand slipped past my shorts, running over my panties now. His green eyes were full of lust. This was The Riddler standing in front of me. Not Edward Nashton. After a few minutes of Edward trying to get me ready, he tugged at my shorts. He pulled them down in a swift motion and immediately turned me around so I wasn't facing him. I heard his belt jingle and his pants fall to the ground. Edward pushed inside me, causing me to gasp. A breathy sigh of relief left his lips. He then started thrusting into me at a harsh pace, not giving me time to adjust. Edward's hold on my hips was tight, he'd definitely be leaving bruises. I held fistfuls of the comforter on my bed. Moans and gasps left my lips. I wasn't used to Edward being like this but I liked it. And I was shocked I did because he was being so rough. So dominant. "I saw him. Bruce Wayne. He pulled you out of the way of that car. He had his filthy hands all over you! You're mine. Mine! What would Bruce Wayne do if he knew you were being fucked by The Riddler?" Edward said as he squeezed my hips. "I don't care what he'd think. I love you, Eddie." I replied. Edward stopped moving and grabbed me by my chin, making me look at him. I took in a shaky breath. "That's not my name." He spat. I gulped and said "Riddler. I love you, Riddler. I want everyone to know you make me feel this good." He chuckled darkly and started moving again, the same rough pace as before. Edward let go of my face and I moved back against him, wanting to reach my high. Edward breathed heavily through his mask, profanities and grunts escaping every once in a while. "Fuck. You feel so good. You're mine. Fuck, you're all mine. You're mine to ruin. Mine to
use. Fuck, angel." I was pretty sure I was going to come before him. The rope inside me was so tight it was going to snap at any second. I felt his hand go around my throat, starting to squeeze. I gasped for air, feeling immense pleasure that I didn't expect. "Cum for me, angel. You can do it. Cum for the Riddler." SNAP. There it was. That's what it took. "Riddler! Riddler! Oh, Riddler!" I mewled as I came underneath him. I felt my legs shake and my arms could barely hold me up. Edward's hand left my throat as he was trying to bring himself to finish. My arms collapsed so now I was face down, my hips and ass still in the air. Edward's balls slapped against my clit and I moaned softly as I felt him begin to twitch. "F-Fuck! Oh fuck! Juno..." He whimpered my name. I hummed in approval as I felt him spill inside me. My eyes fluttered closed as I was still trying to catch my breath. Edward slumped against me and I was starting to become uncomfortable. It has been quiet for a few minutes, except for our occasional panting. "Riddler?" I said. I heard something hit the floor and Edward's soft voice entered the air. "It's Eddie now, baby." I turned my head as best I could to look at him. The both of us were drenched in sweat and he was slowly taking off all his Riddler gear. "I gotta clean you up." He said. I nodded and felt him pull out. Edward winced and then giggled. I furrowed my eyebrows and Edward said "I filled you up. It's just spilling out of you." I felt Edward's cum running down my thighs. I heard his polaroid camera go off and my eyes widened. "Eddie." I said. "I'm gonna lay you on your back. Just lay there and look pretty. I wanna take some pictures." My eyes fluttered closed from exhaustion, deep breaths leaving my lips. The sound of the Polaroid camera entered the air. I reached up to rub my eyes and Edward said "you're so pretty. God, you're gorgeous, angel." I opened my eyes and gave him a tired smile. He started to take off his mask and the cling wrap. Edward's cheeks were flushed as he slid his glasses back up his nose. "I'll be back. I'm gonna clean you up." Edward left my bedroom and went into the bathroom. I looked to the window, seeing small snowflakes fall from the sky. "Eddie, it's snowing." I said. Gus Gus hurried to the window, desperately trying to catch the snowflakes. I felt a warm rag in between my legs and jumped. Edward's gloved hand went to my thigh. "Just me, angel." I half smiled at him and my eyes went back to the snow. Edward rubbed my thigh, the leather of his gloves making goosebumps arise on my skin. "I never liked the snow much. It was always so cold. So harsh." Edward said. I nodded in agreement and Edward scooped me up into his arms. He helped me get dressed into my pajamas and I slowly reached for his jacket as he set me back down on my bed. I unbuttoned the jacket that seemed to be way too big for his body. I pulled at his gloves, tossing them to the floor. For the first time tonight I felt his hands on my body as they went to my hips since I was on my knees in front of him. "Ok?" I asked. Edward nodded and said "I'm gonna put this away. I'll be back." Edward grabbed a duffel bag and went into my bathroom. He then came back for his gloves and mask. I went to get under the comforter on my bed, wanting to shield myself from the cold. Edward came in a few minutes later and laid down next to me. "What did batman think? Do you think he's proud of you?" I asked curiously. Edward sighed and said "I hope so. I think he agrees with me. I'm pretty sure he thinks that I'm doing good for the city." Edward laid his head on my chest. I ran my fingers through his sandy brown locks, scratching at his scalp softly with the long red nails that adorned my fingers. "Did you watch the stream?" I nodded and said "uh huh. I did kinda shut the laptop as soon as the bomb went off though." Edward giggled and said "did it scare you?" He squeezed me and kissed my chest. "It did a little bit. I'm not so used to what you do, Edward. But I support it." Edward hummed and said "I'm glad, angel. I'll keep you safe from this city. And I'm grateful for you. I don't know how I'd be surviving if I didn't have you." "Me and you both Edward. Me and you both."

Here's the update!! I apologize for all the smut I've been writing but I honestly feel like Edward would be very sexually active with someone he loved. But after this there might not be smut for a while lmao

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