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Chapter Twenty Six
Glory and Gore
Juno's POV:
"Have you seen it?" Lena asked. I looked up from my plate and said "seen what?" "The Riddler's latest. It's about...Thomas Wayne." My eyes went to the tv and I saw how they were replaying the message Edward had sent out. "Wayne turned to longtime secret associate Carmine Falcone, and had him murdered!" Edward giggled. Theodore was currently in the bathroom and I was hoping they'd turn it off. "GOTHAM'S LEGACY OF LIES AND MURDER!!" Robyn stared at the tv in shock. "I hope you're listening Bruce Wayne. This is your legacy too. And Gotham needs you to answer for the sins of your father." Edward whispered. Theodore came rushing over with Edward. "Could you change that?" I asked the waitress behind the counter. She noticed Theodore and nodded, changing it to a talk show. Edward went to sit back down and saw the channel changed. Theodore was in between the two of us and Lena said "Theo." He looked at her as she told him he could have anything he wanted to eat. "I can?!" He gasped. He looked at me and I nodded. Theodore then turned to Edward. "If Lena says you can, you get anything you want." Edward ruffled the young boy's curls and smiled really big. I seemed to let Edward's nightly activities get to my head. Lena ordered Theodore some ice cream and the young boy was more than happy. The weight of Edward being The Riddler was starting to get to me. I wanted to protect Theodore from the truth. He thought the world of Edward. And I didn't want him to think any differently of him. "So on Friday, let's meet here at the diner and have dinner again. Just the four of us." Robyn said. I nodded and said "I can leave Theodore with my mom. She's been wanting to spend some time with him anyway." Theodore smiled, ice cream covering his face. Edward smiled really big and grabbed a napkin. Theodore ate a big spoonful of ice cream and said "thank you, Lena!" Edward laughed softly and wiped the chocolate ice cream of the boy's face. "You're getting it everywhere." Theodore looked at Edward and giggled. "How's work been for you?" Lena said. I shrugged and said "it's been fine. It could've been worse. Ever since I adopted Theodore they've kind of been short with me. They're annoyed." Robyn rolled her eyes and said "that's awful." I nodded in response. "I did something good and they're ridiculing me for it." "They don't want orphans to have anything good." Edward mumbled. I leaned my head on his shoulder and said "well, they'll just have to stay upset. I'm not going to sit by and watch a boy like Theo miss out on something wonderful." Robyn nodded in agreement as she ate her food. Once we were all finished, we all retired back to our houses. Edward was driving back to my apartment as the rain started to fall. We rushed inside as Edward parked the car. Theodore shook his head, shaking the rain from his hair. Edward laughed softly as he carried him into his bedroom. "We gotta get you ready for bed, ok?" Edward said. "Ok!" Theodore yelled back. I smiled and took off my coat and then followed Edward into the bedroom. I turned on Theodore's nightlights and made sure he had his stuffed dog to sleep with him. Edward helped Theodore into his pajamas which had dinosaurs on them. "Juno, can I have dinosaur sounds to sleep?" "You promise they won't scare you?" "No! They're cool!" I had introduced Theodore to Jurassic Park which was how his new favorite movie. "Ok. I'll put them on for you." I used the tv in his room and went to YouTube, putting on dinosaur sounds for him to sleep. Brachiosaurus's lowed softly as rain fell from the sky on the screen. Edward ruffled his hair and I kissed the boy's forehead before the two of us left him. I changed into some sleepwear and Edward did the same. "Why Bruce Wayne?" I asked. Edward stopped in his tracks and looked at me. He didn't answer. He just stared at me as if I asked the stupidest question known to man. "Why do you want to kill Bruce Wayne?" I sat down on my bed and Edward inhaled and exhaled deeply. "I've told you before I think. Thomas Wayne made all those promises. Then he got himself killed. And Bruce Wayne became the prince of Gotham. But what does he do? He sits up in his ivory tower and does nothing for the city. All that money, looking down on everyone. Like we're just a bunch of rats who deserve nothing. My life was hell after Thomas Wayne was killed. And you know what the funny part is? I believed him. I believed that he could help me. I was forgotten. I want him to know what it feels like to be forgotten about. And he's not an orphan. I'm an orphan. I had nothing. Bruce had a castle to live in. I was left to rot. I want him to know what that's like." Edward breathed heavily, his hands shaking at his sides. I crawled over to him, cupping his cheeks. "Hey. Shh." "He has to know what it's like!" Edward seethed. I pressed my forehead to his. "Shh, don't wake Theo. It's ok. Deep breaths for me. Can you do that?" I said in a soft voice. Edward continued to seethe. "I want him to die, Juno." I ran my thumbs up and down his cheeks. "I know. I understand. Right now, I need you to take some deep breaths. It's me and you. Can you breathe with me?" I inhaled deeply, Edward inhaling just as deep. I then exhaled. Edward exhaled sharply. "Deep breaths, Eds. Copy me, ok?" I inhaled and Edward did the same. I exhaled and Edward followed. My hands left his cheeks to hold his hands in mine. "Deep breaths." Edward moaned in response. "I know you're The Riddler and I know you want to cleanse Gotham. I understand why. I sympathize with you. As much as I don't want you to kill, I understand. But, there's times where I need you. I need my Edward. The man I fell in love with. I support you being The Riddler. I've told you this. I've shown you. But I didn't fall in love with The Riddler. I fell in love with Edward Nashton." Edward hummed and a soft sob left his lips. "You're ok. It's me and you against this city. You've done more for me these last few months than anyone. I never thought I'd find someone who loves me as much as you. I never thought I could find a good person in Gotham. They're all so unhappy and miserable in their lives. Gotham is a horrible place to live. You're the only one doing something about it." Edward squeezed my hands and said "what about your dad?" I sighed. "It seems like he's the only one in this city who tries. I'm sure there's other good cops but it seems like they're corrupt. Carmine Falcone owns everything." "He won't for long." Edward mumbled. I shushed him as I didn't want him to get back in that headspace as it takes him a while to come down. "We're ok, Edward. Focus on me right now. You know, I could use a distraction. I want you to make love to me, Edward. Think you can do that?" I pulled away from him, finally looking at him after a few minutes. Edward nodded with a blush on his cheeks. "'Course I can." I pulled him closer to me and said "we gotta be quiet." Edward smirked and said "I know. We can do that."


"When will The Riddler strike again? Who will be next?" The news on my tv in my office said. I groaned and shut it off. Dawn looked at me and said "he's doing good for the city, you know." I nodded at her and said "I know. M'just a little tired of hearing about it." Dawn looked down at her comic book and I continued to fill out some paperwork. "I know you adopted Theodore." My pencil broke as she spoke. I looked up at her and said "I was going to tell you. Things just got so busy." "I'm not mad. It makes sense you picked him." I shook my head and said "Dawn, it wasn't like that." "I heard Julie talking. She likes to run her mouth. You know how she is. The orphanage only let you pick one of us. It's better you picked Theodore. I've been here for such a long time. Nobody has ever wanted me. He deserves to be loved." Dawn wiped a tear that went down her cheek. "So do you. I will get you out of here. I promise." Dawn looked at me, tears filling her eyes. She gave me a hug and I held her tightly. "Everything will be ok soon. I promise you, Dawn." She pulled away from me and said "how's Theodore doing?" I shrugged and said "he's doing ok. He's with my parents right now. They watch him during the day when Edward and I both have to work. Usually one of us is at home but it seems like we're both busy." Dawn wiped her eyes and said "that's good. And you're ok?" I nodded at her and said "I'm fine. And you?" "I could be better but I'm getting through it." I gave her a kiss on her head and hugged her again. "I'll always take care of you, Dawn. I promise."


Theodore sung to Gus Gus as they watched Cinderella. Edward walked into my apartment and I said "hey." He walked over to me, giving me a passionate kiss. I furrowed my eyebrows as I pulled away. "What was that for?" I asked. Edward shrugged and said "cause I love you." I squeezed his hand and said "I made some dinner. It's nothing fancy. Some chicken and vegetables. Lena called today." Edward sat at the table and said "oh?" "Yeah. She wanted to know if we wanted to go out to dinner with them tomorrow. At the diner." I stirred the vegetables and looked over my shoulder to see Edward deep in thought. "Eddie?" He looked up at me and he said "sure. That should be fine." I approached him and said "we can do it another night." "No. We might not get another opportunity to do so. I'm about to get very very busy with work and we won't have time now that we have Theo." I looked at Theodore who was completely entranced with Cinderella. I nodded and said "ok. As long as you want to and you're ok with it." "Of course, angel. It'll be fun. I think we all need it." I smiled and walked back over to the stove. I didn't know that tomorrow would be my worst nightmare. The one I'd been having for weeks now.

Here's the update! Can I just apologize for not updating the book in so long. I wanted to finish this book the right way. And that's what I'm going to do. I'm not going to rush it. But I believe there's only a couple of chapters left. Ever since I started working I don't have time to write like I used to and it sucks. But I hope you'll all stick around to see the end!

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