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Chapter twenty four
A Visit From The Bat
Juno's POV:
I sipped on my coffee as I did some paperwork on some kids that were being transferred to the orphanage. Today has been very overwhelming to say the least. Two kids lost their parents in a fire, one lost their parents in a car accident and another one lost his mother in a robbery. I looked at each of their files and sighed. I felt a headache coming on and wanted nothing more than to give these kids the life they deserved. I also had another matter to attend to; adopting Dawn and Theodore. The application form was currently sitting on my desk, staring me in the face. I started to fill the form out and my phone rang. I picked the phone up off the receiver and said "Juno Gordon's office, how may I help you?" "Juno." A gruff voice said. My eyes widened and I said "Mr. Vigilante. How can I help you today? You're not thinking of adopting are you?" "No. I need to talk to you." Batman's heavy breathing entered the phone and I said "what can I help you with?" "The Riddler." "How can I help you with The Riddler? I don't know anything about The Riddler." I was hoping Batman would drop the whole Riddler topic. "We should meet." I scoffed and said "I can't meet you. I'm working." "What about after work?" "I have to meet my boyfriend." I lied. "You have a boyfriend?" I cleared my throat and said "yes. I do. Do you have a girlfriend, Batman?" "No." He replied gruffly. I sighed and said "look. I'm working right now and we might be able to meet up tomorrow or another day. How did you get this number?" "I have my ways." He says in a smart ass tone. I rolled my eyes and said "ok. I guess I'll be seeing you?" "You will." Then the phone hung up. I huffed and put the phone back on the receiver. I went back to the adoption form, filling out the details. I started to think about Edward. What would he say? He was The Riddler. How would we keep this from the kids? What would they think of him if they accidentally found out? Would they judge him? Would they hate him? Theodore would be too young to understand. He wouldn't understand that Edward is a vigilante. But Dawn, she would understand completely. Would she hate me? Would she wish she was back at the orphanage instead of with me and Edward? A soft knock broke me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see my loving boyfriend. His cheeks were red from the cold and he held two coffees in his hand. I smiled and said "hi, Eddie." He walked into my office and said "hi, sunshine." He cupped my cheek and I jumped from how cold his hand was. He giggled and said "I'm sorry." I cupped his cheek and kissed his lips. Edward sat down in a chair and I said "what're you doing here?" "I decided to have lunch with you instead of at the office. Plus, I wanted to bring you a coffee. And I wanted to see you." He rambled. I smiled really big and said "awe thank you. How's work today?" "Dreadful. The only thing getting me through it is you. And the numbers. I love numbers." He looked up and sighed. "I know you do, Eddie." Edward looked at the papers scattered around my desk and said "stuck with paperwork?" I nodded and said "yeah. We had a bunch of new kids come in today." Edward frowned and said "I hate that. It's so awful. But, they have you. You make their lives so much easier." I nodded in agreement and the door opened. Timothy stood there. "Sorry. I didn't know you had a client." He said in a bored tone. I shook my head and said "Edward isn't a client. He's my boyfriend." Timothy grimaced and said "oh, uh, sorry." "It's not a big deal. Did you need something, Tim?" "Yeah, uh, I brought you some copies of that kid's form. He's not doing too well. And he just got here." "He's new?" I was appalled we had gotten another new child. "Yup." Timothy handed me the form and then leaned against the wall. "Miss Gordon?" "Juno." I corrected as I didn't look up at him, looking at the form. "Can I have one of those?" I quickly looked up and Timothy was pointing to the cookies on my desk. "You can have two." I said. Timothy smiled and said "seriously?" I nodded and he walked over, taking two chocolate chip cookies. "That's awesome, dude. Thanks, Miss Gordon. I mean, Juno." "Of course, Timothy." Timothy then looked at Edward and said "don't break her heart and be an asshole. I'll tell the riddler you're corrupt." "Timothy!" I said while laughing. He smirked and Edward said "is that so?" "Yeah. The Riddler is doing what the cops can't. Bringing justice." "You support The Riddler?" Edward asked. Timothy nodded and said "yeah. Why, do you?" Edward shrugged and said "maybe." "Timothy, come on!" Ruby said as she reached for his arm. I smiled at Ruby who said "hi, Juno!" I waved to her and she pulled the tall boy out of the room, going to close the door but stopped. Theodore pushed past her and Timothy. The office door closed and Theodore said "Juno!" An even bigger smile appeared on my face as the boy climbed into my lap. I kissed his head and squeezed him. Theodore giggled and then looked at Edward. "E-Edward." He said. Edward smiled and said "hi, Theodore." I hid the adoption form and Edward looked at his watch. "I gotta go." He mumbled. I frowned and Edward cupped my cheek as he stood up. "Hey, don't be sad. I'll see you after work. I might have to work late tonight." I nodded and looked down. Ever since Edward had killed the D.A the two of us hadn't spent much time with each other. He was working constantly. I rarely saw him and was missing him a lot lately. Edward made me look up at him and he kissed my lips before leaving. "Bye, Eddie." Edward looked over his shoulder and said "bye, sunshine." "Bye bye, Edward." Theodore waved. Edward smiled really big and said "bye, Theodore." Edward left my office and I sighed. "Want a cookie?" Theodore nodded and I handed him one as I went to start on my paperwork.


I exhaled loudly as I laid on my bed out of exhaustion. I had come home from work a few hours ago and ate dinner alone for what seemed to be the 4th time this week. I looked at the clock.


I rubbed at my eyes and wished Edward was home. "Juno." A booming voice said. I looked at my doorway to see The Batman. "What're you doing here?" I asked. "Came to talk to you about The Riddler." I huffed softly and said "my boyfriend will be here any minute." "Let's make this quick then." I nodded at him and he said "do you know who The Riddler is?" I shook my head and said "no. Why would I?" "It seems like you do. I need to find him. To put him away." I shrugged and said "I can't help you with that. I don't know The Riddler." "Do you have any suspects? Anyone it could be?" I huffed and said "whoever it is hates this city and everything he does is personal." Batman nodded and I said "is that it?" "Sure. I'll be around. If I think of anything else, can I come to you with it?" Batman said. I furrowed my eyebrows and said "why come to me?" "You wrote that essay on The Joker. It seems like you understand them. Criminals." I shook my head and said "The Riddler isn't just a criminal. He's a vigilante. Just like you." Batman stared at me in shock. I rubbed at my eyes and when I opened my eyes, Batman was gone. I closed my window and closed the curtains. I then went to bed, hoping Edward would be back soon.

Edward's POV:
"W-What do you mean? Y-You can't! Batman, you can't. Dad, don't. Daddy, please." I slowly opened my eyes and rolled over to look at Juno. She held her phone to her ear as she spoke. "Dad, don't take him. Please don't take him. That's my Eddie. He wouldn't..." I scooted closer to her and her breathing started to pick up. "Don't take him from me. Oh god. Eddie, don't go. Don't go yet." I slowly reached for the phone in Juno's hand. I took it from her and saw that she wasn't on the phone with anyone. I put it up to my ear to double check. I shook my head with a soft sigh. I set her phone on the nightstand and said "you're having a bad dream." Juno whimpered and her hands reached up to pull at her hair. "Don't go..." I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her back against my chest. A breathy whimper left her lips and I said "hey, it's ok. It's a bad dream. I'm here." Her hands left her hair and her breathing started to slow and go back to normal. Juno trembled in my arms and rolled over so she was facing me. She buried her face into my chest and said "Eddie..." "I'm here. It's just a bad dream. It isn't real." I stroked her head, Juno holding fistfuls of my T-shirt. She closed her eyes as she nuzzled her face against me. I kissed her forehead and my eyes flickered up to the ceiling. Living in the orphanage, we were forced to go to church. I never prayed often and I always wondered if it made me a bad person. I knew that I would be arrested at some point and Juno would be alone. It was all apart of my plan. I didn't have the heart to tell her. It would just have to happen in front of her. "Take care of her for me. She's more deserving than me. She's my angel, please take care of the one I love." I said softly. Juno's eyes shot open and she said "Edward?" I shushed her and said "it's ok. I'm here." Her eyes darted around the room and I cupped her cheeks. "Hey, look at me. Look at me." Juno's eyes stayed glued to the window and I said "Juno. Hey. Sunshine, you're ok. It's me." Her breath quivered and she said "the bat." "What?" "He's not here is he? In the shadows? He's always there. Looming in the dark like a predator." Juno wouldn't look away from the window as the rain poured. "Look at me. Sunshine, look at me." Juno's eyes watched the water trickle down the window, the moon casting a reflection of the water on her face. "Juno, look at me." I said firmly. She looked at me with wide eyes and I took a breath before speaking. "The Batman has no reason to come here. It's just me and you. I'm not going anywhere. I want you to close your eyes and go back to sleep. I'll be here when you wake up. You had a bad dream, honey. That dream isn't reality. I want you to lay here and let the rain drift you back to sleep. You can hold me, squeeze me if you need to. Whatever validation you need that I am in fact still here. I'm right here, Juno. Come back to me. It was only a dream." I stroked her cheek with my thumb as I spoke, wanting to calm her nerves. Juno let out a shaky breath and slowly laid her head on my chest. She wrapped her arms around me and squeezed. "Edward.." "I'm here." I petted her hair and kissed her forehead. I brought one of her hands to my lips, kissing the back of it. Juno held a handful of my white T-shirt as her eyes started to flutter closed. She draped her leg over my waist, a content sigh leaving her lips. I held her close to me, embracing the warmth she put off. I hummed as I felt her head up under my chin. Juno's breaths tickled my neck as I watched sleep slowly take her over again. The sound of the thunder and Juno's breathing began to lull me back to sleep. This was heaven. I didn't need anything else. As long as I had Juno with me in this shitty apartment as the rain beat down on the windows, I was happy. My hand came up to rest on her hip. Juno pressed a sleepy kiss to my neck. My body jolted as I wasn't expecting it. Juno nuzzled her face into my chest and I made sure the both of us would be warm through the cold rainy night. Sleeping was something I rarely did. But when Juno was with me, it seemed like such an easy task.


"Eddie." I slowly came to and said "angel? What's wrong?" "I had a bad dream last night. I didn't wake you, did I?" I shook my head and said "no. You didn't." "I swear you were awake with me. Were you helping me come down? From the shock?" Juno asked. I nodded and said "yeah. I was talking you down. You were out of it, angel. You were so far gone." Juno frowned and said "I'm so sorry. I never have dreams like that. I think it was only because The Batman showed up." I sat up and said "what?? The Batman? He was here?" Juno nodded. I furrowed my eyebrows and said "why?" "The Batman seems to think because I wrote that paper on The Joker that I must somehow know how The Riddler thinks. And he suspects that I know who The Riddler is." I immediately started to laugh. "That's absurd." I stated. Juno rolled her eyes and said "it's absurd?" "Yes. It's absurd that The Batman would even think that. I thought he was smarter. Maybe he's just desperate for answers. Since he hasn't been able to figure out who I am. He's solved my riddles but he hasn't figured out about me. That's what's absurd. Not you, angel." Juno nodded and looked down at her lap. "Are you sure?" I cupped her cheek, making her look up at me. "The Batman is stupid to think you would know anything about The Riddler. You're the girl who's boyfriend was killed. The daughter of a detective who always tries to bring justice and change but doesn't have the platform to do it. And me, I'm a nobody. I'm just a guy that is so invisible, nobody would even notice if I died." Juno shook her head and said "before. Not now, right? You do know I care about you. I love you. Edward, you're my world." I smiled and Juno threw her arms around my neck, hugging me. She climbed into my lap and leaned her head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her and said "oh, sunshine." I rubbed her back and Juno reached towards the dresser. She sat up and looked at me, gently putting my glasses on my face. "Thank you." I said. Juno half smiled and kissed my cheek. She then kissed my other cheek and her hands pushed my bangs out of my face. Juno kissed my forehead and then went back to my cheeks again. "You're beautiful, Eddie." I hummed in approval and my arms went around her waist, squeezing her. She hugged me again and I continued to rub her back as I had before. "Will you be ok today?" I said softly. Juno sighed and said "yeah. I guess." "Don't think about your dream. It wasn't real. I'm here with you. Everything is ok." I reassured her. Juno nodded and got off my lap. I frowned at the loss of contact and looked down. I started to get ready for work. I fumbled with the buttons on my button up shirt. I so desperately needed to get new ones but didn't have the money to do that. Juno stopped me and buttoned up my shirt. "Will you be working late?" She asked. I shook my head and said "no." "You know that for sure?" "Yes. They're not going to swamp me with work. I won't let them." Juno nodded and her hands stopped at my collar button. "Yes or no on the collar?" "Yes." Juno buttoned my collar and half smiled. "I'll see you later, Eds." "I'll see you later, sunshine." I walked to the front door of her apartment and my hand hovered over the doorknob. I looked over my shoulder at her. Juno shook out her curly hair with a sigh. A small frown appearing on her face. "I love you, sunshine." I said. Juno's head snapped up to look at me and I watched a slight blush appear on her cheeks. "I love you too, Eddie."



God I hated that word. I clenched my fist as I looked at the large stack of files on my desk. I could feel myself begin to sweat as I started to become overwhelmed. I inhaled and exhaled deeply, telling myself that I'd be ok.

You'll be ok, Edward
It's just paperwork, Edward
It's your job, Edward

I rubbed at my eyes under my glasses and took another deep breath. Everything would be revealed. Carmine Falcone would be dead soon. Gotham would know everything. Gotham will know what it's like to suffer. The whole city will be flooded and they'll all suffer. I giggled softly at the thought. I grabbed one of the renewal forms and started to check over the account, watching thousands of dollars worth go into these accounts. Dirty money. Falcone's money. Another stack of files was dropped on my desk. "Wha..?" I said without thinking. "You can get these done. Can't you, Ed?" Zach, my case leader said to me. He smiled. And it wasn't a nice one. It was a 'you'd better get this done' smile. I nodded at him with a tight lipped smile. "Good. And you got this, Rain Man." He ran a hand through his slicked blonde hair as he walked away. His secretary gave him down information he had missed when he went out to lunch. I pushed my glasses up my nose and started on the forms. I didn't hate the work. I enjoyed it. I loved numbers. They kept me calm. They were an escape for me while I had to work with such corrupt individuals. I wish people understood- "Hi, Eddie!" A perky voice broke me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see my girlfriend holding a pumpkin pie in her hands. The skirt she wore poofed out around her legs and the sweater she wore showed just the right amount of cleavage. She itched at her ankle with the side of her heel. Her heels. She very rarely wore them. They weren't anything fancy. Just plain white pumps. And the red lipstick on her lips almost sent me into cardiac arrest. "W-What're you doing here?" I asked through clenched teeth. It seemed like everyone in the office had their eyes on me. Juno smiled and said "I brought you a slice of pumpkin pie." As much as I hated everyone staring at me and Juno, my heart melted. "Angel, you didn't have to." I said as I stood up. Juno smiled and said "I didn't. I wanted to. I missed you, Eds." "Who do we have here?" Zach's voice said. Juno turned around to look at him and I said "Zach, this is my girlfriend Juno. Juno, this is Zach. One of my bosses." Juno set the pumpkin pie on my desk and said "hello." She held out her hand and Zach shook it. I watched his eyes go to her chest and up and down her body. I also watched how he held her hand longer than he should've. Juno pulled her hand away and took a step back. My arm immediately went around her waist protectively, my hand resting on her hip. "Hi, Juno. I didn't think Rain Man had a girlfriend." Juno furrowed her eyebrows and said "Rain Man?" "That's what I call Ed. It's all in good fun." Zach clapped his hand on my shoulder and I gave the best smile I could. Juno nodded and said "Edward is good at what he does. You should respect him." "Juno!" I scolded. Zach chuckled and said "sweetheart, Edward is very well respected here. He's one of our top guys. He handles all the big accounts. Hell, he even handles mine sometimes." Juno nodded again and said "I was just visiting Edward for a few minutes." "Take your time. And if you need anything let me know." Zach turned on his heel and left. I pulled Juno into my cubicle and said "that's my boss!" My voice was quiet and Juno said "he shouldn't disrespect you. I won't put up with that." I sighed and looked down. "I'm invisible here. Ok? I'm just the creepy numbers guy that nobody talks to." Juno frowned and said "not to me." She cupped my cheek and pressed a sweet kiss to my lips. "I won't be home late tonight. I promise." Juno shrugged and said "it's ok if you are. I was going to hang out with Robyn and Lena. Lena needs to get out of the house so we're going to take her out to a park or something. Maybe get some coffee at the shop by her house." I nodded with a frown and said "I hope you won't be late." I shook my head and said "I won't. I'll only be a couple of hours. We can meet up by the time you get off work." "Ok. Want me to bring some food home?" "Sure. Whatever you want." She reached for my hand and gave it a squeeze. "Thank you. For the pie." I blushed and looked down to hide my pink cheeks. Juno giggled softly and said "you're welcome." She gave me another kiss, this one more passionate than the last. My hands went to her hips as I kissed her hard. Juno moaned softly and pulled away. I chased after the kiss, Juno putting her hand on my chest, pushing gently. She smiled and grabbed a wipe out of her purse. "I got lipstick all over you." She wiped my face, holding me by my chin. Juno wore that lipstick that stayed on your lips for a long time. This particular one she's been wearing stayed on for twelve hours, even if she kissed my lips. My eyes went to the red lipstick on the wipe. She threw the wipe away and said "well, I'll see you later, Eddie. I love you." "B-Bye, sunshine." I stuttered. She turned on her heel and went to walk away, only getting a few cubicles down. "Juno!" I said a little too loud. She looked over her shoulder at me along with some other people in the office. "I love you too." She smiled and waved. "Bye, Eds." She mouthed. "B-Bye." I said softly. I heard a chuckle from next to me and looked to see Zach. "You got yourself a nice one, Edward. She's gorgeous." My hands turned into fists at my sides. "Yeah. She is." "I didn't think you had someone like that. She's practically a supermodel. Compared to you." Zach said as he exhaled. I looked down as my face turned into a frown. "If you don't mind me saying, she's got an amazing body." Zach walked away and I rushed to the bathroom. As angry as I felt towards his comment, the insecurities started bubbling up in my stomach. Why would I listen to him? Juno loves me. No. She's with you out of pity.


I shook my head and pulled at my hair. "Juno loves me." Zach was getting in my head. I quickly fixed my hair and straightened myself out. I made sure I looked ok before going to my cubicle. I felt the tears threatening to spill from my eyes. I took a deep breath. "You're ok. You're ok." I told myself. I shakily reached for the pumpkin pie, opening the container. The pumpkin smell filled my nose, making a small smile appear on my face. I pushed all the bad thoughts from my head. For now. I then focused on work.

Juno's POV:
Bob was with us today. The only way Lena would be able to go out with Robyn and I was if he was with us. Bob sat at our table in the coffee shop. "How are you doing?" I said to Lena. She half smiled and said "better. I needed to be out and about." "Me too. It seems like all I do is work now." I replied. I stirred my coffee as I put some sugar in it. "How are you and Edward?" Lena asked. I dropped my spoon and looked at Robyn. "I only mentioned that you guys had an argument. Nothing serious." My best friend said. Lena frowned and said "were you guys broken up?" Bob quirked an eyebrow and I sighed. "Yes. For about a week or two. It was a silly argument. We should've just talked it out instead of screaming at each other. Edward can be so difficult sometimes. But him and I quickly realized we needed each other. He was lost without me and I was lost without him." "I still don't know what the fight was about. But, whatever happened, Juno would be dead without me." Robyn said. I shook my head and said "I was being dramatic." "He said he hated you." "Juno, he said that?!" Lena gasped. I quickly reassured her that it was just words and that he didn't mean it. He didn't. I dwelled on that the most. I didn't care that he was The Riddler. I didn't want him to hate me. I could never hate him and I just needed him to always be there for me. I couldn't bear to live without him knowing he hated me. "It was the heat of the moment. We both said some pretty hurtful things. But, we're fine now. We're kind of perfect." I said. I thought about how my boyfriend had suffered the majority of his life. I was the only thing keeping him afloat. I didn't suffer like he did but I never had the companionship that him and I had with a lover, with someone else. Edward Nashton was the only man who had treated me with respect. He didn't rush me. He was patient with me and was so unbelievably sweet. Overall, he kept me happy in a world that was filled with hurt and disappointment. Edward pulled me out of the muck I had been thrown into and loved me unconditionally. It honestly seemed like the universe brought us together. We were complete opposites which scared me at first. I'd been through it before. I'd been through men putting me down because of who I was, what my body looked like. Hell, they put me down because of my interests. Edward never cared. He was himself. A man who had never been loved before, loving someone who'd die without him. "You and Edward are good now?" Lena asked. I nodded and said "yep. We're completely fine." "Good. I thought I'd have to kick his ass." Bob said. Robyn hit him on the arm and said "Bob!" "What? Gotham's full of assholes. I won't put up with a man mistreating a woman." "It was an argument that went too far. Nothing more." I reassured the group. Robyn brought up how her father would be doing a speech on one of his new products to help Gotham. I was glad the attention was taken off of me. Robyn kissed Lena's cheek. The aura of light that usually surrounded Lena was dim. She was always so bright and full of life. But her father dying seemed to diminish that light. "How's Archie?" Lena looked at me with a sad sigh. "He's heartbroken. He misses his father." "I want to give you some pastries to take home to him. Maybe that'll cheer him up a little." I said to Lena. She smiled and said "that's be nice. I think he'd appreciate it." "How's Briar? I haven't seen her in so long." I said to Robyn. Robyn half smiled and said "she's good. She misses you and is concerned about you and Edward. When I told her the state you were in, she was so worried." Lena's lips went into a tight line and she said "I want to find The Riddler. I want him to suffer." "I don't think they'll find him. He's too smart." I said as I sipped on my coffee. Bob shook his head and said "no, the cops will find him. Criminals make mistakes. They always do. Your dad will catch him." I looked at Bob and Robyn nodded in agreement. "Unless The Batman gets him." I looked at her and said "do you think he'll get caught?" "Yes. It's inevitable." I took another sip of my coffee, thinking about if Edward was caught. That would absolutely break me. Watching him get walked away in cuffs, thrown in Arkham. They'd lock him up and throw away the key. I'd never see him in person again. It'd always be through a pane of the thickest glass known to man. I'd never get to hold his hand or give him a hug. I shook my head, ridding the thought out of my head. "Come on. Let's go to the park." Robyn said. Lena looked at the windows and said "it's literally snowing." "So? We could all use a bit of fresh air." We headed to a park that was in the nicer area of Gotham. I hardly came to the richer side. Even though my parents lived there. My apartment was middle class but Edward's was downright poor. And it's a shame. I know it's because he barely has any money. Lena giggled as the snow fell from the sky, littering her blonde hair. It seemed as if she was sparkling. Her smile could brighten the whole city. Robyn spun Lena around, the two of them laughing loudly. I smiled at the two of them, loving how happy they were. A snowball hitting me in the chest broke me out of thought. Lena covered her mouth while laughing. I gasped and said "Lena!" I made a snowball and chucked it at her. Robyn hit her girlfriend with a snowball softly, not wanting to hurt her. But she punted one at Bob. His eyes widened and he said "Robyn, you're lucky." He made a snowball and the four of us threw snowballs at one another. It was like we were children. Our laughs and cheered carried through the wind, slightly bouncing off the buildings. A snowball was thrown at me by Lena and I ducked. Lena then covered her mouth in shock. "Ha! You missed me!" Her hands didn't move from her mouth. Robyn looked up and said "Juno, looks like you have a visitor." I slowly turned around to see Edward. He blinked a few times and took off his glasses that were covered in ice. "What're you guys doing?" He grumbled. "Eddie, I'm so sorry!" Lena quickly apologized. Edward shook his head and said "it's ok, Lena." "How'd you even know we were here?" Robyn questioned. Edward put his glasses back on and held up his phone. "Instagram." "Who's?" Robyn then looked at her girlfriend who said "what? It's the first fun day in days. And Edward I didn't know you had Instagram!" Edward chuckled and said "oh, uh, I don't use it. I was honestly checking up on Juno and was hoping you were having a good day." Lena smoothed out her skirt and said "I am. Thank you, Edward." He nodded and Bob hit Robyn with a snowball. She squealed in surprise and started to make one, throwing it back. "What're you guys doing?" I smiled at Edward and said "a snowball fight." Edward furrowed his eyebrows and I said "you've never been in a snowball fight?" Edward shook his head and said "no." "Oh, Eddie." I said as I grabbed his hand. He shoved his phone in his pocket and I showed him how to make a snowball. "Now throw it at Lena." His eyes widened and I said "you can throw it soft. Or aim for her legs or arm. That way you don't hurt her." Edward nodded and Lena yelled out in happiness as Bob hit her in the back. Edward raised his arm, throwing the snowball at Lena. It hit her in the stomach weakly. Lena watched the snow crumble off her jacket and fall onto the ground. Lena went to peg him and I said "it's Edward's first snowball fight." Lena gasped and said "Eddie." Edward's cheeks turned red and he said "the orphanage didn't let us do things like this." Lena frowned and said "that's awful." Edward nodded and jumped as snow hit him in the chest. Lena giggled and a bright smile appeared on Edward's face. Our rambunctious laughs started again. Edward pelted snowballs at Bob while barely throwing them at Robyn, Lena, and I. He was too afraid to hurt us. Bob threw one at Robyn which made her yell and she hit him back. Lena hit me and her and I were currently just grabbing handfuls, not even making snowballs anymore. Edward's giggles were heard as he was hit with a snowball. I smiled as I looked at him. He looked at me and then grabbed me, tackling me in the snow. Edward laid on top of me and I panted softly. "Boo! You pulled her out of the way, Edward! I almost had her!" Bob said. Edward pushed his glasses up his nose and said "he chucked it at you." "It's just snow, Eds." I told him. He shrugged and said "I didn't want you to get hurt. That's all." I dusted some snow from Edward's cheeks that were red from the cold. Edward sniffled and I cupped his cheek, kissing his lips. Edward giggled against my lips and I pulled away, falling back into the snow. "Come on, lovebirds!" Bob said as he threw a snowball at Edward, hitting him in the side. "Ow!" Edward laughed. Robyn was tackled by Lena, the both of them rolling around in the snow. "You're so pretty." I whispered. Edward shook his head and said "I should be saying that to you." Edward's glasses fell down his nose, his hand was quick to push them back up. Edward slowly got off of me, pulling me up to my feet. I kissed his nose, another giggle leaving Edward's lips. Edward's hands went to my hips, holding me closer to him. "I love you." He whispered. I hugged him and said "oh, I love you too, Eddie." Edward hummed contentedly and a snowball hit Edward in the face, landing on top of my head. "Bullseye!" Robyn said. Edward took off his glasses and I started to shake the snow out of my hair. Edward let go of me and threw a snowball at Robyn. Edward's life has been hard and was only going to get harder, him being The Riddler. All I wanted was for him to be happy. He deserved the world. I watched him laugh as Robyn and Lena teamed up to hit him with snowballs. This moment would definitely be but for him and I only hoped he'd always remember it. Lena, Robyn, and I all threw snowballs at Edward. He cowered while laughing, falling onto his back in the snow. A hearty laugh came from him and Lena giggled. "Make a snow angel!" Edward furrowed his eyebrows and said "a snow angel?" "Yeah. Like this." Lena laid down in the snow, Edward sitting up to see. Lena moved her arms and legs, making a snow angel. Edward was quick to mimic her movements. "You got it!" Lena said. Robyn smiled at the two of them and I said "good job, Eddie." Bob was too busy watching the area, his eyes going to a group of thugs walking by. "I hate to do this but whenever you guys are done. We should go." Bob said. Robyn looked over her shoulder and said "shit." Edward's eyes shifted over to the group and he was quick to stand up. Edward offered his hand to Lena, leaning down. Lena noticed the group and gasped softly. "Come on, Lena. We need to go." Edward said. Lena grabbed his hand and Edward pulled her up to her feet. Lena dusted some snow off her and said "thanks." "You're welcome. Stay close to me or Bob. Just until we get back." "Did you drive?" Lena asked. Edward shook his head and said "I took the train. Juno and I can take the train." "No, come with us. Please. You'll be safer with us." Robyn said. Lena nodded in agreement and Bob said "let's go." I grabbed one of Edward's arms as we tried to rush to the car. Their jeers and laughter got louder, signaling they were coming closer. "Get in the car. Now." Bob said firmly. Lena and Robyn rushed into the car. I followed and Edward turned around, staring them down. "Eddie." I said as I pulled on his arm. One of the thugs picked up a brick. "Eddie, please!" I pulled his arm again, Edward getting into the car. The brick was thrown just as he closed the door. Lena yelped as the brick hit the glass. Bob aimed a pistol at them. "Get the fuck out of here!" "Come on, buddy. I'm sure Lena Mitchell wants to party." A thug said. Another one chuckled and said "and Juno Gordon, the things I'd do to her." Edward went to lunge for the door and I stopped him, getting in front of him, more like scrambling. I cupped his cheeks and said "calm down, Eds. It's ok. They're just a bunch of assholes. We're leaving." Edward's hands balled up into fists and Lena said "they're gone." I felt the car moving and Edward's face began to soften. "It's ok, Eddie. They just said a stupid comment. They didn't do anything." I told him. He nodded and I kissed his forehead. He sighed and sat back against the seat. Robyn looked at Edward and said "are you ok?" "Yeah. I'm fine. I hate people like them." I nodded in response. "Me too." Lena added. "We just have to live with that. This is Gotham after all." Robyn said with a roll of her eyes. The car ride back was mostly silent except for Lena attempting to bring up small talk. "We should get together again soon. I had fun today. It's been the most fun I've had since..." Edward looked at Lena as she looked down. "We can soon." He said. She half smiled as she looked up at him. "Where're you guys staying?" Bob said. I looked at Edward who said "Juno's." As we approached my apartment building, a thunderclap was heard. "And here comes the rain." Edward grumbled. He opened the door and Lena said "bye, Edward." He gave her a soft smile and said "bye, Lena." Robyn gave me a hug as I left with Edward. The two of us headed up to my apartment. "I'm going to make Gotham pay. I'm going to do something that's awful. It's horrible. It might make you hate me. But, I'm doing it for you. You'll be safe. I'll make sure of it. You'll stick by me, won't you?" Edward asked. I looked at him and said "something awful? Something horrible?" "I can't tell you because if the cops question you, you'll be an accessory. I can't have that. I can't have you in trouble for something I did. You don't need to worry, ok?" Edward cupped my cheek and I nodded up at him. "I'll stick by you." I said softly. Edward's lips parted and he said "you will? Even if the whole city goes to shit?" I nodded again and said "I love you. Edward, you're not alone. It's me and you. It's us against the world." Edward smiled and said "ok. Ok, angel. Us against the world."

This is the second longest chapter in the entire book!! Wowowow. Did you guys notice Zach from the Riddler Year One comic?? I love and hate this chapter at the same time and wanted to write Edward having a happy day while having to be there for Juno at the same time so I really hope you guys enjoyed this!! And if this chapter sucks, let me know and I'll go in and rewrite it

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