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Chapter twenty five
You Are El (URL)
Edward's POV:
Juno woke up with a gasp. She gasped softly and looked to the window, the rain pouring down. She sat up, gasping for air as she couldn't catch her breath. "Honey, I'm here." I told her. Juno hyperventilated and shook her head. "Edward, they took you away." I put my head to her chest. She reached for my long sleeve shirt, gripping handfuls of my sleeves. Her heart beat rapidly and she could barely breathe. "You're having a panic attack, sunshine. Just breathe with me. It's a bad dream." I pulled away, hugging her. Juno squeezed me and said "oh god." I rubbed her back and said "you're ok. I'm here. You've been having these dreams. W-What can I do, sunshine? How do I fix this? I-I wanna help you." Juno shook her head against my chest and said "they're nightmares. I get them when I'm stressed. Edward, I don't want you to go." My heart dropped into my stomach. I gasped as the words left Juno's mouth. "I won't go, sunshine. Everything will be ok. I'm here. I'm here, Juno. I don't want you to worry. I don't want you to stress. They're just dreams. Don't ever forget that. Dreams can't hurt you, angel. They can't. And I'm here for you. I'm always here." She nodded and I rubbed her back and realized this was going to break her. When I get sent to Arkham, she'll be so broken. I don't want to endanger her. I cannot have her as an accomplice. I can already see the headlines



She's already lying to her father, her mother, her best friends. Juno's protecting my secret identity. She was the thing that kept be afloat, the light in the middle of the darkness. I hope she won't be mad at me. I don't know if I could handle her not speaking to me ever again. It's my job to protect her. I'll make sure she gets out of Gotham just before the dam blows. The bombs will go off and flood the city, I'll have to make sure she's safe. Gus Gus jumped up on the bed and pushed himself in between Juno and I. Juno scratched his head and petted him. I squeezed Juno, kissing the top of her head. I would do whatever it took to keep Juno safe from this city. "Angel?" I said after a few minutes of silence. Juno looked up at me and said "yeah?" "I don't want you to worry about me being arrested. The pigs won't catch me. I'm too smart. I'll always be here. I'll always be here with you." Juno's grip on my sleeves tightened and she said "promise me, Edward." My heart ached as I looked her in the lie, preparing the lie that was going to leave my lips. "I promise I'll never leave you." I cupped her cheek, bringing her face closer to mine. "I'll never leave you." Juno's hand reached up to cup my cheek. I stroked her cheek with my thumb and Juno said "I love you, Edward. I love you so much." I smiled and kissed her forehead. Juno's hand slipped from my cheek as her arms went around my neck. She climbed into my lap, her legs wrapping around my waist. I hummed, relishing in the warmth from her touch. Gus Gus meowed in an annoyed tone and went to lay at the edge of the bed. "What were you doing up?" Juno asked. I rubbed her back and said "nothing. I couldn't sleep. I was thinking of going to do a stream. Possibly." "Stay here." Juno tightened her arms and legs around me. "Ok. I'll stay here." I scooted to the back of my bed, leaning against the headboard. "Do you mind if I turn on the light? I was going to do a couple of crossword puzzles." Juno nodded and said "mmm-hmm. You won't leave, right?" A thunderclap entered the air, making Juno curl into me. I kissed her forehead and said "of course not." I removed her from my lap, as much as I didn't want to. I turned on the lamp and grabbed my crossword book. Juno went to lay her head on my chest but I stopped her, putting my head to her chest. Juno's heart had slowed down a bit. "Do you feel better? You seemed to have calmed down." I said. "I'm feeling a lot better. I'm always ok with you. The dream just scared me. I didn't mean to scare you, Eddie." I half smiled and held her tighter. I kissed her chest and said "it's ok, angel. I'm here for you. Now, come on. I'll hold you till you fall asleep." I propped the pillows up on my bed and sat back against them. Juno laid on my chest and I started on my crossword puzzle. She seemed to fall asleep instantly. My eyes flickered around the room as I realized that the city would be flooded in a matter of days. This would also be the one of the last times I'd have Juno in my apartment. I didn't want her to be here when the police came and raided the apartment. It'd be safer for her to be at hers. And I can just visit hers and stay with her. I slowly went to stroke her head, my fingers running through her curls. Juno sighed and I frowned, wishing moments like this could last forever. "I love you, Juno." I whispered.


"Edward." Juno whispered. I slowly came to, reaching for my glasses on the nightstand. Juno held them out and I took them from her. "Thank you." I said. Juno bit her lip and said "I have to go to work. I don't have any work clothes here. I was going to go back to my apartment." I shook my head and said "I'll take you. And from now on, let's just stay at yours. I'm going to come back here to do Riddler stuff. I don't want you to be incriminated. So, if you could grab all your things, that would be good." Juno furrowed her eyebrows and said "I can't come back?" "Angel, it's not like that. I have to keep you safe. And I can't have them thinking you were in on what I'm doing. If the pigs were to figure it out-" "They won't. You promised." Juno looked up at me with hope in her eyes, knowing that the Gotham police couldn't possibly catch me. "They won't. But, the absolute worst case is I don't want you getting caught with me. Also this place is turning into a war zone. I mean, look at it." Juno looked around at all the equipment I had and how books and papers were stacking up, not counting my office which was unbelievably unorganized. "Will you help me grab my stuff?" Juno asked. I nodded and she walked away, grabbing her clothes and such. I felt bad that she'd never be in my apartment again. We could've got one together. We could've moved in together. Juno was stuffing her things into a duffel bag I had given her and she mumbled things to herself. I stopped her and immediately pressed my lips to hers. Juno's tense body seemed to relax and I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her closer to me. Juno cupped my cheeks with both hands and pulled away slowly. "I'm trying to keep you safe." I whispered. Juno nodded and gave me a hug. "I know. I know you are. You're going to come and stay with me, aren't you?" I removed one of Juno's hands from my cheek, kissing the back of her hand. "Of course. But while you're at work, I have some stuff to do. I have to go to work and then after, there's some Riddler stuff I need to do. And it's safer for you at your apartment." Juno pulled away from me and said "ok. I trust you." I helped her get her things, driving her to her apartment. "I'll see you later." I said. Juno nodded and said "ok." I kissed her lips sweetly and she half smiled at me. "Be careful, Eddie." "I will."

Juno's POV:
I looked over some files as I sat at my desk. Dawn and Theodore hadn't come to visit which was a bit odd. It was a rainy gloomy day and I figured they would've shown up. Julie entered my office. She was an assistant to Mr. Richards. She never really did much. She slapped a file on my desk with a huff. I furrowed my eyebrows and said "what's this?" "Your adoption application for Theodore. It went through. He's all yours." Julie said in a snooty tone. I went to reply to her when she left my office. My eyes widened as I opened it up. The big red letters stared me in the face.


I took a breath and quickly realized that Theodore was mine. I grabbed my phone and immediately called my mother. "Juno, darling! How are you?" "Hi, mom. I'm going to need your help. I filled out an application at work to adopt one of the children I work with. His name is Theodore. I got approved. I have to take him home at the end of the day today. The spare room in my apartment has a queen bed in it. It's fine right now but I do want to give him his own room. I know it's unexpected but I thought you could possibly help me out." I awaited for her to answer me. It was a couple of seconds and she said "of course. I honestly never expected you to adopt. Is there something special about him?" "His story is very similar to Edward's. He's been brought back to this orphanage a few times and deserves an actual home. I didn't think they'd approve me. Will you help me?" I asked. I heard my mother sigh and say "of course I'll help you. Do you want me to send it to you or did you want to come by?" I honestly wanted to grab Theodore and go. "I'll come by. I'm going to take the rest of the day off so I can get Theodore settled in." "Ok, just text when you're on the way." "Ok, mom." I called Agnes from her office and told her that I needed Theodore to bring all of his belongings to my office. Agnes huffed. I assumed she knew the news of me adopting him. Theodore arrived a few minutes later, pulling a large trunk behind him. I closed the door behind him and he said "someone wants to adopt me?" I nodded and said "yes. Someone is wanting to adopt you." "Do they wanna meet me?!" He asked excitedly. I knelt down to his level. "They've already met you. And they decided that they needed to adopt you. So you could have a home. And she just hopes you'll accept her." Theodore furrowed his eyebrows and said "who adopted me?" "Me." Theodore gasped and said "you?! Juno, you adopted me?!" I nodded and tears swirled around in Theodore's green eyes. He threw his arms around my neck and cried. I rubbed his back and said "I couldn't just leave you here." His body shook with sobs and I rubbed his back. "I took the rest of the day off. I need to take you back to my apartment. I want you to be settled in, ok?" Theodore pulled away to look at me and he said "what about Dawn?" I sighed and said "I don't know. They haven't got back to me yet. But, we need to go." Theodore nodded and I grabbed the young boy's trunk, pulling it behind the two of us as we left. I led him to my car, putting him in the backseat. "Can I sit up there with you?" "It's safer back here, Theo." I buckled him in and started to make the drive to my apartment. Once we got there, Theodore was very giddy. "This is where you live?!" I nodded at him and then unlocked the door. Theodore rushed in and ran around the apartment. "Wow!" I closed the door behind me and locked it. "Theodore, we're just dropping your stuff off. We have to run some errands." I heard happy squeals coming from my bedroom. I approached my room. "Theodore-" "Kitty!" I gasped softly seeing Gus Gus in my apartment. There was a note on my nightstand. I grabbed it, seeing Edward's handwriting. He mentioned something about Gus Gus needing to be safe and because he's doing his Riddler stuff he needed to be with me. The ink on the paper started to fade and I crumbled it up, throwing it away. "That's Gus Gus. He's Edward's." "He's Edward's kitty?" "Yeah. Come on. He'll be here when we get home." Theodore followed me and said "I'm hungry." I went to my fridge and handed him some applesauce. "Where we're going, there will be treats." Theodore gasped and we rode the elevator down to my car. Before we stepped out, I grabbed his hand, keeping him close to me. I didn't have too many creepy neighbors but I felt safer if Theodore was holding my hand. Theodore sucked down the applesauce and seemed to be happy. I buckled him into the car and then we headed to my mom's. I quickly sent her a text and started the drive. It was a little bit longer since my parents lived in a nicer area. When we arrived to the house, Theodore gasped. "It's huge." I smiled at him and said "this is my mom's house." I took his hand and led him to the door. "You're here! And this must be him!" Theodore looked up at my mother who was smiling. "Hi. I'm Theodore." "You're adorable!" My mom gushed. She pinched Theodore's round cheeks and he smiled really big. "Mom, I need the money." "Right. I'm getting it." She left the room. Theodore looked around the large hours and my father came into the room. "Juno." I half smiled and said "hi, dad." I gave him a hug, hugging him tightly. I hadn't told my parents about my break up with Edward, nor did I tell them Robyn took care of me. "How are you?" He said. I sighed and said "good. I'm doing really good. I adopted." Theodore hid behind me as he looked up at my father. "What's his name?" "Theodore." My dad knelt down to his level and said "I'm Juno's dad. Hello, Theodore." Theodore half smiled and said "h-hi." "What're you doing here?" Dad asked. "I needed some money. I have to get Theodore set up at home. I'll pay you guys back." I said. My mother came back into the room and said "nonsense. You're my daughter. You don't owe me anything. Nothing at all. You go and get that boy settled in. And bring Edward by soon. I miss him. He's such a sweet boy." Theodore gasped and said "Edward!" "He's not here, Theo. But, you'll see him later." Dad smiled at Theodore's enthusiasm and then said "I've been busy with the case. Sorry we haven't talked." "Edward and I have been busy with our own stuff. Are you any closer to solving it? Do you have an idea of who the riddler is?" I wanted to know for Edward's sake. My dad shrugged and said "we're getting closer but nothing significant. Plus, I can't talk to you about the case if I wanted to." I nodded and said "right. Well, I'm going to get Theo settled in." "Be careful. It's supposed to snow." Dad said. My mother left the room and then handed me a bag full of sweets. Cookies and candy. "Take this for Theodore. He'll enjoy it." I smiled at my mom. "Thanks." She kissed my cheek and then did the same to Theodore. I hugged my parents goodbye and then put Theodore in the car. I drove back to my apartment and held Theodore's hand as we walked up to my apartment. Theodore looked up at me and said "I'm hungry." "I'll make you some food when we get inside." He nodded and put his hands up, signaling he wanted to be held. I picked him up and he wrapped his arms around my neck. My eyes scanned the hallway as the elevator door opened. I walked to my apartment door and I unlocked it, going inside. "Angel, I brought us some dinner. How was your..." Edward stopped as he saw me holding Theodore. "Day?" I closed the door behind me and locked it. "Edward, I know I haven't talked to you about this. Don't be mad. But, I adopted Theodore. I filled out an application about a week or so ago. Hell, maybe it was even longer than that but they approved me. I couldn't just leave him there, Eds." Edward went to reply but Theodore waved at Edward and said "hi, Edward." "Hi, Theodore." I set Theodore down and he rushed over to Edward, giving him a hug. Edward jumped at the contact and patted the young boy's back. I approached Edward to give him a kiss but was stopped as Theodore wanted Edward to hold him. "I can't." Edward said. Theodore held his arms up and said "up." "It's ok, Edward. Just pick him up gently." Edward leaned down and picked the boy up. Theodore wrapped his arms around Edward's neck and leaned his head on Edward's shoulder. Edward attempted to put Theodore on his hip. I cupped Edward's cheek, kissing his lips. "Don't be mad." I whispered against Edward's lips. Edward wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. "M'not mad." I leaned my head on Edward's chest and Theodore said "I'm hungry." Edward laughed softly and said "let's get you some food. Something that will taste good." Theodore smiled and Edward set him down. I went to grab a chair for Theodore when he climbed into Edward's lap. I half smiled at the sight and Edward opened up the box of food from the diner. Theodore reached out to grab a French fry and I sat down across from Edward. "I like your kitty." Theodore said. Edward looked at him and said "Gus Gus." "Like Cinderelly!" My heart swelled at the two of them conversing about the Disney movie. I was thankful Theodore was out of the orphanage and with someone who would care for him. His smile was from ear to ear and he laughed as Edward told him about things Gus Gus did. After an hour, I got Theodore settled into the guest room. I kissed the boy's head and said "if you need anything, my room is across the living room." Theodore nodded and yawned, rubbing his eyes. "Goodnight, Juno. Goodnight, Edward." I smiled and said "goodnight, sweetheart." "Goodnight." Edward whispered. Edward and I went into my bedroom and got ready for bed. Edward pulled out his laptop and I laid my head on his shoulder. I said "what's that?" He showed me the screen and green letters appeared as someone typed.

El Rata Alada?


Is a penguin a rat with wings?

Interesting. You're missing the bigger picture

I need to show you more for you to understand. My next victim is the biggest piece of the puzzle yet.

Victim? Dead?

He will be soon. Here's a clue to where you can find him...

"It's The Batman." I held handfuls of Edward's shirt and said "why are you talking to him?" "I want him to solve my riddle. He needs to figure out that el rata elada was a url." "Like a website." "Yes, angel. Like a website. And right now he's going to figure out that Bruce Wayne is next in my plan." I gasped softly and said "Bruce Wayne?" "Yes. He has to die." I watched the two of them converse. I watched Edward type on the screen, a riddle that came straight from his heart. Even I knew this one. It wasn't too hard to figure out.

I grew up as a seed, tough as a weed. But in a mansion, in a slum, I'll never know where I come from. Do you know what I am? Any idea?

My heart ached and I frowned. "Oh, Edward." I said softly. Edward awaited for Batman to respond. I cupped his cheek, kissing his lips. Edward kissed me passionately and pressed his forehead to mine as he pulled away. "I love you." I whispered. Edward's breath hitched and he said "I love you too, Juno."

An orphan?

I looked to the screen and Edward did the same. A chuckle came from his lips and he quickly responded.


"You gave him the clues and he'll figure it out?" Edward nodded and said "he should figure it out. And Bruce Wayne will be dead." I gulped and said "was he cruel to you?" "He looked down on me as rich kids do. I was the singing orphan boy in the choir. I was ecstatic to meet Thomas Wayne. He made all these promises. And then everything turned bad." Edward said. I traced shapes on his chest as I laid my head on his shoulder. "That's not Thomas' fault." "He's corrupt! Him and his son!" Edward snapped, his voice raising. I shushed him and said "don't wake Theo." Edward took a deep breath and said "I'm sorry, angel. The important people of this city make me so mad. Everything I'm doing is for you. I now have to do it for that little boy in there. You saved him from a horrible fate, something that I never experienced. I was always taken right back to the orphanage. Nobody wanted me. And I know that you'd never do that to him." I shook my head and said "of course not. Edward, I know that you're doing this because the city can't be saved. I know. But, before you get in too deep, we should have a good day. Lena and Robyn should come over or let's all go out. Theodore would like that. We could go to northern part of the city. Go to the zoo or something. I can't have you buried in this work all the time." Edward took a deep breath and said "it's almost done, angel. Everything is almost complete. We can all go out. We can get some coffee or just take Theodore out for a nice day. But, you have to understand something, sunshine." I nodded, awaiting him to start speaking again. "I have to do this. Everything will make sense. Don't worry." I nodded again and Edward kissed my head. "It'll all make sense soon." "Ok, Eddie."

The end is wack and I apologize and this book is a quarter to being finished and that makes me sad. I've had alot of fun writing this and this book would've been finished if my job didn't kick my ass all the time. Paul Dano's riddler is a character I could go on and on about and defend till the day I die. Anyways I hope you guys are still here and will see this book to the end.

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